No Category selected Who’s Up For Three Marathons A Week?

    Who’s Up For Three Marathons A Week?

    My running buddy Dave at the finish of the Bay

    I was watching the news tonight.  I like to know what’s going on in the world.

    Ok, you got me, I was really watching to see if the camera guy along the race route  yesterday was from the local tv  news or not.  And if he was, to see if he used the picture of my smiling face along the course.

    I didn’t see myself on the local news.  And I didn’t think that 30 seconds of coverage was enough, but that is just me.

    My running buddy Dave at the finish of the Bay
    My running buddy Dave at the finish of the Bay

    What I did see though, was an interesting story about how infrared sauna’s are the new “thing.”  That owners of the sauna’s are swearing how using them has helped them to lose hundred’s if not thousands of pounds in excess weight. 

    I watched with interest where the reporter compared the calories burned in the sauna with the amount of calories burned through actual excercise.  And there it was, right at the end how if I ran a marathon everyday, I could burn an extra 590 calories. 

    Wow, I thought to myself.  590 calories for every marathon I participate in!  I could burn almost 1800 calories each week if I ran three marathons a week.  And if I were feeling particularly energetic, I could throw in an extra one on the weekend.

    TFM and Aunt Dianna after finishing her first full Bay.
    TFM and Aunt Dianna after finishing her first full Bay.

    That would take it up to almost 2400 calories a week.  Just think of the weight I could drop then.

    But then I thought to myself, who would I get to run four marathons each week with me?  I suppose I could ask Jim to run with me one day.  And Dave the next.  But that would still leave me a little short.  Then there’s the fact that both of them are faster than me.  Especially after yesterday’s amazing effort.  

    So I’ll find another way to lose some weight.  Secure in the knowledge that I can always find at least one or two other runners to keep me company while I run.

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    A runner for almost two years, Terry recently had the mildly traumatic experience of trying to find a flattering pair of running pants (“Isn’t running about pushing personal boundaries and just getting out there and moving? Except when you don’t look in the least bit like Paula Radcliffe.”). But although she may have been a bit embarrassed by “helpful handsome guy” at the store, she keeps a great perspective through her running experiences. Pushing through a number of injuries early in her running career, she got right back to training for her next race. “The feeling of elation when I crossed the finish line is unimaginable,” says Terry. Sounds like she’s hooked for good!