17.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
Blog Page 330

A Day of Preparation

“Just a quick note today guys, this is Ray calling from the South Pole Quest team. Kevin, Richard and I are packing our gear and re-arranging our sleds, hopefully for and early morning departure to Hercules Inlet. You can see from the photograph that we are inside one of the guide huts that we were allowed to use as the winds were really high today here at Patriots Hills; and we are hoping that it won’t be sustained through the night. The flights I guess today were….were there were no flights today in and out of Patriot Hills because the winds were so high. So were hoping that tomorrow morning things will clear and bright and early in the morning we’ll be on our way down Hercules Inlet for an early morning departure towards  the South Pole…. stay tuned…Thanks for everyone checking us out, bye”

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Long training day

“Today we had and awesome day all three of us, everything just seemed to go so well along with the amazing weather that we have, it was actually warm and we had a six and a half hour training day and got down some fantastic mileage…… even though as I said  before our sleds are extra heavy in order to help us prepare for when we get out to Hercules the sleds will be a bit lighter and we are hoping that we will feel the difference starting with a lighter sled. Everyone’s excited, Ricahard and Kevin are totally amped. Tomorrow we are going to spend the day getting our last minute gear done, making adjustments to our sleds and obivously making them quite a bit lighter than they are now. then we will head to Hercules bright and early Thursday morning and start our journey to the south pole, all very exciting we are all just so excited. Talk to you later, bye.”

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Cross Country Season


My first semester at UVic has been extremely busy. It took me a few weeks to get into a rhythm of doing weekly homework assignments, getting my daily singing practising in and keeping up with my training schedule. This was made more challenging by the out of town cross-country races we went to every other week but I managed to keep on top of everything. Fortunately too, the road trips were really fun. I often get asked if I am ok spending so much time with people half my age and quite frankly, I am enjoying it very much! These are dedicated, hard-working young adults who love running as much as I do! What’s not to like!


  The UVic Vikes Women's Team at Stanford


Training and racing went fairly well this season. I trained with the Vikes on Tuesdays and Saturdays where we did either a hill workout or a faster session on the grass. Our first race was the Stanford Cardinal Invitational at the end of September in Palo Alto, California. This meet was big and competitive and such a great experience. We had beautiful, warm weather and the atmosphere was electric. The race was held on a perfectly groomed golf course and the entire course was lined with cheering spectators. I came in 14th in a strong field so that was a great start to the season. It was my first experience running a race while being part of a team. I really enjoyed feeling the camaraderie and the team spirit the girls generated before the race.

Our next race was two weeks later in Olympia Washington. This meet was the polar opposite from Stanford. It was extremely low-key and the course was definitely gnarly. Our team won both the men’s and women’s titles so we went home feeling confident that we were heading in the right direction. The final championship race (CIS-Canadian Interuniversity Sport) was what we spent the season gearing up for. This year the CIS Championships was to be held in Quebec City the first week of November. We had one more race before CIS and that was the BC x-country championships in Vancouver. This was also the race that determined who got to go to Quebec City to run CIS. Needless to say, the team was a bit more stressed on this trip as everyone wanted to make the cut. Everyone on the team had been working hard for this chance so I knew this race was an important one for many. I took the lead early in the race and managed to hold my position to win.

BC Cross Country Championships




The CIS team was chosen several days later and now we had two final weeks to prepare. Jon made sure I was getting enough aerobic running throughout the fall as well as enough rest between workouts and races and I was feeling pretty good. By the time we got to Quebec City I was ready to run hard and give it my all as were the rest of the Vikes team. We got to Quebec three days before the race which was a real luxury! It was nice to have that extra time to get over any jet-lag and the team had a wonderful time relaxing and hanging out with each other. The Vikes coach, Brent Fougner, had arranged a couple of team dinners while we were there. We had a lot of laughs and everyone’s spirit was pretty high. I got a sense that the girls and guys on the team really respect and like each which was nice to see. It really is a great group of people.


A meeting was held the day before the race to talk about the race course and team strategy. The weather had changed dramatically since we arrived. The winds had picked up which meant The Plaines of Abraham would be a nasty place to be since it runs alongside the open waters of the St. Lawrence River. The next day wasn’t any better so it was a true x-country day on a tough course. The race start was extremely exciting and noisy! The crowds were cheering and the runners too were yelling and screaming. It was pretty wild! The race was a tough one for me. I didn’t feel smooth but I hung in there and came in 6th, not too bad for a rookie! Ha! Our men’s and women’s team didn’t quite place as well as we hoped but considering the conditions, I think we did very well. I feel so lucky that I got to have this experience and I look forward to my first indoor track season. Before I move to this however, I have one more cross-country race to run in Guelph, Ontario on November 29th where I will be running in the National Cross-Country Championships. Since I am the only runner from the Vikes team going to this event, I will be working with Jon Brown and training with his group while the Vikes move into the next phase of training to prepare for the track season. Stay tuned for a report after Nationals!

Training on Antartica Day 2

“Today was incredible we got out for about four and a half hours of training. Our sleds at this point, surprisingly with all of our training food and additional gear that we are bringing to actualy go with your sled in training, are close to…   say around 190lbs each. So it makes for some pretty tough pulling, but we been putting down some fantastic miles in training, we’re very excited. The only slight, minor setback is Kevin had some food poisoning yesterday, and he has come out of it today and was stepping right beside me and Richard said “you know Kevin’s feeling good when he’s taking lots of photographs and doing lots of film making”. So another great day, we’ll do a training day tomorrow, another day off, and then it’s off to Hercules inlet. Here’s Kevin”….. “Ahhh happy Kevin here on the phone, very unhappy Kevin here yesterday and last night, where unfortunately I spent most of the night in the toilet and the toilet here is an outhouse, so when you are sticking your face into the toilet, its far from pleasant; but what ever awful thing I got ingested seems to have exited me and I’m feeling better now, so today was good….. four and a half hours, and hopefully things will turn out well, I feel great now and I guess this is to be expected,  over and out from Antarctica and we’ll be talking tomorrow”.

Listen to the audio: FromAntarcticaDay2

On their way!!

Ray, Kevin and Richard are on their way to Antarctica! They should arrive around 10:30 EST.
They left after much anticipation. Next on the agenda is four days of testing equipment and training before they head to hercules point to start the quest for the pole.

Anton Stranc
i2P Technical Equipment Advisor

Still Waiting…..

Two days delayed. Apparently this is normal- flights are delayed all the time, but we
are on pins and needles waiting to get there and get started !
We have been assured as soon as the weather clears, we will be on the next flight over to
Patriot Hills, Antarctica.

The issue at this point is visibility- but extraordinary winds can also stop the plane from
making a landing on the ice runway at Patriot.

The map above show where we are…and where we need to go ! We have been getting
calls every two hours updating us on flight status- and the news seems positive-so for
now its all about waiting and being patient…


On Our Way ?

Well, it looks like we might make it out today ! The call from ALE came this morning- and we were told to hang tight till 1 pm for a second call to confirm conditions. Chances do look pretty good for a departure today.

With that in mind the team headed over to the city square to “rub” the toe of a statue which commemorates Magellan’s journey. It is said you should do this to ensure a safe journey. There we made a new friend- Lorenzo- who made it clear that he should be allowed to join us !!!

The next blog will hopefully come from Antarctica- and it make take us a day or two to communicate once agin…hang tight and please wish us luck !


The Waiting Game

Our scheduled time to leave for Antarctica has come and gone. We are waiting in Punta Arenas for the weather to clear in Antarctica so that the plane taking us can land! We have had so many incredible questions coming from our partnered schools, we spent the day answering many of them.
You will see some of those questions and answers in our next blog.

We are very excited to get to Antarctica and start our journey to the South Pole. It’s something that Kevin, Richard and I been dreaming about for quite a long time.

Keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow !

Yes, That Is Butter !!!

With only 2 days till our scheduled flight to Antarctica, food prep is in full steam. Richard is feverishly weighing and measuring while Kev and I wrap and pack each item…like the ones in my hands in the photos above !
Basically fruit cake (Weber Expedition Cake if you are asking at your local baker) with a 1/2 inch layer of butter on top ! Yummy AND loaded with calories…want a bite ???


Yuck: Winter. Yay: Winter running.

I hate winter. But I love winter running. Here’s why, as I once wrote in my column in the Ottawa Citizen.

I hate the cold. I hate the snow and the slush. I hate the extra clothes you have to wear, the layers, the heavy boots. I hate shoveling and scraping. From Christmas until baseball season, I do whatever I can to avoid going outside. My main ambition in life is to find a way to be somewhere else for the first four months of every year.

At this point every year, people close to me begin to be subjected to six months of whining. During my regular shivery rants about winter, my father would always say, “But you’re a Canadian.” To which I would point out that I had no choice in being a Canadian, whereas he, someone born in a less wintry country, did. Then I would scowl, put on my parka and go home.

All of which make this fact all the more peculiar: I love winter running.

Learning this was as much a surprise to me as if I had suddenly discovered that I loved brussels sprouts. If 10 years ago, you took me in a time machine to see my future self jogging in -20C weather, I would have assumed that 21st Century me had been sent to some kind of forced-labour camp.

Five or six years ago, I was a fair-weather runner. If I managed an outdoor run on one nice day in March, I thought I was being hardy. In the winter months, I exercised indoors, the way God intended.

Running on a treadmill was warmer than running outside, but I found it to be as boring as the neutral-zone trap. If you think time is moving too quickly in your life, just get on a treadmill for half an hour. It’s amazing how long even a minute can seem. I was constantly playing games with myself to avoid looking at the clock. Just stare straight ahead and don’t look down for 10 minutes, I would tell myself. Then I would run for what seemed like 15 minutes, sneak a peek at the timer and find out it was only five.

When I started training for my first marathon, the long runs began in January. At first, I tried to figure out how I could do most of them indoors. The problem is that, at most gyms, you can’t use a treadmill for more than 30 minutes at a time.

A few people said to me, try running outside, you’ll love it. That’s not possible, I said.

Having no other choice, though, I joined a running group to prepare for the marathon. I went shopping for winter running clothes. I bought a pair of running pants, a few long-sleeve shirts, a hat and something to cover my neck, mouth and nose. I now had a complete outfit that made me look like a cat burglar. I learned, for the first time, about fabrics that “wick away” moisture. I learned that “wick” had another meaning unrelated to candles.

I started running with a friend in sub-zero temperatures. We did a couple of short early-morning runs when the temperature was -25, and another on a mid-January morning that was -30, with a windchill factor of -41.

What I learned very quickly was that, no matter what the temperature, 10 minutes into the run, I felt comfortable. The wind was sometimes frustrating, but the freezing temperatures stopped being an issue as soon as you were warmed up. I started to feel like I was tougher than I had thought, like I was withstanding winter conditions that normally made me cower.

A month later came the big test: a 26k group run on a Sunday morning with blowing snow and a windchill of -35. The wind was so strong that I was almost knocked over once or twice. My running partners and I were pelted with snow and ice. When I finished, I thought, if I can do this, I can do a marathon. Since then, I’ve become a committed year-round runner. I run as often in February as I do in August.

As a reader once pointed out to me, there is no bad weather for running, only the wrong clothes. You have to adjust your pace sometimes and change your stride if it’s slippery. You also have to take extra precautions, like making sure you have a cellphone or at least a quarter for a payphone. You don’t want to get hurt 10k from your house and have to hobble home in sub-zero temperatures.

I still prefer running in the spring and fall and early and late on hot summer days. But I’ve gone from being a fair-weather runner to being someone who sees the elements as a welcome challenge. After a winter run, I regularly get home with a steaming head and icicles on my earlobes and eyebrows and a feeling like I’ve conquered the Canadian elements.

I’ve learned to love winter running, but I still hate winter. I’m still dreaming of a condo in a warm place.