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Friday, October 11, 2024
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How are those New Year’s resolutions coming?

So we’re 10 days into January and I have to be the jerk that asks.  Most people seem to have an unspoken rule that is something like this: if people are doing well with their resolutions, they will bring it up themselves; if they’re not, they don’t want to talk about it.

I had this whole giant thing written about New Year’s Resolutions, but it just went off in way too many directions for one post.  So I will stick with this instead: any time you set a goal for yourself, cut yourself some slack. Remember that it takes time to build or break a habit.  If you’ve slipped up, don’t use that as an excuse to give up.

If you’re trying to eat better, remember that every bite is a chance to make a healthier choice.

If you’re trying to establish a new workout routine, every day is an opportunity for a do-over.

Whatever it is, it’s not black-and-white, just give it another shot.  There’s no pass or fail – only where you were, where you are now, and where you’re headed.

So, how are those New Year’s resolutions coming?

My 2012 kitchen-related resolutions

Greetings, iRun Nation! I apologize for my long absence and delayed start to 2012. I made a few cooking-related resolutions for the new year so I thought I’d share them with you:

1 – Get back into the kitchen. Since Mr. Shuffler left for warmer climes last September (i.e., St. Catharines), I’ve been less motivated to cook so dinner is often a salad, sandwich or omelette. Tasty, sure, but not exactly blog material. So I’ve challenged myself to cook a “real meal” three times a week. I’ve got a folder full of recipes that I’ve been collecting and it’s time to try some of them out.

2 – Improve my food photography skills. Papa Shuffler kindly made me a light box so I’ll start by figuring out how to use that.

3 – Diversify/organize recipes on this blog. I was thinking of having theme weeks such as focusing on a particular ingredient, meal or style of cuisine. I am also thinking that weekly theme days would be great. How do people feel about “Meatless Mondays”?

4 – Figure out whether or not I like kale. Kale has been touted as a nutrient powerhouse, a veritable “super food”, if you will. I’ve had it a few times at restaurants and I’m still on the fence. I’d like to try using it at home and see how I feel.

5 – Find new and creative ways to harangue involve readers in What’s Cookin’, iRunNation? You can help me with this resolution by sending in your recipes! Whether your recipe is simple or complex, healthy or a “sometimes food”, we’d love to see them. Submit them here: http://irun.ca/contest.php?id=40 (Recipes involving kale would be particularly appreciated)

**Do you want a sneak preview of what I’m cooking before it hits the blogosphere? Follow me on Twitter @Shufflersunite for all the kitchen-related news that’s fit to print.**

Day Three? Really?

So I’m proud to say that I’ve stuck with myweight training program for a whole three days. I looked at the schedule today, SURE that it had to have been mistaken. This week wasn’t over yet??

Physically, I’m exhausted. This is more weights that I’ve lifted in a long, long time. I’ve been making sure to stretch and drink lots of water, and I don’t really mind the little bit of stiffness I feel. I’ve been sleeping like a rock, knocked out as soon as I hit the pillow at night. And although I don’t weigh myself, I definitely feel good (strong, lean, firm). But man, am I tired!

I’ll be happy to see the end of this week and get out for a run with my Team in Training group for our run on Saturday (finally! Something that feels natural!).

How’s everyone else’s week going? Keeping up with any New Years Resolutions? New fitness programs making you as tired as me? Long runs this weekend? I’d love to hear!

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

So a new year and a new resolution to be present here more often! I love this space and this community, but unfortunately, I let the day fly by and don’t visit often enough.

I find it hard to find things to write about when I’m not specifically training for something myself, and despite running a PB Marathon, a PB Half Marathon and starting to coach for TNT Halifax in 2011 (whew! It’s been a physically fitness kind of year!), the last few months of 2011 left me feeling like I was floundering.

I shipped the kids off to school today, went to the gym and then the grocery store where I bought a cart full of healthy and delicious food (cliche, much?).

As I lifted weights at the gym for the first time in a long time, I kind of felt self conscious. Mostly about the narrow-arm push-ups I ended up having to do on my knees and the fact that I think I may have peed myself a little while I was jumping rope.

Running is my thing. I do it, I love it, I will continue to do it. Eventually I’ll buckle down and train for another marathon and eventually I’ll buckle down and train my ass off for a new half PB. It’s not a question of me running, I won’t stop. It keeps me sane, it keeps me feeling good about myself, it keeps my soul thankful. Weight training is a different story. I don’t overly care for it, I always feel like I’m doing it wrong and to be honest, I’d rather be running. Or Biking. Or, well, you get the idea.

So I’ve started this new weight training program that’s 12 weeks. And after I left the gym today, trembling arms and all, I realized that it’s probably good for me to step outside of my comfort zone like this.

Looking back at pictures from the last year, I realized that my body changed quite a bit. I leaned out and gained some more muscle mass. It can be really hard to see progress when it’s veeeerrrryyy slow and steady, but twelve months later, the pictures don’t lie. Since I won’t be marathon training this year winter**, I’m looking forward to something equally challenging.

What about you? Tell me about your New Years Resolutions! And is your gym as crazy busy as mine?!

(I’m still kind of toying with the idea of PEI Marathon 2012.)
(But I have commitment issues.)

Happy 2012, iRunNation!

691178_sparkler2012 promises to be an exciting year in the running world – hello, Olympic marathon! Okay, so I am biased to the marathon even though there will be Canadians in other events – but I am looking forward to actually having some Canadians to cheer for at one of my Olympic marathon parties (picture a Superbowl party, only with the time difference from London, it will be a brunch instead of an evening affair).

But I digress. I know that some of you have had a tough year and are happy to see the end of it – I’m happy to cheer in a new beginning with you. However, I am one of the fortunate ones to be able to say that 2011 was a fantastic year for me, so I would be remiss in not tipping my hat to the outgoing year.

When it comes to running, my overall mileage wasn’t as high as last year. However, I learned a lot. I got faster and more courageous, I raced smarter, and stayed injury-free. I visited places I have never been and talked to all sorts of interesting people. To each and every one of you who had any part in it, no matter how small it may seem to you, I say thank you – I couldn’t have done it without you.

And to absolutely everyone, a Happy New Year! I wish you PBs and medals and t-shirts galore. May your miles be merry and plentiful. The world is at your feet – go run it!

Chicago 2011

Chicago is one of the 5 Marathon Majors. (,London, Boston, Chicago, Berlin, New York )
So when Dave Emilio and I were invited to work the Canada Running Series booth for the STWM in Chicago, we jumped at the chance.
Moses Mossop ( who ran 2011 Boston 2:03:06 and that was second to Geoffry Mutai !!) was running. Unfortunately the press conference was across town neither Dave nor I could make that event and promote Toronto’s premier running event at the same time. So no elite interviews this weekend. However I did get to meet:
-Hal Higdon (running author guru) PB 2:21:55
He has contributed to Runner’s World magazine longer than any other writer. He is the author of 34 books, including the best-selling Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide.
-Ed Eyestone-elite marathoner (PB 2:10 and US Olympic Marathoner 1988 and 1992)
-Dean Karnazes the guy who ran 50 marathons in 50 days AND also ran 3,000 miles (4,800 km) across the United States from Disneyland to New York City in 75 days, running 40 to 50 miles per day,
Speaking of ultra runners,
-Scott Jurek came over to our booth and posed for a picture.
Among a myriad of other records, most notable is United States record for 24 hour distance on all surfaces (165.7 Miles/266.01 Kilometers).
Won the Spartathlon 152-mile (245 km) race from Athens to Sparta, Greece three consecutive times (2006-2008).…..
When we spoke in awe of this, he smiled and said, I am just an ultra-runner.
As an aside to this, Scott is a strict vegetarian.

Chicago has been lucky for me in terms of randomly spotting elite athletes.
In 2002 when I was there to compete in the Chicago Marathon, I was on my way back from a 10k training run before the marathon and happened to go into the NikeTown store. I didn’t bring my camera, (rats) as Catherine Ndreaba (4 time Boston winner PB 218:47) AND Paula Radcliffe (WR 2:15:23) were both in the store signing autographs. Amazing seeing them up close and personal . They are both so very thin. Catherine singed her card “Jesus Loves You”
They raced head to head the next day. Paula won setting the first of her two World Records 2:17.18
Catherine placed second in a time of 2:19:26

More on a random meeting with Paula in another post.

Back to the present, I was returning to the CRS booth at the Chicago expo, when an elite American runner strolls by with two other people. OMG, its Ryan Hall. Ryan Hall 2011
I turned back and spoke to his “handler” or manager/ agent and asked him if I could get a picture taken with Ryan. This is polite protocol to not ask the elite runner directly rather ask his or her agent for permission to speak and/or have your picture taken with them.
However when I asked his manager he said “Well Ryan has been on his feet for the past two hours” then the woman with them said
“I can take it as we walk” So this is the shot. I told Ryan it was his fault for being a running elite rock star and he just smiled and said thanks. Obviously I wished him a great race. He ran 2:08:04 the next day which brought him in 5th .
Ryan is the first American to run a sub one-hour Half Marathon. (59:53) 2007 Houston Texas.

We watched the race unfold the next day in Chicago. Dave and I were given VIP seats in the finishing tent where we could watch the live race on TV. After the race we went out to the race course to watch our Australian friend Sam run in. There were bleachers about 100 meters from the finish, which were empty so we thought we could get in (as we had wrist bands for the VIP tent we were allowed access). To our dismay, we we so close to the finishers we could almost touch them.
To rationalize, I said to Dave , “at least we got to watch it on TV” but then he told me to look across the road and there was a jumbo live action TV screen. Oh well at least we got to listen to the interview after Moses Mossop won th race in a course record time. (2:05:37)

Next post – random meeting with elite runner Paul Radcliffe.

Trailing Along

I have been asked many times in the past, “are you a trail runner?” or, “don’t you just love running on trails?!”  I have to admit, this running mama doesn’t have a lot of trail running experience.  It isn’t a lack of interest, really.  It is just the fact that trails don’t really lend themselves to a running buggy, never mind a double running buggy.  I also have grown to liking the ‘door-to-door’ running experience: Get running gear on. Walk out door.  Start running–wave to neighbours, see the sights, clock some miles.  Arrive back at door.  Go inside.  Done.

The whole, ‘get in the car and drive to trail-head’ part tends to be part of a more special type of running experience for me these days.  So, when it does happen, it is new and exciting!  Imagine the extra excitement of going on a trail run in late December!  It is like a Christmas bonus from Mother Nature!  This past Sunday I went out with a group for my long run, and we went into the trails.  This particular group is very familiar with trail system, so it was a treat to ‘tag along’.  I consider myself very lucky to live in a geographic location that lends itself to trail running–they’re everywhere in and around Guelph, Ontario.  Imagine how great it is to hammer out a 3 hour run with minimal roads, and many trails…

Running on trails in the early winter is perfection.  They aren’t muddy when there is a small dusting of snow.  The leaves crunch crunch crunch with every step.  The river (because trails seem to always follow along some sort of water, am I right?) is trickling and rushing.  The trees are still.  All that is seemingly dead in this wilderness is brought alive by the chatter and vibrance of us runners out socializing, making the first foot prints of the day in the snow.

We follow the paths, we make turns, we navigate hills, channeling our own inner mountain goat.  There are many rocks, roots, trees and twigs.  I watch every step as we pass through this nature.  I have no fear of falling, as I am having too much fun to notice.  I am also having too much fun to notice the miles go by.  As we emerge from the trail, I take a deep breath and look back.  Our footprints are there, but the beauty of the trail looks untouched.  Cars rush by on the road.  It’s busy.  Windy.

I know I will be back, trails.  Perhaps not until spring, but you have stolen a piece of this runner’s heart, with all of your nature–your mud and your cedar smell will call me back again, don’t you worry.  I just might need a map.

Christmas Inspiration

I am often asked how I got my children interested in running. Well there was no set time or one thing that did it. In fact, we never really tried. It just happened. But we have had to nurture them along the way, helping them through their down times and when they have had a bad run on a hot day or super cold day, it’s a must to do something to keep their spirits up.

I would never try to force anything on them, but I do try to find all of the positives and help them see the value and rewards of running as a sport and a general active lifestyle. It’s not to trick them, but when you are young, it sometimes seem like be encouraged is like being ‘told’, So it’s something you may on occasion have to tiptoe around because let’s face it, running is not as glamorous to a youngster as other sports are; hockey, baseball or soccer to name a few.Christmas-gift-red-bow

Now that the holidays are upon us, perhaps a little nudge in the form of a gift would be nice. A new windbreaker or shoes a fancy water bottle maybe or perhaps a new toque and gloves may just inspire them to get out there during the coming colder weather.

And of course, you have to tag along. No one wants to be sent out into the cold alone! So maybe you’d better grab yourself some new winter apparel as well!

Vive les enfants!

P.S. We are still looking for Young iRunners to profile here:

The Challenge: Are you a young runner, or do you have a child that runs? I am looking to gather some stories for a future article. Whether your child is either just getting into running or really into the sport, either for recreation or competition, I’d love it if you could have them write about how they got started, why they like running and what their future running goals are. And for the adults out there, if you ran in your youth, I’d like to hear form you too. There is no minimum or maximum length for the stories but if it is a child, it should be in their own words and include their age and hometown. Adults, you can leave out the age part if you wish but do note what age you were when you ran as a youth. Some entries may be edited for space purposes.

Optional: Include a photo, either posing or ‘on the run’ for inclusion on this blog.

Email stories and photos to dave@beachesrunner.com


Follow Dave on Twitter


Your voice counts as well – If you have any questions or topics you’d like to see addressed please leave a comment or email me at dave @ beachesrunner . com


I’ve heard a rumour that Christmas is coming soon, although you wouldn’t know it look outside here in Ottawa (today’s weather: rainy, with periods of rain). Lots of you are probably running around, doing last-minute shopping, cooking, decorating, wrapping, etc. So when you need a healthy, quick dinner, what do you do? It’s mini-pizzas to the rescue!

My Mum started making these a few years back and I’m not sure where she got the recipe. I say “recipe” but it’s really more like a concept.

1. Start with a whole-wheat pita. It doesn’t really matter what kind but if you get the kind that opens into pockets, they’re multi-purpose. Lay out a few pitas on a cookie sheet and spread some tomato sauce on each. A few tablespoons per pita, let’s say but it depends how saucy you like your pizza.

2. I like to add the spice at this point but you might want to add them later. It’s up to you. Recommendations: Italian spice mix, oregano, basil, parsley…whatever floats your boat.

3. Add a pre-cooked protein (this step does depend on having something already to go in your fridge.) I tend to use ground beef but you could also use chicken or pepperoni or tofu or whatever.

4. Add lots of veggies. Mini-pizzas are great for clearing out the veggie crisper. Suggestions: bell peppers, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, broccoli (boil or steam if for a few minutes first), olives. Load ’em on.

5. Sprinkle cheese on top. Again, whatever kind you like.

6. Bake at about 375C for about 15-20 minutes. When the cheese gets that beautiful golden colour, they’re done. Let sit for a few minutes (I have trouble with this part).

This meal is great because everyone in the family can have what they want. Mr. Shuffler, for example, can have all the onions and banana peppers he likes.

‘Tis the Season to be…running!

Am I the only runner that has loaded up a “Christmas Running” playlist to my iPod?  I know I am not the only runner that enjoys getting out there in the evening, when it’s dark (which, let’s face it, is any time after 4:30pm these days?!) to enjoy the glimmer of Christmas lights on houses in the neighbourhood.  I figure I have the choice to either A) blame the holidays for making me too busy to fit in some good running time; or B) Embrace the fact that I want to get out there, and use the runs as a stress-reliever in this busy month!  I choose B!

Early morning after fresh snow fall...what's not to love?!
Early morning after fresh snow fall...what's not to love?!

I choose to get out there, relax, and enjoy the calm.  I choose to add an extra layer if needed, to stay cozy enough to add an extra mile or two.  It feels so great to leave the chaos of home, with two of the three boys waving out the window at me, knowing I am making myself a more patient person through the time I have carved out for my run.  It feels even better to arrive home, rosy-cheeked and runny-nosed, knowing I can cuddle up and relax with them and a nice book, with the glow of the Christmas tree in the background.