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Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Blog Page 302

Another Internet Myth Bites the Dust – Thankfully

My running buddy Jim

The guy who visualised the outcome did better.  I tried to convince Jim and Dave about the truth in this study.  Oddly enough I don’t think they believed me.

It all started when I heard about this study.  The study, I never did learn who had commissioned it,  was to find out whether a person who actually does physical activity is fitter than the person who visualises being fit.

My running buddy Jim
My running buddy Jim

So the scientist (maybe) selected a bunch of people for the test.  They had the first group doing all sorts of stuff.  Running, swimming, biking were just some of the things the test subject did in the study.  Oddly enough, I don’t recall how long the study took to complete.

The other group selected got to sit on the couch everyday.  I’m not sure whether it was their own couch, or the scientists couch.  If it were me, I might prefer my own couch.  But only as long as the dog and cat couldn’t jump on me for entertainment.

Anyway, the couch potato people had to visualise every single day for one hour being physically fit.  They had to visualise their hearts getting stronger.  And their lungs too.  I’m not sure if they had to visualise muscles getting stronger and bigger.

So the study went on for days, perhaps weeks.  And at the end of it, they scientists reached a conclusion. 

“Aha,” you are thinking to yourself, that’s a no brainer.  “The answer is obvious.  The people who did all that stuff.”

Sadly, that wasn’t the case.  The study concluded that the people who visualised fitness were fitter. 

Jim laughed at me.  “Do you really believe that,” he said.  “That one has been around for years.”

I’m glad he didn’t believe me either.  I enjoy his stories and enthusisam for running and would be really sad not to be able to share that with him.  But did you hear the one about the couple on Lover’s Lane?

Stamp You Hoof Once for Yes, Twice for NO

A runners first aid kit. Sometimes you need the help of an expert.

The Gazelle and I were talking about my parent’s horse today.  The poor guy has a problem with his foot.  I asked the Gazelle to explain to me about the problem the horse has.  Once he explained it to me, I was thankful that a) I’m not a horse and b) I can talk.

The problem, he explained to me,  was like having an ingrown toenail that is infected and you can’t tell people what is hurting you.

Having said all that, what are common running injuries.   I am not even going to pretend I am an expert.  The only expertise I have when it comes to running injuries is actually getting them.

A runners first aid kit.  Sometimes you need the help of an expert.
A runners first aid kit. Sometimes you need the help of an expert.

Ok seriously, I have had some small experience with plantar fasciitis.  I’m going through it the second time around.  I spoke with a  runner who said she has had it four times!  And she is still running marathons.  I have been told that I should stop running altogether.  And I have also been told the just keep going, in moderation.

I’ve also had some experience with stress fractures.  I remember my doctor saying to me, “But Teresa, it’s a big bone. ”  I guess stress fractures don’t really care whether its a big bone like the tibia or the metatarsals.  

Maybe not so common is bruised bones.  I can’t remember whether this happens before or after the fracture.  But this one takes longer than the stress fracture to heal.

Elite Health ART guy Donnie.  He's my first aid and keeps me running
Elite Health ART guy Donnie. He

Since I am not an expert, consult one if you have any of these injuries.  A sports medicine doctor in your area might be a good start.  Or if you have an ART hero like I have, he or she can help you.  And let’s be thankful that we can tell them what is wrong with us and what hurts.

Beat Oprah!


No way.  That’s fast.  Maybe I should have picked someone slower, like Katie Holmes (5:29:58) or David Lee Roth (6:04:43). 

Still think you can do it?

Hell yes I can.  I’m putting her picture up on my bathroom mirror.  I’m going to stare at it every day.  This is going to be like Rocky vs. Mr. T.

May 30, 2010.   Ottawa Race Weekend.  You have one year to beat Oprah.

Beat Oprah!

What happens if you lose?

I dunno.  Maybe I have to read her lousy book recommendations for a year.  That should be incentive enough.


I’m coming for you Oprah!

Photo courtesy Extra T.V.

National Running Day – June 3, 2009

Check it out!  Wednesday, June 3, 2009 is National Running Day!  Okay so this site is for the US, but there’s no reason why we can’t do it here!

Like me, all they want is for people to experience the joy of running and walking.

An excerpt from the website:

National Running Day is a national initiative whereby many of the major organizations within the running industry are joining forces in an unprecedented unified effort to nationally and locally promote running as a healthy, easy, and accessible form of exercise. The inaugural National Running Day will be Wednesday, June 3.

From New York to San Diego, the day will celebrate the benefits of running as part of a healthy and active lifestyle aimed at combating some of today’s most pressing health issues.

You can participate in National Running Day anywhere-you don’t have to be in one of the cities hosting events to take part. At the least, all it takes is to wear your running shoes throughout the day, go for a run, and invite a friend to join you.

So, what do you think? Ready to get out and run?

And hey, if you live in Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Ottawa, Moncton or Saint John, National Running Day coincides with the Running Room’s free Tim Hortons Camp Day events!  Check it out here for a bit of free family fun!

Moving Hurricane Part 2

The outer wall of the moving hurricane is quickly approaching!  Finally!  It has been 2 months since I moved out of my old place and I have been in the fairly gentle ‘eye’ of this storm but that is about to change.  We close on our new place today and between movers coming, services being connected and the general busyness of moving it is about to get crazy! As I look back on the entry I wrote just before I moved out of my old place I had listed a few things that I wanted to accomplish during this ‘quiet’ time. One was catching up on some sleep and the other was running way more.

Sleep – Well I have definitely had more sleep over the last two months as my kids have been away and I have only seen them on weekends. That being said they have been back in Ottawa for the last week and sleep has not come easily.  As a matter of fact I have been up today since 5:00am with my daughter and I am sure that sleep deprivation will rear it’s ugly head over the next few days/weeks as we try to unpack and paint out new place!

As for running I would say that I accomplished my goal of getting out more for sure.  I had a couple of set backs over the two months (back and leg injuries) but overall my KM’s have been adding up and know I would have no problem going for 10+km at anytime.

So what now??  Well with my family back and us in our new house time again is going to be an issue.  It is going to be a challenge to continue to increase mileage and make sure the progress continues.  That being said, there is going to be an adjustment period for me getting back into being a full time parent so maybe getting out of the house for a 20-30km run can have its advantages. 🙂  Will keep you posted!!

Food, Glorious Food. What Better Reason to Run Than That

The view of Westminster Abbey is breathtaking
The view of Westminster Abbey is breathtaking
The view of Westminster Abbey is breathtaking

When I was shopping at Westminster Abbey, I was debating on getting a set of napkins for my friend Paula.  I knew I got a good giggle out of it, but I wasn’t sure if she would.  We had gone to see Oliver a couple months before and had left the theatre singing …. “Food, glorious food …”  It was either the napkins or a gargoyle.  I couldn’t decide.


But it reminds me of the Ancaster Old Mill Race that is coming up in less than two weeks.  Esther has been extolling the virtues of running the Old Mill.  And those of us who have had the pleasure of running their race usually shout about the great food while she is telling the beginners what is so great about this race.

It usually goes something like this.

“For those of you who aren’t familiar with it.  The Ancaster Old Mill race is great 5 km race…”

“With great food …”

“From the Old Mill.  Yumm…”

“And the people who are just learning how to cook ….”

The sign at Ancaster High School start of the Old Mill Race
The sign at Ancaster High School start of the Old Mill Race

“The course has a real family atmosphere to it …”

“And you can have ice cream at the end if you want …”

“I haven’t been to the Old Mill in a while, I should sign up …”

“There is this cannon that starts the race …”

“I was standing there and all of a sudden, boom this cannon goes off …”

“I went back for another ice cream, they just wanted to get rid of them by then …”

The race really is great.  And the food really is good.  But what makes it so special are the folks who live in the area.  Who play music for hot, sometimes exhausted runners.  Will spray said overheated runner with water from the hose.  And who no matter what, just come out a support a great community event.

Race Weekend!

No not for me but for thousands of others this is the weekend they have been training for!  Ottawa Race Weekend!! For the first time in six years I am not participating in the events of this weekend and it sucks!  For the last 5 years I have run the half and the year before I ran the 10k so not doing anything this year is a bit of a disappointment. However in my defence I have been a little preoccupied with trying to get into my new house (Closing date May 28th! Yahoo!!!!!) and travelling back and forth to Parry Sound almost every weekend.

As I thought about everyone running this weekend I got to wondering about all the people and how when you watch an event like this you see so many different people of all different abilities.  Which made me think of this?  Is it harder for an elite athlete to run a full marathon in just over two hours or someone else to run a full in 6 or 7 hours?

Some would say that because the elite athlete is much faster that it is harder for them but I think I would have to disagree.  Consider this, an elite runner is going at their max capacity for about 2 ½ hours well someone else could be at their max for upwards of 6-7 hours. Also someone who is on the course for 6-7 hours is exposed to the elements, whether it is heat, rain or wind for a way longer time. Plus they have a much longer time to be concerned about dehydration, blisters and cramping. Sure the elite runners have the same concerns but all I am saying is that it is not to the same extent. As for the training the elite runners train and that is it, it is their job and they live, eat and breath running 24/7.  Now for anyone to run a marathon they have to train, a lot! And I would guess that most people that do so have jobs and families that take up the majority of their days so fitting in a 32km run on the weekend is a bit of a challenge. So again what is tougher, running as a job or running in addition to your job?

All things considered seeing how fast these elite runners can pound out 42.2km is pretty amazing but in the end everyone who does a marathon goes the same 42.2km and to me running for 6 hours seems way harder than doing it for 2 ½ hours.  Congratulations Judy you did it again!!!

It’s Great to Have a Dream Isn’t It?

Me trying to look like a classic Hollywood actress

I tried to explain to the Gazelle my idea for a running based sitcom.  I explained it in painstaking detail to him.  Several times, but he just wasn’t having any of it.  I’m blaming that on the fact that he just finished working the night shift.

I have been thinking of running based television shows for a bit now.  As quickly as I think them up, I reject them.  I did have this really great idea about a guy who decides to win back his girlfriend after he left her standing at the alter by running a marathon, but that one was already taken.

Then I thought, hey, what about this one?  There is this ghost who used to be a world record runner.  I’m not sure whether he runs marathons or short distances yet.  I’m still working on that part.

But our heroine dreams of being able to be like her uncle, dad, grandfather and run.  Haven’t quite figured that part out yet either.  But by the time Hollywood or CBC buys it from me, I’ll let them figure it out.

Me  trying to look like a classic Hollywood actress
Me trying to look like a classic Hollywood actress

Anyway, our heroine a lovely attractive lady, much like myself,  played by a classic looking famous actress – the Gazelle says why don’t you just play it  yourself – maybe I’ll just let Hollywood figure that out,  who encounters funny situations each week in her quest to run like her famous running descendant.  Did I mention that her family member offers her advice on how to run better, which is what lands her in hilarious situations each week?

Oh the fun I can have each week!  I wonder would Hollywood let Viggo Mortenson be my ghost? I’d better go and work out the details before Hollywood comes calling.

Ottawa Marathon 2009

Marathon #14 and ninth consecutive Ottawa marathon is in the bank.

Finishing time: 3:48:34

Hadn’t run very much over the last three weeks due to ankle issues, so was a bit nervous going in.

Went thru the first 10km in 50:41 ( a 3:33 marathon pace). Knew I should slow up a bit but was feeling pretty good.

Hit the half-marathon mark in 1:47:22 ( a 3:34 marathon pace). Ankle was holding up nicely but i was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to hold this pace.

Hit the 30km mark in 2:34:46 ( 3:37 marathon pace)….I was slowing a bit but was still confident of being able to bring it in around 3:40, which was my original goal.

At 34km the wheels fell off the bus as I was hit with one nasty cramp after another in my right calf. I’d run a few minutes, then the calf would pop again and I’d have to walk it out for a minute or longer. Did this, run/walk, run/walk for the last 8km…..brutal. Funny how I was worried about my ankle and it was my calf that caused me all the problems!

The good thing was that the ankle really did not bother me much over the marathon…only the last 2km or so

Given all that I was happy to come in at 3:48…..the day turned hot over the last 10km so that might have had something to do with the cramping problems…..

On to NYC marathon in November……time to beat there: 3:40 from last November

My Name is Terri and I am a Runner

Esther inspiring the runners to do more
Dave and Bryan a couple of quick runners
Dave and Bryan a couple of quick runners

 The Gazelle and I were talking about interesting stuff.  And while we were giggling and writing the Top 11 Ways You Are a Runner When … I came up with my own little poem about running.  I didn’t want to call it a runners rant, because that seemed to me to be negative.  I wanted something that was positive and fun.  I hope you find some inspiration in this when you read it.  And as usual, feel free to pass along any comments you have! With thanks to the folks who came up with the Rant!   Without further ado ….


I am a jogger, or a runner

I wear spandex, not cotton.  I can  wear climatech or wicking technology.

I can run a 5, a 10, a half or a full marathon.

Esther inspiring the runners to do more
Esther inspiring the runners to do more

I can wear Mizuno, Saucony, Brooks or New Balance

I can run in the Road2Hope, the Jingle Bell, the Hanukah Hustle or the Ottawa Marathon.

I can choose to carry a water bottle or wear a fuel belt.

I can do long, slow runs

Or I can do speed work and fartleks.

I can use a Garmin

Or the plain watch that I got from my local department store.

I can choose to run in a group

Or by myself.

I can choose to run at 7.00 a.m. to beat the summer humidity,

Or I can run at 5 pm to catch the last of the light in winter.

I can run along the side of a road, or along trails through the woods.

I can run in the across the border race and cross two countries in one run.

I can run my own pace,

Or try to match another runners pace.

I can proudly wear a green garbage bag to run in the rain,

Or I can wear a waterproof running jacket.

I can choose my own course.

Because I am a runner. 

My name is (fill in your name here) and I AM a runner.