No Category selected the Journey begins…

    the Journey begins…


    This journey to Boston began a while ago, but writing about it here, and knowing that I am actually going to be standing at that starting line in April with an official race bib makes this portion of the journey the ‘final stretch’ to me.  The final stretch in any race is always the interesting part.  Those infamous last 10 kilometres of a marathon are the toughest, and definitely build the most character.  But for me, those character-building miles are the best part.

    Over the next few months (just over 5 months until the big day!) I will share my journey through the character building miles that will bring me to Boston.  I will run many long runs, many interval training sessions, many tempo runs, and countless runs pushing my children in the jogging stroller.  Most importantly, I will be having fun!  Ok, those cold, dark winter mornings don’t rate high on the fun-meter–but somehow, we all get through them and we can smile again when our cheeks have thawed?!

    I was in a race this past weekend, and rounding out the last mile of the race, there were spectators everywhere, cheering on friends and loved ones like it was their calling in life.  Those loved ones may not have been there for all of the training runs, but they were there for the final stretch.  Showing their support for their runner.  I feel so lucky to have support in this journey to one of the biggest races I will ever race.


    1. And we WILL be there Amy; we’re the lucky ones to have the inspiration you are. So very proud of you and looking forward to your journey.

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