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Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Blog Page 285

Reader’s Blues? Cure Them With a Red Shirt!

“One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards.”
Oscar Wilde

VICKY: And the winners of the first week of the contest are….

GRANT: To be announced during this blog?

VICKY: Of course. We want our readers to actually read the blog and not skip ahead to see who won the beautiful iRun T-Shirts.

GRANT: You seem to be in a better mood. Wow, were you ever in the dumps today.  Exhausted from the long weekend?

VICKY: I ran a 16K long run yesterday with my BF on beautiful Beach Boulevard that runs along Lake Ontario from Hamilton to Burlington. By the way, might I add that Burlington, Ontario is #3 on Money Sense’s list of Canada’s best places to live. Along the way, we also stopped to watch the fascinating Burlington Canal Lift Bridge in action as this massive cargo ship from Quebec sailed into the Hamilton Port. It was just an amazing run and I didn’t want to drive back to Ottawa after that. But that’s not it, that’s not why I’m in the dumps today.  I think I’ve got the reading blues.

GRANT: What is that?

VICKY: Well, you know what happens after running a race? Many runners get the running blues and they just can’t bring themselves to run again for a while?  I get that after I’ve read a book.  All the emotional energy just gets sucked out.  At the end of it all the last thing you want to do is pick up another book.

GRANT: What are you saying?  You haven’t finished PRE yet?  I lent you my copy 2 weeks ago.

VICKY: No (sigh).  I’m only in the first chapter.  So far it’s really interesting but I just can’t get into reading any books at all.  I mean for the goodness sake I can’t even bring myself to read my vampire romance novels!!

GRANT: Holy Crow Batman!  You have to start reading again.  Listen, I have already finished Running With The Buffaloes and am part way through Bowerman and the Men of Oregon.

VICKY: Yeah but you’re a reading machine. I even took your advice and cancelled my cable so I wouldn’t have any excuses. Anyways, I’m failing miserably but don’t worry, I’ll get back on the reading wagon. So those books you’re reading, what are they about?

GRANT: Well, before I answer that I would like to announce that Regan has won our first T-Shirt! Regan wins because she is our first official fan and member of the book club.  She comments all the time.  The rest of you could learn a lesson from her!  Now to answer your question, Running With the Buffaloes follows the University of Colorado’s 1998 men’s cross country team.  There are so many parallels to PRE.  They even watch the movie “Without Limits” about Prefontaine during the book.  Tragically they also experience the death of one of the athletes during the year.  It is a very unique look inside the training habits and tribulations of a university running team.    Now I’m on to Bowerman.

VICKY: Cool.  Well you’re clearly not experiencing the reading blues.

GRANT: Definetly not.  In fact it was a challenge to get on here and work on the blog.  So much reading to do.  I love to sit in my sunroom and relax with a book.  Paradise.

VICKY: Ok Mr. I have an awesome fantastic sunroom/perfect reading area, let’s not rub it in. And with that let’s announce the second winner…. (drum roll please)…. Sylvie!  Because lets face it, if you read the previous blog you’ll know she needs a shirt. Watch out for those hydrants Sylvie 🙂

GRANT: Congrats to all our entrants.  Still one more shirt to be given away this week.  And more items to come.  Just leave a comment below!

VICKY: For example, tell us your experiences in cross country running.  Did you run in high school or university?  Or just tell us why you need a shirt.

GRANT: Yeah, I liked Arlene’s story.  She almost won.

Super charged whole grain Farro

Have you ever eaten farro before? If not you’re missing out on a great whole grain. It has a flavour reminiscent of barley and maybe hazelnuts. It has a great chewy texture which lends itself great to risottos or grain salads. It was a primary source of calories for the Roman armies. If it did not produce such low yields we would certainly be eating much more of it. It went out of fashion long ago in favor of grains that produced much higher yields for the farmer. Thankfully this grain is having a resurgence in popularity recently. Look for it in health food stores or good quality Italian markets.

We are going to make a risotto of farro with spring vegetables and pancetta. For good measure, and to make it a little meatier without extra meat, we are going to sautee some King mushrooms for a tasty and filling garnish.

Most of the farro you are going to find is sold as pearlatto or semi pearlatto. Meaning that a portion of the bran has been removed. Making it easier to cook. Always soak your farro for about a 1/2 hour before cooking. In doing this you can rinse the farro as well as remove any unwanted bits and bad grains.

4 tbsp olive oil

3 cloves garlic finely minced

1/2 cup diced shallot (you can substitute red onion)

1/2 oz diced pancetta (I prefer cubes but you can buy sliced pancetta and dice that)

1 cup farro

2 cups low sodium chicken or vegetable broth

1/2 cup white wine

1 tsp lemon zest

12 oz blanched asparagus cut into 1″ pieces

12 oz shelled fava beans

1/3 cup finely chopped herbs (Itlian flat parsley and thyme are great)

Olive oil to drizzle over the bowls.

Start by crisping the pancetta in pot large enough to make the rissotto.

Remove from pot and drain fat leaving 1 tbsp. Add onions and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Cook till softened. Add the farro, stirring to coat all the grains. Add broth and wine and cook over med low heat stirring from time to time for about 25 minutes. You are looking for grains that are still a little chewy and the liquid should be mostly absorbed. Add asparagus and fava beans and crisped pancetta and heat them through. Add herbs and divide among bowls.

For the king mushrooms.

Slice 4 large king mushrooms from top to stem. You should be able to get 3 slices of each.

2 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

Heat oil in a pan large enough to hold all the mushrooms. Sautee mushrooms till golden and season with salt and pepper.

At this point you can put these on top of your bowl of farro. Drizzle with a little more olive oil and serve. You are sure to love this dish as much as me. And it’s full of all kinds of good for you nutrients. Enjoy it after your next training run for Race Weekend.

Good luck to everyone racing next week.

What are you making this week to get you ready for Race weekend? Or do you have a favorite pre/post race meal. Leave your suggestions for all to see in the comments section. I will be giving an iRun hat to one lucky person. There will be no rhyme or reason to my choice. Just the most yummy sounding recipe.

Good luck and good running.


I know which brand is the number one choice of litterbugs

I know it hasn’t been that long since I was last on my soap box ranting about runners that make us all look bad. However, after running the Mississauga Marathon last weekend I find myself climbing right back up and clearing my throat.

It’s great that we get to toss our cups on the ground at water stations – thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who clean up after us so that we don’t have to slow down or crash into each other at garbage cans.

But, it seemed that everywhere I looked, there were empty gel packets on the ground.  I am not talking about the water stations – I am talking about everywhere else.

If you throw an empty gel pack on the ground at a water station, fine.  Those super-fantastic volunteers have got your back.  But if you toss stuff anywhere else you are littering.  I repeat: You Are Littering.

If your gel break doesn’t line up with a water station, I am really sorry about your luck, but you are then obligated to look for a garbage can, or continue to store or carry the empty wrapper until you reach a water station.  It’s that simple.

From what I saw, we are such a mighty bunch of pigs, it’s a wonder that any city invites us back.

Not cool.

What’s a little half-marathon? Motherhood is the real endurance challenge

This past Sunday was my last ‘long’ long run before the Ottawa Half-Marathon. Which means race day is now less than two weeks away. Which means that, training-wise, there is absolutely nothing I can do to improve my performance between now and race day, and absolutely everything I can do to screw it up.

And screw it up I have, at least prior to previous ‘big’ races in my life. Like that time I thought I pulled my groin doing speedwork while I was tapering for a Boston-qualifying attempt, but it turned out that I had given myself a pelvic stress fracture. (Of course, I didn’t realize that until I had run the race with a fractured pelvis, silly rabbit. Suffice it to say, I didn’t make it to Boston – just the water-running lane at my local pool.) Or that time I stayed out a little too late dancing the week before my first-ever marathon, got coughed on by some random dude, and wound up with a full-blown chest cold a few days before the race. Or that time I ate my own body weight in sushi the night before trying to set a 10k PB, and had to suffer through 47 minutes worth of spicy tuna burps in addition to the screaming cardiovascular and muscle pain that goes along with trying to set a 10k PB. You get the idea. I’m not the smartest sometimes.

Of course, my life has changed considerably since those self-inflicted pre-race mishaps, and as the days tick down to May 3oth, I’ve got my eye on the adorable, little 15-pound saboteur in my house as the likeliest source of pre-race calamity. In my last blog post I described the sleep-deprivation injuries already sustained during this training cycle, and if I’ve come to know my daughter at all in the last four months, I figure she’ll pull out all the stops to make sure Mom shows up at the start line so bleary-eyed, I might actually start running in the wrong direction once the horn sounds.

Then again, if anyone’s taught me the true meaning of endurance in the past few months, it’s my baby girl. From a 15-hour labour (with my husband calling out metaphorical kilometre markers with each contraction), to marathon nursing sessions (to give you some context, we watched all five seasons of Battlestar Gallactica by the time she was 8 weeks old), to strength-building rocking and shushing sessions at 3am, to super-sprints up the stairs to the nursery after catastrophic diaper malfunction, little Alex has taught me that, just when I think I’ve hit my final gear and have to grind to a halt, I can actually dig a bit deeper and keep going.  (Thankfully, all it takes is a smile or a giggle from my girl to remind me – it’s totally worth it!) As our soon-to-be cover girl and Yummy Mummy Club founder Erica Ehm so eloquently put it when I interviewed her last week, “motherhood is a frickin’ marathon…Except that there is no finish line in motherhood – you just have to keep going and going and going!”

Amen, sister.  And somewhere around the 17k mark of my half-marathon, I plan to remember those words.  It should be right around the time I see my husband and daughter cheering me from the sidelines, plant a big, sweaty kiss on ’em, and find those extra gears for a mean finishing kick. Assuming I don’t eat too much sushi the night before.

Energy Efficiency and Injury Prevention

ChiRunning is a running form with two primary merits – energy efficiency and injury prevention.  The technical aspects of the running form that allow you to achieve these merits involve alignment and relaxation.

You align you posture, everything else around it including your arms, legs and feet are soft and relaxed when you run.

You align your posture so that your body weight is supported by your bones, ligaments and tendons (i.e., your skeletal system) instead of your muscles – which can relax.

You align your posture and lean it forward from the ankles to engage the pull of gravity to propel you forward – so the muscles in your legs and feet can relax.

Relaxed muscles are more energy efficient than working muscles and relaxed muscles can’t be fatigued and injured through overuse.

In ChiRunning you also align your posture so that as many parts as possible move in the direction of travel to maximize energy efficiency and you also move these body parts in the manner in which they were designed to prevent injury.

ChiRunning focuses on cooperating with the forces experienced during running by being relaxed and aligned with those forces.  There are two main forces, the force of gravity pulling you down and the force of the road coming at you as it meets your feet.  In ChiRunning you cooperate with the force of gravity by leaning forward and allowing gravity to pull you.  You also cooperate with the force of the road by leaning your posture so that your feet contact the ground underneath or slightly behind your hips and move to the rear in the same direction as the force. If your feet make contact with the ground in front of your hips then they meet the force of the road head on causing an impact, which can result in injury.  Also if your feet contact the ground in front of your hips, this may cause a momentary braking action each time your foot contacts the ground – which is not energy efficient.

So if you stood up right now, and aligned your posture, completely relaxed all the muscles in your legs, especially everything from the knees down and leaned forward from your ankles ever so slightly, your body will start to fall forward and down.  Instinctively you will pick up one of your feet and place it on the ground a foot or two forward to keep you from falling on your face.  Congratulations this may have been your first ChiRunning step!

What if instead of putting that foot down and coming to a halt, you just put it down momentarily and started the forward fall again and then used your other foot for momentary support.  Now you are moving forward in a controlled fall from one foot to the other.  You use gravity not the muscles in your legs and feet to move you forward.  The more relaxed you can make those muscles, the less resistance to the forward pull of gravity and the faster you can go.

The four main components of the ChiRunning form are posture, lean, heel lift and arm swing.  These components will be discussed in upcoming blogs.

Endorphin Junkie’s redemption

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”  There is a lot of wisdom in that quote that is applicable to almost anything, not the least of which is running a race.

I debated how much detail to share about my Mississauga Marathon because, as you know, I was out for redemption.  While I don’t get to tell the story that I wanted to, that one would have been boring anyway.

In fact, the first half, while not boring for me at the time, is pretty boring in the retelling – I felt strong and was right on target through the 21.1K split.  Yawn!

After that is when it got interesting.  To make a long story short, somewhere between the 23 and 24K markers I had an asthma attack from which I never fully recovered.  I did a lot of walking, some sitting, a bit of staggering, lots of gasping and wheezing.  So there I was: in the middle of Mississauga, completely lost, with an aching chest, a racing heart, a spinning head, and fortunately, a pacer, my brother, to keep me company and help me haul my butt off the curb a few times.  I forged ahead, running when I could, walking when I had to, sitting when that was better than falling over – and eventually I made it to the finish line.

Sure, I was disappointed that I missed my goals, especially when it really looked like it was my day at last. But in retrospect, I really did do the best I could, with what I had, where I was.  That, my friends, is my redemption.

I would like to say a special thanks to my brother, David.  I am not ashamed to admit that had he not been one of the “things I had”, I might not have done the best I could.

Mississauga Marathon Results

Daniel Njenga outlasted Philip Rotich to win Sunday’s Mississauga Marathon in 2:20:36. The two were virtually side-by-side at both the halfway and 38km points, but as both faded slightly over the final kilometres, Rotich yielded a 29 second triumph to the winner of the 2008 Toronto Marathon.

On the women’s side, Allison Hobeika hung on for a 3:08:46 win. Cambridge’s Julie Cummings was second and Daniela Fiumara third.

Jhon Quispe Sanchez won the half marathon in 1:08:45, followed by David Kipsang. Kipsang also finished fourth in the previous night’s 10K event. Mississauga’s own Steve Koziarski was third. Ottawa’s Mary Davies continued her remarkable spring season with a 1:14:04 win. She won the Sporting Life 10K two weeks ago, and the 21km de Montreal on April 18. Lucy Njeri Muhami was second, following her win in Saturday night’s 10K. Canadian marathon veteran Nicole Stevenson was third in 1:17:11.

Congratulations to everyone who crossed the line in the weekend’s marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K and 2K races!

Taking The Treadmill For A Walk

Ever been a little short on time but need to pop in a quick, specific workout?

So Thursday evening I had some plans and there was about an hour and a half to get in a real good workout (I’m cramming for race weekend) after work.  I said to my boss/coach I want to run under 32:00 for 10k, hit me with a workout!  I love the creativity of his workouts and he thought for about a second and said ok I got one, whipped out the calculator and came up with this:

4 x (1k @ 3:10 m/k, 1k @ 3:30 m/k)

So that’s back to back 1 kms at that specific pace, rest after the first set 1 minute at 4:oo m/k, after second set 45 seconds at 4:00 m/k and then 30 seconds at 4:00 m/k for the final ‘rest’.  If your thinking that must have felt harder and harder all the way through…it did.

Now the major problem I encountered was that at that speed and with a 1% grade the treadmill starts to do a funny thing.  The entire machine walked about 10 feet across the room and I had to jump off during the rest and wheel it back to the other side of the room!  Ridiculous right?!  It was nice to have that on my mind though because it certainly helps you forget the hurt of the workout.

Anyway workout completed and one step closer to my goal, 2 weeks today!  Hope everyone’s training is going great.

Leave a comment, Win a prize

It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not.
Alfred Nobel

VICKY: Wow.  Awesome new shirt.

GRANT: Yep, pretty amazing eh.

VICKY: Where did you get it?

GRANT: iRun wants us to give them away.  We’ve got other stuff too.

VICKY: Like what?

GRANT: It’s a surprise.

VICKY: Wicked.  How do our loyal readers win them?

GRANT: Pretty simple I guess.  All they need to do is leave a comment in the comments section below (and future posts).  Then iRun will pick some winners.

VICKY: Sounds good, but besides Regan who do you think reads our blog?

GRANT: My dad does.  That’s about it I guess.

VICKY: We’ll see then. Best of luck to our readers!

Book Bio: PRE: The Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend

VICKY: PRE:  The Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend by Tom Jordan.  I like Prefontaine because he brought attention to the sport of running and contributed largely to making running “sexy”. He once famously said about running:

“Some people create with words or with music or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run. I like to make people stop and say, `I`ve never seen anyone run like that before.` It`s more than just a race, it`s style. It`s doing something better than anyone else. It`s being creative.”

GRANT: He also brought a lot of attention to amateur athletes, who always seem to struggle opposite professional athletes. This is one subject that I want us to explore as we read through this book.

VICKY: According to the the publisher:

“For five years, no American runner could beat him at any distance over a mile.”

GRANT: I don’t care whether you think he was arrogant or not, that’s a pretty impressive record.

VICKY: What I can gather from watching the movies and doing a bit of Googling, is that he really approached running as a battle.

GRANT: Absolutely. He once said:

“I run to see who has the most guts.”

VICKY: I can’t wait to read this book and discover whether he was really the gladiator everyone has portrayed him to be. I wonder whether this fierce competitiveness is a required trait for track athletes. They always seem more intense than road and trail runners.

GRANT: I don’t know but I get a feeling we’re about to find out!

VICKY: Hey what do you all think? Are track athletes more competitive/fierce/intense than other types of runners?