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Friday, September 27, 2024
Blog Page 42

The University of Guelph Responds to Athlete’s Open Letter

This morning, iRun published an open letter from alumni of the University of Guelph Track & Field team. In response, the University of Guelph shared this letter with our publication.

The University of Guelph is committed to continual improvement and positive change. We have progressively taken steps in the Department of Athletics to ensure our student athletes have positive and supportive experiences. 

A detailed listing of improvements in the Department of Athletics in the past two years is included below.  

The University recognized the need to further review policies, practices and the environment in the Department of Athletics following the following the 2019 firing of track and field coach Dave Scott-Thomas. McLaren Global Sport Solutions was hired to conduct a thorough review, and a public report was released in Jan. 2021. The University also released the recommendations of the University’s Sexual Violence Task Force and announced the creation of a new Sexual Violence Steering Committee. 

These initiatives will help us chart a path forward. In addition to making our policies and processes clear and effective, we want to foster a University culture that supports safety, openness, transparency and accountability around the issue of sexual violence 

Already, we have made many improvements, including new policies and supports and coaching codes of conduct. But much work remains. We are committed to doing more, and to doing better. 

We continue to listen and learn, to offer apologies to those who endured suffering and hardship, and to remain vigilant in our commitment to make our campus a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.  

U of G Department of Athletics Progressive/New Initiatives since Jan. 2020  

Student-Athlete Handbook Additions 

  • Safe Disclosure Policy and resource
  • Additional content in Student Athlete Code of Conduct re: Hazing 
  • Coaches Code of Conduct
  • Rule of 2 information (no one-on-one meetings between coaches/athletes; at least one other person must be present). 


  • Hired four new women coaches to the Track and Field Program 
  • Rule of Two Policy 
  • Revised and updated part-time and volunteer coaches’ agreements including club coach agreements (approved by Human Resources). 
  • Comprehensive review and update of Coaches Handbook  
  • Coach education on Sexual Violence and Mental Health 
  • Comprehensive Education and Training and future Onboarding program  

Athletic Therapy and Medical Updates and Changes 

  • Updated concussion policy and procedures to align with Rowan’s Law for Intercollegiate, Intramurals and Clubs
  • Drafted updated medical policies (previously identified as part of internal review)
  • Rule of 2 for student-trainers
  • Must travel in pairs of the same gender if travelling with a team of the different gender
  • Door open policy for treatment (if no other staff or patients present))
  • Concussion working group (initiated by Dr. Margot Mountjoy)
  • Integrated Support Team (IST) communication policy – identifies team leads who connect pertinent members of the student athlete’s care team

Mandatory education and trainings (coaches, student-athletes, club executives, operations staff, full-time staff) 

  • Intercollegiate Program Orientation for student-athletes and coaches, attended virtually by more than 700 people.
  • Sexual Violence Education On-line Module
  • Sexual Violence In-Person Training from Sexual Violence Support & Education Coordinator
  • Principles of Belonging Module On-Line training
  • Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Training with Office of Human Rights & Diversity
  • Launched an Inclusivity Statement; embedded into above mentioned training (fall 2019)

Student Athlete Mentorship Training 

  • Orientation training has been expanded to include Student Support Network training basics (delayed due to COVID)  
  • Counselling Services presented orientation for Student Athlete Mentorship (SAM) mentors on how to support student athletes if issues arise in conversation. 

Nutrition education 

  • Student athlete Orientation and corresponding materials supporting healthy eating  
  • Eating disorder planning group formed with Campus Experts/Leads 

Mental health and wellness 

  • Coach education session delivered by our campus Mental Health Coordinators 
  • Increased collaboration and meetings with our Mental Health Coordinators 
  • Created a more efficient process for coaches and student-athletes to seek help in distress 
  • More Feet On The Ground training for student staff and Beyond the Books for student Lead staff and Supervisors 

Sexual Violence  

  • Updated procedures for referral of Sexual Violence cases, allegations, reports, concerns etc. directly to the Sexual Violence Support and Education Coordinator 
  • Mandatory Student education training  

Track & Field, Specific Changes 

  • Increased team’s Assistant Coach budget with priority to add female coaches and staff 
  • Female Strength and Conditioning and Jumps coach hired 
  • Female Strength and Conditioning and throws coach hired 
  • Additional support (Winter 2020) added to medical team as full-time Athletic Therapy from the department 

Department Administration 

  • Windows added to office and meeting room doors for safety 
  • Initiated an inventory and review of existing policies and procedures with the goal to standardize formats; house centrally; eliminate redundancies; identify gaps; ensure broad awareness and compliance of Department and University policies.
  • Completed review of existing ‘Shared Use Agreements’ to ensure consistency and mitigate risk and liability.

Open letter to student-athletes, the University of Guelph, and the Canadian running community

We are writing this letter as a group of alumni from the University of Guelph Track and Field team to express our concern that the systemic issues that publicly came to light following the termination of head coach Dave Scott-Thomas in the fall of 2019 have not been properly investigated and addressed. We are deeply disappointed in the responses from the University of Guelph thus far and are concerned that the systems that enabled the health and well-being of many athletes to be harmed by individuals in positions of power are still in place. 

The complaints and warnings that were provided to academic and athletic administrations at the University of Guelph were largely ignored, which led to over a decade of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse until details were exposed in a Globe and Mail article. Following the release of the article, we were hopeful that the University would conduct a transparent and independent investigation to ensure all athletes’ experiences were documented. Our hope was that an investigation would help address the systems that enabled this environment to persist and lead to positive cultural changes in athletics programs. However, we were disappointed for the following reasons: 

1. The University did not conduct a thorough review or investigation as advocated for by over 200 faculty members and others in the community. Instead, they engaged McLaren Global Sports Solutions (MGSS) to conduct a limited policy review and survey of current student-athlete experiences. The MGSS review failed to address allegations of abuse that occurred for over a decade at the University of Guelph (see the MGSS Final report)

2. The University of Guelph excluded former athletes from participating in the MGSS review. 

3. The University of Guelph refused invitations to meet with a group of alumni to discuss our concerns. After being unable to participate in the MGSS review, we sought out leading experts in restorative justice to help facilitate discussions between the University and alumni, and this opportunity for a dialogue was turned down by senior administration. 

Our experiences as both student-athletes and as alumni have led us to feel that the University of Guelph did not take accounts of abuse and maltreatment at their institution seriously, and that this pattern of ignorance persists. Based on these experiences, we have little confidence that athletes’ health and well-being are a priority and that meaningful action is being taken to ensure that similar circumstances to those described herein do not repeat themselves. The inability to be heard by the University has prompted us to reach out directly to the community at large to outline our experiences and the actions we have tried to take to enact meaningful change. 

We also wish to direct this letter to those whom we ultimately hope to help:

Current and future student-athletes. We want to make athletes aware of patterns within athletics programs that can be harmful and to empower them to advocate for themselves. 

Complaints to the administration and concerns raised with coaching staff were often ignored. We have had the time to reflect upon our experiences at the University of Guelph and develop an understanding of the systematic mistreatment that occurred on our team (see this article by a fellow alum). In hindsight, we are able to identify that we were convinced to accept certain harmful behaviours and situations as “normal.” The inability to identify the toxic culture that existed was in large part due to the consistent ostracization of those who attempted to speak up. 

Some individuals among us expressed concerns about the team’s toxic environment to multiple individuals within the athletics department at the University of Guelph during our time as athletes in the 2010s, before the information regarding Dave Scott-Thomas’s conduct dating back to the early 2000s was publicly released. These concerns included public and private humiliation, withholding communication and attention from athletes, encouraging or in some cases requiring athletes to train and compete while coping with injuries, neglect of mental and physical health including eating disorders, labelling outsiders and detractors as “crazy”, and inappropriate behaviour. 

While in some instances representatives of the department met with us individually, the meetings ultimately did not result in meaningful changes, and repeated requests for updates on how our concerns would be acted upon were met with no response. Those who approached the athletic department during their time on the team did so in hopes that future athletes would not endure similar harmful experiences. Many of us were saddened to hear of accounts of abuse that led to Dave Scott-Thomas’s termination years after the department had been warned. 

During our time on the team many of us felt a lack of autonomy over our health and confidentiality in how it was handled. There was an expectation that we were only to be treated by the integrated sports team (IST) that was predetermined by our coach. This medical team included several practitioners with close personal relationships with Dave, leading to the possibility of conflicts of interest in our care. We were often discouraged from seeking a second opinion from other health practitioners outside of the prescribed IST. In addition, there were instances where many of us were asked to run on injuries that had been diagnosed by health professionals. We feel that the lack of choice and separation between our coach and medical/therapy staff enabled the prioritization of performance over health. This environment prevented us from seeking unbiased care and led us to witness many teammates being pushed past their physical breaking points. We watched a large number of our teammates face injuries and in addition saw a large discrepancy between the treatment and attention given to those struggling with injury and those who were performing well. 

Similar to many other institutions across Canada, there was a lack of female coaching staff present on our team. We felt the absence of female representation resulted in a bias towards the male experience, and ultimately contributed to a lack of understanding of the unique challenges for women in sport. This lack of balance in perspective from staff resulted in the feeling amongst many of us on the women’s team that complaints or dissent would be viewed as being a result of stereotypical traits associated with women, namely being too weak, too emotional, or too unstable, as opposed to being related to genuine problems with the program.

In a sport such as track and field, with high rates of eating disorders that disproportionately affect women (although they also affect men), we had a lack of support to address medical issues on our team. Many of us requested more female representation and support in our year-end surveys, and despite some effort to fill this gap, very few women remained in coaching roles long-term. 

The University of Guelph has not undertaken a thorough investigation. Following the publication of the Globe and Mail article, the University announced on 8 February 2020 that it would be hiring McLaren Global Sport Solutions (MGSS) to conduct an external review of its Athletics Department. The stated mission of MGSS is to “help their clients protect and enhance their brand, navigate difficult organizational issues, and inform strategic business decisions”. We were disappointed that the University did not hire an organization experienced in reviewing allegations of abuse and maltreatment. We were further disappointed to find that the final report published in November 2020 failed to address how an abusive environment was allowed to persist despite numerous complaints against coaching staff, many of which were backed with concrete evidence. The report instead focused on current university policy documents and survey responses from current student-athletes, of whom 28 (9.7%) were track and field athletes. Its primary outcomes included recommendations for more streamlined complaint protocols, as well as improved awareness and training on these protocols for coaches and student-athletes. 

While this form of evaluation has some value, it fails to address the roots of the situation at hand, in which existing policy was inadequate or not enforced across several administrative levels over a span of many years, thus enabling Dave Scott-Thomas to continue coaching without reproach. The report makes reference to Scott-Thomas and the track team “situation” only once in its Executive Summary in the context of the “me too” movement, yet does not justify how its methods nor its conclusions address the purported “catalyst” for the report. By not considering the specific mechanisms that led to the abuses of student-athletes like Megan Brown and others, the report is incapable of proposing changes that would prevent similar situations from occurring in the future. We believe that the lack of a comprehensive investigation into these circumstances represents a lost learning opportunity for the University as well as the broader sporting community, where countless abuse scandals in elite sport settings have recently come to light. 

Attempts to meet with the current administration were rejected. Our efforts to be heard and acknowledged by the University have been a one-sided effort on our part. As alumni, we reached out to the past President, Franco Vaccarino, to request to be involved in the MGSS review. We were informed we were not allowed to participate and share our experiences directly with the reviewers. Instead, past athletes that reached out to the University were directed to the University’s HR department who would be “summarizing our experiences” to provide to the reviewers. We felt that this defeated the purpose of hiring a third party to conduct the review. Some of us filed complaints with sports governing bodies outside of the University who then redirected us back to the University HR department. We felt that the consistent redirection to the University’s HR department to share our accounts was inappropriate and a conflict of interest because it hinged on members of the University’s staff providing feedback that may implicate members of their own institution. 

Due to the exclusion of alumni from the MGSS review and absence of any confidential and impartial process to deal with accounts from alumni, the University remains without a comprehensive understanding of the treatment athletes may have endured at their institution and how to avoid these situations in the future. Because of this, we identified that the most effective way to be heard by the University would be through a restorative justice process. We solicited the help of two experts in restorative justice with the purpose of opening a dialogue with the University so that they could hear directly our experiences and suggestions for systemic change. During the Fall of 2020, we extended multiple invitations to the University’s senior administration. Each of these invitations were rejected. In her response to our invitation, the current University of Guelph president, Dr. Charlotte Yates, stated that it was not in the best interest of the University to engage with us in this way. Revisiting these conversations is exhausting and harmful to alumni who had negative experiences at the University of Guelph. Each time our efforts are refused by the University, we feel further denied an opportunity to be heard, acknowledged, and contribute to progress towards safer sport for all athletes. 

We want to empower current athletes to advocate for themselves. Athlete-coach relationships have the potential to be life-changing in a positive way; however, the influence coaches have can be misused. Young collegiate athletes are at the precipice of their independent adult lives and face unprecedented expectations and pressures, and are therefore vulnerable to psychological and physical abuse in relationships with power imbalances. Without education about power dynamics, manipulation, and abuse, young athletes can easily find themselves unknowingly in harmful environments. Without access to unbiased mental health and counselling resources and reporting structures, it is likely that athletes exposed to these harmful environments will either: 1) not realize the environment is harmful and internalize the harm as their own fault, or 2) be unable to enact changes to stop the harm from happening and internalize this lack of regard for their well-being as deserved. 

We urge athletes to check-in with their teammates. Many of us have recognized that we often sheltered our negative experiences from one another due to a carefully designed culture of fear and loyalty, ultimately leading to a sense of alienation from our teammates. We also urge athletes to place their individual health and well-being ahead of performance and to be relentless in advocating for the medical care they require and deserve. We want to make clear that athletes should not be afraid of their coaches. Despite the inherent power imbalances that exist within most institutions, fearing those in higher up positions is a strong indicator of abuse of power. We want to remind athletes that coaches are intended to enhance their experience, guide them to be the best version of themselves, and ultimately have their best interest in mind. 

The University still has the opportunity to do better. The University of Guelph was a place where many of us experienced tremendous personal growth and made life-long friendships. Despite the problems that occurred, we hold the University to a high standard and still hope that they will take the right next steps. While they enjoy the successes of their programs, institutions must also demonstrate that they are accountable for their failures. The negative experiences of athletes on the University of Guelph’s Track and Field team are unfortunately too common in collegiate athletics. Many collegiate athletes, members of the running community, track clubs, and academic institutions are following the situation that is unfolding at the University of Guelph. We believe this is a critical moment in collegiate athletics and the University of Guelph has the opportunity to demonstrate how an institution can conduct itself in the face of these challenges – namely, how they can take the path that seeks to understand and own the problems that occurred in the pursuit of better systems to protect athletes. 

We are calling on the University of Guelph to undertake an independent, comprehensive, and transparent investigation to determine how its existing policies failed to protect student-athletes from an abusive environment. We ask that this investigation be conducted by an external body and formally look into complaints and concerns brought to the attention of the University of Guelph administration since 2006. Finally, we ask that this investigation engage both current and former student athletes along with our restorative justice experts, and that its findings and methods be made available to the public.

Find the Why in Your Running and It Will Keep You Going, Always

With dad at the 2015 Toronto Yonge Street 10K. Image via Canada Running Series.

We spoke with Kate Van Buskirk last week and she said to find the “why” in your running, and that it will help you make your hardest running decisions. What are your goals? Why even bother running in the first place? What do you want from our sport? I was thinking about this after I failed to meet my goal last month at the Erie Marathon but then decided to let myself down easily: the why behind my running is because I like being active, I like keeping fit, I like having a schedule, I like the community, and it’s fun to train and race and just try new things.

I reached out to the community and asked why you people run. I love the answers we got back. Why do you run? Let us know what you think, and let us know if any of these statements ring true to your own path.

So my husband doesn’t have to hide the knives. . .

One person, one body, one movement, one effort, self satisfaction of the action.

So my daughter sees me at 6 a.m go and run so now she’s willing to get up at 6 a.m for basketball practice! Great example for my kids.

Because it’s cheaper than therapy…….. maybe!

Burns off the crazies, the longer the better…

For my children and grandchildren so I enjoy my time with them as I age. Not as a burden to them but as a fit older father and grandfather.

I run because it’s something I can do that is just for me regardless of the other demands on my time. I run because I feel better when I do than when I don’t. It’s just who I am.

Speed, freedom, to feel alive.

I love how I feel while running and after. I can feel it if I don’t run for a while.

It’s interesting, reading all of these: nobody has said, “I run to qualify for the Boston Marathon.” Or: “I run to bring down my 10K time.” Or: “I run to lose weight for my swimsuit.” Instead, people wrote:

I run to keep myself young and I like that it makes me feel good afterwards. It’s the fountain of youth!

I run to slow down.

Because I still can …

To improve my quality off life, relax and stay young as my body ages.

For the thrill of the race.

I run to stay fit, so that as I age, I will not be a burden on my children or grandchildren but rather enjoy my time with them for as long as I can.

It makes me feel good.

It gives me energy. It reminds me that I can do hard things. It connects me to a community that is inspiring, encouraging, and supportive…which gives me even more energy!

It’s a good challenge not only for my body, but for my mind. Each run I strive to be faster, stronger, go farther. I am astonished in what my body is capable in doing when running.

Retired young. Drank too much and ate too much out of boredom. Turning the doorknob to run every day gives me structure. Every run gives me the satisfaction of achieving something for me. Period.

It calms me, makes the days better and allows me to see view like this one:

Whenever you feel your motivation ebb or get discouraged, remember why it is that you’re out there running. Are you out there to hit a goal time, score a PB, increase the distance of your next race? All those reasons are good ones. But, when you strip them away, or if that doesn’t happen, remember what’s at the core of why you run.

New songs to download right now for your next run

Anthony Wright is a producer, composer, musician, videographer—and Runner. In December 2019, he was in a wheelchair with a shattered ankle, and weighed 325-pounds. One year later he ran his first ultra-marathon.

An ambassador for the 2021 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Wright hopes to set the Fastest Known Time from Ajax to Toronto on the Waterfront Trail. Since he’s such an expert on music, we asked him what he listens to on his runs. His story is amazing. This is his soundtrack.

  1. Hand Me Downs, Arkells: “This song will pull you through the wall. There has been no run I’ve been on where this song didn’t pick me up, and remind me of just how freeing running feels.”
  2. FIND YOUR WAY BACK, Beyoncé: This is an Easy Run staple for me. As soon as it comes on I’m a kid again, running through the streets of my neighbourhood with my friends begging for the sun to stay in the sky just a little longer.
  3. Gold Guns Girls, Metric: My Tempo Playlist consists of only songs at 180bpm, because I want my stride to match the music. Gold Guns Girls is a 3km of a 5km song… it’s a song that will help you make a move in the back half of a race.
  1. Gaia, James Taylor: This song is Recovery Run Heaven. If you’re running by the water and this song comes on, you may never want to stop running again.
  2. Cvalda, Bjork: This is the song I put on when I’m just starting an Easy Run that I don’t feel like doing. It always brings a smile to my face, and it makes me want to settle in and get to work.
  3. Super Bass, Nicki Minaj: A guilty pleasure of mine that I just have to have out on a long run. Super Bass gets me just as amped at 30km as it does at 2km. A must have for me.
  4. Stop This Train, John Mayer: This is a threshold staple for me. When you are trying to stay relaxed at a fast pace, this song is so vital.
  5. They Don’t Care About Us, Michael Jackson: Another one from my Tempo Playlist. This one helps me settle into a pace, and the beat is so militant that its easy to find that 180spm cadence at the beginning of a track session.
  6. White Ferrari, Frank Ocean: If you listen to White Ferrari during a Recovery Run, don’t be surprised if you can no longer feel the ground beneath you.
  7. Here I Come, Barrington Levy: Got this one from a friend. Its simply amazing towards the beginning of an Easy Run, or put it at the end if you plan on a kick finish 🙂
  1. Mushaboom, Feist: Another Threshold fav. Its a beautiful song with a relaxed feel, but at 180bpm. Cadence Bliss.
  2. Nonchalant, 6lack: Sometimes you just need some swagger to make it through a Long Run. Nonchalant does it for me when there’s 5km left to go.
  3. Die Alone, FINNEAS: This is the ultimate Recovery Run song. For me, it simply doesn’t get better when you have sore legs that you don’t want to focus on.
  4. Gonna Get Over You, Sara Bareilles: I love when this song comes on during an Easy Run. It lifts my spirits instantly and reminds me to keep smiling, because that’s what we’re all doing out here after all. Chasing Happy.
  5. Lose Yourself, Eminem: The PR Conjurer. Km 4 of a 5k, 9 of a 10k, 41 of a marathon… it doesn’t matter. This song will make you kick to the finish. A must for any racer.

The adidas 4DFWD Reviewed By Reid Coolsaet

There are a lot of 3D printed products out there and most look as though they could have easily been made without using 3D printing. The adidas 4DFWD’s latticed midsole looks as though it had to have been made using a 3D printer. There’s no doubt that this shoe is eye-catching and interesting to look at. 

Right away you’ll notice how comfortable the shoe is. The upper is breathable and there is a lot of cushion underfoot. This shoe will win people over when they try it on in a store. But how does it perform on the run?

There is a good deal of cushion in the 4DFWD, but it comes at a bit of a cost in terms of weight, this isn’t a light shoe at 337 grams (11.9oz). I also found that it lacks stability (I pronate and like some medial support). There is a pronounced heel to toe drop of 11mm which some people will love, others won’t and most would get used to. If I wear a heavier road shoe I’d like there to be more stability, otherwise I want a light shoe.

The outsole rubber is grippy and should hold up well to lots of running (I haven’t run in them enough to really know). I ran on the roads and groomed trails in the 4DFWD, and it worked well on both surfaces. 

I had to lace them tight to get a snug fit and when I did that there was some bunching of material under the laces. Even when laced tight I noticed a little heel slippage. For those two reasons I’d consider moving down a half size in the 4DFWD. 

If you’re looking for a shoe that is comfortable, has lots of cushion and looks cool then here it is. I can see myself wearing these walking around or for easy recovery runs. 

3D printed midsoles might be the future of running shoes, but right now I’m most impressed with the innovative look. Early adopters will want to get in on the new technology and it’s interesting to think about where this might go next. These are definitely something new and different. 

Find them here.

#4dfwd #adidas4dfwd

Reid Coolsaet Reviews the Mizuno Wave Rebellion

I think the Mizuno Wave Rebellion is going to have a lot of fans because it offers a slightly different feel to many of the other carbon plate, high-stack, responsive foam shoes (let’s call them “super shoes”) on the market. 

Many people get some initial discomfort moving to a flatter shoe (less heel to toe drop) or to a shoe with a stiff plate. Many super shoes have you transition to both new stimuli, but the Wave Rebellion keeps a traditional slope while adding a very stiff plate.

I found the Wave Rebellion has a more traditional heel to toe feel than other super shoes. Although the actual heel to toe drop of 8mm has been seen in other similar shoes, the drop in the Wave Rebellion is gradual through the whole shoe instead of a flat heel-to-midfoot and then steep drop midfoot-to-toe. If that doesn’t make much sense to you then you’ll just have to put the shoes on and feel them out.

The outsole is grippy and will hold up well as it protects the Pebax midsole expertly with ample coverage. Speaking of the Pebax midsole, it is incredibly responsive and light. Even with a stack height of 36mm, the Wave Rebellion is a light shoe coming in at just 224 grams (7.9oz).

I think people will wear the Wave Rebellion as a workout shoe with the intention of racing in a more expensive and proven super shoe (probably what I would do). That said, I bet many will buy the Wave Rebellion with that intention, and enjoy it so much they end up racing in it as well. 

I’m glad to see another shoe company offer a super shoe and happy that Mizuno has kept the proven basics—high stack height, stiff plate, light and responsive foam—while giving the market a slightly different feel.

Shop now for your pair here.

#fastlikenoother #WaveRebellion #ReachBeyond

Maximize Your Race Day Psychology

You lace up your shoes and slip on your running gear because it’s something that makes you feel good, feel like you have accomplished something and can often clear your mind. It’s time to yourself and lets the world around you turn without you for a few minutes. For some runners, it can change when they step to the start line of a race. Instead of calm and fun, it’s a time of nerves, worry and stress. Even though you have voluntarily signed up because you have a goal, your stomach is in knots, your heart races and your mouth is dry.

This is the final article in a series that has been an opportunity to share my journey to find out more about myself and my struggles at races.

“Nothing is stronger than a peaceful mind.” – Eluid Kipchoge

From talking the time to stop and look inward I realized that I have issues with self-confidence and that I am driven to prove and show that I can be successful after a history of struggling with races. I have also learned that the person that shows up at the race is the same person at home and work. My brain, my thoughts, my problems, or issues follow me. The stress of a race just places me in a pressure cooker that makes my issues come to the surface. Often, I perform poorly or fail to reach the finish line.

Talking to other runners has shown me I am not alone. Most people are nervous on the day of a race. It can range from nervous energy to being completely crippled by stress, fear, or self-pressures. Some people come up with strategies to overcome the nerves, jitters or pressure and realize that sometimes talking to yourself and by confronting the doubts you can overcome.

Elites I found also struggle, but sometimes find ways to confront their fears and pressures to achieve their goals. Successful athletes analyze, learn and find ways to perform at races. I also learned that it’s sometimes good not to over think and trust in your training, and to keep it simple. Olympian and now counsellor Leah Pells said, “We often outthink our bodies. Trust your body. Let your body do what it needs to do.”

I listened to others and read a lot of books and articles online about sport psychology—which is looking into the mind of athletes during sport. I confirmed I was not alone. I started writing myself daily, positive affirmations (the opposite of my doubts and negative self-image), and got advice to do some visualization of what a good race day would look like. I created a self-meditation I recorded and listen to. But I am no expert. The final step would be to talk with psychologists and sports performance specialists with training and experience. I signed up for a few low-key races and events to try and practice all that I was putting together about how to face race day.

Learning. It’s what life is about, especially if we want to change and overcome a hurdle in life, or sport. So, I wanted to learn from the best. I found three experts to help provide me advice and insight. The first was Robert Beer, a sports performance consultant and co-owner of Mindset First in Concord, Ontario. He said one of the first things I should do is identify my biggest fear regarding competing—to look inward and ask myself questions. His top three points are:

1) Train the same way you are going to race. If you do not race with music, do not train with it.

2) Use visual cues, things to remind you of how to think, to be on race day. 

3) Visualize the things you need to do to throughout a race to be successful.

My second expert was sport psychologist and well-named, Noel Brick from Ireland, the author of, “The Genius of Athletes.” His book specifically focuses on runners and was written with well-known running writer Scott Douglas. One of his key philosophies focuses on the fact that humans have a brain that responds in a primal way. The “old brain” can take over when feel threatened, and our brain controls everything in our bodies. How our brain perceives a situation (like race day) can influence our performance. If we perceive a race as threat our heart rate goes up and, because we feel threatened, our bodies tense and our arteries constrict. Our blood pumps hard, but the blood flow is restricted and the oxygen flowing in it decreases. When the gun goes, our bodies are not in an ideal state to perform well. We feel heavy, not ourselves, not as good as all our training would indicate. If we accept the race as a challenge, and that being nervous is normal, our bodies can relax, and our brains do not perceive things as threatening. Our heart rate goes up out of nervousness and excitement and the oxygen-filled blood fills our bodies and prepares us to race and push ourselves.

Noel’s three bits of advice for runners:

1) Build your self-confidence by focusing on mini-goals as you work towards your goal or focus on parts of your race not the end-result.

2) Focus on the things you can control, not what you cannot – like your race plan, how you will approach the day and situations.

3) Pick race goals you can control like your breathing, how you start, when you will make a move etc.

The pieces started to come together. What started out as a pure puzzle seemed to become a little clearer. My final words of wisdom come from Lester Kaplan, iRun editor Ben Kaplan’s own father, an experienced psychotherapist and professor. He emphasized how we are all looking to fulfill the same basic needs such as companionship, to feel good, happy and to find meaning in life. What differs is how each of us tries to meet these needs. Our genetics and experiences shape our worldview. He told me, “The way you run and race is how you deal with life.” His advice was very mind-focused, including:

1) Come to terms with your own motivation and see yourself positively. Accept yourself.

2) Do your best and come to terms with it.

3) Understand who you are and what you want.

After all the research, talking to runners and experts I feel like I’m in a better place. I have learned about myself (and am still learning) and how to better approach race day. What started as thinking I hated racing has taken me places where I have learned about myself, met some great people, and armed myself with tools to tackle racing, and life. Each one of us is different. We all have our own journeys, stories and struggles, but I hope through sharing I can help someone else.

To read the first of Noel’s sports psychology stories, please click here and here.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Our Running on Social Media

Kate Van Buskirk is a 2021 Olympian and a must-follow on Instagram. Her posts are positive, thoughtful, and inspiring. She’s fit, comfortable in her own skin, outspoken, and a role model to runners from Toronto to BC. Yet she knows that every photograph she posts is a risk: will she be seen as a bragger? Is she showing off? Will her physique turn off runners who are frustratingly missing their running, not hitting goals and will never, ever look like Kate? Kate thinks about these things before posting. Even at her peak physique, she goes through periods of insecurity. She thinks about everything, but then, ultimately, does what feels true to her.   

“My number one barometer for social media is: is anything I’m posting harmful to a marginalized community? That’s my number one: intentionality,” says the Olympian Van Buskirk, who also produces and hosts The Shakeout Podcast. “Beyond that, I don’t care if someone feels like I’m bragging. There are many people I follow who are my role models who inspired me to get to where I am, and if it’s braggy, whatever. If I’m proud of something I’ve done and post about it, my hope is not only to share my joy, but inspire someone else to do the same.”

It’s a fine line between inspiring our friends and family, especially those that do not run, and pissing people off with our posts about running on our social media feeds. Lots of us have gotten static from our friends who aren’t big runners about what we post. Almost everyone says they’re supported by the running community, but catch flack from people outside of our world of bananas, vaseline and split times. Meanwhile, the narrative has broadened with the body positivity movement, which encourages all shapes and sizes to celebrate being healthy, happy and active. Still, the public sphere can be a difficult place.

“I once had someone tell me that my running posts made them feel bad about themselves. Oy! I hated hearing that and it still bothers me,” wrote one reader, a race clinic leader. “Those that are bothered by my social feed are free to scroll on by, but I’m encouraged and inspired by others in the running community. May we continue to build each other up and celebrate the victories together.”

Another reader said: “I had someone ask me if I actually worked as it must be nice to just run/race. I told this person nothing was stopping them from doing the same and yes, I do have a full-time job and work my arse off on a family farm.”

“It’s always in the back of my mind that I may get a negative comment,” said one reader.

Another reader said, “I get teased occasionally, but not nearly as often as people tell me they appreciate my posts as a nudge to do their own thing. I do get concerned sometimes that people think I do way more running than I actually do because of posts.”

Runners use social media to inspire one another and keep us connected to a broader community, especially now during COVID with in-person races and run meet-ups increasingly difficult to pursue. It’s also helpful when chasing a goal to telegraph it, the science saying that once a goal is spoken out loud or shared with a group it becomes more real.

In that sense, posting about running on social media can be a tool, just like new shoes, speed work and carb-loading. Virginia Lee is famous in the running community as the face of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, her image used in the STWM marketing campaign. Lee, who is 48 and has run 48 marathons—including every Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront marathon—posts often on her popular Instagram channel. 

“The negative part comes from people not in running or fitness, likely my own age and their thing is: how can you spend that much time on yourself, that must be such a luxury,” says Lee, “but any runners knows that we make time for it, and maybe that’s why runners are more accepting of our social media feeds—the only way to get to our goals is with training and sometimes, posting helps.” 

Some people post lots of pictures of their children, or of their animals. People post photos of their sourdough bread loaves or their political views about vaccinations and Maxime Bernier. Obviously everyone is free, within limits, to post what they want, and just as easily, people are free to stop following the feeds of a runner if our posts aren’t eliciting their joy.

Kate Van Buskirk understands all these things. She also understands anxiety and imposter syndrome and has been injured to the point, during the run-up to the 2016 Olympics, after moving to BC for the express purposes of making the team, where she thought she’d never run again. She couldn’t get out of bed without help and returned home to Toronto unsure about what she’d do next.

“Mentally and physically,” she says, “I felt broken.” 

Eventually, she got back out on the roads, fell back in love with the sport, and trained herself, in 2021, to the Olympic fighting form she had in 2015. It hasn’t been an easy ride. But it’s been rewarding. And one she feels proud, haters be damned, to share. 

“Humble is something we put on a pedestal, why? I don’t think it should be and if you post about something you worked hard at and other people can relate to it, it’s a beautiful thing,” she says. “I am continually inspired by and grateful for the folks in our community who challenge me, educate me, and offer an honest lens into their struggles and joys. This is what I strive to do as well. Sometimes, good or bad, on social media or anywhere else: you just have to own your own shit.”

Four Reasons We Love adidas 4DFWD

4DFWD is the newest adidas racing shoe and its first to be designed using data-driven 3D printed technology. The shoe, a lightweight marathon racer, breaks new ground across many aspects, and after testing them for a month, iRun editor Ben Kaplan shares his thoughts. 

1. Brand New Midsole

The first takeaway of the 4DFWD is that it doesn’t feel like anything you’ve worn before, it feels somehow lighter and more responsive. It’s made with Carbon’s Digital Light SynthesisTM  technology, which offers the ability to fine tune midsoles to specific patterns of movement, so that athletes can enjoy precision performance with every step.

2. Environmentally Sound 

adidas has been a first-mover in making their shoes environmentally-friendly, and this sustainable approach to shoemaking continues in the 4DFWD, which not only has a responsive midsole, but one that’s created with 40% natural and renewable materials. Feel good about yourself as you score that PB. 

3. No Brakes 

Runners, especially long-distance runners, 90% of whom land on our heels, know that breaking mechanisms in our running form makes endurance running difficult. The 4DFWD addresses that problem head on, redirecting the impact by shearing forward. “We identified one perfect lattice midsole that is designed to compress forwards under loading and counter mechanical forces,” said the adidas product manager of running. It sounds complex but feels natural—especially when gliding at 30K. 

4. Taking a Runner’s Pulse 

The latest launch also introduced the new adidas 4DFWD PULSE, which combines 4D and EVA technology to ensure a soft landing with every step. The shoe is coded for a smooth run with the 4DFWD heel angled to increase impact absorption, working together with the EVA midsole. It’s light, fast, and innovatively designed from the toe box to the heel to mirror the foot on a run. The adidas 4DFWD, in conclusion, is innovative, smooth and technologically-formulated for a runner’s lateral and linear movement. 

In other words, they go fast.  

What it feels like running an in-person Canadian event

“Joyous” is a word that we haven’t spoken enough of during this long pandemic, but it’s the word that the Manitoba Marathon race director Rachel Munday uses to explain the return of her event, held on Sunday. “We had so many people thanking us, saying that they feel like themselves again,” says Munday, reached over Zoom after watching 2,500 people cross the finish line at her successful event. “The whole experience was so emotional. It was joyous—there really is no better word.

Over the weekend, the Manitoba Marathon joined the Levi Half Marathon in Quebec and other select Canadian races that have been able to hold their races as in-person events. On the heels of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon requiring vaccinations from their participants, the world of in-person racing seems to be a rapidly moving starting line.

However, from the runners who’ve been able to race on actual in-person Canadian courses, it seems the events hold huge emotional appeal.

“It felt freeing,” says Cheryl Ann, who completed the half marathon this weekend in Manitoba. “I loved running the course and seeing all of my running friends that I haven’t seen in so long. I usually run with earbuds and music, but I made it a point to remove them as I was approaching the finish line, just to hear the volunteers and the crowd cheers. It was a memorable, emotional finish.” 

A marathoner who’s completed 116 marathons, says Sunday’s event was one of the most gratifying that he’s ever ran. He wasn’t happy with his finishing time. He also didn’t really care. “I was just glad to be back,” says Len Rolfson, who hasn’t missed a Manitoba Marathon since it first started, in 1979. “I felt safe with all the COVID protocols and they worked pretty seamlessly. There was something about seeing all of the familiar faces that really felt special, like something better than good.” 

That good feeling isn’t only going to be found in Manitoba. Rachel Munday, the Manitoba Marathon race director, has been working with RDs across Canada for the past two years on their race safety precautions and she had the race director from the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon at her event. A popular white paper shared by Running USA claims that races hold minimal transmission risk. Outdoor transmission is .1% of all transmission events, the report reads. And with the Manitoba Marathon completed, the learnings from that event will soon be shared countrywide.

“All of the big city race directors in Canada have been collaborating for two years and we’ve been working together for runners to make a plan for a safe return,” Munday says. “Now that we’ve had our event, we can take what we’ve learned and move it to other events around the country: we’re all working together for runners so that safe, in-person Canadian events, like ours, can return.”