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Thursday, October 3, 2024
Blog Page 224

Contestant #1: Andrew Chak

Andrew Chak started running when his wife signed them both up for the 2011 Sporting Life 10K as a way to get her husband in shape – had she known what she was in for she might have gotten him tennis lessons instead.  Chak says his wife has declared that he has Obsessive Running Disorder.  The 41-year-old from Toronto, ON, obsesses over every detail from finding the right shoes, to the exact right race shirt to picking the right races to run. Time will tell if blogging will be therapeutic, as he imagines, or just give him more to obsess about!

Contestant #2: Cathy Bouwers

Like many runners, Cathy Bouwers is very goal-oriented – and like so many before her, eventually her goal-setting took all the fun out of running. She got so burnt out that she stopped running entirely.  Now, this 36-year-old Communications Associate and mother of two has decided it is time to rediscover the fun in running.  Bouwers proposes to experiment with new and novel experiences that will prevent her from taking running too seriously, and share this journey on her blog.

Contestant #10: Tamara Schroeder

Tamara Schroeder was diagnosed with postpartum anxiety when her daughter was three months old.  Wanting an alternative to medication and time just for her, she turned to running when her daughter hit six months.  She continued to run through her second pregnancy, and following the birth of her son this spring, she dove right back in, hoping to pick up where she left off.  The 31-year-old mom from Calgary, AB, has since realized that she’s in uncharted territory but says, “I’m figuring it out as I go, because not running just isn’t an option.”

Contestant #9: Neil Zeller

Neil Zeller only has one piece of running equipment he can’t live without – and it’s not shoes. In fact, this 38-year-old runner and proud father from Calgary, AB runs barefoot – but can very often be seen out and about with his camera. While he loves to race, he tells iRun, “I love to volunteer for races too, because then I get to carry my good camera and shoot a lot more anecdotal photos during the race!”  In his blog, Zeller plans to share stories of his barefoot adventures, with both words and pictures.

Contestant #8: Martin Parnell

You may remember Martin Parnell as the “Marathon Quest 250 guy” and winner of a prestigious iRun Award in 2010. Parnell is back, this time as a Running Blog Idol 2.0 finalist, where he will write about running for charity. While he certainly hasn’t forgotten how to have fun on the run, he’s serious about using the sport as a vehicle to raise funds for Right to Play.  The 57-year-old from Cochrane, AB, shares the ups and downs of his very public fundraising campaign.

Contestant #7: Mark Linseman

Mark Linseman is a triathlon coach with Loaring Personal Coaching in Guelph, ON, where he also works at The Running Works, a local independently-owned running and triathlon store.  He has a Master’s in Exercise Nutrition and Metabolism, and works at the University of Guelph as a Performance Nutrition Consultant, helping athletes of all levels to develop a plan for nutrition and hydration during exercise.  Linseman will share his knowledge, but don’t worry – he uses everyday language, real-life examples and his own experience to illustrate his points.

Contestant #6: Len Guchardi

At 52 years old, Len Guchardi has been the block once or twice.  This long-time runner looks at where running has been and marvels at where it is going. He tells iRun, “I consider myself a middle-age road and trail runner with lots of miles behind me and even more important, lots of good miles ahead of me.” Guchardi promises to offer perspectives to “the young runner, young at heart runner, and anyone who would be willing to listen to the sage advice of your average experienced – and sometimes grumpy – older runner.”

Contestant #5: Emily Panetta

Emily Panetta has a lot going on.  The 25-year-old kinesiology and journalism graduate is moving to Burlington, ON – she’s packed her new car to start a new job in a new city, far from her family in Ottawa. For as long as she can remember, Panetta has used running to cope with stress, and now is no exception. “As I get ready to start a new job in an unfamiliar city, I know running will be the perfect outlet to learn the landscape, meet new friends and keep me feeling like myself – while the rest of my life changes,” she says. In her blog, Panetta plans to talk about the many therapeutic benefits of running, and take us along on her crazy journey.

Contestant #4: Dustin Beach

Ten years ago, Dustin Beach was a sedentary smoker who had forgotten what it meant to strive for a goal.  He took up running when his mom suggested they run a half marathon together; while she didn’t end up racing due to an injury, Beach made it to the finish line – barely – and suddenly remembered what it was like to feel proud of oneself. Since then, the now 27-year-old from Ottawa, ON, has run seven more half marathons, eight marathons (including Boston), and several 10K, 5K and Spartan races.

Resistance Tubing Part 1

Ed McNeely- Peak Centre for Human Performance

Strength training can have a tremendous impact on running performance. Using barbells and dumbbells is the fastest and most effective way of increasing strength to improve your performance but there are times when you are on the road for work or just can’t make it to the gym. When this happens consider having some rubber tubing on hand.

For many people training with tubing offers all the benefits of strength training with machines and weights with several advantages over the more traditional training modalities.


The most obvious advantage of using rubber tubing for your strength program is the portability of the tubing. Tubing takes up very little space and a complete program can be designed using two or three different resistances and household items like broom handles, stools, and chairs, making it an ideal training tool for those who want to train at home and have limited space. Tubing can easily fit into an overnight bag or suitcase when you are traveling, allowing busy professionals to get in their workout on the road.

Tubing is one of the most cost effective strengthening tools available, starting at under $5 for a single tube a complete home tubing gym can be developed for under $75. The low price makes tubing the ideal equipment for settings like physical education classes and group fitness.

Tubing offers nearly complete freedom of motion. It can be adjusted to any size and shape body and can be used in an unlimited number of positions. The freedom of motion that you get from tubing means that not only are the major muscles exercised during a movement but the smaller stabilizing muscles that are important for preventing injury are also strengthened.

Tubing provides the opportunity to more closely simulate sports movements than free weights or machines. One of the main principals in sport conditioning training is transfer of training. Transfer of training refers to the amount of sport performance improvement that comes from a certain exercise or training method. For instance if you increase the amount you can bench press by 100% and your basketball free throw improves by 1% because of it you have a 1% transfer of training. We know that it is impossible to completely simulate a sport activity with any type of resistance training but the closer you can come to the movement the greater the rate of transfer. In some instance the tubing can actually be attached to the sport implement to ensure a closer simulation.

Many strength training machines lock you into a fixed movement pattern that is dictated by the pulley, cam and track arrangement of the machine, making them very effective for training the primary muscles but less effective at working the stabilizer muscles. The latest pulley devices from companies like Free Motion and Life Fitness come close to replicating the variety and freedom of motion that you get from tubing but even they are limited to a certain number of preset positions.

Speed of movement is an important factor in developing sport specific strength and power. Sport movements like swinging a golf club or tennis racquet, hitting a baseball, and kicking a soccer ball are all done at high speed with relatively low resistance, the weight of the club, racquet or ball. Low tension tubing not only allows you to use the rotational movement patterns needed to excel at these sports but it allows you to perform the movements at close to game speed, further increasing the transfer of training.

In a normal free weight exercise you are limited by the amount of weight you can lift at the weakest point in the exercise. For instance if you are doing a full squat you will find the weak point occurs when your knees are bent at about 140 degrees and you are much stronger as you get closer to the top of the movement. When you are using a weight that you can lift at the bottom you are getting little training effect in the top part of the movement. Tubing and other elastic resistance devices increase their resistance as stretched; adding elastic resistance to a free weight bar in addition to the weights allows you to increase strength throughout the whole range of motion by loading the muscle at the end of the range of motion where it is strongest. This type of training has become popular with strength and power athletes.


While tubing is a valuable tool for developing strength and muscular fitness it does have limitations.

Even though there are a variety of tensions of rubber tubing very strong people and athletes in strength and power sports often require greater resistances than can be developed using tubing alone. Many competitive athletes attach tubing or large elastic bands to the weights they are lifting to add more resistance at the top of multijoint movements like squats or bench presses.

It is difficult to quantify your performance when using tubing. There are no resistance numbers when you are using tubing so you do not know how much weight you are lifting. You know you are getting stronger if you are using a thicker tube but only as long as you are buying your tubing from the same manufacturer. There are no standards for tubing tension or resistance so a ½ inch tube from one company may have more or less tension than a ½ inch tube from a different company.

Despite these few limitations tubing is an economical, portable training tool that will help you meet your strength, power and fitness goals.


PEAK Centre staff have the highest certifications available in Canada for Sport Science. With their combined experience and education, PEAK Centre is at the forefront of practical Sport Science application.