Well, we scheduled our indoor last set of intervals for today so we would not have to venture out into the Abyss of Frozen Pathways… yes, we jammed on the cold and went indoors… However, we will go for a recovery run tonight and with the time change it just might be in the last stages of sunlight… speaking of recovery runs…
TOTB: a couple of things about recovery… the runs should be very SLOW and meant to work out the kinks, flush out the system and help you to feel better for your next run. Also, we drink chocolate milk after our runs (mostly our speed work, long runs and tempo runs) because it is instantly taken into your body (liquid is faster than solid food), and it contains both protein and carbs to help replenish what your body has just used up… tastes great, less expensive than Boost and very tasty i might add…
BOTB: Speaking of recovery, make sure that you also try to maintain your liquids during your runs/races because you will get to a point where you feel nauseated, which could be from dehydration and strain on your body, and you won’t want to consume anything because you feel so… well… nauseated… After an Ultra i came in feeling great, even though i knew i was dehydrated and lacking of salt and carbs and protein… well, an hour or so later, i was very sick, and lets say had to spend time in the bathroom before leaving the site, then along side the road as I drove home, then had to give up driving all together… drink well before you feel like you can’t consume anything…