No Category selected The Quiet of December

    The Quiet of December


    Last week was nuts (a three year old with a double ear infection will do that). We spent the entire week together, her switching between fevered on the couch and my giggling little girl helping me with errands. Anyway, I didn’t get a thing done other than take care of her (including studying for this week’s exams, cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc etc etc.)

    I dropped her off at preschool today and came home to write an online exam. And now, I’m headed out for a run. It’s cold and sunny today and it feels just about perfect for a run.

    Life hits pause when kids are sick. There’s no sneaking out of the house to run and by the time they’re in bed, I’m always exhausted too. But she’s better now (and I bet those antibiotics she’s on will ensure a snuffle free Christmas) and since this is the last week of exams, elementary school and preschool before Christmas vacation, I am looking forward to clocking some kms on my Nike+ app!

    What about you? Are you managing to make time for runs during this crazy time of year?


    1. Glad to hear your wee lass is feeling better! We had a similar week. Lots of snuggling on the sofa together staring at the Christmas tree lights. You’re so right — sometimes you just have to chill out, hunker down and tend to your little ones!

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