20.9 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Blog Page 312

My Card List Just Keeps Getting Bigger And Bigger

Another view of the Bay finish line

My colleague Jackie walked past my desk today.  She usually stops by and asks how the blog is going.  “I really like” whatever my blog from the night before completes the comment.  But today when she walked past, she looked a bit down.

Sarah laughed and said that Jackie had just got bad news.  I looked puzzled and Sarah continued.  “Her boyfriend is a Trekie.”  I didn’t think that was such a bad thing, but I guess its all in the perspective.

So I laughed with her for a minute.  And then Earl threw down the gauntlet.  “Write a blog about that.”

Another view of the Bay finish line
Another view of the Bay finish line

I put on my serious blog writing face.  And thought whether to accept or decline the challenge.  I was going to decline, but then Earl continued and asked if I watched Boston Legal.  He explained how Denny and Allan were friends.  The only friend that each other had.

Ahh, I thought, I CAN relate that to running. 

I noticed a couple of races back that runners are a really cool breed.  We can sit down just about anywhere and make friends.

On the shuttle bus back from the Bay relay point, I sat down in a seat that I could see through the smear on my glasses.  There was a really nice lady sitting there too.  She moved over to make space for me.

The Finish line.  Everyone's goal.
The Finish line. Everyone

At first the conversation was a little awkward.  We were both letting the adrenaline that was surging through our bodies settle down.  And I was trying to find something to snack on.

But by the time we left the bus about 15 minutes later, we had made a connection.  I looked around me and similar conversations were taking place all around us. 

No matter how hard I look, I can’t not find someone to chat to.  Don’t call me Denny Crane.

Are You Out of Your Mind? Sure I’ll Run A Half With You!

Another view of Around the Bay finish lines

Isn’t it funny when you talk to someone right after a race.  You get one of two responses when you ask what the next run is going to be.

The first one would be the same one you get when you ask a woman who has just given birth when she is going to have another child.  Not in this lifetime.  Opps, Sorry I confused my own experience with someone else.

Another view of Around the Bay finish lines
Another view of Around the Bay finish lines

The other response is the one that the Gazelle and I answered.  Heck, yeah, bring it on!  Let’s train for a half marathon.

After doing Around the Bay, I spoke with one of my colleagues from work.  She ran the full Bay.  She did pretty good.  In my estimation anyway.  While we were  discussing trading Bay shirts, I asked her what she had planned for the next run.

Her immediate response was, not in this lifetime.

She was thinking of taking some serious time off from running.  She plays volleyball, basketball and has two kids and a husband, so time is a real issue for her.

Matts Hayes the weatherman is there.  Really.
Matts Hayes the weatherman is there. Really.

So a couple days later we do the actual Bay shirt exchnge.  My shirt was orange, hers was red.  I wanted red, she wanted orange.  It worked out.  She has this mischevious grin on her face and said, remember what I said about running the next race?

Sure, I said, not in this lifetime.

Well, she said laughing, my husband found me a running partner.  Seems I am going to be doing a full marathon after all.

Great, I said, where do you sign up?

Physio or Teeter!!

If you read my last blog you know that I injured my back on Wednesday and had a close call with having my most embarrassing moment ever!  I wish I could say that it was all better and I was getting ready to run again but when my back goes it is not something that is going to fix itself quickly.  That’s why I married a physiotherapist!  So that when this happens I can rely on her to massage and traction me back to health!!  Only problem is this time she is 5 hours away!  So what do you do when your physio is 5hrs away!  You jump in the car and go get a treatment! Sounded like a great idea, I haven’t seen my kids in 10 days, there was no way I was going to play hockey this weekend and my back was killing me!  Only problem is the one thing that hurts my back more than anything is sitting, and sitting for 5 hours in a small car is not the brightest idea that I have had. 

That being said I am in Parry Sound have had a small massage and my back is getting better everyday, still not overly close to going out for a run though. I know my physio wife thinks that my core or lack thereof, is the cause of all my problems and that I should be diligent in doing some sort of strengthening for it to help prevent future flare ups.  But doing core training can be so boring. Get up on your hands and knees, lift one leg off the floor, then one arm, now the other leg, and then the other arm, now…wait for it….one leg AND one arm! Crazy eh!! 

If only there was some magical solution to back problems that was easy and cost effective………..hmmm……wait!! There it is!! Check out the Teeter Hang Up @ http://www.teetertv.com/  not only will this relieve my back pain but apparently it can improve circulation, increase flexibility and range of motion, correct posture and reduce the effects of aging caused by gravity!   Can this possibly be true??  The website says that for less than $15 I can have this contraption sent to me and try it for 30 days! That’s the same cost of 10 Tim Hortons coffees! Maybe this ‘Inversion table’ would help me, but I have a hard time betting the health of my back on a table that hangs me upside down like a bat!

For now I will continue to get my treatment from my personal physio, take it easy and give it time.  In the meantime I will try to figure out a way to cope with not being able to have any physical activity without going stir crazy!

I would love to know the different things that people do to cope with not being able to get out and run when injured.  If you would like to share your tactics please email me at tchase19@yahoo.com  and I will make a list of the top coping skills that you all have!  The more creative the better!!


My long run indiscretion

This morning the wind woke me up at 4:00.  I got up and peeked out the window at the snow on the ground and the wind blowing the trees sideways.  I contemplated texting Tanya to tell her I wasn’t feeling well.  I heaved a sigh and told myself it would settle down in the next two hours, and I went back to bed.

When I got up at 6:00 it wasn’t any better.  I ate my oatmeal, got dressed and much like the other day, I   went out on the porch.  I went back inside.  I went back on the porch.  I actually repeated this a second time while contemplating whether to call Tanya.  It’s a half hour drive to her house, after all, and I have a treadmill in my nice cozy basement just for such occasions.  Much like the other day I told myself I’ve run in worse; that this is my one day a week that I get to run with a group, and if no one else was bailing, how could I?  So I went to the car without hesitating this time, though I was muttering to myself while I scraped it off.

All the way there the car was being blown all over the road.  The radio said the gusts were up to 70km/hour, which didn’t sound so bad, at least not if you were listening to a storm report.  I got to Tanya’s and walked in the door.

“Good morning!” she said through a mouthful of granola bar.
“It sucks outside,” I replied.
“It really does,” she agreed.  I told her that today it would take remarkably little to get me to just come in for breakfast (I am normally pretty stubborn); “Come in for breakfast!” she said.  I dropped all my stuff while she told me no one else was coming, then suggested we get changed and….

This is where it gets really bad.  This morning we not only thumbed our noses at the weather; no, we thumbed our noses at running.  In one of the worst ways I can possibly think of.

We went to McDonald’s for breakfast.

But only because they have a fireplace!  We had a lovely time – hash browns and a chat by the fire.

When I got home and told my husband what happened, he was aghast.  “You went to McDonald’s?  Without me??”

You’ll be happy to know that it ended well – despite being stood up then told where to go, running took me back.   I didn’t even have to grovel.  I just got changed and hopped on the treadmill.

I Know Someone Who Knows Someone


My friend , Earl,  has talented children.  Evan is a world traveller.  Kaylee swam for Canada in the Children’s Games.  And son Dan, is a runner. 

A talented one at that.  He was asked to be the pace bunny for the Around the Bay Road Race. 

And then a couple days before the race, my friend Earl got a call that went something like this.

My friend modelling the pace bunny ears.
My friend modelling the pace bunny ears.




“Hey Dad, remember how I asked you to pick up my race packet and bunny ears for the race on Sunday?  Well, I’ve been feeling pretty crummy the last two days.  The kids have had something and now I think I’m getting it.  I’ll let you know for sure tomorrow but it looks like I’m gonna scratch.”

As disappointed as Earl was, I was even more disappointed.  How could I brag that I knew someone, who knew someone who was a pace bunny in the Bay?

I had this amazing post all worked out in my head.   Something about how cool it is to know someone who is the parent of a pace bunny.  My own children have brushed with running.  Maybe one day they will join me in a race.  And leave me behind pushing my walker.

15 pace bunny
The 2:15 pace bunny




Then my idea for the post was dashed in a moment. 

I was pretty happy when Earl got another call today.  His son is feeling better.  So, we’re back on.  I get to say I know someone who knows someone.  Let me sharpen my pencil and have a chat with my friend.  I’ll let you know how it feels to know someone who knows someone.

Friday Fun: your music selections

It would be an understatement to say there was less interest in the running song topic than there was for the “you know you’re a runner” post!  Nevertheless, as promised, here are the ones I got, with a few of my own hidden in the list!

Lose Yourself – Eminem (very popular!)
Hung Up – Madonna (“Those who run seem to have all the fun!”)
Let’s Get It Started – Black Eyed Peas
Pump It – Black Eyed Peas (one reader swears by it for hill repeats)
How Far We’ve Come – Matchbox 20
What I’ve Done – Linkin Park
Mr. Brightside – The Killers
I Run For Life – Melissa Etheridge (unless it makes you cry!  Hard to breathe and cry…)
Hips Don’t Lie – Shakira & Wyclef Jean
Smooth – Santana & Rob Thomas
Under Pressure – both Queen and the My Chemical Romance/The Used cover…

There, now aren’t you sorry you didn’t contribute?  😉

Processing request…please wait….

I was out for a run the other morning when I came up to a traffic light just as it turned red.  I slowed to a stop, then went over to push the button (are those things even connected to anything, or do they just give you something to do while you’re standing there?).

A car on the other side of the road started into the intersection, then slowed and rolled down his window.

“Hey!  Is there a Tim’s?” he hollered across the street to me.

I don’t know about you, but for me, things seem to fire a lot slower when I am tired on a run.

My brain did this:
There are two…I wonder where he’s going – that could make a difference in which one is more convenient…he is heading….Never-Eat-Shredded-Wheat…(hey! he’s holding up traffic!) hold on, which way am I going…I am North…ish…so he’s headed West.  Hang on…yeah, West.  Okay, so that means we’re past the turn to the one downtown so it would be better to send him to the one on the highway even though it is on the wrong side of the road….

My mouth did this:  “Yeah!”

He paused, and not knowing what my brain was doing, followed up, somewhat incredulously I might add,  with “well…where?”  Fortunately, at that moment, my brain just finished processing the request, and I gave him the directions.

Then I laughed as I thought about it.  From his perspective I probably looked like a smart aleck, just answering the question that was asked rather than the one that was implied.  In reality it had more to do with the fact that all my blood was busy elsewhere, and my asking it to return to my brain so I could reason was apparently a little much for it.

Do I Have To Pay For the Running Pleasure?

I was looking at an internet commercial the other day.  What made it a commercial for me was the fact that it was advertising something that  I’m really not interested in, but have to put up with to get to the good stuff.

It was an ad for singles running.  Maybe it is like eHarmony.  A friend met his wife through eHarmony.  I could send in my runing profile … something like, “relatively attractive female, of a certain age.  Loves loud music and  going for 5 km runs.”

People looking up their numbers at the Bay
People looking up their numbers at the Bay

Then they would match me up with a similar person and we could get to know each other before eventually deciding to meet.  Our first date would be something like a 5 km run along Pier 4 Park.  We could run hand in hand, dodging Canada goose poop.  He would know I am the one as soon as he set his eyes on my really nice Brooks Glycerin 6 shoes.  Because he had a matching pair.  He would ask me to marry him while we are doing our very first half marathon.  I’m thinking Road2Hope.  And we would get married  on the course for Around the Bay.

Or I could go speed dating.  There would have to be a bit of prelimary work done by the co-ordinators of the dating sight.  They would have to make sure they had a course for all sorts of runners.  Everything from beginners to marathon runners.  We would spend at least 1 km with each of our potential partners.  Just think of the stories we could tell our grandchildren. 

The finish line at the Around the Bay Road Race
The finish line at the Around the Bay Road Race

Or maybe I could skip paying for the pleasure and just continue to run with friends.  My married friends tell me that its important to have our own interests.  But when I’m out in -17 degree weather shouldn’t I share the misery, I mean joy?

Oh my aching back!

So the move is over (for now) my kids and wife are gone to stay with family until our new home is completed, I am free to sleep and run as much as I want and I have made it to the final 5!!!!  In the first 5 days since my move was completed I ran 5kms and slept for about 20 hours, yes that’s right only 20 hours in 5 days. Why you ask only 20 hours of sleep and only one run?? Well I played in a hockey tournament over the weekend and played 4 games of hockey in those 5 days, the last of which we only had 6 skaters so I have been getting plenty of exercise. But the sleep, well let’s just say that when you get a bunch of guys together for a weekend away from their responsibilities they revert back to their younger days and spend it with beer bottles glued to their hands, stay up way to late and become rather loud (Sorry Amanda) )

Anyway, now that I have that out of my system I am primed and ready to go…or so I thought. Here’s the deal.  I woke up this morning had a coffee and said to my roomie Tory, ‘I’m going for a run tonight’ There it was, out in the open, no turning back, no reason not to go, no kids to put to bed, no nothing.  So I finished my coffee, had a shower and went into my room to get ready for my day.  Now here is where the problem started.  I grabbed a pair of boxers, went to put them on and WAM!  My back seized up in a spasm so bad it knocked me to the floor!  Thankfully Tory had left because I am sure my scream (which resembled a baby and may have been followed by a profanity) would have made her run to see what had happened and with me lying immobile half naked on the floor I would have been so embarrassed I would have had to leave and go to a hotel!   Anyone who has every had acute back spasms knows that they can be very crippling and moving at all is almost impossible, so basically I was stuck on the floor and spent the next 15 minutes or so trying to move enough to lean on the bed.  Once I got there I called my wife for some reason.  (Not sure what my thought process was there as she is still visiting family 5 hours away!) After hanging up the phone with her I spent the next 20 minutes getting from my knees up onto the bed, where I spent the next 30 minutes waiting for the spasm to subside and cancelling my meetings for the day.  Needless to say the run will not be happening tonight and I have spent the day working while standing at the island in the kitchen!

Sadly this is not the first time that this has happened to me so I know how long it may be before I am fully functional again. The good news is that I am mobile, able to walk slowly and it seems to be loosening up fairly quickly so hopefully in the next few days I will be able to resume some sort of exercise.  The bad news, it hurts like crazy, sleeping is going to be tough and going to the bathroom…..well lets just say that sitting is not the most comfortable position. )

As this is April 1st I am sure some of you are thinking that the next line I am going to write is ‘April Fools!!!!’  I wish!  As I said to my friend Jay when he asked me that question “the only fool here was me stuck on the floor with my underwear halfway on crying like a little girl” and that’s no joke!


The Moral: Listen To Your Body, It Knows What Is Best

The Gazelle pointed out an article in the most recent issue of the Running Room magazine.  It is another good resource for running tips and information, much like this web site and its companion “hold in your hands” magazine.

The Gazelle spinning a winning wheel at the Expo
The Gazelle spinning a winning wheel at the Expo

Anyway, the article that the Gazelle pointed out was tips from John Stanton, the guy who perfected running clinics.  The thing the Gazelle wanted to point out was advice on how to get the most out of running. 

The Gazelle pointing out where he was going to start his part of the relay
The Gazelle pointing out where he was going to start his part of the relay

I read what he pointed out, but I was more interested in the other tips.  In particular the one that suggested not to be  wimp when it comes to running. 

It said that you, the runner, need to push yourself a bit.  To keep going until you get this pleasant feeling of fatigue.  But my question is this.  How do you know when you are being a wimp?

When I injured myself early on  running, I think I might have turned into a wimp.  I justify my alleged wimpiness by going through the grocery list of injuries I caused to myself, because I didn’t want to be a wimp.

I got a stress fracture, a torn ligament, a torn cartilidge and a bruised bone.  Because when the pain started, I thought to myself, “Ah don’t be a wimp.  You had kids, you have felt worse pain.”  A picture of my kids flitted through my brain and I kept running.  I wasn’t a wimp.

So when I went running with Jim and Dave tonight, my hip was a bit sore, and I wimped out.  I dropped out of the group, gave my apologiesand headed back to the Den.

Actually, I didn’t wimp  out I made sure I can run again. 

Maybe the moral of the story was to listen to what my body was saying and heed its advice.