14.5 C
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Blog Page 232

Young iRunner – Cole Grossman

Cole in his Running GearWhen Cole Grossman is not excelling at hockey, this 10 year old boy from Toronto who has discovered a new passion, is running. Cole and his father Ira were nice enough to share Cole’s story with us.

Cole most recently ran the Toronto Marathon 5k where he finished 32nd overall and 2nd in the 24 and under category, not bad for a boy who just turned 10. Cole loves all the medals he is amassing, and he appears driven to the podium, always striving to finish top 3 in his age category. Cole’s parents are appreciative of the fact that he is active, he is fit, and he has a penchant for running and racing which he knows will translate well into many things down the road.

Allyson takes her ECCO Biom Lites through circuit training

Well after a few races and a week off for recovery I started back to my regular weekly torture session – I mean circuit training session – with my son Stephen. Stephen took a fitness and sports instructor course last summer through Air Cadets and has been helping me improve my core and overall strength. These workout use equipment we have accumulated over the years and include burst of cardio on the stairs, elliptical and treadmill.  I have to say my ECCO Biom Lite shoes make the transition between the strength and cardio parts of this workout smooth and help me grip the mat on those endless pushups and planks he loves so much. We have added work on the stability ball to my workouts and my shoes provide the right amount of support for my feet during these exercises.  I start training for my first sprint triathlon this week and I will try my ECCO Biom Lite on the bike next, their flexibility will really be tested then.

Adam and Crossfit with Biom Lite

Adam Chiam, Crossfit  and his ECCO Biom Lite:

I am loving these ECCO Biom shoes! I’ve been doing crossfit with them and feel great! They literally keep me on my toes. I feel grounded yet secure. Not only are they flashy and attract a lot of attention, they are durable and comfortable. I think these shoes have added another dimension to my training as I continue to pursue the realm of triathlon. I completed my first one last weekend and my ECCO Bioms were an integral component in my training.

Allyson puts the Biom Lite through training

Allyson Chisnall puts the ECCO Biom Lite through training:

Well after a few races and a week off for recovery I started back to my regular weekly torture session – I mean circuit training session – with my son Stephen. Stephen took a fitness and sports instructor course last summer through Air Cadets and has been helping me improve my core and overall strength. These workout use equipment we have accumulated over the years and include burst of cardio on the stairs, elliptical and treadmill.  I have to say my ECCO Biom Lite shoes make the transition between the strength and cardio parts of this workout smooth and help me grip the mat on those endless pushups and planks he loves so much. We have added work on the stability ball to my workouts and my shoes provide the right amount of support for my feet during these exercises.  I start training for my first sprint triathlon this week and I will try my ECCO Biom Lite on the bike next, their flexibility will really be tested then.

Calf-Boy beats his bluffing brain

When I was pacing at the Ottawa half marathon, I met a fellow who told me he’d missed a few runs in the weeks leading up to the race, as he had been running on his treadmill when something in his calf just went wrong and had been sore ever since.  It felt better than it had, he told me, so he planned to run anyway, even if he had to take it easy.

Now, when I am pacing, people come and go – they drift back or leave me behind – and sometimes I don’t notice who is still with me and who is gone right away; after all, there is a lot to see and do and think about in this situation.  So I didn’t know when it happened, or even what happened, but I did notice at some point that he was not with me anymore.

Towards the end of the race – maybe within the final 4K or so – he reappeared at my side.  He said, “Remember me? It’s calf-boy!”  He told me that at 6K, his calf told him his race was over, and he let me go;  at 6-and-a-half, he told it, “Not today!” and spent all the time in-between catching up to me (not a direct quote – there may have been an expletive or two deleted there).

We had a funny conversation that is not really relevant to my point, but I will share it anyway:

Calf-Boy: Wait, we have to get over to that side of the canal, don’t we?

Me: Yes.

CB: Uh oh, my calf isn’t going to like that.

Me: It’s okay, it’s all flat from here.

CB: But we have to cross a bridge!

Me: Yes, but it’s the Pretoria bridge!

CB: But we have to get up onto the bridge!

Me: Nah, Pretoria’s flat – it’s at street level.

I guess that was all he needed to hear because he slowly left me behind after that.

Anyway, my point is, that’s kind of what running is about, isn’t it?  Still recognizing that everyone’s goals are different, there is a fundamental theme that just may be nearly universal: pushing oneself outside one’s comfort zone, learning, growing, finding one’s limits – and then destroying them.

I am not an advocate of ignoring what your body is telling you – I believe we should absolutely listen to our bodies!  But we also need to critically analyze what they are telling us.

Had I listened to what my body was telling me and done what it wanted when I first started running, I wouldn’t have run more than once.  My body said “this is hard,” it said “this doesn’t feel good” and it said “please stop.”  Obviously, I decided not to listen.

Once during a marathon, my body said “this is hard,” it said “this doesn’t feel good,” and it said “please stop” – wait, it says that during every marathon. But the time I saw spots in front of my eyes I decided my body wasn’t kidding around, I did what it said.  I won’t lie: to this day I still wonder if I truly had to stop there or not, because naturally, when I did what my body wanted, it felt better, leaving me with a lingering doubt.

And that’s okay. Because as we are learning what the signs really are, whether the messages we are receiving are actually from our bodies, or rather from our brains trying to protect our bodies, sometimes we will choose caution, while other times we will push those boundaries.  If we are lucky, we will be right every time.  Of course when we go the cautious route, most of the time we’ll never know if we were right – and that’s okay too.

But you have to admit, on the occasions where you call your brain’s “body says stop” bluff and you’re right, and you push yourself just a little further than you thought you could go, it feels pretty darned good, no matter what outcome you are shooting for.

Diana Devine: After the Marathon

Diana talks about  her Biom Lite:

So after completing my 8th Marathon my feet were pretty banged up and sore. I put on my funky sneakers and went for a walk (three days later of course) and couldn’t believe how good it made my feet feel. The cushion on the bottom and made it feel really comfortable. As I was nearing the end of the walk a lady stopped and commented on how cool my shoes were! They really don’t look like your typical running shoe which is what I most like about them. In fact I may never go back to wearing just plain white running shoe again. My girls have even asked if I could save them for when they can grow into them! My dog couldn’t be happier with me wearing the new shoes because it has meant a lot more walks for him!!

Marc breaks in his Saucony Triumph 9s

Photo courtesy of Mike Cheliak at www.mysportsshooter.com

Breaking them in…

It’s been a few weeks since my last blog post. Tsk tsk tsk! Now you would think that a few weeks would be more than enough time to get more intimately acquainted with my pair of Saucony Triumph 9s but when you’re giving your condo a facelift, staging it for sale and planning a move to a new city – time becomes a much sought after commodity.

With that being said, I have somehow managed to put my Triumphs through a long run, two tempo runs, and even a “garbage” run. Yes, I even squeezed in a race in the midst of all that organized chaos!

Along with 22,000 or so other runners, I laced up my Triumphs to run the Sporting Life 10K on May 13th. Other than having to get up at 4am to get downtown to catch a shuttle to the start line, it was a great race experience overall! My goal was to finish the race sub 50 minutes and I knew that knocking a few minutes off my fastest tempo was an attainable goal. Race conditions were ideal on that day. I gave it my best shot and triumphantly (pardon the pun) finished the race with a time of 48:12! In a testament to the Triumphs, I ran the race without thinking about my shoes or “feeling” them. There’s nothing worse than running when you’re not wearing the right shoe – your feet will have this uncomfortable feeling amplified. If you can’t relate, think of running with a pebble in your shoe.

Speaking of uncomfortable shoes, I’m sure most of you know the feeling of wearing that uncomfortable pair of dress shoes or high heels. Two weeks ago, I had one day where my feet were absolutely killing me after wearing my dress shoes in the office. After work, I went home and was getting ready to go out for a run with the gang. I slipped on my Triumphs and my feet were instantly in bliss. It felt like I was resting them on a really comfortable mattress. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me so I compared this feeling with my trail running shoes and my previous pairs of running shoes. Ahhh ha, yes, these Triumphs are definitely the most comfortable shoes in my closet!

As a new runner I’ve quickly realized how much I enjoy the comfort of cooler runs, I’m not used to running in the hot and humid weather. I had an awful time trying to complete my tempo run this past week in the heat and humidity. In times like those, it’s best to listen to your body, slow down and ensure proper hydration! I’m looking forward to training and trying to beat the heat with my Saucony Triumph 9s this summer!

Still Happy Together

Established-Saucony-runner Product Leader Rebecca Grey on the the Saucony Hurricane

I still like the Saucony Hurricane with the 8mm off-set after running in it for a few months now.  I discovered that you CAN put a house key in the tongue pocket after all.  I had my doubts.  As there’s no way to ensure the pocket doesn’t disgorge your key, other than by tying your laces over it, I won’t be trusting my key to this pocket.  But I’ll keep experimenting with what else I can carry in there!

Knowing that I didn’t realize how much I heel-struck before, I’ve had trouble identifying whether or not I’m heel-striking less with the 8mm off-set.  I’ve tried watching myself in store windows as I run by, but I’m not coordinated enough to run in a straight line while looking off to the side!  Thankfully a run with a friend this weekend allowed me to clear this up.  I’ve been running with Stacy for a few years now and she’s familiar with my usual gait; she noticed that I’m definitely not on my heels anymore.  Score 1 for the 8mm off-set!

Although I still really like the shoes, I have noticed a couple issues. The first is that I often have to stop to snug up the laces; this could be either the new style of laces or the “Sauc-Fit”, I’m not sure which. The knot isn’t coming undone or loose, but perhaps the laces have more give than the old style? Or perhaps the Sauc-Fit doesn’t work as well as the arch-lock; either way, my feet swim in these shoes compared to earlier versions. But a quick stop to snug up the laces fixes this (and random shin pain I’ve discovered) and I’m on my way again enjoying the cushioning.

The other issue is blistering. Now that the mileage is starting to pick up on my weekend runs, I’ve started developing blisters on the outsides of my first toes (big toes). Coincidence? Or is is it the shift in weight being off my heels with the 8mm off-set? I know it can’t possibly be that I haven’t run longer distances in a while and my feet have gotten soft (this is entirely possible). I had hoped to answer this question by going for a long run last weekend in my 12mm Hurricanes for comparison, but I accepted last minute invitation to Whistler instead. Hmm, deferring long runs might be the real reason for the blisters…

I have the “Longest Day 10k” coming up on the 15th, a fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes and put on by UBC Track and Field.  It’s a 2 loop race (which I dislike) but there’s a BBQ after the run (which I like) and it’s for a good cause.  I’m interested to see how the shoes work out on race day!

Mizuno Breath Thermo Arm Warmers

Reviewed by: Alice Domingo

“iRun because it keeps me sane”

Product name: Mizuno Breath Thermo Arm Warmers

Product Category: Running apparel

Canadian MSRP: $29.99

Product Website : Mizuno Arm Warmers

Description: A uniquely engineered sports fabric that self-generates heat. Breath Thermo is a revolutionary thermal material which absorbs moisture from the body to generate heat, keeping you dry and comfortable. Breath Thermo Features include: 1) Exothermal property: Characteristically changes moisture absorbed from the body into heat, sustaining warmth for a long time. 2) Moisture absorbing: High moisture absorbing power to reduce humidity and control heat between the body and outside environment.

Pros: This is the first pair of Arm Warmers I have had. I like that these give me the option of not wearing a long sleeve on days where I am undecided on what to wear. I travel a lot for my job and having this gives me more options in what I pack. They have not left my suitcase since I got them. I chose to first give these a try on a short 5K run, it was about +8 degrees. I found these a perfect match with the tank that I was wearing. I found that they arm warmers kept my arms warm even with the high wind gusts. I was able to also use it as to wipe the sweat from my brow. As I got warmer, I just rolled it down to adjust to my liking.

Cons: None, as my only complaint is that I’d like to wear them more often, but can be too warm for the warmer days

Ideal for: As these are thermal, it would be ideal for runners in cooler climates

Overall: I was able to try these arm warmers out a a few 5K races and a number of shorter runs as I am currently 5 months pregnant. I wore them in a number of different places as I do travel quite a bit in a number of different climates. Whether I was running in my hometown with temperature ranging from +6 to running in San Francisco with temperatures of +12 with wind gusts that almost blew me away, I was never disappointed. They always kept me warm as I always complain about being cold. They were easy to wash and I find that they take up no room in my suitcase which is a bonus.

About Alice Domingo:I started running after having our first child three years ago to lose those last few pounds and have not stopped running. I have raced in most distances from 5K, 8K, 10K, 10 Miler to the Half-Marathon. I travel a lot for work and never leave home without my running shoes. We were vacationing in Hong Kong a few years ago and read in the airline magazine during our flight that we were going to be there during the HK Marathon, so I signed up when we arrived and was able to do the race. It was such a thrill. My running buddy and I have made a pact to run a race in every province. We have only been able to cross of 2 provinces thus far. Now 5 months pregnant with our second child, I continue to run/jog/plod along. I have completed 2 races pregnant and hope to squeeze in one more before the arrival of our next baby. I am planning of running my first full marathon after this baby as well as visiting a few more provinces with my running mates.

Success is not always measured on the clock

Wow! What an amazing day. The 116th Boston Marathon will be a day to remember. It was one of the hottest Boston Marathons on record. However, there was never a thought in my mind to defer this race until next year. I had the support of my husband; my mom and stepfather had driven from New Brunswick to cheer me on. Many people would be tracking my split times on the BBA webpage and my in-laws flew in from PEI to look after our two small kids. Not to mention I had to run to be able to proudly wear the huge new wardrobe of Adidas Boston clothing I got at the expo on Saturday!

Monday morning I met my running partner Lisa and her family as they drove us out to the start line.You knew it was going to be a warm day when at 8am when you didn’t need any extra clothes on. I had 2 major goals for the day because of the weather forecast: #1 stay out of the medical tent and #2 cross that finish line.

We made it to our corral and within a couple of minutes the gun went off and my heart rate jumped again. I guess I’m not usually so close to the start line. People told me not to go out too fast but I don’t think I quite realized how much of a downhill it was. At 5km we were at my BQ pace. I thought “we’ll see what the next 37 km brings” but was 99% sure I would not be able to keep this pace. We crossed the halfway mark at 2hrs. During the second half of the marathon we took pictures with our families, kissed some boys at Wellesley, ran through many people’s garden hoses and got squirted by kids’ water guns. We ate and drank whatever people were handing out: popsicles, freezies, fudgesicles, oranges, bananas, liquorish, fig newtons, beer and the best was the ICE! A special thank you to the wonderful fans that had the ice in little ziplock bags; I think the ice was the only thing that kept my body temperature from boiling over.

I’ve never done a race with so many water stations, happy volunteers and great support on the course. The runners worked hard out there but the only reason we had an amazing day was because of the great dedication of the organizers and the thousands of fans. My self confidence has never been so high. I was told “I was amazing”, “I looked wonderful” and “I was their hero”. The spectators and volunteers were the backbone of all the runners.

Lisa and I crossed the finish line side by side. I was 25 minutes slower then my BQ time and I was thrilled! I started # 18222 and finished #10565.

Sometimes you are not comparing your success to the clock but the joy you feel inside.