My running family just keeps getting bigger.
Esther went to a wellness fair recently. And I also had the opportunity to go to the same fair. But I did a really quick scan of the list of exhibitors and thought “Nyah, there is no one here that interests me.”
So I didn’t go. I had a bunch of friends tell me how amazing it was. That they had actually learned stuff and horror of horrors – had enjoyed themselves. And it was after the fair was over that I discovered an awful truth.
Don’t scan the list, read it in full. If I had, I would have known that Esther was going to be there.
But in a wonderful twist, I have watched my little running family increase. With the possibility that it might even get bigger.
A number of colleagues who walk past my desk everyday to go to kitchen decided to stop by and chat about the running book Esther had given them, Lots and lots of copies of IRunCanada! And some even asked about this whole running thing.
So I was thrilled to go into the Den a day later and see a couple of familiar faces! I wasn’t able to help with their group, but it was really neat to be there and see the beginning of a brand new love affair!
And tonight, a couple more new faces showed up. With the promise that even more of my colleagues will be showing up over the next little while.
Note to self, read in full from now on. And keep the running family tree growing!