Cold and windy run today… this is my last 34km long run, the next 5 weeks will be mostly long runs with tempo intervals… hhhhhmmmmm 34 km of a relaxed run seems so much nicer…
When you first decided to start running, you probably had a good reason, or a great goal… If you do this for you, then you owe it to yourself to keep going, don’t give up before you really see what you are made of… You will need to set goals along the way to keep you focused, and if you need to write yourself out a contract to stick to, then do it… Get out your calendar, get out your journal and log the mileage, the weather, the feelings, the thoughts, the jokes you heard along the way, do what it takes because YOU DESERVE what ever you choose to do for you!!
If you are doing this strictly to lose weight, then you need to be sure you are in it for the long hall and you will need to add another reason for doing it because, although there is little else that can match the cardio work out of running, it is not easy and you are more likely to quit if it is strictly for weight loss. If your goal is to run 5km and then cross it off your list, be careful, this can be addicting… because once you have a time, YOU WILL WANT TO BEAT IT!
TOTB: Write out your goal (make sure there is a race at the end, or mid point at least) and break your goal down into monthly and weekly mini goals. Create a running log and document how far, how fast and how you feel; this is great to look for changes in your training and if you need to alter your program. A good friend of mine likes to jot down the weather and what he wore because we tend to forget year to year and as the weather changes we often can’t figure out what works best…
BOTB: A good reason to write down what you wore during what temperature would have worked wonders for one of our running buddies today… he had really nice gloves for, lets say, jogging on a mild, sunny winter day; but with the 50km per hour wind gusts, spitting snow pellets and a -28C wind chill… they caused a little chill in his hands… luckily one of our other buddies had a spare pair and he doubled up and got him through the run with only minor wind burn.
check out another video on Running etiquette….