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Friday, September 27, 2024
Blog Page 293

End Of The Line

You know when you hear about a pro athlete wanting to “go out on his own terms”?  You’ll see an older guy suffer a horrific injury, rehab like a madman to get back to game condition, then immediately retire.  Or a player will get cut, have his agent shop him around, sign a minimum salary contract and claw his way onto a roster, and retire in the first week of the season.

I always wondered why.  The end result is the same… what’s the big deal whether you got punted out or walked out of your volition?  I still don’t really understand the motivation, but today in my own little way I’m living it.

As of today I’ve run each the past 218 days.  Tomorrow that number will be zero.  Today, I’m out.

Every day since June 1st, I’ve laced ’em up and logged a run.  The shortest was 2km, the longest 30.4km.  I ran in my neighbourhood along Lake Ontario.  I ran on the beach along the Sea of Cortez in Mexico.  I ran on an island in San Francisco Bay.  I ran in Central Park on Manhattan Island.  I ran a half marathon through the vast physical emptiness of Death Valley.  The next day I ran a half marathon through the vast emotional emptiness of Las Vegas.

In July, during my first ever 400km month, I developed a hip injury and nearly had to DNF the Acura 10 Miler at the 12km mark.  The next day I ran 10km.  Just last week I suffered a nasty case of food poisoning (ceviche in the hot sun in Mexico… what could go wrong?) but kept both the streak and my goal of 3500km in 2009 alive with 18km over the next two days.  Fortunately these were rare exceptions, my body almost always felt great, and running seven days a week quickly became an automatic thing that I didn’t think about very often.

218 days

247 runs


Personal Best Races at 15km (1:02:52) and half marathon (1:28:45)

But Sunday, in a completely unremarkable jog on the gym treadmill, something blew up in my calf.  Literally one step felt fine and the next felt like an ax had been swung at my achilles tendon, and I had to grab the console to keep from being thrown off the belt.  I could barely walk the 500m home.  I’ve never been one to have calf issues, and I don’t know what caused this or how to fix it.  Over the last ten years I’ve had my share of ailments and have learned where different aches and pains sit on the runthroughability scale, but this one’s got me flustered.

Which brings me back to the “going out on my own terms” point.  This blow up happened on Sunday evening.  I gave it a full 24 hours, wrapped it up really tight, and put in a searingly painful-yet-determined run last night.  And survived.  It wasn’t pretty and I have to assume I did more damage, but I ran… and if I had to I could do it again tonight.  However, I’m choosing to not do so.  I’ve got goals for 2010, and they all require solid training volumes and intensities in January and February.  Three weeks of hobbling around would be disastrous.

A couple times in the past few months – for reasons of travel, or time management, or hangover – I’ve logged runs in wacky locations, at wacky times of day, in wacky physical or toxicological conditions just to keep the streak alive.  I’ve joked to my wife that the streak ends when I say it ends.

Now I’m saying “when”.  My fingers are crossed that after a couple days of rest everything will be fine, I’ll start a new streak from scratch, and I’ll wish this two or three day gap never happened.  I sure hope so.  *Sigh*

Happy New Year!

Earlier today I took a quick look back at the past decade.  Later on I am sure I will be looking ahead to the upcoming year.  But in this moment, I wanted to pop in with a toast to each and every one of you. 20140

May your 2010 be injury-free and healthy.  May you enjoy an effortless positive outlook when the weather isn’t so great, and excellent weather on the runs where it really counts.  May you reach all of your goals, and may 2010 be a year filled with new PBs!

But most of all, may 2010 be a year filled with all of the joys that running has to offer!

Happy New Year!

How has your running changed in the past decade?

Wow.  I can barely believe that 2009 is pretty much over. What’s even freakier is that 10 years have passed since that whole Y2K thing!  10 years!  A decade.  In the blink of an eye.

Or it feels like the blink of an eye – at least until I actually stop and think back over that 10 years and all that’s happened.  While my life has changed dramatically in 10 years (I think I would be more concerned if it hadn’t!), one of the most relevant and notable developments is that this is the decade in which I became a runner.  Of course telling it later I will need to be more specific – saying “I took up running in the early two-thousands” doesn’t sound natural, “the early uh-ohs” sounds dumb, early this millennium is just melodramatic – so I will likely go with “I took up running in the summer of ’04.”

I didn’t consider myself a runner in 2004.  In fact, I wasn’t completely sure it would stick, given that I took several months off due to my very valid reasons (read: lame excuses!) of not having a treadmill or a reflective jacket.  Fortunately the break was enough that when I resumed running it stuck.  I don’t really remember when I started calling myself a runner.  It wasn’t one of those epiphanies that I tend to have (yeah, so I am melodramatic after all.  But what the heck? It pairs well with my tendency to be sentimental).  I was just running and therefore was a runner.

How about you?  What has changed about your running in the past year?  The past decade?

Day 1

Between being a weenie and enjoying time with family and friends this holiday season, it hasn’t been a banner month for my running.  Looking at my training log…ouch – I only ran twice last week, and over the past 4 weeks my mileage has dipped by a third to a half.  Add to that the extra calories consumed over the past week, and I am starting off from “sluggish.”

I know what that means.  This training plan I have sitting here, which was designed based on my mileage up to 5 weeks ago, is going to start off feeling really hard.  And it starts today.

Despite starting into it with a bit of trepidation, deep down I know it’ll be okay.  I know I can do “hard.”  I still believe that the hardest part of running is getting started.  Getting started, for me, meant overcoming the physical toll of years of being sedentary.  It also meant overcoming the self-doubt that went with that lifestyle.  Never have I doubted myself more than I did in that first 10, 5 or two weeks.  And I have never thought I would die during a workout the way I did then.  So really, jumping back into training after goofing off for 4 weeks is at the easy-end of feeling hard.

I am also looking forward to the structure of training.  It’s funny, after a season of racing, I really enjoy non-structured running.  Then after I do that for a while, I like to get back to a plan.

So here I am on day one: my base isn’t where I’d planned, but I am eager and optimistic.  All I can do is lace up my runners and enjoy the ride!

Friday Video – Everybody Run!

Merry Christmas to everyone.  I hope you’re all having a wonderful day.

If you got books and sweaters for Christmas, no you can’t come over and play with my toys!

Times are tough and I didn’t get you anything…  but I can offer you this earworm:


Happy Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve is one of my favourite days of the year.  Maybe even more than Christmas (but only a little).  I’m not completely sure why that is.  While I am excited for Santa, it doesn’t keep me up at night anymore, and the whole holiday season can sometimes be stressful.  But for whatever reason, I find myself feeling sentimental on Christmas Eve.

Today I am excited to get to go for a run with my brother who is in town for the holidays.  Even though his legs are about twice as long as mine and his steady-pace is nearly twice as fast (okay so I am exaggerating…a little) I love to run with him and am always grateful when we have the chance.

Looking back at my training log, I see that I have never actually run on Christmas Eve.  Apparently I ran on Christmas day in 2007 – it was only once around the block and my notes say “my dinner was not interested in running.”  I don’t particularly remember that, so it must have been a pretty good turkey coma.  Anyway, this will be a first for me.  We decided to just run while it feels good and stop when we’re finished, no particular distance in mind.

Since I am feeling sentimental, I would like to take a moment to say Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy Running to you all.  Thank you for reading and sharing!

Do you have a holiday tradition that involves running?  If I am going to make a tradition out of this, I will need some ideas!  Please leave me a comment, I would love to hear yours!

Should I run when I’m sick?

My posting has been a little less-than-consistent lately, I must confess.  In addition to the hectic schedule of the silly-season, I have finally found myself sick.  Up until now, I have managed to valiantly fight off virus after virus while family, friends and coworkers dropped like flies around me.tissue box

While I am in confession-mode, I will also tell you that this is my fourth consecutive day of not running (unless you count my nose).  I could be running – I’ve done the neck-check, and since all of my symptoms are above the neck, I’m sure that it would be okay.

Above-the-neck symptoms include things like sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion and headaches.  On the other hand, it is important to remember that if you have symptoms below the neck, like body aches, a chest cough, gastrointestinal symptoms or fever, you should really rest.

So what’s my excuse, then?  Well quite frankly, I am just being a weenie.  I feel lousy, I am tired, I can’t breathe properly, and I just don’t feel like it.  I am not in the middle of training at the moment, so I decided to listen to my body and take a bit of time off.  While some research supports that moderate exercise can boost your immune system, there isn’t much to support that exercise will help you recover more quickly.

I look at it this way:  by the time I am over this, I should be pretty anxious to get back at it!

A sentimental moment…

When it comes to energy conservation, my dad was way ahead of his time.  He was one of those dads who emphasized the importance of turning down the heat, and turning off the lights when you leave the room.  We didn’t have outdoor Christmas lights until we were at least into double digit ages, and they were on a timer so as not to be too wasteful.christmas lights

I’m sure that’s part of why I was of two minds to see Christmas lights on during my morning run.  My first thought, “did they stay on all night?” was quickly overridden by a nearly simultaneous “oooh, preeeetty!”  I guess it isn’t such a big deal now that there are LED Christmas lights, so maybe I shouldn’t secretly feel guilty for enjoying them!

I see the lights when I am driving home in the evening and everything, but in the car, they go by too quickly.  Walking is great, but I find I get cold.

When I am running, however, it is a whole different story.  I am on that plane of existence where each breath freezes in the air and the crispness paints my cheeks pink, but can’t chill me.  I can bask in the cheer of lights, the glow bouncing off the snow, a series of peaceful footsteps strung together into a slightly surreal and wholly beautiful infinity.  A perfect break amidst the frantic scramble of this time of year.

So to the people who leave their lights on, or turn them back on in the morning – thanks!  I am really enjoying them!  In fact, it’s inspired me to consider an evening run in the next little while!

Friday Video – Running On Film

Here are a few running scenes from films you might have missed over the years.

This one’s from a 1979 ABC TV Movie called The Jericho Mile.  Directed by Michael Mann (Heat, Ali, The Insider), it nabbed an Emmy for Peter Strauss (Rich Man, Poor Man) as a man doing life in Folsom Prison.  Running to pass the time, he gets noticed for his innate ability and coaxed into training for a (hypothetical) Olympic qualifying time.  This is the final scene, and it’s a good thing the credits roll, because it’s worrying to play the “What Might Happen Next?” game.  A sinewy man with long flowing hair, wearing short shorts, takes off his shirt and starts running around a prison exercise yard…  And Brian Dennehy’s there! Oh my, don’t tell my wife I watch these kinds of movies.


This is a rare example of Hollywood reenacting a historical running moment, and making it less dramatic than the real thing.  (Actually, not Hollywood at all… it was filmed in and around Edmonton).  Running Brave was a 1983 movie about Native American and Marine lieutenant Billy Mills, the only American to ever win an Olympic 10,000m gold medal.

Here’s the scene from the movie:


Here’s the almost unbelievable real race:


(Here‘s a much longer, but colour, film of the race from a Japanese documentary)

Finally, from the “Before They Were Famous” file is this scene from 1991’s Across The Tracks.  The movie’s about a young tough who gets out of juvie, takes up running to keep himself away from his old no-good friends, and winds up pitted against his track start brother in the city finals.  The one actor went on to star in “NYPD Blue” and “24”.  I don’t know about the other guy…  I think I recognize him from an episode of “Growing Pains“.


It’s coming…

Okay, so I am as bad as the next person, every year thinking this year winter won’t come.  But these guys are making the best of it…


P.S. I know that in some places in Canada, winter is already firmly here.

P.P.S. Please don’t try this at home; we know that snow plows also back up.

P.P.P.S. We in Canada know this is not the type of weather in which snow plows get stuck.  But it still made me smile, so I thought I would share it anyway.