17.3 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Blog Page 306

Training Update!

Well it seems like is has been awhile since I last wrote….and it has.  Again I am experiencing challenges with time management.  Here is the difference though, unlike other times when I have been really busy I am making time to run! Yeah Me!!!  My new house is still NOT ready and my family is still in Parry Sound so I have been spending most of the weekends there, which as I mentioned before is a 5hr drive away. (10hrs in the car really eats into your weekend) That plus work being busy is a challenge.

Anyway, onto the running, I have been getting out and I have been going further!  While in Parry Sound last weekend not only did I race my son as mentioned in the last post but I also went out for an 11km run. Now here is the difference between an 11km run in Parry Sound and an 11km run in Ottawa…hills!  No matter where you run in Parry Sound you are running up hill and they are long and steep.  So I would equate it to a 14km run at least! Regardless it is my longest run in a long time, add in a 7.25km run on Wed and a few others and it brings the weekly total to up over 30km!  Still a long way to go for a full but definitely moving in the right direction.  

This weekend I am planning on running both days and going further than the 11km I did last weekend. How far will I go?  Not sure, I will see how it goes but I am hoping to hit the 13km mark.  The next step for me is to pick a fall race and then start following a training schedule for the next 16 weeks or so.  Hopefully that structure and pressure will ensure that I am finding the time to keep the running as part of my daily routine even when I get my new house and my kids are back in Ottawa…..I think I may need to start running early in the morning! 🙂

Friday Fun: How to get run-over, mutilated, or at least be very unpopular at a race

  • If you hear someone yell “on your left!” it usually means someone is about to pass on the left – be startled and stagger to the left into their path.
  • Stop short for a walk break or to tie your shoelace – don’t look behind you first, and don’t pull off to the side.
  • Walk 5 people-abreast.
  • Start at the front, stand right in-front of someone wearing a single-digit race number.
  • Spit without doing a shoulder check.
  • Dart from the middle of the course to the water tables at the water stations.
  • Stand at the water tables and drink.  Better yet, take one sip of Gatorade, say you don’t like it and put it back; repeat.
  • Butt into the elite porta-potty line.  Steal the toilet paper roll.
  • Count out loud and point as you pass people.
  • Stop dead at the finish line.
  • While waiting in line for food, talk about how big and disgusting your blisters are.  Or better yet, butt in line.  Take a ton of food – a bagel on each finger is a good start.

*Disclaimer:  in case you couldn’t tell, this is tongue-in-cheek and is meant to make people chuckle who have who have seen these things in races.  Doing such things may result in injuries, maybe not all accidental.

Sign Me Up For Xelf. Just Let Me Get the Flowers First

I think my Mom might be a little angry with me when she reads this.  She’s already a bit angry with me right now.  I usually go for a run and leave the Demondog with her.  I figure since she is almost like another grandchild, my Mom would like to babysit.

So before I went to run tonight, I thought I mentioned that I was going to be a bit longer today.  Esther mentioned that there were going to be two nice guys who were going to be giving a talk about stretching and injuries.  I’m always up for learning as much as I can about the sport I love, so I was going to go.

Esther sharing her passion for running.
Esther sharing her passion for running.

I walked into the gym behind the store.  Which is full of weights and big yoga balls and other exercise stuff.  There was a nice guy named Damien, who was operating the video camera.  And his partner in fitness, Eric.

They run an exercise business called Xelf.  They are more than personal trainers.  They are trying to get the message out there about exercise and how it impacts every aspect of our lives.

They are starting a new program (new for me anyway) called Get Fit to Run.  It is an eight week supplement to running.  It is designed to work with running as a lifestyle.  Eric and Damien will teach  runners all kinds of great stuff.

You can just see the gym where Damien and Eric help people get fit
You can just see the gym where Damien and Eric help people get fit

Like how to use a foam roller to eliminate trigger points.  Eric says it is like giving yourself a massage everyday.

Hmmm, I think they can count me in.  Just don’t tell my Mom just yet.  Let me get flowers and chocolate and butter her up first.

Race info for first timers

If you’ve never run an organized race before, there are a number of things that you might have questions about and feel silly asking.  Remember, there are no stupid questions!  These are called FAQs because they are asked frequently!


1.  What is a Race Kit and why do I need one?
Don’t forget to pick up your race kit at the designated time and place.  Your race kit will contain:

a)  A sheet of paper with a number on it.
What is it? Your race bib.
What do I do with it? With the safety pins included, pin it to the front of your shirt, not the back.

b)  A timing chip, if applicable.
What is it? A piece of plastic resembling a ship from Star Trek that sends a signal whenever you cross a timing mat; there will be a mat at the start line, the finish line, and there will often be others throughout the course.
What do I do with it? If it comes with a strap, you wear it on your ankle; if not, you attach it to your shoelaces with the zip tie provided.  Don’t forget to give it back at the end of the race!  There are usually volunteers with big scissors at the finish to remove it for you.
Bonus tip: there will be a huge mob of people with high heart rates wobbling in place while waiting to have their chip removed; don’t stop and wait.  Instead, politely mosey forward, because I can almost guarantee that while there is a huge line-up for the first row of volunteers, there are at least 4 more rows of volunteers further back; these folks start out by hollering “I can help you back here!” but will eventually get tired and hoarse, sit down, contemplate the pavement, and maybe weep because they are wondering why they came out for this.  Help them feel useful and glad they came!  And say “thank you.”

c)  Your t-shirt or other promised swag.
What is it? Your prize for registering!
What do I do with it? Opinions vary.  Lots of people wear their shirt to the race.  Others feel this is bad luck, or bad etiquette.  It is entirely up to you.

d)  Free stuff!
What is it? It could be anything from hair elastics, to sunscreen, to Cheerios.  Smaller races may only have pamphlets for other races.
What do I do with it? Self-explanatory.

2.  What is Chip-Time?
This is the time that elapses between when you cross the start line and when you cross the finish line.

3.  What is Gun Time?
This is the time that elapses between when the race starts and when you cross the finish line.  This will usually be different than your chip time, and the difference between the two will often depend on how big the race is.  I have been in races big enough that over 7 minutes have elapsed between when the race started and I crossed the start line.  The winners and results are usually determined by gun time (there are exceptions, but this is usually stated in the race info).

4.  This is my first marathon – someone handed me a stick with goop.
What is it? Vaseline!
What do I do with it? For heaven’s sake, don’t stick it in your mouth!  Put it on any chafing body parts you might have.

5.  This is my first marathon, someone handed me a wet sponge.
What is it? A wet sponge!
What do I do with it? For heaven’s sake, don’t stick it in your mouth!  You can squeeze it over your head, mop down your face, wipe your neck, etc.  I have seen some clever people who put it in the neck of their shirt, then at subsequent water stations, re-wet with fresh water.

Say Hi to Arnold From Mizuno

I might have mentioned it a time or two, but I have to say it again.  I love my running family.  And I love the fact that we take care of each other.

Before the run last night, Esther stood in front of our of growing running group and announced that she was doing something she hadn’t done in a while.  She had brought in Arnold from Mizuno.  And he was going to talk to those interested in learning a bit about Mizuno. 

My second family home
My second family home

I was supposed to leave right after my run, to take my parents out shopping.  But I got back to the store and Arnold was there setting up.  And I have to admit, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to plug my blog, so I sashayed up to him.

Ok, not really sashayed, more like huffed and puffed and announced my arrival.  But Arnold was great.  I explained to him about the plantar fasciitis that has been troubling me for a bit.

And he was just amazing.  He didn’t try to sell me a pair of shoes, just because.  He took the time to explain about the thing that makes Mizuno so special.  It is a wave.  That is built right into the shoe.  And what makes this wave so cool is that it can actually help reduce over pronation.  And help keep the foot in the proper form for running correctly. In the end he suggested I wait before even thinking of buying new shoes.

Esther takes care of her running family
Esther takes care of her running family

He educated me and the growing number of people surrounding me. 

Tomorrow will be the really nice guys who do personal training.  They will give a talk on injuries.  Making sure that this running family is well taken care of.

Recycle, Recycle Recycle! Just Not the Running Stuff

I cut my lawn for the first time yesterday.   Now is the time for cleaning and getting rid of stuff that is no longer useful.

I suppose I should have done inside stuff while the weather was cold.   Running a couple days outside in the cold, seemed a much better choice.  But now, I’m paying for it.  Instead of being outside in the bright sunshine, I’ll be inside trying to do my spring cleaning.

One of the over flowing dresser drawers
One of the over flowing dresser drawers

There is one particular area which I am not going near.  I decided last year that I have way too much running stuff.  Ok, actually you can never have enough running stuff.  But you don’t know you have too much running stuff if you have it all over the house.

So I cleaned out a drawer in a chest of drawers for my running stuff.  All the long sleeved shirts could be stored there when the weather was warm.  And vice versa in the winter. 

Since I routinely misplace my running gloves and balaclava, I decided that I could put them here too.

In theory it was a great plan.  Then I tried to put all my running stuff there.  I needed another drawer.  And then another.  Soon it had reached three drawers.  And that didn’t include the assorted stuff like water bottles and my spi belt.

It ballooned to four pretty quickly.

I’m planning  on getting rid of useless stuff that I don’t use anymore.  Who needs clean socks and unmentionables when you have running stuff?  And I figure if I accessorieze properly, no one will notice that I wear the same three shirts every week?

The Big Race!

Pre-Race Photo

What a race it was!!!  As I mentioned before I was going to Parry Sound on the weekend and I was going to challenge my son on a race down the local fitness trail. When I got there and told him I wanted to race he was pretty excited and when I told him I was going to kick his butt he was very quick to reply “no, I am going to kick your butt!!”.  Good to know he has the competitive spirit even at 3 years of age. 🙂
So the big day arrived and my wife and I loaded the kids up into the running stroller and began the 2.0 km run down to the start of the trail where my son then jumped out of the stroller and the real fun began. After a quick photo opp at the start line we were off.  Pre-Race Photo My son took off like a rocket and left me and the stroller in the dust!!  He ran full out (which according to my Garmin was an impressive 5:50/km) for about 150m and then stopped to catch his breath.  It took about 10 seconds for that to happen and then he was off again for another 150-200m at full speed followed by another quick rest.  And again he took off at top speed and again he had a rest after 200m or so. Basically I found myself in the middle of an interval workout instead of a steady run! He continued to do this the whole length of the fitness trail and led us most of the way not wanting anyone to be ahead of him!  He ended up running about 1.6km that day and had a blast doing it. As for me, well the next 1.2 km after the trail is all up hill and pushing a stroller with 58lbs of kids in it is not an easy thing to do, especially when there is hardly any air in the tires!! (Thanks Andrea! 🙂
) Overall I would say it was a success, we had a good family run and it is always great to show your kids how to be active and lead a healthy lifestyle!

 As for who won the race, I am not sure who actually finished first, but since we took him to Dairy Queen later that day maybe he won……..however he was in bed asleep by 7:45 that night so I would say that I came out victorious! 

On a side note check this out.  Connor actually caught this fish with a kids Winnie the Pooh and Tigger rod!  I know it’s got nothing to do with running but still pretty impressive!!

Vicky and Grant: A Running Dream In High Definition!

Ok so this is me thinking out loud.  Have you ever thought of a business where you could travel and run around the world?

You’re thinking about the “running tours” we talked about in one of our previous blogs?

Kind of.  I was watching some reality shows the other day and I got to thinking about how cool it would be to have a job where a television crew would follow us literally “running” around the world.  It’s like a combination of running, travel and adventure.

In High Definition!  What a great idea!  It would be like going back to my old tour guiding days except all over the world and more comfortable shoes.  We could discover all sorts of paths, trails and running routes on every continent.  Wait a minute though.  Why us?

Good question.  I guess because we’re energetic, curious and in the top 5 of Canada’s best running magazine’s blogging contest.  Don’t you think people would like to follow us around as we travel around the world in our running shoes?

I don’t know Grant, I think your trademark optimism may be clouding your judgment.  However, look at how fun and charming we are.

And so photogenic!   We were born to be on T.V.

I guess…I’ve always wanted to visit the UK and run in one of those quirky high heel races in Europe!

And I’d love to go back to Nepal!

How about down in Florida in the Everglades?  Actually, never mind that idea because with my luck we would encounter crocodiles and you’re no Dave Salmoni.

Well, I’m sure we would not run out of running destination ideas.

Oh how wonderful to have such running dreams!  Stay tuned for more running dreams from other runners throughout the week!

Running and Roller Coasters! Who’s In?

A finish line shaped shute could be used at the running theme park

This weekend was the opening weekend for Paramount Canada’s Wonderland.  Each year I think, this is the year I’m going to get there.  And then other stuff gets in the way of my going.  Stuff like cutting the grass.  Weeding the garden. Washing the car.

My theme park would have running themed games and prizes!
My theme park would have running themed games and prizes!

It got me thinking though, why hasn’t anyone come up with a running themed park?  Since no one has, I guess it’s up to me.  Let me warn you, I’ve already patented this idea, so if it shows up as part of say … Disney World, I’ll know!

So you would walk in through this giant gate that is shaped like the shute of an race.  There would be a starting time on one side and a finishing time on the other.  Each person could get their picture taken at the finish line and have it sent to them.   It would have their “running” time in the park on it.  As well as their bib number.

A finish line shaped shute could be used at the running theme park
A finish line shaped shute could be used at the running theme park

Then you could decide where you want to go in the park. You could go to the kids fun run – the 1 km fun park.  The place where running characters are available for pictures with the kids.  What kind of characters you ask?  Ben Aide – the special no hurt bandage.  And there would be Sally the Super Sock. 

For those without kids, you could go to Regular Joe Running Park or Eliteland for the elite runners.  And of course, we wouldn’t forget our friends the Masters of Running.

I still have lots of stuff to work out for my running theme park.  I am having a lot of fun dreaming up rides and games.  Even though we pretend we whine about running, we keep going back.  Kind of like roller coasters.  And why do we go back?  Because in the end, underneath the whining, we are having the time of our lives!

Hey When Did You Get So Smart??

I’m not sure if you know this or not.  But when you are a teenager, your parents are pretty dumb.  And then a funny thing happens, you get older and suddenly your parents get smarter.   I’m not sure how that happens, but it does.  I know, it happened to me.  My parents went from being the dumbest people on the planet to being pretty darn cool.

I know they are cool by the company that they keep.  I was reminded today just how cool they are.  I took my dad to our local Chapters.  And he met an old friend today.  As a former bus driver, my dad can’t go anywhere without meeting someone.

Did Wellington's kids think he was brilliant?
Did Wellington

And today was no exception.  But today … wow.  I can’t tell you how cool this man was.  My dad met this man while driving bus.  And this man has done all kinds of really amazing things in his life.  Including playing for the Hamilton Ticats.  Which in itself is cool.  But what really ramped it up on the coolness scale was the book he showed me with his entries for several running championships.

Scott Tyler holds the masters record for 60 m hurdles.  And he won the title not too long ago.  He is just a bit younger than my dad, but was setting records in his 60’s. 

I was pleased when he gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever heard.  Mr. Tyler  told me how to beat the plantar fasciitis that has been plaguing me for the last couple months.  But he gave me The Best advice ever.

He said to me, do you want to be set for when you get to be your dad’s age?  Do cows moo I said?  He said go running.  A mile as often as you can. 

Wow my dad really is brilliant, isn’t he?