Community “My journey continues to change,” Stories of Perseverance from the Athletic Brewing...

    “My journey continues to change,” Stories of Perseverance from the Athletic Brewing Race Squad


    Fifteen athletes from across the country were chosen by iRun and Athletic Brewing to compete at the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon and have been training hard for the big day. Checking in with three of our runners, we find stories of grit, soul, ups and downs, and plenty of AB suds to quench the thirst after hard workouts. Here’s three stories from the training of three runners with heart.

    Pamela Bottos, Half Marathon Runner

    There is always a countdown when you are a runner. We are now at seven weeks until the big day! My last few weeks have been busy. Flew to the Isle of Wight for five days to surprise my niece for her 40th bday. Thought I would get my runs in, but bronchitis and a head cold kept me down. There went week nine! Getting back on track slowly. Got some amazing hill work in while the sun rose on What the Hill Mondays. Sunday Rundays and the WRC. 15 km long run and building. Tried Athletic Brewing’s Paceline Pedal after a mountain bike ride. Staying with the bike theme. Delicious!

    September brings beautiful weather for running. I have a half marathon in four weeks that I am using to gauge my TCS Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon. 

    I like to make goals and incentives for reaching them. There is a new pair of shoes that I will treat myself to if I run the half in a certain time limit. I will look extra spiffy on race day! 

    ALWAYS ON THE RUN: Suarez, whose training blocks fuelled by Athletic Brewing is rocking.

    Jorge Suarez Sets the Record Straight 

    My training for the TCS Waterfront Half Marathon in October is going fantastically! I’m trying to make this one of the most consistently awesome running seasons yet. I’m using my registered races as my motivation milestones—like stepping stones to the end of the running season in May. 

    There are days where I don’t want to get out of bed, days when I don’t feel like running, but just getting out there and getting that run in daily makes the day oh-so-much better. My motto is “A day with a run, ALWAYS beats a day without one. Get your run in today.”

    I’ve been doing great on the open roads, but I need to make more of an effort to find more training hills. Right now, my treadmill runs are all the hills I consistently get and I learned that I can push my body well beyond my mental limits. In early summer I registered for one last half marathon that I wanted to push my PR. It was a grueling run where I went far beyond what I thought possible. Right before the finish I vomited, which made me smile since I hadn’t thrown up in a race in 20 years, I knew then that I was getting that PR. I couldn’t remember the last time I pushed myself that hard, and it felt great!

    I feel my runner’s high greatly amplified anytime I am running through a crowd. It doesn’t matter the size or where, that crowd give you the belief that you are going to CRUSH whatever is thrown your way!

    After recent runs I have been enjoying the Run Wild IPA from Athletic Brewing to cool off and I have a plan, but always be ready to change where needed. Be calm and collected because obstacles will be thrown your way. Just be ready to zig when you expect to zag.

    I think all runners can attest to this: we all started running to stay fit and sexy and young. We loved the race experience, but now I love my daily runs. I found an appreciation in the time spent on the road on the most random days. Just me and my thoughts—and a killer playlist.

    VIEWS: Trail running gives Melissa Sweet, pictures, time to acknowledge nature and feel good vibes.

    On the Run with Melissa Sweet

    iRun: So, how’s training?

    Melissa: My training’s been going…okay. I did have a race a few weeks ago, but the smoke from the forest fires and the weather has been a bit of an issue.

    iRun: That’s hard. What’s one thing from your training that’s going well?

    Melissa: My ‘time on feet’ has taken place on some amazing trails.  I’m a sucker for a rewarding view!

    iRun: Love it. And is there something you’ve found that needs work?

    Melissa: One thing that I need to work on is what I do when I’m not running.  I’ve been dealing with some injuries and need to find a strength training program that works for me.

    iRun: Whave you’ve learned so far?

    Melissa: The importance of proper fuelling and hydration!

    iRun: Have you experienced the runner’s high?

    Melissa: Each time I accomplish one of the goals I’ve set for myself. That could mean finishing a race, it could mean setting a PR, it might mean being able to run up an entire hill…

    iRun: What’s one nutrition tip you’ve unlocked?  

    Melissa: Sometimes you need to try lots of different things before you find the right thing for you!  Something that works for one person might not work for another.

    iRun: Have you had Athletic Brewing? 

    Melissa: I have! I’m a beer lover and I love that Athletic Brewing tastes so great! I also love the variety in their core and seasonal offerings.

    iRun: What’s your plan for race day and has that changed since you first started?

    Melissa: My plan for race day hasn’t changed. My plan is always to finish the race (at my own pace) and have fun along the way. It’s a bonus if I make new friends during the race!

    iRun: Has your relationship changed thus far on your journey with the sport? And if so, how?? 

    Melissa: My journey has continued to change. At first I was really concerned about ‘data’ and meeting the expectations of others. At this point I enjoy the journey and I’m thankful that I am able to get out and enjoy the movement.

    The Athletic Brewing TCS Toronto Waterfront Race Team will be at the Waterfront Expo and continue logging their kilometres, and Athletic Brewing stories, in these pages between now and Race Day. For more on Athletic Brewing, including varieties of flavours and where to find it, please click here.


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