16.9 C
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Blog Page 231

Speed is not a constant, but labels can be

While reading my rant from yesterday, an alert relative picked up on my mention of a fall marathon. Yes it’s true, I am back to marathon training.  Some of you may recall that I did marathons for several seasons, back-to-back, resulting in being in some stage of marathon training for three straight years.  While I loved it, I was feeling the need to switch it up.  I decided to take a year off from marathon training (resulting in roughly 18 months between races) and do something different.

To be more specific, I thought I would spend some time focussing on speed.  While training for marathons, I found the endurance training took away from my ability to do focussed speed work.  Some of that may have been my base and level of experience, but whatever the reason, I wasn’t getting any faster.

My plan to actually focus on speed was a dismal failure. I didn’t set up a schedule or adhere to a regimen; I did hills when I felt like it, intervals maybe half a dozen times, and some fartleks because they’re fun.  The only things I did anything near consistently were tempo runs, and probably because you don’t really have to think. Concentrate, yes; work, for sure. But think? Not so much. Anyway, all this to say: I really enjoyed just playing for a year.

An interesting side effect has been that, despite my lack of actual structured speed work, I have gotten faster.  Not fast, by any means, but definitely faster.  In the past year I have maintained my fitness roughly around half-marathon level – that is, I could run a half marathon, even if I wasn’t ready to race it, at a moment’s notice – by doing nearly-weekly long runs ranging from 16-24 km, with my weekly mileage sitting around 45-50 km.  I ran a lot of races over that time period – more races than in any other 12-month period in my life.  And, I watched my PBs fall, one after another, throughout that time.

I have speculated on why that would be, and here’s what I have come up with:

–          Not spending as much time recovering from my long runs has meant that my everyday casual pace has just gotten faster because it didn’t feel as taxing on rested legs

–          Generally having a higher level of fitness from all of that marathon training than I had when I last attempted many of the other distances at which I have shown improvement

–          I surprised myself at the first race where I wasn’t watching my time; that little taste gave me more confidence

–          More races = more race experience with less at stake – that is, I was more willing to take risks when it wasn’t “the only race” I was doing that season, so it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if I blew up, which gave me…

–          A better idea of where my redline is – pushing harder, tolerating more discomfort than before, and not dying fed back into the cycle of confidence

All of this together combines into what might be one of the most – I won’t say THE most important, because without the base, the recovery, the race experience, etc., this alone wouldn’t be enough – but one of the most important points is:  I have came to the startling conclusion that maybe, just maybe, I am not “a slow runner.”

Not to say that I am “a fast runner,” however, the application of “slow” as a label – an identity even – rather than a speed on any particular day, was allowing me to stay in my comfort zone.  My lack of confidence, my need to be self-deprecating, my irritating habit of comparing myself to others despite constantly preaching how useless and inappropriate it is to do so, had all been holding me back more than I could fathom.  It was permission to stay at the back, to let up when the going got tough, to believe that my genetics or whatever factors beyond my control were limiting me, when really, it was my own brain the whole time.

The kicker was that, deep down somewhere, I kind of knew that the whole time, but had to prove it before I would even look at it on a conscious level.

So now, even though I always knew it, I have a deep and intimate understanding, a verstehen if you will, of how one’s level of fitness and ability is not an end-state, but a process, and one that is not necessarily linear.  That is, if I do the work, push the boundaries, and accept the challenges, I can get faster, while if I back off, change priorities, or drop it entirely, I can slow down.  The labels are fleeting, so one can choose not allow oneself to be limited by them.

With all that said, I am ready to take my newfound-easy pace into marathon training, hopefully maintaining it while I work on building my endurance back up.  It’s too early to set a time-goal for my fall marathon, however, suffice it to say that I hope it will be one more PB that falls by a significant margin.

Blueberry banana smoothie

Hi everyone! Apologies for the silence emanating from this corner of the Internet. I went back and forth to Southern Ontario twice in three weeks, which meant that I never really knew what was in my fridge or how long it had been there. Anyway, I’m hoping to get back to the regularly-scheduled programming of this blog.

Today, I bring you a blueberry banana smoothie inspired by the Fresh restaurant cookbook. I say “inspired” because I know they would definitely not approve of any beverage involving something as horrible as Splenda.


1 frozen banana

8 oz bottled mango juice

8 oz unsweetened, unflavoured soy milk (I used cow’s skim milk)

2 tbsp fresh or frozen blueberries

1 tbsp vanilla-flavoured protein powder (I used two of the unflavoured stuff)

1 tsp agave nectar (I used one package of Splenda)


1. Place all the ingredients in a blender. (I recommend putting the protein powder on the bottom so it mixes better) Blend, starting on a low setting and then switching to a highre setting, for about 1 minute. serve in a tall glass. Serves 2.

**Want to see your name on the iRun front page? It’s easy! Just send in your favourite recipe to webeditor@irun.ca or upload it here and hey presto! Next thing you know, Hollywood will be calling.**

Getting it over with early – my annual hot-weather rant, that is

Where I live, the weather has been unseasonably hot and humid this week – and it’s only the first day of summer.  I know this is not the case right across the country, and some of you think I shouldn’t complain. While I try not to hate on weather too much, given it is the one circumstance everyone deals with and no one can change, believe me, I am complaining.  Heat is the one condition I truly hate to run in.  Actually, that’s not entirely accurate – it’s heat with high humidity that I truly hate.  I know that “hate” is a strong word, but it is entirely accurate.  I will also add “loathe,” “despise,” and “detest” to my list.

Take today, for example.  It is currently 30C, and “feels like” 36 – it will apparently feel like 44 before the day is done.  Much like extreme cold, there comes a point when it’s so hot that it no longer needs a number because it just does not add to the description – but unlike extreme cold, I can’t run in it.  No really, “can’t” isn’t an exaggeration – I am a fainter.

Anyway, with the extremely forgiving winter we had this year, people are going on that it is going to be a hot hot summer.  Up until now I just took that at face value and said “yuck.”  But with the way this week has been, I decided to look it up for myself.

According to The Weather Network’s Summer 2012 Outlook, I apparently have less to worry about than I thought.  While parts of the country are supposed to have above average temperatures, many of us will have “near normal” conditions.  In fact, my area is even supposed to have above average amounts of precipitation, which I will take – I love running in the rain.

While even some of the “normal” temperatures and humidity levels are too much for me, I have to say that comes as a bit of a relief.  I just found myself picturing a whole summer of todays which would be…how shall I put it…less than ideal for fall marathon training.  Sure, I would acclimatize – a little…sort of.  And sure, there are ways to keep cool(er).  But personally, I would just really rather not have to worry so much about it.

But, as mentioned above, there’s not a darn thing we can do about the weather.  We can do our best to work with what we have, and look at the bright side (I’m trying!) whenever possible.  So my goal, now that I have that off my chest, is to try not to complain too much.   No promises though – I have a lot of other goals for the summer, many of which just may be higher priority.

2012 Canada Army Run 85% sold out

More than 15,500 have already signed up for the September 23, 2012 Canada Army Run.  With the half marathon at 92% capacity and the 5K at 80%, the event is on track to sell out in record time, despite the addition of 2,000 more spots this year.

No doubt this is partially because it is the 5th anniversary of the event, meaning there are special edition shirts and redesigned medals.  Other new initiatives include Cheering Stations (complete with cash prizes for the non-profit organizations with the best set up), a category for Visually Impaired runners in the Disabled Athletes division for both the 5K and half marathon, and a Hand Cycle category in the Disabled Athletes division of the half marathon.

If you’re thinking of running the Canada Army Run, tell us why, and you could find yourself running with a Canadian soldier this fall!  Read last year’s winning story, and visit the Contests and Call-Outs page for all the details!

London Photos April 2012

Hello iRunners:
As I was not running the 2012 Virgin London Marathon, part of my press credentials was an option of access to the early finish bridge. Awesome.
Here I am at waiting for the elites to finish.
My camera is an Olympus and all the other photographers have massive zoom lenses.
Anyway I got there early and as we were waiting for the elite women and men to finish there was a Prince Harry sighting which caused a bit of commotion. We did not know he was there to present the winners with their trophies.
We saw the wheelchair athletes finish (Josh Cox, the Canadian athlete had just won Boston on the Monday, ended up 9th, while the Brit, David Weir, came in first to the roar of the crowds.
Diane Roy of Canada was third in the women’s wheelchair event (Shelly Woods, the other Brit, won the women’s wheelchair event.)
I was able to take my own personal picture of Mary Keitany winning the race (2:18:37). I was also able to photograh Wilson Kipsang ( 2:04:44)cross the finish line too.
Then the “press” was rushed to the awards ceremony to photograph the award ceremony with Prince Harry. Fortunately I was able to be in the second row so I held my iPad over the front row to get these pictures.

Uphill Running Tips

By: Magi Scallion

Mercifully, there are not many real hills in the urban marathons and 10 kms that most of us participate in.  Even many of the introductory trail races are on undulating terrain, so we don’t have many opportunities to experience real hills.  That said, you should be well prepared to run hills – so you can enjoy them in training and slay them in the occasional race where it counts!

Here are some tips to help you summit hills successfully:

  • Lean slightly forward, from the hips, and keep your chest open.  Leaning forward will help maintain your momentum while keeping our chest open will let you breathe easily.  Try not to hunch over and impede your ability to breathe.
  • Take small steps and land on the balls of your feet.  It’s like keeping your bicycle in an easy gear – you want to be “spinning” – saving as much energy as you can.  This will be easier with a forward body lean.
  • Regulate your breathing – try to stay relaxed.  This is a good way to monitor your effort and to make sure you’re not expending too much.  You will certainly be working harder on uphills – but you should not be working too hard at the bottom of the hill!
  • Start slow – don’t accelerate into a hill – try to maintain your pace.  Then, as you get closer to the top, and over it, accelerate.  If you start too hard at the bottom of the hill you might not have enough energy to accelerate at the top, where it counts.
  • Accelerate over the top of the hill.  This is where you can really make a difference in a race.  Don’t think about the flat or descent after the hill as a place to “rest”, think of it as a place to accelerate.  When I’m training I try not to stop at the crest of a hill for a break, rather at the bottom or somewhere on a flat stretch: that means I rarely stop to rest as I’m not usually tired at those places!  Similarly, if I’m doing uphill repeats, I make the end of the hill be 20-40 m past the top or on the downhill thereafter.
  • Choose your path.  If you’re on a trail, try to make the hill as easy as possible by choose firm ground.  Look for solid footing with no loose gravel (etc) and stay away from boggy or soggy, soft ground.  These things will suck your energy and make the hill just that much more difficult.
  • Smile… how many times have we heard this advice in yoga when our abs are screaming and we’re trying not to collapse out of boat pose!  Well, there is some truth to it.  If you smile it will help your body relax and keep your minds off the pain or discomfort you’re experiencing.  Not to mention it will psych out your competitors!

If you’re still “busting a gut” and just can’t run another step – walk!  There is no shame in walking.  On some hills, very steep ones, walking is actually faster than running because it actually uses less energy and on a steep incline you’re able to cover ground at the same rate.  If you choose to walk, use quick, long strides and swing your arms strongly at your sides.  This will lower your rate of breathing while maintaining your heart rate.  It is more difficult to get back into a running rhythm after a walk break so use this trick sparingly and only on the steepest hills.


Born in Nova Scotia and emigrating to British Columbia via Ontario and Alberta, Magi has been running the entire way. Primarily defined as a cross country ski racer, Magi has competed nationally and internationally in that sport. The highlight of her career was competing in the World University Games and the World Cup races in Canada in 2007. Cross country skiers rely heavily on running for cross training and Magi has become an accomplished trail and mountain runner, representing Canada at the World Mountain Running Championships in 2005 and the winning numerous national championships medals.

Today Magi runs for fun… and it’s a lot of fun! Epic mountain runs, city cruises with friends, and more keep her happy and occupied outside of work and school.

World Alzheimer`s Day Run for Heroes

Chris Uszynski runs for heroes – and you can too.

If you’re looking to run a fun event for a great cause, consider the World Alzheimer’s Day Run for Heroes Marathon – a 5K, 10K, half marathon or marathon in Amherstburg, ON, with a unique twist – it’s billed as the “Official Run for the Battle of 1812 Bicentennial Celebrations.”

As the name suggests, the race is a fundraiser for the Caregiver Support Programs at the Alzheimer Society of Windsor and Essex County, and was founded by local resident Uszynki who has watched his parents’ struggle with Alzheimer’s. His father has had the disease for over 21 years, and his mother was the primary caregiver for 19 of them. “She is my Hero and the World Alzheimer’s Day Run is a salute to my Mom and all the caregivers that work non-stop no matter how they feel or how tired they are to care for and protect their loved one” explains Uszynski.

Prior to the 2011 event, Uszynski organized the World Alzheimer’s Day Run UltraMarathon – beginning at 65km in 2007 and growing to 100K by 2010 and attracting 250 runners.  Then a decision was made to make the run more accessible to attract greater numbers, leading to last year’s event in Amherstburg. Since 2007, the events have raised over $100,000, and they’re hoping that this year will be record-breaking.

The Run

Dubbed as Canada’s southern-most Boston Qualifier, the route promises to be flat – so flat that the website is www.runningflat.com, and there’s a “We are so flat….” joke contest on the facebook page! According to organizers, 51% of runners ran a personal best in last year’s inaugural event.

This year’s run is extra-special, since it celebrates two hundred years of friendship and peace between Canada and the United States.  The route passes through historic Fort Malden, there will be battle re-enactments, and when you register, you will be asked to declare yourself a Red Coat or a Blue Coat.  Every finisher receives a medal that commemorates the Bicentennial.


Cadence and Summer

I’ve been thinking about my cadence lately – you know, the rate that your legs turn over? Apparently the ideal cadence is 180 times per minute. I timed myself and was hitting 172. It’s not far off, but I think that increasing my cadence may increase my speed and running efficiency.

I ran 18k last week and for the first little while tried to concentrate on increasing my leg turn-over. This isn’t the same as just running faster, it’s shortening your stride. The result was a slow awkward pace that felt weird and uncomfortable. By the 5k mark, I ditched my cadence analysis and reverted to my comfortable running style.

Looking back, I think that a long run is not the time to try to change stride.

I’ve also heard that a treadmill is a better place to work on cadence, as you can concentrate on your stride without changing speed. The speed is set on the treadmill, so you can be sure that your legs are turning over more quickly without affecting your pace.

In other news, I’ve been on a bit of a run streak lately. Today will be day 7 (I’m shooting for 30). Day four was definitely the toughest so far, as I was tired and unmotivated. I knew I needed something to make me feel energized (and a slow 3k wasn’t going to do that), so I went for a quick bike ride and followed it with my 3k. I don’t know if it was the ride or the bike/run combo that seemed to shake out the fatigue in my legs, but since then, I’ve been feeling great. Yesterday, I played recreational soccer and decided to count that as a run (it was 70 minutes of sprinting). My ankle is a little swollen this morning (I twisted it or something) and while I don’t know to break my streak this early in the month, I’m not entirely sure that I really should run. I’m thinking I may just run an easy mile on the treadmill.

I write my last (!!!) final exam on Thursday, and am very much looking forward to being a stay-at-home-mom this summer for the first time in three years. September will bring about a part-time job, but this summer will be kids and sunshine and bubbles and pools and probably a little bit of boredom, but, ahh, I’ve been waiting for this all year.

Marathon training is going well and the Halifax Chapter of Team in Training is 60+ people. My husband and I are playing rec soccer this summer and he’ll be taking two weeks (the longest he’s taken in three years!) vacation in July, and quite frankly, things couldn’t be going better.

What about you? What are your summer race plans? What are you training for?

“iRun To Go Beyond Myself”

By: Karen Karnis

« Je cours pour me dépasser »

“iRun to go beyond myself”

~ Christian Mercier

Growing up, Christian Mercier was a well rounded athlete. He played hockey in the winter and soccer during the summer – but he never did track or cross country.  But for whatever reason, about 20 years ago he decided to run a marathon.  He was undertrained and unprepared for the beast that is the marathon, yet somehow he managed to pull off a 3:20 finish – he attributes this to the fitness he gained from soccer over the years.

When he was in his twenties, Mercier continued to run marathons – he would train over the summer, race in the fall, and that was that.  But then, when he was in his thirties, Mercier met a group of accomplished runners with whom he began to train.  With other runners to learn from, planned workouts that were hard and exciting, he immediately began to notice improvements.

“J’ai réalisé que j’avais un certain potentiel, mais j’ai surtout appris à aimé réellement la course à pied,” says Mercier, roughly meaning that he discovered he had some potential, but mostly learned to really love running.  Even though he loved it and stuck with it, he did not foresee that his journey would take him to running every day, running about 10 races a year, having a coach or representing Mizuno.

Under the training of his coach, Steve Boyd, Mercier has turned out some impressive performances for a guy with a full time job, a wife and two young daughters.  He was the bronze medallist in the 2009 Canadian Marathon Championship, ran the fastest marathons for the province of Quebec in 2012 and 2011, and has been in the top-10 at the Canadian half-marathon championships for the last four years.  His proudest race accomplishment, however, was placing 30th in the Berlin Marathon in 2010.  “Being able to register a 6-minute personal best at one of the biggest world marathons, which happened to be so far from home, was particularly special,” says Mercier of his 2:24:52 finish.  His other personal bests include a 14:57 5K, 30:44 10K, 47:56 15K and 68:33 half marathon.

Having already run the Ottawa Marathon this May 27, Mercier’s goals for 2012 include the Chicago Marathon in September. “I want to take my training one notch higher to be ready to run as fast as possible,” he says. “I have an eye on Quebec’s 10th fastest marathon performance,” he adds, advising the time to beat is 2:20:36, set by Dorys Langlois.  Looking ahead, Mercier the 37-year-old plans to be international- calibre by the time he’s competing in the Masters Division, with a continued focus on the marathon.  “It’s a mythical event,” he says, adding, “it’s long enough that you have to dig deep. But it’s the process that I’m loving more. The grind where you keep putting miles in day after day.”

He loves cranking out those miles in his Mizuno Wave Precision shoes. “I’ve been running in Mizuno shoes for a good number of years now and I absolutely love them,” he says. “I have probably logged something like 20,000 kilometres over the years in different versions of the Precision.”  He adds that for his speed workouts and races, he switches to his Ronins because they are lighter but still have all the support he needs.

Mercier’s proudest accomplishment off the clock is that he is able to maintain balance in his life.  “I continue to pursue my running goals without neglecting the other aspects of my life, such as family, friends and work,” he says, but he couldn’t do it without the support of his wife, Julie, who has been a tremendous ally.  “Having two little daughters, three and six years old, and a full time job, you can surely imagine that it takes some strong support from the douce-moitié.” He says he is sometimes asked f he has regrets about not taking up running earlier and trying for the Olympics before having a family, and to this he always answers with a resounding no. “I’m always picturing my two little daughters. I don’t think my life would have unfolded the way it has without them on my side.”

“My daughters inspire me and amaze me in so many ways,” says the proud père.  “Running is a way for me to show them that hard work can be rewarding. You should see their faces when on some occasions following races, I’m in the morning papers. My older one who is in first grade is so proud that she immediately says that she’ll bring the newspaper to present it in her class. I want to be the best role model that I can be and I think by keeping a good healthy lifestyle with running is a good way.”

When asked about his own role models, Mercier doesn’t hesitate: Haile Gebreselassie.  “I admire his talent, his style, his ability to lose himself in his races. Furthermore, I like the way he conducts himself outside of running, with a smile on his face, acting gently around everybody. Those are the things that I relate to and that I try to mimic in my own running,” he says.

When asked what advice he would give to other runners, Mercier says: “Be honest with your running, have fun, train hard, and keep pushing, always. And good things will happen. Even in life.”

Eating for Recovery: Why Timing is Key

By: Nikki Reiter

So you just got in from your easy recovery jog – now it’s time to put back that recovery bar, or a perhaps indulge in a treat?  It’s for recovery right?  Don’t be too quick to devour.  Yes, your body needs calories, but it’s important to know what kind, how much, and when, or you may be unknowingly packing on the pounds.  As a runner or athlete, you know that every extra pound you carry costs time, wastes energy, stresses your joints, and affects your performance.  To further discuss these ideas, I met with Dr. Sally Willis-Stewart, an instructor at the University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus in the school of Health and Exercise Sciences and leader of the Nutrition Education Center on campus.  She is an Academic Affiliate with Dietitians of Canada and an award-winning instructor in the field of applied health and sports nutrition.  Like many experts who advocate a healthy lifestyle, Dr. Willis-Stewart is also an avid (and quick!) runner.

What We Really Need

At the end of the day, we will lose weight based on the calorie balance we maintain.  If you’re looking to reduce your weight, you have to consume fewer calories.  Running can also facilitate weight loss, but it’s important to remind yourself that you’re fueling yourself to run.  In order to improve as runners, we cannot begin our workout hungry and depleted of energy.  This decreases the quality of the workout, which in turn limits our ability to improve our performance.

When it comes to what we should eat, “walk the perimeter of the grocery store (where fresh foods are found) and be cognitive of reading labels” says Dr. Willis-Stewart.  By eating a variety of whole, natural foods, we can usually eliminate the need for supplements.  Also, by choosing foods in their most natural state, you ensure the most nutrient density.  If you must reach for items off the shelf, look closely at the ingredient list.  Look for foods made with few ingredients, comprising of whole grains, low sugar, and low salt – and by all means keep foods with the word ‘hydrogenated’ (i.e. trans fats) to an absolute minimum.  As for those ‘super foods’ (the ones that promise to deliver multiple health benefits) they will only get their chance to work wonders on you if you are first eating a basic, healthy diet.

When We Really Need It

It’s important to distinguish the needs of different runners and different workouts.  Runners who engage in a short recovery run do not need to refuel in the same sense as a runner who just completed a glycogen-depleting 90 minute long run, or an intense session of intervals on the track.  The seasoned runner who performs a light run will ideally time their run for before they have their snack.  If you need a little extra boost pre-run, don’t follow that run with an extra snack unless it’s a tough workout where you need to replenish your body’s fuel stores.  After an intense workout, it’s important to consume a post-workout snack that includes protein and carbohydrate (example: chocolate milk), and should be consumed within 30 minutes to optimize recovery for your next workout.

Dr. Willis-Stewart explains that “it’s important to refuel even if you’re trying to lose weight” and that planning is key.  Bring your snack with you and plan your day so that you don’t reach for something unhealthy to get you through the afternoon.  And since timing is also key, try to plan your snack around your workout.  Ultimately, frequent eating will keep our blood sugar levels steady and eliminate those energy crashes we often feel.  Ideally, we eat five ‘mini-meals’ a day, whereby we have breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, then dinner.  To successfully adopt this pattern, meal portion sizes must be reduced from what is currently being consumed.

Pairing Running with Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight while you’re running, your diet is just as important as the work you put into running.  Remind yourself that you’re a runner, and that severely restricting your calories will lead to a rapid weight loss of not only fat, but also muscle.  Additionally, it’s been shown that one can very quickly (and permanently!) slow their metabolic rate by restricting food.  If you’re trying to improve your performance as a runner, this behaviour can be detrimental to your training program.

Often in an attempt to lose weight, we engage in diets that restrict certain foods.  There is a danger associated with eliminating food groups.  Protein, carbohydrates and fats are all important for our body’s development and maintenance.  Protein helps rebuild muscle, carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores, and fat helps with satiety.  There are always fads that lead us to believe that certain foods are bad for us.  Granted, processed foods can definitely be eliminated from our diets.  However, extreme diets that encourage eating the same foods or require extreme patterns of eating are not likely to be sustained.  “When we eliminate certain foods, we lose certain groups of nutrients, which leads to a decreased function of our bodies” Dr. Willis-Stewart explains, and that “severely restricting yourself can lead feelings of deprivation: we eat not only for nourishment, but for comfort and cultural and social reasons as well.”  Bottom line: your diet should fit in with your lifestyle.

Recipe: Sally’s Homemade Power Cookies

Mainstream granola bars, although often reached for in a bind, are considered ‘empty calories,’ that is, the energy source is often in the form of simple sugars and there are manufactured ingredients.  For a snack that really packs a nutritional punch, try Sally’s Homemade Power Cookies (see recipe below).


1 1/2 cups flour (mixture of whole wheat, spelt, kamut etc.)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cups oats
1/4 cups wheat germ, oat bran or quinoa puffs
1 cup high fiber cereal (muesli, fibre first, bran buds etc.)
2 tbsp. each of pumpkin, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds
3/4 cups dried fruit (mixture of raisins, apricots, dates, cranberries, pineapple etc.)
2 tbsp. protein powder (eg. soy, whey, skim milk powder)
1/3 cups med. shredded coconut
3/4  cups grated apple
1/2 cups chocolate chips
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 grated rind of orange
1/2 cups non-hydrogenated margarine
1 egg
3 tbsp. honey or maple syrup


  1. In a large bowl stir together dry ingredients
  2. Cut in the margarine until well blended
  3. Stir in the remaining wet ingredients and stir until well blended and moist
  4. Dough should be the consistency to roll or drop into small balls; you may need to add a bit more flour  if too moist or a bit of plain yogurt or another egg if too dry, to get the right consistency
  5. Spoon by tablespoons onto a non stick cookie sheet
  6. Bake at 350 F degrees for 10 minutes
  7. Remove from sheet onto cooling rack immediately
  8. Enjoy and share them with a friend!

Happy Running!


Nikki Reiter holds a master’s degree in biomechanics and is a Mizuno Running Brand Ambassador and the Women’s Cross Country Running Head Coach at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus in Kelowna, BC. She is also the Laboratory Coordinator in the School of Health and Exercise Sciences at UBC Okanagan where she facilitates undergraduate laboratory learning.