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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Blog Page 230

What I Write About When I Write About Running (Part 1)

“And runners can detect each notch in the seasonal shift in the feel of the wind against our skin, its smell and direction.  In the midst of this flow I’m aware of myself as one tiny piece in the gigantic mosaic of nature.  I’m just a replaceable natural phenomenom, like the water in the river that flows under the bridge towards the sea.”  Haruki Murakami

VICKY:  How are you enjoying summer running or are you still swimming?

GRANT: Both, in fact.  My outdoor swim season has begun, but I’m also enjoying the trails of the Gatineau Park.

VICKY:  Oh right, you run with Dave and Lise’s group from Natural Fitness Lab.

GRANT: Yes, last night I actually got to spend most of the evening running with Lise (9 time National Champion in X-country skiing and two time Olympian amongst other achievements).  Lise gave me some advice on dealing with the horrible seasonal allergies I’ve been dealing with…. and we also talked about body position and cadence on hills.

VICKY: I’ll let Lise teach you about running, but remember my advice on allergies: two tablespoons of honey per day and you’ll be fit as a fiddle!  Now tell me about what you’re reading these days.

GRANT: Ah yes. I’m reading a fantastic book by Haruki Murakami called “What I talk about when I talk about running“.  The Guardian calls him “among the world’s greatest living novelists”.   In addition to being a great novelist, Murakami is also a damn good marathoner, ultramarathoner and triathlete.

VICKY: Really? I’ve never heard of him. Have you read any other books of his?  What made you want to read this one?

GRANT: Well I haven’t read any of his other books, but he came highly recommend by my buddy James Long who is a great theatre actor and producer currently working through Theatre Replacement in Vancouver.  Murakami’s books are truly beautiful and he has a cult following in Japan and around the world.  The book is almost dreamlike and meditative and based on journals he has kept about running.  It’s great to read a book in which someone thinks philosophically about running and how it has shaped them.  Witness this passage:

“Especially for someone in my line of work, solitude is, more or less, an inevitable circumstance.  Sometimes, this sense of isolation, like acid spilling out of a bottle, can unconsciously eat away at a person’s heart and dissolve it.  You could see it, too, as a double-edged sword.  It protects me, but at the same time steadily cuts away at me from the inside.  I think in my own way I’m aware of this danger- probably through experience- and that’s why I’ve had to constantly keep my body in motion, in some cases pushing myself to the limit, in order to heal the loneliness I feel inside and to put it in perspective.  Not so much as an intentional act, but as a instinctive reaction.  Let me be more specific.  When I”m criticized unjustly (from my viewpoint, at least), or when someone I’m sure will understand me doesn’t, I go running for a little longer than usual.  By running longer it’s like I can physically exhaust that portion of my discontent.  It also makes me realize how weak I am, how limited my abilities are.  I become aware, physically, of these low points.  And one of the results of running a little farther than usual is that I become that much stronger.  If I am angry, I direct that anger towards myself.  If I have a frustrating experience, I use that to improve myself.  That’s the way I’ve always lived.  I quietly absorb the things I’m able to, releasing them later, and in as changed a form as possible, as part of the story line in a novel.”

VICKY: Isn’t this what we really want from running?  In different ways we want it to make us better people.

GRANT: It’s really a profound way to look at running.  It’s nice to see people writing about the way that running has affected their lives and their work.  It’s deep, but it’s very relatable.  Here’s another section and then I’ll stop quoting him:

“What do I think about when I’m running?  I don’t have a clue.  On cold days I guess I think a little about how cold it is.  And about the heat on hot days.  When I’m sad I think a little about sadness.  When I’m happy I think a little about happiness.  As I mentioned before, random memories come to me too.  And occasionally, hardly ever, really, I get an idea to use in a novel.  But really as I run, I don’t think much of anything worth mentioning.  I just run.  I run in a void.  Or maybe I should put it the other way:  I run in order to acquire a void.  But as you might expect, an occasional thought will slip into this void.  People’s minds can’t be a complete blank.  Human beings’ emotions are not strong or consistent enough to sustain a vacuum.  What I mean is, the kinds of thoughts and ideas that invade my emotions as I run remain subordinate to that void.  Lacking content, they are just random thoughts that gather around that central void.  The thoughts that occur to me while I”m running are like clouds in the sky.  Clouds of all different sizes.  They come and they go, while the sky remains the same sky as always.  The clouds are mere guests in the sky that pass away and vanish, leaving behind the sky.  The sky both exists and doesn’t exist.  It has substance and at the same time doesn’t.  And we merely accept that vast expanse and drink it in.”

VICKY:  I like that a lot. A book about running that makes you think on a whole different level. It sounds like it’s almost meditative non?

GRANT:  Yes, for sure and for me this is what trail running is as well.  I can’t bang out KMs on pavement, but when you are up in the hills and dancing over rock and through mud your mind will not wander.  It will be focused on the steps ahead of you (or else you’ll fall).  When you are moving like as if past and future have no place and there is only the now.  This is what I enjoy about trail running.

VICKY:  We’ve read a lot of books about running, but it doesn’t get expressed in this way very often, if ever.

GRANT:  Exactly and sadly true.  I don’t want to just read and write about books on how to shave a minute off your 10K (not that that is not an admirable goal), but what I enjoy about running, reading and writing is the search for meaning.

VICKY:  Agreed and this is why everyone will see a change in the blog. I mean we’ve always had quotes at the beginning of our blog and it’s always been a bit cooky at times. However, we’ve matured over the years with iRun and I think we’re going in a different direction and bringing a new dimension to it.

GRANT: Definetly, but can we write one of these every two weeks?

VICKY: Absolutely! I get inspired every day on my way home from work. I usually take the back roads and nature inspires me. Same for you when you bike to and from work. I think we’re in good space for this new adventure.

Watermelon mojito popsicles

I was over at Renee’s house last week, dropping off her spare house key, which I had held on to for about a month after babysitting her cat for a few days (it’s a long story). Renee was eating one of these popsicles when I walked in and offered one to me. Readers, you know that I’m not the kind of girl to turn down a cocktail let alone a cocktail-based popsicle. These were delicious.


– watermelon, enough to produce two cups of juice

– 2 Tbsp honey

– 1/2 cup lime juice (about 4)

– 1/4 cup mint, chopped

– 1/4 cup club soda

– 1/4 cup rum


1. Chop the watermelon into chunks and remove seeds. Put the watermelon chunks in a blender and blend until smooth. Strain blended watermelon using a fine mesh colander or cheesecloth, reserving the juice.

2. Blend 2 cups of the watermelon juice, honey, lime juice and mint.

3. Stir in club soda and rum. Pour in to popsicle molds. Freeze. (Renee says there was extra popsicle liquid – drink it to reward yourself for your hard work!)

4. Enjoy!

Reid Coolaset 2:10:32

Meet him at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon after running Marathon Flame from the Beach to Direct Energy Centre, where the expo was held. Also had to get my pic with Eric Gillis (2:11:28).
To complete Canada’s Olympic Marathoners I missed Dylan Wylkes (but I did meet him at the 2007 Scotiabank Toronto Marathon press conference, he won’t remember me, but I did talk to him.

Are You Training Enough?

Ed McNeely


Before you get too far into this running season take a look back at last season. Did you get everything out of it you hoped for? If not why not? For many people the answer is simple, they failed to walk that fine line between optimal training and overtraining; either under or overtraining. For most people getting the volume of training right is the first step.

Training volume is the amount of work that is performed. Many coaches and endurance athletes use the number of meters or kilometers covered as the measure of training volume. While this is an acceptable measure it does not always give the full picture of training. For example if athlete A does a 20 km workout in 90 minutes and athlete B covers the same 20 km in 60 minutes they are not doing the same workout and won’t get the same training effect even though the volume as measured by distance is the same. Time is a better measure of training volume as it is allows athletes of varying level to be compared on an equal level.

Annual training volume has a direct effect on performance. For many athletes work, school, and family commitments influence their training volume, limiting them to four or five hours of training per week. As in almost every sport you get out of training what you put in, your training goals and time commitment need to be compatible; expecting to win an Olympic medal by training six hours per week is unrealistic as is winning a national championship on three hours per week of training. Table 1 shows the desired training volume by competitive level. In order to continue to improve within your competition level or move to a higher level you must increase training volume from year to year. Even at the elite level there has been a steady increase in total training volume over the past 30 years, increasing from and average of 924 hours per year in the 1970’s to 1128 hours per year in the late 1990’s, a 20% increase.

Increasing training volume must be done gradually, rapid increases in training volume can quickly lead to overtraining and injuries; this is very common when an athlete makes the jump from one competitive level to another without having planned for the transition the previous year. As a rule of thumb annual increases in training volume should not exceed 5-10% of the previous years volume.

Table 1. Training volume by competitive level

Competitive Level Training Volume (hrs/year)






Masters/High school






PEAK Centre staff have the highest certifications available in Canada for Sport Science. With their combined experience and education, PEAK Centre is at the forefront of practical Sport Science application.

Icebreaker GT Socks

Icebreaker GT Socks. Photo Credit Kirsten Boucher

Reviewed By: Jeff Boucher

iRun because I like to keep in shape for the ski and snowboard season

Product: Icebreaker GT Socks

 Product category: running socks

Canadian MSRP: approx: $22.00


Product Website: Icebreaker Socks


 Description: Icebreaker GT socks – 60% Merino wool, 36% nylon, 4% elastan. Made in New Zealand.

 Pros: These are the most comfortable socks I have ever worn! They have great arch support which helped to stabilize my foot during trail runs. Since the socks are made of wool they don’t stink like other socks do after long runs. I would recommend these socks for all runners – they will help to make your run more enjoyable!

Cons: These socks have no cons – they are the best socks ever!

Ideal for: All runners would benefit from these amazing socks!

Overall: I wore these socks on an 8km and 14km trail run. My feet were comfortable the whole way. Also, the socks didn’t stink like other socks do.

About the reviewer: My name is Jeff. I have completed 6 marathons. My best time is 3:12. Also, I enjoy doing trail runs and running with the Hogtown Hash House Harriers. I run about 50km per week. Running is a great way for me to keep in shape for the ski and snowboard season!

Wigwam Ultimax Ironman

Reviewed by: Gaye Roberts

iRun because  (I read this somewhere just recently, so it’s not mine, but it fits me to a “T’)  Running isn’t a sport, it’s a lifestyle.  I subscribe to that wholeheartedly

Product:  Wigwam Ultimax Ironman F6012 Enduro Pro Ultralight socks

Product Category: Running Socks

Canadian MSRP: $11.00

Website : Wigwam Ultimax Ironman

Description: Ultimax® Pro…dry feet, no blisters, no odor. Ultralight, Breathable mesh air vents, Seamless toe closure

Pros: I received the socks one day before a short race.  I decided to try them out, right out of the package. They felt smooth, silky and soft as I slipped them on.  The fit was excellent and hugged the foot very nicely. These socks are thinner than I like to wear, and my forefoot was a bit loose in my shoe. I thought this would be a good way to test the “no blisters” claim. I must say, I was very pleased with how they ‘performed’. Although I could feel my feet slipping around a bit, there were no blisters at the end of the race. The seamless toe is a definite advantage for any runner!I didn’t actually test the “prevents odour” claim after the race, but my feet felt dry and comfortable after the race, which is unusual for me.I followed the directions of washing them inside out, and they came out white, silky soft and smooth.  After several washes, they still look like new.

Cons: There are no complaints about this sock.

Ideal for: Any level of runner.

Overall:  I can recommend these socks & I look forward to testing the 2 year guarantee

About the Reviewer:  I’ve been running since I was ‘forced’ into it in a university P.E. class way back in 1975, for grades.  So it’s been a long time!  I’ve had very few injuries, mostly because I’m a ‘shuffler’.  People always said you gotta raise your knees to go faster, but I never got it.  My best race was the Portland marathon, 1988: 3:02. Not bad for a 42 yr old!

I’ve done a couple of “short” ultras: 50 Km.  I haven’t done too many marathons (6), but many, many 1/2M, 10mi & 10 Km races.

One thing about getting older: less competition

Five Rules for Heart Rate Monitoring

Ed McNeely – Peak Centre for Human Performance

Heart rate is an easily measurable physiological variable that is often used to gauge the intensity of a training session. Under the right conditions heart rates can be a useful tool  but there are too many athletes that have developed a dependence on their heart rate monitor with little understanding of how to use it effectively.

The ability to use heart rate to monitor the intensity of a training session developed from the fact that there is a linear relationship between oxygen consumption and heart rate. While this is valuable information,  it has also lead to two problem areas. First, the relationship starts to break down at around 85% of VO2 max. Since many types of intervals and most speed work are done at or above this intensity heart rate alone cannot be used to monitor this type of work. Second, even though there is a relationship between exercise intensity and heart rate this relationship is different for different exercises i.e. heart rates for running will not be the same as heart rates for rowing for any given intensity. In fact, in cycling heart rates change with different body position on the bike. Some research indicates that heart rates on the road can be as much as 10 beats higher than riding indoors on a trainer for the same oxygen consumption. This brings us to our first rule of heart rate monitoring. Heart rates are specific to the activity you are doing .

Heart rate is influenced by many variables. Duration of training, emotional stress, clothing, heat, dehydration, overtraining, loss of sleep, decreased blood volume, altitude, and detraining. During long duration steady state training sessions the heat produced by the body can increase heart rate by as much as 20 beats/ minute. If you were to slow down to try to keep your heart rate the same, you would change the training effect for the muscles. This leads us to heart rate rule number two: During steady state training the speed or power output should remain relatively constant throughout the session regardless of increases in heart rate.

Training in a hot environment can increase heart rate by up to 13 beats/min. Emotional stress at work or the stress of exams at schools tends to increase heart rate during training. In addition, these types of stress decrease quality of sleep which further increases heart rate. Rule number three: When training in hot weather or during periods of high stress use feelings of fatigue and comfort as a training guide rather than heart rate.

Heart rate is an individual response as is maximum heart rate, varying as much as 20-30 bpm between people of the same fitness level. Comparing heart rates to other people is unnecessary and often unwise. Training programs should not be based on general heart rate guidelines rather they should be based on individual responses. A training heart rate of 150 bpm may elicit very different adaptations for different people. Rule 4: Don’t compare heart rates to others.

Because heart rate is an individual response, heart rate values need to be determined in relation to other physiological variables. There are three common physiological markers for aerobic training: Aerobic threshold, anaerobic threshold and VO2 max. Training programs are normally designed to change these physiological points. To prescribe meaningful heart rate ranges these points have to be identified. This can be done through lactate testing or through an oxygen consumption test. If these points are not determined the heart rate prescriptions are purely guess work. Rule 5: Heart rate ranges should be determined from other physiological data.

Heart rate is a tool for training. Like all tools it has limitation and should be used for a specific job at a specific time. Speed, pace or power output are influenced by fewer factors than heart rate and may prove to be better indicators of training intensity. If you are going to use heart rate to monitor your intensity follow the guidelines outlined here and remember that heart rate is just a response to internal and external stimuli it should not be the main controlling factor for your training.


PEAK Centre staff have the highest certifications available in Canada for Sport Science. With their combined experience and education, PEAK Centre is at the forefront of practical Sport Science application.

Wigwam Ironman Endur Pro

Reviewed By: Gerrard Leach

iRun because I can

Product : Wigwam Ironman Endur Pro

Product category : Socks

Canadian MSRP: varies by retailer

Product Websitehttp://www.wigwam.com/

Description: Great socks for warm weather. Lightweight, breathable

Pros: Lightweight, breathable, not itchy, wicking, and cool. I like that they aren’t white and therefore don’t show dirt/wear as much.

Cons: Not double layer like some socks, but great for a lightweight breathable sock


Ideal for:  A three season runner, or those with warm feet in the winter.


Overall: I used the product on two runs, and a bike ride. They were very comfortable, and felt cool. First day was 18 degrees, second 32 degrees celcius.


About the reviewer: Gerrard Leach enjoys many athletic pursuits. Hiking, running, cycling, former soccer player, and loves getting outdoors.


Crab cakes

So tasty, I married the cook

**Have you ever wanted to start a food blog but hesitated because you couldn’t commit full-time? Have I got the solution for you!: A time-shared food blog by iRun readers, for iRun readers! Submit your recipes here or by e-mailing webeditor@irun.ca.**

As I sat down to write this post, I couldn’t figure out whether I had already done a post about crab cakes at some point in the history of this blog. And then I realized that I didn’t care either way because I love crab cakes so very much. Mr. Shuffler is on a quest to find the best recipe out there. This recipe came from Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything”.

Crab Cakes

1 pound fresh lump crabmeat, picked over for cartilage (I used the equivalent amount of canned crab)

1 egg

1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper

1/2 cup chopped scallion

1/4 cup mayonnaise (Mark helpfully includes a page reference for making your own…we used the stuff from Loblaw)

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tbsp bread crumbs, preferably fresh, or cracker crumbs, as needed (I ground up some Triscuit black pepper and olive oil crackers in the food processor – perfection!)

About 1 cup all-purpose flour for dredging

Curry powder, optional

2 tbsps peanut, extra virgin olive or vegetable oil

2 tbsps butter or more oil

Lemon wedges and/or Tartar sauce (Note: really good crab cakes don’t need these embellishments)

1. Mix together the crabmeat, egg, bell pepper, scallion, mayonnaise, mustard, and some salt and pepper. Add enough bread crumbs to bind the mixture just enough to form into cakes; start with 2 tbsps and use more if you need it.

2. Refrigerate the mixture until you’re ready to cook (it will be easier to shape if you refrigerate it for 30 minutes or more, but it’s ready to go when you finish mixing).

3. Season the flour with salt and pepper and add some curry powder if you like. Heat a large skillet, preferably cast-iron, over medium-high heat for 2 or 3 minutes. Add the oil and butter and heat until the butter foam subsides. Shape the crabmeat mixture into 1-inch-thick cakes, dredge each in the flour, and cook, adjusting the heat as necessary and turning once (very gently), until golden brown on both sides, about 5 minutes per side. Serve with lemon wedges and/or tartar sauce. Serves 4 (or 2 if one person really, really likes crab cakes)


Altitude Training at Home

Even small improvements in performance often take hours of training, hours which for the recreationally competitive athlete are often difficult to find when they have to juggle family life, work and training. One of the most overlooked adjuncts to training that has continually shown performance benefits is intermittent hypoxic training. Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) makes use of a machine that decreases the amount of oxygen that you breathe, simulating altitude. IHT training has been shown to increase power at both anaerobic threshold and VO2 max by 4-6% in as little as three weeks with daily use of IHT for an hour at a time. This is about the equivalent of six months or more of improvements from actual training for most age group athletes. The real advantage to IHT training is that it is a passive form of training, you sit there attached to the machine and breathe while reading, watching TV or responding to e-mail.

How Does it Work?

Hypoxia, a decrease in the oxygen content of the air you are breathing stimulates the release of erythropoietin, the hormone responsible for producing red blood cell. With repeated exposure you will gradually increase the total number of circulating red cells and the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood.

Many people mistakenly believe that the use of hematocrit, the cell component of blood, levels are a good indicator of whether the IHT is working or not. If you were to take hematocrit measures every day while using IHT you would likely see an increase in hematocrit for a short time and then a gradual decrease back to normal levels as blood volume increases. If you only take a hematocrit reading at the beginning, middle and end of the IHT program you are unlikely to see any changes.

The human body likes to maintain hematocrit within a relatively narrow range, normal variations in hematocrit are typically less than 4% over the course of a year. One of the primary adaptations to aerobic training is an increase in blood volume, resulting in a decrease in hematocrit levels, reducing blood viscosity and resistance to blood flow, and improving cardiac output. There is a strong positive correlation between blood volume and endurance performance but contrary to what many athletes believe there is a negative correlation between hematocrit and performance. In other words high hematocrit levels actually decrease aerobic capacity. A lower hematocrit keeps blood viscosity lower and improves blood flow rate which improves oxygen transportation and transfer of oxygen to the muscles.

Given the amount of time and effort that you put into your training, the investment in IHT training is well worth the possibility of doubling the amount of improvement most people typically see in a year.


Thirup, P. (2003). Hematocrit: Within subject and seasonal variation. Sports Medicine. 33(3) pp 231-243.

El syaed, M., Ali, N., and El sayed -Ali, Z. (2005).  Haemorohlogy in exercise and training. Sports Medicine. 35(8) pp 649-670.


PEAK Centre staff have the highest certifications available in Canada for Sport Science. With their combined experience and education, PEAK Centre is at the forefront of practical Sport Science application.