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Friday, September 27, 2024
Blog Page 45

Shoe review by Reid Coolsaet: Saucony Endorphin Pro 2

The original Saucony Endorphin Pro is a winner in my books. Even though my originals are still holding up well after more than 500 kilometres, I jumped at the opportunity to test the new version. 

The Endorphin Pro is one of those shoes where you hope the updated version stays true to the original, and the Endorphin Pro 2 barely changed from the first iteration. 

I’ve trained in five different carbon plated race shoes and, unlike other “super shoes,” the Endorphin Pro feels the best at varying speeds. It’s great at speeds faster than 5km race pace and it also performed really well in a 50km training run on crushed gravel. Heck, it even feels fine during warm-up and cool down. 

It took me very little time to get used to the Endorphin Pro 2. The upper is very comfortable and breathable and the shoe didn’t cause me to get sore, which can often happen when breaking-in race shoes. 

The outsole and foam of version 2 look and feel exactly the same as the first. This is good news to everyone who enjoyed the original Endorphin Pro. They perform well and hold up for a very long time. 

I didn’t have any issues with the upper of the first version so I was a little worried about any changes to the Pro 2. Spoiler: nothing to worry about. 

The tongue still has that sock-like fit however the new tongue is a little longer and has a pull tab. This helps pull the shoe on easier, not that I had trouble with the first version.

The middle lace eyelets in the new lacing system are anchored deep into the upper which helps pull the shoe snug around the middle of your foot. 

Version 2 is slightly wider but with the new lace system you can easily get a snug fit even if you have a narrow foot. 

If you’re a fan of the original Endorphin Pro you’re going to love the 2 as well. If you haven’t tried a carbon plate “super shoe” this is the one to start with as it is the most versatile, least intrusive and still manages to go fast.

Shoe review: Carbon X2, HOKA ONE ONE

The carbon-plate revolution transforming running shoes is both a good and bad thing, depending on you outlook on life. It’s good, obviously, because the carbon plates—an energy return system incorporating a thin layer of carbon beneath the arch and above the foam in a sneaker—offer immediate response and create a propulsive sensation otherwise lacking in a typical, non-carbon plated shoe. The bad, however, is that these plates—which are now offered by most running shoe brands and worn on race day by the world’s top athletes—have driven up the price of shoes, and sneakers now routinely top $250 and sometimes three-hundred dollars. I like running because it’s inexpensive, so $300 sneakers fit funny to me; and yet, I buy them, because who doesn’t want the best possible shoes on race day?

The Carbon X2 by HOKA ONE ONE costs $224, which is on the lower range of a carbon shoe and they’ve been a lightweight, trusted trainer that can absorb mileage and are built for speed. A great marathon racing shoe, I once did a Sunday long run in my Carbon X2 shoes and stepped on a nail, which the shoe, with a 5mm heel drop, absorbed completely. I lived, thanks to my shoes, to run another day.

Caroline Bolduc is a friend of mine who works in an ICU in Toronto and she also wears the Carbon X2 shoes. Sometimes she wears them during her 12-hour shifts, and this is her report:

  • Great colour scheme! Such a breath of fresh air to not have any pink on them.
  • They are so light but highly cushioned and stable.
  • They have great energy return and they propel you forward!
  • They are very breathable, so a great shoe to wear especially during the summer humid months.  I love them because my feet always get hot.
  • They can truly help improve your stride when focusing on your foot placement and cadence.

I agree with my friend and think the unique shape of the shoe’s body adds a certain rocket ship dimension to the garment. It has a low cushion bend so the foot stays close to the ground, but elevates somewhat at the heel. A responsive, neutral shoe, the Carbon X2, the second carbon shoe of the popular HOKA brand, weighs 8.4 ounces and has a removable sock liner, which I’ve never touched. Like all carbon shoes, and this is the price you pay, it’s not meant for massive mileage and after a few hard months of massive workouts, I felt relief upon transitioning the sneakers out for a different pair. These carbon-plated shoes all have a limited lifespan, so wear them wisely: select long runs and workouts, and then race day. You don’t want these to be your everyday shoe, or they’ll stop doing what you want them to do.

For anyone looking to dip their toe in the carbon-plate shoe revolution, the Carbon X2 from HOKA ONE ONE is highly recommended. It’s priced fairly, it moves quickly, it looks good and, if you happen to step on a nail, you’ll be off and running in no time. Enjoy!

The Ties that Bind Between Runners

Caroline Bolduc is a respiratory therapist at St. Joe’s Hospital and she spent her pandemic on the frontlines. Working 12-hour shifts in an ICU, Bolduc saw the ravages of COVID-19 up close and during this period she saw her running transform—no longer was it about qualifying for Boston or hitting a PB, she was running for her mental health. 

“It can be a kind of meditation for me,” says the marathon runner, who trains in Toronto with BlackToe Running, owned by Mike and Maya Anderson. “My running is sometimes just a hard workout with great music or else it becomes something different, like a chance to process what I’ve seen during the last couple of days.” 

Bolduc began her training with BlackToe when she was new to the sport and appreciated her Tuesday night practices. She says she felt herself getting faster, but also began making deep connections—to running, and to her teammates. 

“It’s like a secret club, except everyone’s welcome,” she says. “You find these people who love running as much as you do and suddenly, you’re all training for a goal together and helping each other out, and it’s like you find a family.” 

That family notion is important to Mike Anderson, who opened the store with his wife in 2013 and often runs with his son, who sometimes delivers packages for his shop with Good Foot Delivery. Last year, Bolduc began running in HOKA ONE ONE shoes and felt an instant connection—the shoes were comfortable and light and, Bolduc found, they were great for competing in marathons and working long shifts. They fit great and are priced fairly and, when Anderson heard about Bolduc’s profession and that she was wearing the HOKA shoes both to race in and to help people, he felt compelled to help out. He donated 30 pairs of HOKA shoes to St. Joe’s.      

“The most important thing for us is seeing that people stay connected to one another and it’s big for Maya and I that we make a difference in our community,” says Anderson, who helped organize a trip to Kenya with BlackToe runners and has been very involved with the local race scene.

The support system that we’re able to provide means everything and during the pandemic if we were able to help our community feel like: ‘We can handle this, it’s not so bad, there’s something good happening,’ we’re doing our job.

The BlackToe crew is tight and supportive, but make no mistake, they’re also bent on posting fast times. The team cheers for each other and supports one another and, Caroline Bolduc says, just like her team, she’s come to depend on her shoes. “I like the Bondi 7 for long runs, but I also wear them on shifts because they’re supportive and cushiony,” says the runner, currently preparing to dip below three-hours at the Erie Marathon in September. “I recently got the Carbon X and it’s been a nice shoe for tempo work. I’m serious about my race goals and the Carbon shoes are a great addition to my shoe obsession—I can’t wait to wear them on the line!” 

The feeling of being unleashed is obviously affecting all of us as the school year ends and restrictions subside as second shots begin happening around the country. At BlackToe Running, Anderson has already invited runners at limited capacity back into his store and had social distanced cohorts for his run groups. It’s a testament to the bond between teammates that the group still remains.   

“I’ve been proud of the way our team is handling the restrictions and we’ve gone out of our way to follow the rules,” says Anderson, who felt his love for his sport and his team only grow during the long pandemic months. “During everything that’s happened, I’ve felt strongly that running and a close-knit community is important for our mental health and it makes me proud that we’ve been able to give that to our team.” 

This Summer, Make Your Running Richer

The other day my parents asked me if I was a jogger and I said that sometimes I jog. Jogging, I think, is done absentmindedly, while running has an intention. It’s fine to jog. Certainly it’s preferable to watching CSI reruns or doing any other activities, some negative, that one can absentmindedly pursue. So how do you transform your jogging into the sport we call running and how can you make it mean more? By no means is this an exhaustive list, but these things—if begun now—will help elevate your hobby into a passion and thus, if you’re interested, produce rich rewards.

5. Set a goal.

It does not have to be running a marathon; in fact, you want your goal to be aspirational and yet not so lofty that it’s impossible to achieve. You’ll want short-term, mid-term and long-term goals, and a great short-term goal is to set how often you run. Is it twice-a-week? Four times? The difference between jogging and running is that jogging is an endless loop; running has a point: Today, sign up for an event, virtual or in-person. Doesn’t matter. But get something on the books. Work towards something. (And here’s a hint: with a race on the books, other lifestyle decisions will be easier to make).

4. Give back.

These are times when we all must consider what it is to be a Canadian and take stock of our place in the world. Are we part of solutions? Running can be a vehicle for change, whether it’s running in support of a cause, or directly trying to raise finances to an organization that helps people in need. Lots of ways running can give back. Check here, or here, or here. When you’re running becomes a vessel for doing good deeds, pride is developed beyond a superficial desire to show off new shoes.

3. Get connected.

Doing difficult things is astronomically simpler if they’re done with a like-minded group. We’re not going to run like the Kenyans, but we can learn from their teachings. They run in groups, and running clubs—whether connected to an independent shoe shop, the Running Room or an individual group—elevate your performance and add a social dynamic to a solitary endeavour. I love my run club. And whether you’re a budding Olympian or want to tackle your first 10K, there’s people out there that will help.

2. Invest in yourself.

Running is free but the gear costs money. Sneakers and hydration systems and trips to events out of town all add up and get pricey. They’re worth it. Buy shoes instead of a splurge meal; get gels instead of a bottle of wine. By expropriating funds from bad lifestyle choices to good ones, you’re actually saving money and new stuff will spark joy on your next run and keep you on your goal-achieving path.

1. It’s OK to push.

If you run as fast as you can you will not fall apart. If you push your limits you will survive. Talk to a doctor. We don’t want you to be reckless. But the sport becomes more fun, more interesting, more rich, when you actively participate. Sometimes that means challenges. Here’s a trick: sprint the last bit of your jog when your home comes into view. Here’s another one: each week, attempt to add one kilometre to your workout.

Think about this list as you plan your summer and begin to dream about fall. If you take some of our suggestions, you’re not a jogger anymore, now you run.

What runners can learn from teachers who run

Lyndsay Tessier, a teacher and Canadian long-distance runner who represented Canada at the 2019 World Athletics Championships, poses for a portrait near in High Park in Toronto, Friday August 21, 2020. Photographs by Tyler Anderson

This past year was tough for everybody but teachers experienced their own brand of chaos. Adapting to online education with a band of restless youth often presiding on their computers before their frustrated parents, teachers had to assuage adults while educating kids in environments that were not built for the essential purposes of learning. 

In speaking with teachers who run, we heard about the principles every runner needs to achieve their goals: patience, perseverance, hard work, faith, determination, and consistency. 

“This year was the marathon of all school years. There were no shortcuts, no easy way out,” says Robyn Michaud-Turgeon, who draws parallels between her experiences teaching through COVID with her run at the Chicago Marathon: “I really had no idea what to expect. Sure, I had run before, but had I ever conquered 26.2? I remember things going sideways as early as 14km, when I REALLY wasn’t expecting it—I panicked and in came the negative self-talk. That whole last half of the race was mental gymnastics and I had to change my game plan several times to adapt to whatever came my way,” she says. “In the end, I survived. It wasn’t pretty, but man, that medal around my neck was earned just for the mental battle I was able to wage, and win. This school year was the EXACT SAME FEELING.”

The exuberance of finishing a race is mirrored by many of us with the feeling of making it at least partially through the pandemic and being able to resume some semblance of a regular life. With vaccination rates rising and more things opening up, not to mention the end of the school year, there is a notion of crossing some sort of finish line. Lyndsay Tessier, one of Canada’s fastest marathon runners and a teacher of 8 and 9-year-olds, said she used her running to balance out the stress of this past year.  

“At the beginning of last year when the pandemic first started, I struggled and found that if I didn’t carve out some time for myself to go running then my four walls could swallow me whole,” says Tessier, a competitive racer and 2021 Olympic marathon substitute who used the pandemic to ease off her training and run more for mental health than to hit pace times. She says her running was the one aspect of her life during COVID-19 where she assumed control.  

Running helped me remember that I’m capable and confident and I can overcome uncertainties

“It was only when I was running when I remembered: Oh yeah, I can line up with some of the world’s best. I can make this Google doc for an 8-year-old.”

Teachers do their job day in and day out, and often times their work isn’t rewarded. The job they do can be missed by prizes, the press and big money and often it’s the little things where they see their successes. It comes with an inherent pride and commitment and, in some cases, not all, but a belief in something with a payout down the road, if they just keep doing their best. With running, like with teaching, to achieve something special, especially during a pandemic, you have to be strong, and carry on.   

“Pivot” was the buzzword this year and that’s what we all did in January to full-remote learning. I had a full-out panic attack the night before thinking “I can’t do this!”” admits Michaud-Turgeon. “Then I looked at the medal rack on my bedroom wall and said, “Oh, heck ya I can.” And I did. We all did.”

Thank you to all the teachers, sincerely, from iRun magazine.

iRun Radio

iRun Radio

On this edition of iRun Radio:

We’ll talk with a runner and coach who has been leading a group of women virtually during the pandemic. Also, author and speaker Michael Tranmer on his road back from rock bottom, including his marriage ending, and how running played a big role in that. And we’ll talk to runner and race director Ian Fraser as we get ready to hold in-person events again, perhaps as early as the fall.

Letter to a New Runner

My best advice for you, the New Runner:

I started running in the same way so many of us did: straight up peer-pressure. Someone I worked with whom I admired wanted me to train for a half marathon with her, so I did it. Our first training run is seared into my brain for eternity: -30 degrees in Winnipeg, snow blowing and falling thickly over the sidewalk. My lungs burned; my heart pounded. Every step felt like a mistake. The snow eventually faded, I kept training through the spring, and it got easier. Not easy, but easier. We lined up on race day, excited and as ready as we were going to be. It was hard and there were many walk breaks…I cried through a good part of mile 13. We eventually made it to the finish line and crossing it was like something I had never felt before. I was unbelievably proud of myself, and I knew without at doubt I would do it all over again. 

Likely with COVID, you have not been able to have your first race experience other than possibly virtually, so I will tell you this and hope that you keep it close to your heart: races will come and go but the thing that will keep you in it for the long haul is the people. As we begin the path of coming back together in person, it is so important to remember that like so much else in life, you get out of it what you put in. When you show up, make connections and act as a cheerleader for others, it will all come back to you. 

People will share their greatest joys and deepest sorrows with you on a run. I had the privilege of running a half with a pace group that was all runners completing their first race. It was like seeing my own first time all over again through their eyes. I ran another event where I helped a grandmother make it through her last mile to the finish line when she wasn’t sure she could. On a particularly difficult last mile at another event, I ran with yet another stranger and we shared stories of loss and grief as we remembered our reasons for running. You can open your mind, empathize, learn new things, and laugh like you will never stop. You can make the new friend you never knew you needed. 

You can run alone and that is great if it’s what you truly need. But I promise you that your running life will be so much richer if you plug in to your community. You will change and evolve in this sport and these people will guide you on your way. This is going to be the most exciting part of your life as a runner and I can’t wait for you to experience it. 

Sometimes we can get deep into our own heads, but your running friends will never let you forget to find the joy. And there is so much of it everywhere. 

All the best on your adventures, and welcome to the club. 

Community Starting Lines with Vancouver Running Co

When Rob Smith opened Vancouver Running Company in 2015, it was founded upon being good for his community. There’d be no need for a new run shop in Vancouver if it didn’t give something back to where he lived. Coming from the community in which he was an active member, he saw an opportunity to do something different: not about sales, but about soul. 

“The underlying support from Vancouver Running Company of our community doesn’t come close to ending with running—what we do has to have a community component,” says Smith, a longtime runner and marathon finisher. “It’s not just about selling a thing, and that goes for everything we do.”

Smith and the Vancouver Running Company sponsor local athletes including Rachel Cliff and Kathryn Drew, who also runs in HOKA shoes. Drew, one of the country’s finest ultra-distance runners, oscillated in Smith’s running circles and the two met at finish lines in Vancouver and Victoria. Soon, they realized they shared an ethos: running could be about more than fast times.      

“Everyone is pretty connected in our community and I love that the VanRun Co. creates events where everyone gets involved,” says Drew, mentioning the shop’s on-course support at in-person events and even group crewing on ultra-races that require a team to assist with nutrition and gear. “When in-person races were cancelled because of COVID, I began to think about how we can use running for the mental health aspects and as a way to challenge ourselves. I realized without races and my normal running structure, running was essential for my mental health.” 

COVID became the green light for lots of people to start running and this connected with Drew’s choice of running shoes: HOKA One One, which resonated with all levels of runners who click-and-collected at Smith’s store. Popular with both elites and first-timers, the democratization of running shoes—and running shoe price points—has become a rallying cry for Vancouver Running Company and its founder, Rob Smith. 

“When you put them on, they feel like a slipper, like you can run any distance, and they’re not super-flashy or trying to be everyone’s best friend. They don’t feel like they’re overly trying to impress people,” says Smith, who can’t remember how many times he’s recommended the Clifton running shoe, but knows every customer has been satisfied. He says, “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who didn’t feel good in the Clifton. It’s a very versatile shoe.” 

The first time I wore HOKA was in the last 60 kilometres of my race in the Western States, it felt glorious. Super plush,” says Drew, who started racing in the HOKA Torrent and now races in the HOKA Speedgoat. “HOKA is super comfortable and good for all runners—from the beginner to someone who actually goes out to win races.” 

Races seem to be trickling back in-person and across Canada and already Smith has opened his store to the community, finding other runners desperate for the connection an independent running store can provide. It’s been a difficult time, but thanks to running, and community, and quality products, the tide seems to be turning and optimism is finding a way.  

“At the shop, you can just see that people are starved for communication and a way to get out of the house and interact,” says Drew, who competes this weekend in the Western States Endurance Run and began working part-time at Vancouver Running Company. “It’s just such a supportive environment to be in and working with my colleagues and community—it feels like positive things are going to happen.” 

To learn more about Vancouver Run Co, click here.

Natasha Wodak is Going to the Olympics. Here’s Her 7 Tips for Your Running.

Few runners in the history of our sport have had the track record of Natasha Wodak, Canada’s former 10,000metre record-holder and a 2016 Canadian Olympian. This summer, Wodak is returning to the Olympics to compete in the marathon and her running style, and esteemed Canadian coach Lynn Kanuka, have added years to the 39-year-old’s extraordinary career. Here’s seven ways you can run like—but never quite as quickly as—Natasha Wodak. 

1. Keep your head up. 

“Sometimes I tilt left or right or look straight down, but that’s generally not want you want. The key is that you’re not tense—if you’re clenching your jaw, something’s not right.” 

2. Avoid the grimace. 

“I tend to grimace when I’m hurting. Keep everything relaxed—always be tall and leaning slightly forward (but don’t hurt yourself, lol).” 

3. Deep breaths. 

“That’s a big thing and helps you reorganize when you start to struggle. Breathe in right from your stomach and your pelvis. Take a few breathes and reset—remind yourself that you’ll be alright.” 

4. Positive affirmations. 

“We can do this. We got this. Time to work.” I repeat those things. Believe them. 

5. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. 

“That’s what I’m thinking, quick feet, arms tucked into your body. Think of the Kenyans. Their arms are so close to their body, so efficient. And it’s funny, when you think of these things, you’re distracted from the pain. Concentrate on one foot in front of the other and breathing in and settling down: 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. It’s a rhythm.” 

6. “Engage your core.” 

“My pelvis is what goes first for me, things start to hurt in my glutes. When you engage your core, it’s locking in lots of moving parts and that’s where Lynn and I have really been working. Your core helps add stability in the pelvis. Working my core has made me feel more efficient—and faster.”

7. “Don’t panic.”   

“Plenty of workouts and even races go sideways, where it gets tough, where it hurts. But Lynn would say, ‘Giddy, up! It’s tough. It’s supposed to be tough!’ When you realize that it hurts and that doesn’t mean something’s wrong it helps you relax. Sometimes, it’s the truth.” 

iRun Radio

iRun Radio

On this edition of iRun Radio:

The Olympic marathon mom, Krista DuChene will join us. Along with managing life at home with her family, Krista is going after a record in an ultra-marathon. The amazing story of Frank Mills, who is still competing in track meets, when they are allowed to be staged, in his 70s. And runner and coach Phaedra Kennedy about how to maintain your energy and find a little inspiration as the pandemic continues well beyond what most of us expected.