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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Blog Page 203

Up yer kilt! A Perth Kilt Run race report

Running the Perth Kilt Run with my brother. Or rather, he ran it with me.

I ran The Lanark Mutual – Perth’s World Record Kilt Run (known as the Perth Kilt Run for short) a few weeks ago (file this post under “Race reports: better late than never). It’s actually more like a one-day mini Scottish Festival than a race, and like a lot of people with some small amount of Scottish heritage, it brought out my Scottish pride – though not quite enough to participate in the haggis-hurling competition, which, despite what the name would suggest, has nothing to do with the boomerang effect of tasting* haggis.

There was live music all afternoon, and the whole event was draped in ceremony – we were actually piped to the start line.

Running the Perth Kilt Run with my brother. Or rather, he ran it with me.
Running the Perth Kilt Run with my brother. Or rather, he ran it with me.

You didn’t have to be all boring and just run the race like me, either. You could join the Warrior Class, in which there were Warrior Stations throughout the race where they had to pull off and complete a task. I don’t know what they all were but there appeared to be one involving archery, as well as one involving a shot of scotch. Luckily the two did not occur at the same station.

The race course itself was lovely, if a bit complicated. You see, Perth, Ontario is a lovely little town – and as someone who lives in a small town with similar Scottish heritage, I felt quite at home there. But being small meant that in order to cover 8K, the course had to be creatively designed – I think I counted over 20 turns. But with true small-town pride, I think the entire population came out to cheer. They had signs and noisemakers and some even put out their sprinklers (bless you!). There were also pipers randomly located throughout the course, and I think my favourite was the one who was playing the theme to Rocky.

As for my race – well, let’s just say I had a lot of fun. It was hot, humid, and 6:30 pm, so I didn’t do well (or feel great), but really, upwards of 1,800 people running in kilts is pretty darned fun. And hey, the beer and shortbread after the race went down real nice. Slàinte mhòr agad!


* The first – and last – time I tried haggis generated the following quote, with which I was taunted for years: Augh! It tastes like poop!……and socks!


Five Summer Running Reads You Don’t Want to Miss

Summer is nearly here, and we’ve got cottage dock on the brain. But no adirondack chair is complete without a good book so we’ve put together a mix of new and classic running reads that will have you wanting to lace up, even in the summer heat.

Follow the links to find the books on amazon.ca. Happy summer trails and thanks for Staying Up to Speed! 

1. Born To Run

Born to run

Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all,  pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.”

Why we want to read it:

  • Right here in North America, the Tarahumara Indians are basically superhuman and they scale Mexico’s deadly Copper Canyons using techniques that allow them to run hundreds of miles without rest.
  • Author Christopher McDougall Questions everything he’s been taught about running in the “modern world” in a quest to change how he looks at the sport.
  • The Tarahumara have a style of running that allows you to avoid injury – sign us up!


2. Running Wild


In this story of rare triumph, John Annerino chronicles his progress from injury to recovery to victory. Badly hurt in a climbing accident and told he would never run again, the author defied his doctors and his own overwhelming pain to run the length of the Grand Canyon three times, rediscovering Native American trade routes lost to modern knowledge. An incredible journey and spiritual quest to the limits of physical and mental endurance, Running Wild takes you there and leaves you breathless.”

Why We Want To Read It:

    • This is the kind of story that could stick with you when running your next race. A dose of inspiration, perseverance and tenacity help to keep you moving when you are tackling your own “Grand Canyon.”
    • Anyone recovering from injury will find this to be just what the doctor ordered.

3. Run Less, Run Faster

Run less run faster

Finally, runners at all levels can improve their race times while training less, with the revolutionary Furman Institute of Running and Scientific Training (FIRST) program.
Hailed by the Wall Street Journal and featured twice in six months in cover stories in Runner’s World magazine, FIRST’s unique training philosophy makes running easier and more accessible, limits overtraining and burnout, and substantially cuts the risk of injury, while producing faster race times.”

Why We Want to Read It: 

      • On a quest towards a new PB? The FIRST training philosophy could offer a new approach to the old regime. 
      • A book geared to runners at ALL levels – accessibility is key when talking training programs.

4. The Lonliness of  Long Distance Runner


“Perhaps one of the most revered works of fiction in the twentieth-century, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner is a modern classic about integrity, courage, and bucking the system. Its title story recounts the story of a reform school cross-country runner who seizes the perfect opportunity to defy the authority that governs his life. It is a pure masterpiece. From there the collection expands even further from the touching “On Saturday Afternoon” to the rollicking “The Decline and Fall and Frankie Buller.” Beloved for its lean prose, unforgettable protagonists, and real-life wisdom, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner captured the voice of a generation, and its poignant and empowering life lessons will continue to captivate and entertain readers for generations to come.

Why We Want to Read It:

  • Classics are made for the summer! Arm chair travel through time and space is something that every summer vacation should be made of!
  • We want to know, what makes this book timeless – a story about beating the man is never out of style!
  • A classic that shows the timelessness of the sport, a must read for anyone, runners and non-runners alike.

5. Eat and Run: My unlikely journey to ultramarathon greatness

eat and run

For nearly two decades, Scott Jurek has been a dominant force—and darling—in the grueling and growing sport of ultrarunning. Until recently he held the American 24-hour record and he was one of the elite runners profiled in the runaway bestseller Born to Run.

In Eat and Run, Jurek opens up about his life and career as a champion athlete with a plant-based diet and inspires runners at every level. From his Midwestern childhood hunting, fishing, and cooking for his meat-and-potatoes family to his slow transition to ultrarunning and veganism, Scott’s story shows the power of an iron will and blows apart the stereotypes of what athletes should eat to fuel optimal performance. Full of stories of competition as well as science and practical advice—including his own recipes—Eat and Run will motivate readers and expand their food horizons.”

Why We Want to Read It:

  • Hot off the press,Eat and Run is everything about running trends in 2013
  • Always of interest, how do vegan runners do it, and is it possible? Scott Jurek takes a look at this lifestyle based on his own personal experiences.
  • A look into the Ultramarathoner and what makes these people tick!

And that’s our list! Do any of these reads peak your fancy? What do you have on the running reading list? Let us know in the comments section below!



CrossFit Endurance for the Distance Runner

With spring racing season safely behind us, we know you’ve already got fall races on the brain.  If you’re looking for a change in your training, Brian Mackenzie, creator of the Crossfit Endurance program, and author of Power, Speed, Endurance: A skill based approach to endurance training, tells iRun why it might pay to shake up your routine.

Brian Mackenzie, pioneer of CrossFit Endurance, he says wasn’t always as strong as he is today. It’s especially hard to believe since the Ironman and ultra marathoner was a former competitive weight lifter in his teens. But he swears by it – and even credits his first discouraging triathlon experience, due to a lack of strength.

“It was a humbling experience that pushed me for more so I signed up for a half Ironman the next day.”

He definitely doesn’t lack strength in spirit. The California native has built the crossfit endurance empire around strength. He says that strength and a fear of change keep runners, particularly women, way from this type of training.

“There’s a big misconception, especially within the female crowd, of what looks good. This ‘skinny is cute thing’ has really destroyed that. The fact is, women should not be bone ass skinny alien looking, they should be strong. It doesn’t mean they should be body builders, but that misconception has really driven the way women train. Women think they’re going to be all jacked up… but that’s literally impossible if you’re doing the aerobic work as well.”

Mackenzie, a professional coach and trainer of ultra athletes and runners since 2002, says crossfit endurance is not just the answer for women, but for 99% of runners. The regime, which is about eliminating unnecessary volume of training while increasing intensity, has been criticized by some athletes and coaches in the endurance world who think that volume is key if you are training for the longer races. Mackenzie disagrees. He says people are largely afraid of change – but it’s the change especially within the intensity and volume of training that can produce the largest results for endurance runners.

“We take a lot of flack, we see a lot of people in the endurance world, who get angry with what we’re doing. The fact is we’re taking casual people who are just plotting away at something, and don’t have any real structure to it, it’s just a “build up some volume type of thing” and we’re making them a lot stronger, a lot fitter and a lot faster.”

crossfit endurance

According to Mackenzie, distance running isn’t just about running – which sounds counterintuitive if you don’t understand what he’s getting at.

“The fact is, people think running is just lacing up your shoes, and heading out the door and running – and it’s not – if it were, injury rates wouldn’t be at 75% and above. That’s just a toll tail sign that something’s not right.”

CrossFit Endurance programming takes into consideration the effect that power and speed has on being able to produce a greater capacity for distance – something that Mackenzie says can also have a positive effect on recovery time, reducing injury rate and creating a more sustainable performance curve.

While most people want to improve and make progress, Mackenzie says has this starts with confronting your fears and weaknesses.

He believes in the power of change so much so that he had “I’m Unscared” tattooed across his knuckles. It’s his reminder and credo to continually challenge convention and himself. This is the mentality that led him to develop a programme that now sees 7,000 to 15,000 search engine hits per day on the Crossfit Endurance website.

In the many races that followed his first failed attempt at triathlon, Mackenzie observed despite the fact he was running long distances and competing on a regular basis, he was still unable to manage a simple strength task like squats. When challenged by a friend he came away discouraged because he had become so weak. Encouraged by his own failure, he began piling strength workouts into his ultra marathon training regime.

“I was crazy about kettle bells. I got into kettle bells early on, 2003 – 2004. The kettle bell scene led me to my first CrossFit work out.”

From that point he started to see the benefits that strengthening and conditioning was having on his ability to run.

“I was getting stronger and faster –  I felt better when I ran. And it wasn’t just my experience it was every athlete that I was working with.”

The resulting program was CrossFit Endurance – a training regime that focuses on combing all the elements Mckenzie found helped him get stronger, specifically those which highlighted his own weaknesses. This is the part that Mackenzie says people find the most intimidating.

“People are so afraid of CrossFit, and they think it’s this big scary thing. The fact is, CrossFit is about movement mostly. And moving with intensity.”

Mackenzie says endurance runners can benefit from this system because it produces greater results in a shorter period of time.

“You can do really slow, long runs and take the time to develop that aerobic base, or you can start doing skill work, which we implement and do interval work on top of doing some tempo and interval run stuff. And you’re going to develop that aerobic system a lot more efficiently.”

CrossFit Endurance workouts are designed for runners. They differ from the traditional CrossFit regime in that it takes into account the fact that the athlete will have a run that day as well.

Mackenzie says that one of the beautiful things about the CrossFit Endurance programme is that it can be scaled to the particular athlete – in fact that’s it strongest element and why so many people who do the routine see results quickly. When asked if the programme was only for the die hard, elite athletes he said that is exactly what it is not.

“Elite training programs don’t exist on the internet. That’s what takes place in person with a coach.”

According to MacKenzie, CrossFit Endurance is is designed for the “weekend warrior” or the typical person who wants to work out and take care of themselves. The trick is to find a CrossFit program which is scaled to your particular level of fitness, so you don’t jump into the routine, and burn out before you manage to see results.

If you’re skeptical, Mackenzie says it actually comes down to trying the program out for a bit to see if it’s for you.

“It’s not for everybody, but it’s designed for everybody. That’s a fact.”

If you are interested in learning more about CrossFit Endurance, you can check out the website for programming or consult the list of teams who are doing CrossFit Endurance traning in your area.

Happy training and thanks for staying Up To Speed!

2013 Canadians in Boston

iRun congratulates the following Canadian runners who ran the 117th Boston Marathon:

Josh R. Cassidy, Toronto, ON 1:30:54

Robin Watson, Vancouver, BC 2:15:33

Michel Filteau, St-Jean Baptiste, QC 1:35:29

Chester J. Draper, Dryden, ON 2:04:39

Diane Roy, Sherbrooke, QC 1:59:37

Wes B. Vick, London, ON 2:00:01

Tom McGrath, Edmonton, AB 2:31:02

Daniel McNeil, Halifax, NS 2:31:46

Lee McCarron, Antigonish, NS 2:32:01

Chris C. Stone, Edmonton, AB 2:34:23

Rami Bardeesy, Halifax, NS 2:35:48

Stephen A. Eles, Brimley, MI 2:36:48

Blaine Penny, Calgary, AB 2:36:49

Dan Way, Toronto, ON 2:37:43

Mark Bennett, Vancouver, BC 2:38:05

Sebastien Roulier, Sherbrooke, QC 2:38:05

Ryan J. Prachnau, Abbotsford, BC 2:38:37

Louis-Phillipe Garnier, Montreal, QC 2:38:48

Jody Draude, Calgary, AB 2:39:24

Derek W. Lantz, Newcastle, ON 2:39:40

Kyle Aitken, Mississauga, ON 2:39:44

Ryan Twa, Calgary, AB 2:39:54

David Jeker, Saint-Barthelemy, QC 2:40:18

Mike T. MacKinnon, Miscouche, PE 2:40:26

Jordan W. Back, North Vancouver, BC 2:41:30

Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong, Montreal, QC 2:44:16

Chuck Dixon, Sackville, NB 2:44:37

Stan Chaisson, Charlottetown, PE 2:44:54

Eric Patenaude, St-Jean-Chrysostome, QC 2:45:35

Dave J. Clark, Toronto, ON 2:45:41

Mathieu Grondin, Bromont, QC 2:45:43

Johnathan A. Garnett, Tuen Mun, NT 2:45:47

Scott Clark, Summerside, PE 2:45:54

Ross D. Bain, Toronto, ON 2:46:11

Rod G. Henning, London, ON 2:46:11

Sheldon Manchur, Williams Lake, BC 2:46:19

Jeff Conron, Toronto, ON 2:46:20

Patrick Cote, Calgary, AB 2:46:44

Jason W. Skillicorn, Hong Kong 2:46:46

Tony E. Benjamin, Orleans, ON 2:47:02

Jeremy D. Waters, Coquitlam, BC 2:47:58

Lawrence Warriner, Picton, ON 2:47:58

Robert D. Campbell, Toronto, ON 2:48:01

Bruce Rosvall, Rothesay, NB 2:48:13

Tyler J. Chacra, Oakville, ON 2:48:30

Myron Tetreault, Calgary, AB 2:48:30

Richard McClelland, London, ON 2:48:33

Ian D. Crosby, San Francisco, CA 2:48:37

Natasha Yaremczuk, Clermont, FL 2:48:43

Jim E. Burrows, London, ON 2:49:11

Steve Beasley, Goderich, ON 2:49:12

Eric Gauthier, Quebec, QC 2:49:12

Scott Rudan, Ottawa, ON 2:49:19

Joseph Di Flumeri, New York, NY 2:49:23

Shawn Davies, Bowmanville, ON 2:49:28

Lisa Bentley, Clermont, FL 2:49:36

Christopher J. Aranda, Ottawa, ON 2:49:41

Cliff Worden-Rogers, London, ON 2:49:44

Sebastien Laurence, Victoriaville, QC 2:49:58

Jeffrey S. Irwin, Orillia, ON 2:49:58

Stanley Larkin, Saint-Basile-Le-Grand, QC 2:50:15

Denise Robson, Dartmouth, NS 2:50:25

Steve Morin, Montreal, QC 2:50:30

Jean-Francois Lambert, Quebec, QC 2:50:30

Brian O’Higgins, Ottawa, ON 2:51:22

Doug S. Roswell, London, ON 2:51:52

Martin St-Pierre, Sorel-Tracy, QC 2:52:06

Paul Huyer, Toronto, ON 2:52:28

Jutta M. Merilainen, Batawa, ON 2:52:30

Christian Jacques, Gatineau, QC 2:52:31

Marc Paquet, Montreal, QC 2:52:32

Jean-Daniel Page, Montreal, QC 2:52:47

Kyle McLaughlin, Canmore, AB 2:52:56

Robert Christie, Geneseo, NY 2:52:58

Shawn Lewis, Beaver Bank, NS 2:53:25

Nathan L. Murray, Vancouver, BC 2:53:55

Jean-Philippe, Joliette, QC 2:54:03

Andrew J. Conley, Brookline, MA 2:54:08

Michel Cusson, Verdun, QC 2:54:22

Scott Rintoul, Vancouver, BC 2:54:39

Dave N. Nevitt, Dartmouth, NS 2:54:42

Sean Delanghe, Clarksburg, ON 2:54:53

Vincent Caldwell, Cookshire-Eaton, QC 2:54:59

Jim Fullarton, Ottawa, ON 2:55:00

Victor Mladenka, Burnaby, BC, 2:55:04

Luke T. Doucet, Burlington, ON 2:55:11

Ryan Mcdonald, Thunder Bay, ON 2:55:14

Jeremy D. Bradford, Denver, CO 2:55:38

Nicholas C. Haddow, Calgary, AB 2:55:39

Charles J. Prange, Kitchener, ON 2:55:40

Kevin C. Smith, Mississauga, ON 2:55:52

Stanley M. Chow, Tokyo 2:56:01

Jochen Tilk, Toronto, ON 2:56:07

Chris W. Kolesnik, Oshawa, ON 2:56:09

Stephen G. Hill, Ilderton, ON 2:56:09

Alexandre Proulx, Sherbrooke, QC 2:56:22

Phillipe Gingras, Montreal, QC 2:56:30

Christopher A. Linstead, Victoria, BC 2:56:41

Ryan R. Turner, Calgary, AB 2:56:48

Dustin S. Turner, Calgary, AB 2:56:48

Mark Deutsch, Raleigh, NC 2:56:52

Sylvain Giguere, Montreal, QC 2:56:59

Jaime Robb, Calgary, AB 2:57:22

Darbara Singh Ghuman, Surrey, BC 2:57:22

James E. Weber, Vancouver, BC 2:57:27

Chris Bellerby, Mississauga, ON 2:57:28

Patrick S. Martin, Fort Worth, TX 2:57:32

Courtney L. Powell, Coquitlam, BC 2:57:37

Michelle A. Clarke, Toronto, ON 2:57:38

Roger Jonas, Toronto, ON 2:57:39

Daniel Marsh, Okotoks, AB 2:57:47

Mir Shafiee, Sault Ste. Marie, ON 2:57:52

Matthew Ort, Stratford, ON 2:57:56

Vincent Tremblay, Quebec, QC 2:58:15

Dale Findlay, Toronto, ON 2:58:19

Joseph Kerby, Rouyn-Noranda, QC 2:58:35

Sean M. Quinn, St. Catherine, ON 2:58:40

Christopher A. Imai, Vancouver, BC 2:58:44

Stephane F. Tremblay, Granby, QC 2:58:51

Tony Chen, Richmond Hill, ON 2:58:51

Stephane Dufresne, Trois-Rivieres, QC 2:58:55

Terrance W. Morris, North Sydney, NS 2:58:57

Jake Fehr, Winnipeg, MB 2:59:06

Darren P. Collins, Victoria Harbour, ON 2:59:06

Boyd Kalnay, Belleville, ON 2:59:08

Angus Maclean, Langley, BC 2:59:09

Joe A. Olivier, Oakville, ON 2:59:09

Julian Price, Sylvan Lake, AB 2:59:18

Patrice Beaulieu, Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue, QC 2:59:30

David Holder, Bedford, NS 2:59:34

Pasclae Dubois, Saint-Lambert, QC 2:59:37

Geoff S. Rawson, Burlington, ON 2:59:42

Jamie Armstrong, North Vancouver, BC 2:59:44

Simion Candrea, Toronto, ON 2:59:46

Philip Madonia, Maple, ON 2:59:47

Terrence G. Teixeira, Mississauga, ON 2:59:48

Christopher A. Piche, Victoria, BC 2:59:54

Mathieu Zaloum, Quebec, QC 3:00:02

Michael J. Blois, Ottawa, ON 3:00:03

Brian Vezeay, Quebec, QC 1:00:04

Robert Madej, Toronto, ON 3:00:05

Richard Marshall, Milton, ON 3:00:07

Jeff D. Smart, Ottawa, ON 3:00:12

Ryan M. Onyschuk, Peachland, BC 3:00:18

Sebastien Tremblay, Quebec, QC 3:00:27

Alan, Bartos, Calgary, AB 3:00:28

Denis Chenard, Windsor, ON 3:00:30

Torval Mork, Calgary, AB 3:00:38

Mike J. Crawford, Maitland, ON 3:00:39

Tim J. Verkerk, Vancouver, BC 3:00:43

Randy Zabukovec, Kingston, ON 3:00:43

Rob Vanderwerd, Owen Sound, ON 3:00:48

Jean-Claude Lefebvre, Montreal, QC 3:00:50

David A. Watt, Winnipeg, MB 3:00:51

Thomas Schabetsberger, Montreal, QC 3:00:52

Ethan Michaels, Halifax, NS 3:00:53

Mathieu Girard, Laval, QC 3:01:01

Marco D. Albright, Yarmouth, NS 3:01:05

Kevin Bliss, Calgary, AB 3:01:06

Luc Tremblay, Laterriere, QC 3:01:09

Russ Ladd, West Vancouver, BC 3:01:16

Steve R. Di Tomaso, Pitt Meadows, BC, 3:01:21

Alain Belanger, Quebec, QC 3:01:22

Christian J. Hambrock, Hanover, ON 3:01:35

Evan Rogers, Calgary, AB 3:01:36

Louis-Daniel Aubin Fournier, Montreal, QC 3:01:42

Brent Morrow, Edmonton, AB 3:01:44

Tim W. Wiwchar, Sherwood Park, AB 3:01:48

Sebastien Labranche, Sherbooke, QC 3:01:55

Dave Rutherford, Waterloo, ON 3:01:55

Gilles Tremblay, Chicoutimi, QC 3:02:03

Jeremy Deere, Calgary, AB 3:02:08

Richard E. Walker, Calgary, AB 3:02:08

Alain Daignault, Laval, QC 3:02:14

Cheryl Orlovsky, North Vancouver 3:02:22

Tyler Chliboyko, Grande Prairie, AB 3:02:30

Lee Hewitt, Toronto, ON 3:02:36

Andrew J. Mcleod, Etobicoke, ON 3:02:44

Jonas Charyk, Toronto, ON 3:02:45

Patrick A. McCluskey, Toronto, ON 3:02:52

Rhonda L. Loo, Lake Newell, AB 3:02:53

Freddie So, Oakville, ON 3:02:58

Jon G. Moher, Ottawa, ON 3:03:02

Mathieu Morin, Montreal, QC 3:03:10

Dustin A. Beach, Ottawa, ON 3:03:11

John Power, Winnipeg, MB, 3:03:29

Brian Gomes, Ottawa, ON 3:03:35

James M. Lamond, Halifax, NS 3:03:45

Phil Brunet, Ottawa, ON 3:03:47

Danya A. Crawford, Midway, UT 3:03:51

Ian Blanchet, Salaberru-De-Valleyfield, QC 3:03:51

Perry Curiston, Markham, ON 3:03:56

Stefan Parmentier, Quebec, QC 3:04:01

Doug Kells, Toronto, ON 3:04:01

Walter P. Spoja, Mississauga, ON 3:04:02

Patrice McLean, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QC 3:04:02

Clint Cummings, Halifax, NS 3:04:06

Sebastien Roy Gagnon, Trois-Rivieries, QC 3:04:11

Jean-Yves Helie, Trois-Rivieries, QC 3:04:18

Brett W. Larner, Tokyo-To 3:04:19

Vincent-Michel, Outremont, QC 3:04:24

Amelie Fournier, Boucherville, QC 3:04:28

Daniel Daley, Lynnfield, MA 3:04:33

Kim Magnus, Vancouver, BC 3:04:41

Paul E. Jamael, Toronto, ON 3:04:41

Benjamin Wylie, Toronto, ON 3:04:44

Ashley Kellam, Amherstburg, ON 3:04:46

Annie Jean, Chelsea, QC 3:04:52

Stephane Montpetit, Orleans, ON 3:04:54

Gordon J. Mclean, Richmond Hill, ON 3:05:01

Brian Rodkin, Thornhill, ON 3:05:07

Grant Ewert, Vancouver, BC 3:05:12

Dennis P. Ryan, Markham, ON 3:05:15

Victor I. Pak, Ottawa, ON 3:05:27

Felipe T. Edora, Victoria, BC 3:05:28

Guillaume Thivierge, Pintendre, QC 3:05:29

Robert Muir, Ottawa, ON 3:05:39

Carl St-Jacques, Montreal, QC 3:05:45

Dermot W. Holwell, Mississauga, ON 3:05:52

Frederic Leblanc, Granby, QC 3:05:55

Sean Sweeney, Mississauga, ON 3:05:56

Martin Labrecque, St-Lambert, QC 3:05:57

Dominic Pilon, Blainville, QC 3:06:01

Dave Lewis, Vancouver, BC 3:06:03

Jeff Bryce, Toronto, ON 3:06:04

Brian M. Northan, Guilderland, NY 3:06:11

Jasvir Singh, Mississauga, ON 3:06:24

Steven Van Alstine, Mississauga, ON 3:06:25

Justin Savard, St-Ambroise, QC 3:06:28

Harvey F. Jr. Foote, Maple, ON 3:06:36

Rene-Pierre Roussel, Boucherville, QC 3:06:37

Mark Dwyer, Calgary, AB 3:06:42

Tony Stokes, London, ON 3:06:46

Shannon M. Kelsey, Burlington, ON 3:06:49

Robert Borris, Drummondville QC 3:06:52

Jamie A. Hamelin, Toronto, ON 3:06:55

Scott T. Jones, Nanaimo, BC 3:06:56

Allan Gough, Windsor, ON 3:06:57

Michael T. Moon, Vancouver, BC 3:07:00

Jan M. Olson, Barrie, ON 3:07:00

Evgeny Shabanov, Toronto, ON 3:07:01

Francois Mcinnes, Lasalle, QC 3:07:02

Tayeb Mesbah, Gatineau, QC 3:07:07

David J. Gallant, Charlottetown, PE 3:07:14

Jonathan Lehouiller, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC 3:07:14

Gordon A. Turnbull, Vancouver, BC 3:07:18

Gerry M. Nagy, Weyburn, SK 3:07:19

Pete Wiazowski, Montreal, QC 3:07:25

Nick Tentomas, Halifax, NS 3:07:27

Ken I. Moscoe, Toronto, ON 3:07:28

Nir Meltzer, Toronto, ON 3:07:28

Sheldon K. Cook, Inverary, ON 3:07:42

Robert L. Lescek, Cambridge, ON 3:07:54

Scott M. Shupe, Maple Ridge, BC 3:07:56

Ralph Werner, Ottawa, ON 3:08:04

Ed Bickley Calgary, AB 3:08:04

Paul Foley, Ottawa, ON 3:08:06

Keith P. Pomakis, Ottawa, ON 3:08:15

Patrick P. Campbell, Kitchener, ON 3:08:18

Yannick R. Fortier, Sherbrooke, QC 3:08:19

Glenn Kimberley, Mississauga, ON 3:08:23

Brett Titus, Oakville, ON 3:08:27

Jillian Brady, Toronto, ON, 3:08:29

Martin Short, Grand Forks, ND 3:08:31

Matthew H. Mitchell, Vancouver, BC 3:08:31

Kristin Dalzell, Newmarket, ON 3:08:39

Guillaume Robin, Becancour, QC 3:08:42

Adrian C. Tsang, Ottawa, ON 3:08:46

Kenneth J. Riess, Edmonton, AB 3:08:51

Christopher M. Richards-Bentley, Toronto, ON 3:08:58

Bob Murray, Toronto, ON 3:08:59

Joe J. Raftis, Toronto, ON 3:09:00

Bruce Beaulieu, Ajax, ON 3:09:01

Stephen L. Sparling, Oakville, ON 3:09:08

Paul T. Braun, Kitchener, ON 3:09:21

David Markotich, Harrowsmith, ON 3:09:31

Jeremy Steeves, Saint John, NB 3:09:36

Corey Wilson, Nepean, ON 3:09:36

Jon J. Noonan, Prescott, ON 3:09:38

Rich G. St Louis, Essex, ON 3:09:43

Randall M. Binnie, Arlington, VA 3:09:46

Mario Tremblay, Ste-Germaine-Boule, QC 3:09:46

Stephen A. Tapajna, Bloomington, MN 3:09:47

Melanie Charette, Blainville, QC 3:09:47

Carl Nadeau, Stitsville, ON 3:09:53

David Wiltshire, Toronto ON 3:09:53

Edie Baxter, Halifax, NS 3:09:57

Charlie P. Harland, Waterloo, ON 3:09:58

Ianik Blanchet, Chambly, QC 3:09:58

Stephane Dumont, Verdun, QC 3:10:05

Joseph Z. Vokrri, Toronto, ON 3:10:05

Christian Tremblay, Quebec, QC 3:10:06

Tom K. Adair, Kingston, ON 3:10:11

Elizabeth A. Waywell, Dix Hills, NY 3:10:17

Simon Garneau, Coteau-Du-Lac, QC 3:10:22

Alison E. Thomas, Ottawa, ON 3:10:25

Ken Longo, Fonthill, ON 3:10:26

Emmanuelle Labonte, Longueuil, QC 3:10:33

Stephan M. Dewit, Ottawa, ON 3:10:33

Steve Saunders, Calgary, AB 3:10:38

Jerry Kroll, Vancouver, BC, 3:10:40

Michael J. Parker, Calgary AB 3:10:51

Steven R. Gibbens, Toronto, ON 3:10:52

Steve Lohnes, Hampton, NB 3:10:55

Duncan Gilchrist, Cambridge, MA 3:10:59

Stewart Campbell, Pembroke, ON 3:11:00

Marc W. Hirshberg, Thornhill, On 3:11:03

Robert A. Mora, Lasalle, ON 3:11:03

Tara Colpitts, Whistler, BC 3:11:04

Dave Emilio, Toronto, ON 3:11:05

Heather Johnson, Fruitvale, BC 3:11:05

Francois Langlois, Boisbriand, QC 3:11:06

Elizabeth C. Miller, Ottawa, ON 3:11:14

Kevin L. Wiens, Calgary, AB 3:11:15

Rosemary A. Baldwin, Sault Ste-Marie, ON 3:11:19

Ana Dennier, Toronto, ON 3:11:21

Allan Wiggins, Oakville, ON 3:11:29

Ryan Leef, Ottawa, ON 3:11:38

Peter K. Hohenstein, Toronto, ON 3:11:40

Craig Hawkins, Halifax, NS 3:11:40

Brenda A. Guitard, Saint John, NB 3:11:42

Eric Dandonneau, Laval, QC 3:11:43

Wendy L. Schlottke, Kingston, ON 3:11:47

Louise Voghel, St-Armand, QC, 3:11:47

Francois Morin, L’Assomption, QC 3:11:48

Keith J. Thaxter, Whitehorse, YT 3:11:50

Margan B. Mcnichol, Milton, ON 3:11:51

Sonia Dupere, Quebec, QC 3:11:52

Frank S. Reinhardt, Ketch Harbour, NS 3:11:53

Alex P. Coffin, Saint John, NB 3:11:59

Ron L. Slack, Edmonton, AB 3:12:00

Sylvain Bergeron, Sainte-Julie, QC 3:12:01

Tommy Marincic, Boston, MA 3:12:02

Bart Kelly, Kanata, ON 3:12:09

Gilles Lacasse, Cap-Sante, QC 3:12:18

Stephanie Gordon, Ottawa, ON 3:12:19

Peter Pazerniuk, Winnipeg, MB 3:12:20

Melinda Campbell, Toronto, ON 3:12:20

Jeanne-Evelyne Turgeon, Terrebonne, QC 3:12:22

Frederic Giguere, Ste-Catherine, QC 3:12:26

James L. Peltzer, Ottawa, ON 3:12:31

Michael P. Machtmes, North Vancouver, BC 3:12:36

Frank A. Doyle, Lexington MA 3:12:37

Thomas J Hoogendoorn, Agassiz, BC 3:12:51

Allison M Ezzat, North Vancouver, BC 3:12:52

Kimberley Gagliano, Vancouver, BC 3:12:55

Ryan Hamilton, New Maryland, NB 3:12:56

Brian Baird, Oakville, ON 3:12:58

Roger Amyot, Quebec, QC 3:12:59

Yves Plourde, London, ON 3:13:08

David Hobbs, Surrey, BC 3:13:12

Sylvain Michaud, Gatineau, QC 3:13:13

Lucy Kenward, Vancouver, BC 3:13:13

Kevin S. Taylor, Waterloo, ON 3:13:15

Jacques Major, Montreal, QC 3:13:17

Lauchie M. McKinnon, Sydney, NS 3:13:20

Alissa J. St Laurent, Edmonton, AB 3:13:23

Jim W. Walsh, Sault Ste-Marie, ON 3:13:25

Max Chernysh, Toronto, ON 3:13:26

Jeremy A. Fry, Bloomfield, NB 3:13:31

Scott E. Greig, Owen Sound, ON 3:13:32

Pierre-Pliver Jacques, Grand-Merre, QC 3:13:32

Kelly Bertrand, Guelph, ON 3:13:34

Kenneth V. Stubbings, Cobourg, ON 3:13:35

Robert Gendron, L’Ancienne-Lorette, QC 3:13:36

Dan Gadoury, Tecumseh, ON 3:13:39

Kevin Gough, Toronto, ON 3:13:41

Stephen W. Curran, Victoria, BC 3:13:46

Jason Argent, Manhattan Beach, CA 3:13:46

Sylvain Niquette, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:13:47

Stefan P. Gudmundson, Guelph, ON 3:13:50

Doyle C. Brown, Toronto, ON 3:13:56

Eric Charest, Neuville, QC 3:13:57

Scott C. Tkachuk, Calgary, AB 3:13:59

Judy V. Andrew Piel, Ottawa, ON 3:14:01

Derek R. Mulhall, Tecumseh, ON 3:14:01

Carl R. Young, Mississauga, ON 3:14:03

Kristy Newson, Stratford, PE 3:14:09

Robert Gervais, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:14:10

Ted Citrome, Oakville, ON 3:14:11

Peter Von Euw, Oakville, ON 3:14:11

Guy Tremblay, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:14:11

Deric Hillman, Mt St-Hilaire, QC 3:14:12

Mustapha Belgherbi, Montreal, QC 3:14:19

Erin C. King, Cambridge, MA 3:14:26

Daniel Germain, St-Laurent, QC 3:14:27

Richard Lavallee, Prevost, QC 3:14:31

Germain Gevry, Ste-Cecile-De-Milton, QC 3:14:44

Douglas J. Evans, Canmore, AB 3:13:45

Cam K. Potter, Ottawa, ON 3:14:48

Brittany M. Seigner, Mitchell, ON 3:14:50

Patrick De Roy, Westmount, QC 3:14:53

Matthew Cunning, Calgary, AB 3:14:55

Nelson Fernandes, Candiac, QC 3:15:02

Robert J. Baxter, Kitchener, ON 3:15:05

Eric Larochelle, Montreal, QC 3:15:11

Mark A. Shorter, North Vancouver, BC 3:13:17

Mike Fitzsimmons, Fall River, NS 3:15:21

Darren Osborne, Oakville, ON 3:15:22

Pierette Gauthier, Montreal, QC 3:15:24

Darryl Gannon, Atikokan, ON 3:15:24

Daniel Signori, Montreal-Est, QC 3:15:28

Rick Atkinson, Claremont, ON 3:15:32

Cindy Rhodes, Kelowna, BC 3:15:32

Alain L. Deschamps, Welland, ON 3:15:42

Shawn Stratton, St. John’s, NL 3:15:44

Nolan Graham, Troy, NY 3:15:46

Jeffrey D. Saunderson, Oshawa, ON 3:15:47

Marc Gauthier, Montreal, QC 3:15:48

David R. Tremblay, Barriere, BC 3:15:49

Wendy J. Turner, Mississauga, ON 3:15:53

Stephanie Jobin, L’Assomption, QC 3:15:54

Geoff A. Dyment, Calgary, AB 3:15:57

Phaedra A. Kennedy, Toronto, ON 3:16:02

Kendall J. Barber, Edmonton, AB 3:16:04

Pascal Bessette, Ottawa, ON 3:16:07

Driss Jef Jef, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC 3:16:12

Tracey M. Livesay, Mississauga, ON 3:16:14

Kelly L. Sartorius, New Westminster, BC 3:16:14

Chris Matters, Charlottetown, PE, 3:16:19

Frank Pearson, St. Catharines, ON 3:16:20

Jeff Dyer, Calgary, AB 3:16:20

Benoit Charron, St-Bruno-De-Montarville, QC 3:16:30

Steve T. Dohaney, Fredericton, NB 3:16:34

Bernard Rancourt, Ste-Germaine Boule, QC 3:16:36

Carl Houle, Drummondville, QC 3:16:38

Ghislain J. Pelletier, Florenceville-Bristol, NB 3:16:44

Bruce Gallagher, Stillwater Lake, NS 3:16:58

John M. Atkinson, London, ON 3:17:04

Daniel Thibodeau, Quebec, QC 3:17:08

Laval Lapointe, Adstock, QC 3:17:11

Darren C. Wadden, Hammonds Plains, NS 3:17:12

Michelle Spencer, Guelph, ON 3:17:20

Sinead M. Brunet, Komoka, ON 3:17:21

Mike Bosch, Ajax, ON 3:17:27

Pete Wilson, Listowel, ON 3:17:29

Linda Desmeules, Shipshaw, QC 3:17:30

Manuel Cabral, Laval, QC 3:17:35

Michael Trubiano, Ottawa, ON 3:17:42

Claude Parent, Quebec, QC 3:17:47

Shane Carstens, Sherwood Park, AB 3:17:51

Nicole Mikhael, Ottawa, ON 3:17:53

Patrick Lemieux, San Luis Obispo, CA 3:17:53

Jason Haight, North Vancouver, BC 3:17:57

Barry Morton, Toronto, ON 3:17:59

Noel G. Hulsman, Toronto, ON 3:18:10

John A. Greaves, Victoria, BC 3:18:10

Ian Kulin, North Kingstown, RI 3:18:11

Terry W. Bonnett, Waterford, ON 3:18:17

Dany Gignac, Saint-Lazare, QC 3:18:24

Greg Rapp, Toronto, ON 3:18:25

Alan J. Chaput, Ottawa, ON 3:18:26

Martin Herbert, Terrebonne, QC 3:18:26

Sarah Kent, Toronto, ON 3:18:27

Simon Davis, Stittsville, ON 3:18:31

Scott Harris, Edmonton, AB 3:18:33

Stehpane Mayer, Ferme-Neuve, QC 3:18:37

Aldeo Richard, Saint-Ignace, NB 3:18:37

Alain Gonthier, Ottawa, ON 3:18:39

Cory M. Slykerman, St. Catherines, ON 3:18:42

Heather L. Wiebe, Calgary, AB 3:18:43

Youssef Jbari, Montreal, QC 3:18:46

Dany Provencher, St-Romuald, QC 3:18:48

Jerome Montpetit, Aurora, ON 3:18:58

Darren Kaulback, Eastern Passage, NS 3:19:03

Albert M. Paddon, Windsor, ON 3:19:05

Brenda Benson, Summerside, PE 3:19:06

Nicolas Riou, Montreal, QC 3:19:07

Rebecca D. Stuart, Montreal, QC 3:19:08

Chad Randell, Halifax, NS 3:19:13

Stefanie Grondin, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:19:16

John W. Dooreleyers, Cobourg, ON 3:19:19

Brad A. Kerr, Toronto, ON 3:19:20

Mike Hennessey, Truro, NS 3:19:21

Peter Chng, Toronto, ON 3:19:25

Grant E. Cirka, Calgary, AB 3:19:27

Geoff H. Werstuck, Ancaster, ON 3:19:28

Andy Hayes, Newmarket, ON 3:19:28

Bill Thomas, Toronto, ON 3:19:28

Gerald Robitaille, Rouyn Noranda, QC 3:19:32

Kathryn A. Hidgins, Vancouver, BC 3:19:34

Peter K. Mueller, Brampton, ON 3:19:37

Ronke Babatunde, Edmonton, AB 3:19:37

Gloria K. Boucher, Okotoks, AB 3:19:41

Isabelle Gervais, Repentigny, QC 3:19:42

Sarah Elliot, Toronto, ON 3:19:44

Eric Hoziel, Laval, QC 3:19:44

Steve Mccready, Ottawa, ON 3:19:45

Jennifer M. Psyllakis, Victoria, BC 3:19:46

Michael E. Robinson, Vancouver, BC 3:19:53

Brooke L. Hewson, Unionville, ON 3:19:54

Brenda M. Blinn, Napa, CA 3:19:55

Marlo Ramirez, Oakville, ON 3:19:56

Nicholas B. Berrns, Saskatoon, SK 3:20:00

Sean P. Celli, Black Diamond, WA 3:20:01

Adriana S. Wild, Calgary, AB 3:20:01

Jacqueline Colborne, Vancouver, BC 3:20:07

Jessica E. Mueller, Calgary, AB 3:20:17

Victor D. Nickerson, Liverpool, NS 3:20:21

Jim R. Scott, Owen Sound, ON 3:20:22

Claudia Edwards, North Vancouver, BC 3:20:25

Tammara Francis, Calgary, AB 3:20:28

Eric Lillie, Ste Anne De Bellevue, QC 3:20:31

Meghann L. Taylor, Toronto, ON 3:20:32

Leo McCosham, Charlottetown, PE 3:20:35

Greg Vail, Toronto, ON 3:20:38

Louise De Pinto, Toronto, ON 3:20:40

Leslie Reade, Harrowsmith, ON 3:20:40

Mateo Ocejo, Vancouver, BC 3:20:40

Marc L. Fontaine, Surrey, BC 3:20:43

Lisa M. Rossetto, Coquitlam, BC 3:20:49

Antonio Curcuruto, Ville Mont Royal, QC 3:20:50

Jade Penwright-Holmes, Bewdley, ON 3:21:02

Myles Wilson, Wilmette, IL 3:21:02

Clive H. Bradley, London, ON 3:21:03

Rejean Paradis, Saint-Zacharie, QC 3:21:05

Frederick Lapointe, Laval, QC 3:21:07

Jesse Knockleby, Arnprior, ON 3:21:11

Jasen J. Higuchi, Ainslie, AUS 3:21:12

Michel Desrosiers, Laval, QC 3:21:15

John R. Dumont, Richmond, BC 3:21:18

Lee R. Butler, Toronto, ON 3:21:20

Cathy Jeffrey, Fredericton, NB 3:21:24

Michael M. Cyr, Hamilton, ON 3:21:24

Robert Basque, Toronto, ON 3:21:25

Amy Armstrong, Evergreen, CO 3:21:33

Gary Perkins, Toronto, ON 3:21:36

Johnny Malavolta, Dundas, ON 3:21:39

Russell P. Henry, Nanaimo, BC 3:21:40

Ben Sader, Strathmore, AB 3:21:43

Liza Burgess, Kelowna, BC 3:21:45

Richard Maisel, Toronto, ON 3:21:45

Denis C. Cormier, Surrey, BC 3:21:48

Ashley Perry, Toronto, ON 3:21:54

Gerald Lachance, Edmonton, AB 3:21:57

Pete Dilworth, Toronto, ON 3:22:01

Erin K. Toole, Victoria, BC 3:22:04

Gordon L. Janzen, North Vancouver, BC 3:22:05

Jim Rawling, Toronto, ON 3:22:05

Glen Campbell, North Lancaster, ON 3:22:08

Linda A. Walsh, Sault Ste. Marie, ON 3:22:10

Todd M. Ross, London, ON 3:22:10

Amy I. Mcintyre, Udora, ON 3:22:11

Noreen Neary, Scottsdale, AZ 3:22:12

Doug J. Matheson, Milton, ON 3:22:13

Gilles J. Gobeil, Gatineau, QC 3:22:14

David Podolsky, Albuquerque, NM 3:22:23

Sarah-Mae Pydnus, Sooke, BC 3:22:32

Gordon N. Dalling, East St. Paul, MB, 3:22:39

Martin Verreault, Saint-Lazare, QC 3:22:40

Stan Ong, Toronto, ON 3:22:41

Michael L. White, Kitchener, ON 3:22:$4

Ardith Allan, Toronto, ON 3:22:45

Bruce Webb, New Maryland, NB 3:22:47

David C. Burrows, Toronto, ON 3:22:47

Melaine Roberge, Quebec, QC 3:22:48

Megan Hodges, Sherwood Park, AB 3:22:58

Ronald W. Drouillard, Windsor, ON 3:23:00

Paddy W. McCluskey, Victoria, BC 3:23:02

Lyle Zary, Etobicoke, ON 3:23:05

Kevin M Johnson, New York, NY 3:23:06

Mindy L. Fleming, Ajax, ON 3:23:11

Michel Houle, Saint-Hippolyte, QC 3:23:15

Ron Marek, Oakville, ON 3:23:17

Alex W. McMillin, Burlington, ON 3:23:24

David D. CAraher, Brights Grove, ON 3:23:30

Leon J. Vandenhoven, Oshawa, ON 3:23:32

Jesula Drouillard, Ottawa, ON 3:23:35

Francois Mailette, Quebec, QC 3:23:39

Steve Sevsek, Toronto, ON 3:23:39

Paul V. Gallant, Halifax, NS 3:23:41

Jeffrey Ponke, Caledon, ON 3:23:42

Todd C. Poole, Newmarket, ON 3:23:42

William Boothman, Victoria, BC 3:23:43

Laura J. Lipcsei, Boston, MA 3:23:44

Gilbert Lachance, Prevost, QC 3:23:46

Trevor S. Hains, Ottawa, ON 3:23:47

Gerald J. Richardson, Calgary, AB 3:23:49

Kristen G. Zeitler, Toronto, ON 3:23:49

Alex Coles, Quispamsis, NB 3:23:54

Randy Johnston, Grafton, NB 3:23:58

Stephanie Sirar, L’Assomption, QC 3:23:59

Marie-Eve Dupuis, Laval, QC, 3:24:01

Steve J. Martin, Prince George, BC 3:24:01

Alain Girardin, Quebec City, QC 3:24:04

Karyn C. Mitchell, North Vancouver, BC 3:24:05

Michael Garneau, Rouyn-Noranda, QC 3:24:06

Mark Hansen, Toronto, ON 3:24:07

Matthew Nowakowski, Montreal, QC 3:24:08

Dennene M. Huntley, Edmonton, AB 3:24:13

Joannie Sanche, Bromont, QC 3:24:14

Michael S. French, Tilbury, ON 3:24:14

Suzanne Munger, Alma, QC 3:24:14

Steven J. Allen, Dartmouth, NS 3:24:17

Carina Slack, Edmonton, AB 3:24:25

Matthew Carew, Ottawa, ON 3:24:27

Lindsay A. Harrison, North Battleford, SK 3:24:28

Marcia Migay, Thunder Bay, ON 3:24:33

Courtney A. Norton, Toronto, ON 3:24:46

Zarah Dehnashi, Mississauga, ON 3:24:46

Gilles L. Beauparlant, Ottawa, ON 3:24:48

John D. Caulfeild, Mississauga, ON 3:24:53

John C. Healy, Toronto, ON 3:24:56

Sylvain Duguay, Laval, QC 3:24:58

Kaireen Patton, Ottawa, ON 3:25:00

Robert St. Amant, Meota, SK, 3:25:03

Carey Levinton, Toronto, ON 3:25:04

John Dallaire, Moncton, NB 3:25:08

Paul Haworth, Windsor, ON 3:25:11

Catherine C. Cossette, Toronto, ON 3:25:12

Stephane Lupien, St-Laurent, QC 3:25:18

Roger Sunahara, Ann Arbor, MI 3:25:19

Annie Brongel, St Basile Le Grand, QC 3:25:20

Arma Afsar, Toronto, ON 3:25:21

Maurice Duteau, Shanghai, 3:25:21

Mario Fecteau, St-Augustin, QC 3:25:22

Doug R. Dejong, Winnipeg, MB 3:25:25

J.P. Korsmit, St. Catherines, ON 3:25:26

Lisa M. Wild, Etobicoke, ON 3:25:29

Mary E. Stewart, Winnipeg, MB 3:25:32

Phyllis Tsang, Charlotte, NC 3:25:34

David Brezer, Mississauga, ON 3:25:41

Serge Corbeil, Vancouver, BC 3:25:42

Wes P. Harding, Sarnia, ON 3:25:42

Brandi Victor, Sarnia, 3:25:42

Terry A. Monette, Almonte, ON 3:25:45

Ravi C. Devavarapu, Sherwood Park, AB 3:25:48

Nicole Mctimoney, Petawawa, ON 3:25:51

John Van Groningen, Calgary, AB 3:25:54

Steve Taylor, Middle Sackville, NS 3:25:56

Nermin Hairlahovic, Lower Branch, NS 3:25:56

Robert K. Ghazal, Montreal-West, QC 3:25:59

Jean-Francois Tessier, Montreal, QC 3:26:02

Chad S. Hyson, Vancouver, BC 3:26:03

Penny M. Leong, Seattle, WA 3:26:03

Gerald Boulet, Lorette, MB 3:26:05

Allison Tai, Vancouver, BC 3:26:05

Marcel Sorin, Lorette, MB 3:26:05

Christian Desbiens, Montreal, QC 3:26:06

Justin Mangin, Bruxelles, MB 3:26:06

Jean-Francois Beauchef, St-Lambert, QC 3:26:08

Brad Jacobs, Calgary, AB 3:26:12

Monique Anglin, Richmond Hill, ON 3:26:14

Jean Dessureault, Brossard, QC 3:26:15

Hilary M. Tulk, Toronto, ON 3:26:15

Tanya Zarin, Surrey, BC 3:26:19

Tony Lopes, Richmond, BC 3:26:19

Pierre Ferland, Becancour, QC 3:26:19

Michael P. O’Riordan, Hamilton, ON 3:26:21

Paula A. Banks, Rosseau, ON 3:26:21

John J. Corelli, Toronto, ON 3:26:26

Kathryn E. Drew, Vancouver, BC 3:26:28

Francois Fecteau, Sainte Petronille, QC 3:26:32

Tafline Tong, Ottawa, ON 3:26:36

Grace Sweeney, Toronto, ON 3:26:40

Allan Macphee, Ottawa, ON 3:26:41

Rick Whitford, Ottawa, ON 3:26:44

Morgan Lines, Steamboat Springs, CO 3:26:44

Matthias Heinke, Muchen, GER 3:26:45

David C. Sr. Horsefield, North Vancouver, BC 3:26:45

Erin Loveman, Corvallis, OR 3:26:47

Jeff C. Varey, Toronto, On 3:26:55

Simon J. Brockett, Calgary, AB 3:26:56

Karine Laverdiere, Oshawa, ON 3:26:57

Mark Stanton, West Vancouver, BC 3:26:58

Louise Chercuitte, Breakeyville, QC 3:27:02

Ellen Pearce, Calgary, AB 3:27:04

Stephanie M. Morton, Bedford, NS 3:27:04

Marija E. Byrne, Lasalle, ON 3:27:05

Tim R. Turner, Headingley, MB 3:27:06

Jeremy J. Crane, Toronto, ON 3:27:07

John D. Johnson, Toronto, ON 3:27:09

Doran T. Donovan, Halifax, NS 3:27:11

Diana L. Jones, Maple Ridge, BC 3:27:12

Phillipe Couture, Longueuil, QC 3:27:15

Daniel Gervais, St-Hubert, QC 3:27:18

William P. Hope, Victoria, BC 3:27:20

Cedric D. Stone, Thornhill, ON 3:27:22

Michael W. Riley, Oakville, ON 3:27:29

Daniel Grigore Martian, Toronto, ON 3:27:33

Gary P. Bruns, Halifax, NS 3:27:37

Martine Legendre, St-Augustin-De-Desmaures, QC 3:27:39

Ben Thompson, Toronto, ON 3:27:40

Julie Lemieux, Beloeil, QC, 3:27:45

Stephen D. Cadieux, Kanata, ON 3:27:46

Philippe Lacroix, St-Paul D’Abbotsford, QC 3:27:46

Guntis D. Rungis, Paris, ON 3:27:46

Richard Bowry, Toronto, ON 3:27:49

Simon Sukstorf, North York, ON 3:27:57

Scott S. Potts, Thunder Bay, ON 3:27:59

Tanya Sego, Calgary, AB 3:28:05

Neil R. Wilson, Ottawa, ON 3:28:10

Alisdair A. MacLean, Ottawa, ON 3:28:18

John Corrigan, Pickering, ON 3:28:21

Bill J. Willits, Irvine, CA 3:28:21

Don K. Rushton, Head of St Margaret’s Bay, NS 3:28:27

David A. Yakashiro, Abbotsford, BC 3:28:27

Tina Kader, Montreal, QC 3:28:30

Kelly Savage, Calgary, AB 3:28:32

Helene Grenon, Lac-St-Joseph, QC 3:28:34

Jason D. Faulkner, Langley, BC 3:28:38

Cindy Scott, Ottawa, ON 3:28:38

Erin N. Bodnar, Seattle, WA 3:28:40

Mark Falkins, Sault Ste. Marie, ON 3:28:40

Samantha Johnson, Toronto, ON 3:28:41

Jenny S. Dandenault, Springboro, OH 3:28:45

Beth Florek, Georgetown, CAY 3:28:46

Paul Sodtka, Welland, ON 3:28:49

Jimmy R. Anis, Winnipeg, MB 3:28:49

Petra Spires, Hubley, NS 3:28:50

Zita R. Mulligan, Calgary, AB 3:28:51

Mike G. Mcneill, Riverview, NB 3:28:52

Jean Sr. Deschatelets, Quebec, QC 3:28:52

Thomas D. Olds, New York, NY 3:28:55

Bryan Mulligan, Mississauga, ON 3:28:55

Wendy J. Wagner, Ottawa, ON 3:29:01

Jennifer Hopkins, Ottawa, ON 3:29:02

Donald C. Murphy, Ottawa, ON 3:29:03

Dennis A. Marinac, Richmond Hill, ON 3:29:05

Andrew C. Smith, Oakville, ON 3:29:06

DArell F. Wilkins, Moncton, NB 3:29:08

Serge Rioux, Ile Perrot, QC 3:29:08

Keith R. Parks, Kelowna, BC 3:29:08

Robert Langer, Richmond Hill, ON 3:29:13

Elysa Graci, Toronto, ON 3:29:14

Ryan McGuigan, Tucson, AZ 3:29:17

David B. Halwas, Calgary, AB 3:29:22

Danya M. Liberman, Angus, ON 3:29:25

Mairi K. Stanners, Vancouver, BC 3:29:26

Sylvain Roy, Ste-Therese, QC 3:29:28

Dan P. Mcdougall, Truro, NS 3:29:28

Corneliu M. Mountean, Thornhill, ON 3:29:36

Nicholas J. Meloche, Owen Sounds, ON 3:29:36

Ariane Charbonneau, Montreal, QC 3:29:38

Al Wilson, London, ON 3:29:41

Katelin Munro, Victoria, BC 3:29:44

Peter Orr, King City, ON 3:29:45

Lynda Reisenfeld, Hamilton, OH 3:29:46

Chris Van Norman, Nepean, ON 3:29:46

Michael J. Heiliger, Squamish, BC 3:29:51

Neil Gallagher, Toronto, ON 3:29:52

Kailey Mclachlan, Ottawa, ON 3:29:52

Peter Tiscione, Montreal, QC 3:29:54

Paul R. Muldoon, Toronto, ON 3:29:55

Linnea Rossitter, Tortono, ON 3:29:59

Rolf A. Friis, Ottawa, ON 3:30:00

Dominique Pilon, Bois-Franc, QC 3:30:02

Tammy Mercier, Halifax, NS 3:30:02

Tanya Green, Calgary, AB 3:30:02

Martin Schwuchow, Surrey, BC 3:30:06

Angela M. Cummings, Acton, ON 3:30:07

Jill M. MacDonald, Halifax, NS 3:30:07

Claire Matheson, Ottawa, ON 3:30:11

Michael Brennan, Toronto, ON 3:30:14

Patrick L. McKilligan, Arlington, WA 3:30:16

Tom Mungham, Newmarket, ON 3:30:16

Jim Van Buskirk, Brampton, ON 3:30:18

Ian C. Griffin, Reston, VA 3:30:19

Julie A. Pinel, Victoria, BC 3:30:19

Marc A. Cormier, Greenfield Park, QC 3:30:19

Steven Low, Calgary, AB 3:30:20

Fabio Fernandes, Toronto, ON 3:30:22

Samantha Sykes, Toronto, ON 3:30:23

Anne-Catherine Beland, Grand-Mere, QC 3:30:24

Rebecca Sanders, Harrow, ON 3:30:25

Alexandra Hynes, Stittsville, ON 3:30:26

Ian J. Johnstone, Truro, NS 3:30:28

M. Imelda Gunawan, Toronto, ON 3:30:29

Paul R. Joliat, Toronto, ON 3:30:29

Mike Rajki, Windsor, ON 3:20:33

Brad Lamoureux, West Vancouver, BC 3:30:48

Barry J. Cyca, Regina, SK 3:30:56

Richard J. Steinberg, Toronto, ON 3:30:56

Lesley Holmes, Ottawa, ON 3:31:01

Hans H. Laltoo, Moncton, NB 3:31:02

Robin R. Noyes, Welland, ON 3:31:03

Matt W. Sharp, Newmarket, ON 3:31:07

George R. Drew, Windsor, ON 3:31:13

Paulette J. Dalton, Toronto, ON 3:31:15

Sylvain Diotee, Montreal, QC 3:31:23

Rene Boivin , Quebec, QC 3:31:27

James Clark, Edmonton, AB 3:31:29

Jean Leveille, St-Jean Chrysostome, QC 3:31:31

Geoffrey Williams, Ottawa, ON 3:31:31

Wilfred F. Sullivan, Ottawa, ON 3:31:31

Nathalie Lavoie, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC 3:31:32

John Francis, Toronto, ON 3:31:34

Bev A. Kemp, North Vancouver, BC 3:31:35

Lori A. Singleton, Miramichi, NB 3:31:35

Robert G. McNair, London, ON 3:31:37

Brian Eastcott, Toronto, ON 3:31:42

Jerry E. Murphy, Edmonton, AB 3:31:43

Guy J. Milner, Edmonton, AB 3:31:43

John Pereira, Milton, ON 3:31:46

Megan Fretter, Surrey, BC 3:31:47

Erin N. Bingley, Toronto, ON 3:31:47

Basil Pappas, Regina, SK 3:31:48

Carley Kenwell, Kanata, ON 3:31:50

Janis Schellenberg, Calgary, AB 3:31:54

Andie Clement, Toronto, ON 3:31:56

Michel Briand, Montreal, QC 3:32:06

Jo-Anne, Lane, Markham, ON 3:32:08

Catherine Megias, Westmount, QC 3:32:10

Lynn A. Chua, Aurora, ON 3:32:20

Norm Lonergan, Ajax, ON 3:32:21

Pierre Facher, Lacine, QC 3:32:24

Steven E. Morin, Stittsville, ON 3:32:26

Marine G. Kovacs, Coldstream, BC 3:32:26

Jeffrey T. Brown, Beaconsfield, QC 3:32:31

Drew E. Markham, Calgary, AB 3:32:32

Christopher N. Anderson, Bayport, NS 3:32:34

Pierre Huppe, Lemoyne, QC 3:32:35

Darren G. Duguay, Diepppe, NB 3:32:43

Marc-Pierre Verge, Montreal, QC 3:32:46

Faye Goldman, Ottawa ON, 3:32:46

Rod Simpson, Cobourg ON, 3:32:47

Ryan V. Endersby, Lethbridge, AB, 3:32:50

Dana Baluk, Tuen Mun, HKG, CAN 3:32:53

Dalton M. Russell, Grande Prairie, AB 3:32:54

Jennie E. Orr, Mayfield, PE 3:32:55

Kim A. Scattolon, Glace Bay, NS 3:32:59

Tim Scapillato, Gatineau, QC 3:33:00

Laura M, Di Silvestro, Hamilton, ON 3:33:00

Ronald Hackett, Kingston, QC 3:33:00

Lise Lenden, Montreal, QC 3:33:02

Paul Dalton, St. Edward, PE 3:33:03

Todd Morin, Ottawa, ON 3:33:04

Alan N. Mears, Lake Grove, NY CAN 3:33:04

Randall Jegins, Etobicoke, ON 3:33:05

Paul J. Duperrault, Wilcox, SK 3:33:06

Michael Van Klaveren, Burnaby, BC 3:33:09

Adam D. Rudner, Ottawa, ON 3:33:09

Carey A. Prins, St. Albert, AB 3:33:22

Probir K. Sarbadhikari, Toronto, ON 3:33:23

Blake Paton, Minden, ON 3:33:24

Karen L. Nummi, Mississauga, ON 3:33:26

Tanya A. Wharton, Toronto, ON 3:33:26

Morten, Fogh, Mississauga, ON 3:33:29

Tim J. Silvester, Orillia, ON 3:33:29

Sunita Seshia, Peninsula, OH CAN 3:33:30

Allan Blackbird, Milton, ON 3:33:31

Ian F. Morrison, Edmonton, AB 3:33:35

Anna-Maria Kaneff, Toronto, ON 3:33:37

Elizabeth Forestell, Edmonton, AB 3:33:40

Jason V. Erb, Baden ON 3:33:49

Francois Chartier, Quebec, QC 3:33:52

Greg Andrews, Oakville, ON 3:33:54

Darcie Tymrick-Purvis, Calgary, AB 3:33:54

Rosanna M. Brydon, Ancaster, ON 3:33:55

Michele Harvey-Blankenship, Edmonton, AB 3:34:02

Bruce Horsburg, Oakville, ON 3:34:02

Peter Malakhov, Toronto, ON 3:34:03

Angela M. Stolz, Regina, SK 3:34:04

Vicky Pelletier, Blainville, QC 3:34:04

Jenevieve Provost, Blainville, QC 3:34:06

Kevin D. Paterson, Mississauga, ON 3:34:06

Jason Bishop, New Westmister, BC 3:34:09

Mylene C. Dally, Winter Park, FL CAN 3:34:09

Paula C. Reid, Tecumseh, ON 3:34:11

Michelle Symington, Edmonton, AB 3:34:11

Craig S. Doherty, West Vancouver, BC 3:34:12

Bruno Leblanc, St-Jerome, QC 3:34:15

Jill Donack, Ottawa, ON 3:34:16

Catherine Morin, Montreal, QC 3:34:18

Sarah M. Freiburger, Calgary, AB 3:34:23

Jacqueline M. Chevalier, Toronto, ON 3:34:23

Craig Neville, Vancouver, BC, 3:34:26

Leanne D. Herbach, North Vancouver, BC 3:34:27

Jeremy Abrahams, Dundas, ON 3:34:29

Leah P. Snyder, Burlington, ON 3:34:30

Kathryn E. Wehrle, Toronto, ON 3:34:33

Beatrice D. De Lempdes, Montreal, QC 3:34:34

William Jenkins, Oakville, ON 3:34:34

Sam Sivaragan, Toronto, ON 3:34:37

Kevin R. McDonald, Etobicoke, ON 3:34:37

Peter M. Scott, Stoney Creek, ON 3:34:40

Melanie C. Trumpower, Oreleans, ON 3:34:40

Birgitte Biorn, Vancouver, BC 3:34:42

Christie L. Longmire, Darmouth, NS 3:34:43

Cassandra A. Bonn, Belleville, ON 3:34:46

Linda Dufour, Vancouver, BC 3:34:50

Megan C. Del Ben, Toronto, ON 3:34:53

John G. Deputter, London, ON 3:34:53

Michelle O. Coccola, Victoria, BC 3:34:57

Fred Unternahrer, Sarnia, ON 3:34:57

Vince Campenelli, Etobicoke, ON 3:34:58

Todd Shewfelt, Burnaby, BC 3:34:58

Vincenzo Rigitano, Stoney Creek, ON 3:35:00

Breelyn Lancaster, Ottawa, ON 3:35:02

Kristine L. Chew, Vancouver, BC 3:35:02

Meaghan M. Lecsek, Cambridge, ON 3:35:03

Melodie, Sullivan, Montreal, QC 3:35:03

Annette Wotherspoon, North Vancouver, BC, 3:35:04

Jacques Papillon, St-Augustin-De-Demaures, QC 3:35:05

Gaye M. Roberts, Appleton, NL, 3:35:05

Natasha Natolochny, Guelph, ON 3:35:06

Isha Sharif, Calgary, AB 3:35:08

Philippe R. De Montigny, Boston MA CAN 3:35:09

Mary Pope, Mississauga, ON 3:35:16

Kevin Loughnane, La Grange, TX CAN 3:35:19

Rebecca Morley, Calgary, AB 3:35:25

Eugene R. Smith, Dundas, ON 3:35:26

Candice Madalena, Vancouver, ON 3:35:32

Stephen E. Lee, Laval, QC 3:35:33

Leon J. Ferrari, Montreal, QC 3:35:33

Kelly M. Carmichael, Toronto, ON 3:35:40

Kat Clewley, Burlington, ON 3:35:41

Kyna J. Squarey, Paradise, NL 3:35:42

Erin V. Barclay, Abbotsford, BC 3:35:44

Susie Rochette, St-Lambert, QC 3:35:47

Tara-Lynn Grams, Richmond Hill, ON 3:35:50

Ellie De Sousa, Mississauga, ON 3:35:50

John Tegano, Ottawa, ON 3:35:52

Deanne S. Mcdoom, Toronto ON 3:35:54

Linda Talbot, Saint-Jean Chrysostome, QC 3:35:56

Ghislain Foy, Pointe Claire, QC 3:35:57

Lisa M. Kachan, Victoria, BC 3:36:02

Michel Normand, Ste-Terese QC 3:36:03

Claude Herbert, Granby, QC 3:36:03

Jenny Seo, Toronto, ON 3:36:05

Bruno Samson, Quebec, QC 3:36:05

Brian Ronn, Saskatoon, SK 3:36:06

Jeff Slavin, Ottawa, ON 3:36:12

Robert E. Koelbli, Cambridge, ON 3:36:18

Gina, Demczuk, Hamilton, ON 3:36:18

Kaitlin Williams, New York, NY CAN 3:36:24

Rhonda Gallant, Port Moody, BC, 3:36:26

David H. Dyer, Edmonton, AB 3:36:27

Alain Robillard, Montreal, QC 3:36:30

Brian L. Graw, Battleford, SK, 3:36:30

Josee Hotton, St. John’s, NL, 3:36:30

Anna M. Bielecki, Newmarket, ON, 3:36:31

Morley Lee, Calagary, AB 3:36:31

Erin L. Beaudin, Coldbrook, NS 3:36:33

Ellis G. Andrews II, Penticton, BC 3:36:39

Graham E. Ek, Calgary, AB 3:36:41

Jessica Kennedy, Dieppe, NB 3:36:48

Natalie C. Lehto, Thunder Bay, ON 3:36:51

Tamara Day, Airdrie, AB 3:36:53

Natalie Gosselin, Saint-Lambert, QC 3:36:59

Elena Nikonorova, Ottawa, ON 3:36:59

Murray L. Cass, Markham, ON 3:37:02

Erin Maruoka, Santa Monica, USA CAN 3:37:09

Amy E. Robitaille, Rockwood, ON 3:37:10

Marian I. Grant, Stratford, PE 3:37:12

Lisa Brocklehurst-Somers, Markham, ON 3:37:12

Rene J. Gilbert, Greely, ON 3:37:13

Carrie Mullin Innes, Calgary, AB 3:37:15

Benoit Duchesneau, Longueuil, QC 3:37:18

Carol A. Clark, Westport, CT CAN 3:37:30

Jean-Luc Leonard, Finch, ON 3:37:30

Heather B. Lee-Callaghan, Timberlea, NS 3:37:32

Julie Bridgman, Oakville, ON 3:37:37

Guy Beaudoin, Manotick ON, 3:37:37

Cheryl Stevenson, Aldergrove, BC 3:37:38

Desmond Lam, Toronto, ON 3:37:39

Susan M. Campbell, Waverly, NS 3:37:41

Stephane Rousseau, Montreal, QC 3:37:42

Melissa C. Desilets, Dallas TX CAN 3:37:50

James J. Whelan, Toronto, ON 3:37:55

Jenna Steen, Calgary, AB 3:37:56

Danae A. Krahn, Kingston, ON 3:37:59

Patrick J. Connor, London, ON 3:38:01

Nicole Gavin, Pickering, ON 3:38:02

Susan E. Sly, Kingston, ON 3:38:03

Joey M. Correia, Maple, ON 3:38:05

Emily J. Ratzlaff, Dublin, IRL CAN 3:38:07

Marie-Helene Joannette-Cartier, Quebec, QC 3:38:12

Tania Pontbriand, Mascouche, QC 3:38:14

Christine E. Moric, Vancouver, BC 3:38:14

Odette Beaudry, Montreal, QC 3:38:15

Kimberly Wood, Chatham, ON 3:38:15

Andy Tze Cheung Lam, Hong Kong, HKG 3:38:17

Annette M. Love, Halifax, NS 3:38:18

Jerome Gerrior, Sydney, NS 3:38:20

Jana Joustra, Calgary, AB 3:38:20

V.p. Pham, Montreal, QC 3:38:20

Jessica D. Wilson, Toronto, ON 3:38:21

Dave M. Evans, Regina, SK 3:38:21

Veronique Goineau, Prevost, QC 3:38:33

Lana Bru, New Westminster, BC 3:38:34

Robert I. Goertz, Strathmore, AB 3:38:35

Lorraine Doucet, Orleans, ON 3:38:35

Kevin Duong-Lapointe, Senneterre, QC 3:38:36

Ray K. Williams, Dartmouth, NS 3:38:36

Kathy M, Harris, Thunder Bay, ON 3:38:40

Eric Paquette, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:38:40

Sylvie Lacasse, Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC 3:38:47

Anne-Marie Rasmussen, Oakville, ON 3:38:54

Don B. Randall, Edmonton, AB, 3:38:58

Paul Bourbonniere, Markham, ON 3:38:59

Myung Randall, Kelowna, BC 3:39:04

Mario Lapointe, Sainte-Euphumie, QC 3:39:04

Terry Lauzon, Cornwall, ON 3:39:05

Diane Robertson, Ottawa, ON 3:39:07

Daniel Tang, London, ON 3:39:08

Scott R. Burton, Ottawa, ON 3:39:09

Darin Jacques, Boisbriand, QC 3:39:11

Karen L. Milson, Kingston, ON 3:39:11

Vincent J. Vautour, Saint John, NB 3:39:14

Jacquelyn T. Wingrove, Ottawa, ON 3:39:14

Carlee Price, Whistler, BC 3:39:14

Stephane Hould Sr., Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:39:16

Dominic A. Gerelle, North Vancouver, BC 3:39:17

Michel Ouellet, St-Jean-Chrysostome, QC 3:39:19

Walid F. Sharara, Boston, USA CAN 3:39:23

Sarah Strickey, Ottawa, ON 3:39:24

Jody Mattie, Truro, NS 3:39:27

Michael McGovern, Winnipeg, MB 3:39:27

Caroline Mailloux, Riviere-Du-Loup, QC 3:39:31

Annie Gangon, St-Mathieu, QC 3:39:37

Colleen A. Crane, Ottawa, ON 3:39:37

Daniel J. Ethier, Victoria, BC 3:39:37

Darlene M. Dawson, St. Catherines, ON 3:39:42

Besy V. Haines, Pickering, ON 3:39:47

Albert H. Marshall, Cayuga, ON 3:39:48

Kim Bryant, Orangeville, ON 3:39:50

Kerry L. Walker, Mississauga, ON 3:39:50

Gilles Masson, Trois-Riveres, QC 3:39:54

Andrea Cameron, Toronto, ON 3:39:59

Patricia Tessier, Montreal, QC 3:40:10

Vernon P. MacIntosh, Hopewell, NS 3:40:12

Remy Couillard, Montmagny, QC 3:40:16

Bettina B. Bentley, Halifax, NS 3:40:16

Mark T. Rush, Georgetown, ON 3:40:23

Lindsay K. Lamorre, Toronto, ON 3:40:23

Laura Bresica, Calgary, AB 3:40:26

Hugh Ryder, Oakville, ON 3:40:28

Jody Faught, Brantford, ON 3:40:28

Cari M. Markewich, Regina, SK 3:40:30

Christine Silva, Toronto, ON 3:40:30

Anthony Macisaac, Toronto, ON 3:40:33

Alex Williams, Vancouver, BC 3:40:34

Alan Cooper, Calgary, AB 3:40:35

Melanie D. Nason-Green, Nepean, ON 3:40:35

Michelle C. Power-Nayel, Ottawa, ON 3:40:39

Christine Pound, Halifax, NS 3:40:39

Shannon Regan, London, ON 3:40:45

Alexandra Flatt, North Vancouver, BC 3:40:46

Larry Shorter, Oakville, ON 3:40:51

Antoine Jothy, Montreal QC 3:41:03

Dave Clark, Summerside, PE 3:41:07

Scott R. Gaye, Oakville, ON 3:41:08

Nathalie M. Goodfellow, Toronto, ON 3:41:08

Bill Macmackin, Quispamsis, NB 3:41:09

Melanie Gilbert, Sherbrooke, QC 3:41:11

Nadine C. Straka, Dublin IRL CAN 3:41:19

Francine Beaulac, Longueuil, QC 3:41:21

Janice D. Mackay, Sault Ste. Marie, ON 3:41:22

Richard E. Perley, Mitchell, ON 3:41:23

Yan Xu Ottawa, ON 3:41:26

Roberta E. Reid Jones, Edmonton, AB 3:41:30

Doug McLauchlan, Toronto, ON 3:41:31

Zoe McKinnell, Cambridge, MA USA CAN 3:41:31

Richard St. John, Toronto, ON 3:41:39

Blair D. Kennedy, Toronto, ON 3:41:41

Allan Gauthier, North Vancouver, BC 3:41:42

Michel Charbonneau, Chicoutimi, QC 3:41:45

Allyson M. Fischer, Oakville, ON 3:41:51

Martin R. Speth, Maple Ridge, BC 3:41:51

Lise Proulx, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:41:56

Mark Ciana, Port Hope, ON 3:41:59

Laura E. Cowal, Thorold, ON 3:41:59

Candice D. McMackin, Headingley, MB 3:42:02

Louis Garon, Lac Beauport, QC 3:42:05

Jeffrey Marquis, Seoul, KOR CAN 3:42:04

Ric Kong, Markham, ON 3:42:05

Monique Raymond Godber, Montreal, QC 3:42:07

Terri Anne Soukoroff, Calgary, AB 3:42:09

Penelope J. Boyle, Beaconsfield, QC 3:42:11

Trina Penney, Kirkland, QC 3:42:11

Robert Turner, Lethbridge, AB 3:42:19

Laurelee S. Nelson, Kelowna, BC 3:42:32

Shane Hellsten, Oackville, ON 3:42:33

Patrick Hewitt, Penhold, AB 3:42:33

Mark E. Leblanc, Moncton, NB 3:42:37

Michel M. Jean, Levis, QC 3:42:39

Jennifer A. Bhalla, Saint Paul, MN USA CAN 3:42:39

Beth Ellen Brown, Charlottetown, PE 3:42:41

Marlis E. Jabs, East St. Paul, MB 3:42:44

Mairead E. Drain, Winnipeg, MB 3:42:47

John Hayes, Beamsville, ON 3:42:47

Ingrid M. Musgrave, Toronto, ON 3:42:48

Robert L. Bourgault, Wellesley, MA USA CAN 3:42:52

Barry E. Wood, Dunrobin, ON 3:42:52

Kelli-An G. Lawrance, Burlington, ON 3:42:55

Larry E. Peacocke, Moncton, NB 3:42:59

Richard A. Slocomb, Victoria, BC 3:43:00

Katherina Thompson, Milton, ON 3:43:01

Olivier Bolullo, Montreal, QC 3:42:11

Sherab D. Dhumkhang, Toronto, ON 3:43:19

David Cormie, Winnipeg, MB 3:43:21

Wendy A. Mitchell, West Vancouver, BC 3:43:23

Michael F. Mitchell, West Vancouver, BC 3:43:23

William A. Bullen, Caledonia, ON 3:43:26

Ralph W. Westgarth, Barriefield, ON 3:43:26

Rebecca Andrews, North Gower, ON 3:43:29

Sheri McCready, Ottawa, ON 3:43:34

Christine A. Voykin, Toronto, ON 3:43:36

Liane Lagroix, Burlington, ON 3:43:36

Jane C. Widdecombe, Guelph, ON 3:43:37

Jeff Wood, Amherstburg, ON 3:43:37

Rachel Kimler, Nanaimo, BC 3:43:41

Melanie Allaire, Westmount, QC 3:43:44

Patrick P. Miller, Callander, ON 3:43:45

Bettylou Morrow, Canby, OR USA CAN 3:43:45

Christine Dirks, London, ON 3:43:46

Frank Di Rienzo, Woodbridge, ON 3:43:47

Eva Thompson, Beloeil, QC 3:43:48

Bob Baldwin, Toronto, ON 3:43:49

Veronica Stocker, Los Angeles CA USA CAN 3:43:50

Leah E. Robinson, Toronto, ON 3:43:54

John V. Gelder, Ottawa ON 3:43:55

Julie Francoeur, Saint-Georges-De-Champlain, QC 3:43:58

Julie Drury, Ottawa, ON 3:43:58

Rick R. Swinson, Whitby, ON 3:44:02

Karen Koenig, Lethbridge, AB 3:44:04

John C. Frederick, Toronto, ON 3:44:06

Fred L. Fieber, St. Albert. AB 3:44:10

Anne Ross Bourgeois, Sept Iles, QC 3:44:12

Rejean Gareau, Boston, MA USA CAN 3:44:14

Marie-Claude Paquette, Whitby, ON 3:44:17

Martin Ager, Camlachie, ON 3:44:17

Larry Blackmore, Beaver Bank, NS 3:44:25

Emily Quelch, Victoria, BC 3:44:25

Joanne M. Morin, Calgary, AB 3:44:30

Allison Dellandrea, Toronto, ON 3:44:32

Rebecca M. Beaulne, Fort Mcmurray, AB 3:44:36

Chris Gates, Pickering, ON 3:44:36

Stephen A. Struger, St. Catherines, ON 3:44:44

Doreen Lipovski, Ottawa, ON 3:44:46

Keith Barrington, Calrenville, NL 3:44:48

Andre M. Dion, Ottawa, ON 3:44:39

Sarah E. Hendricks, Toronto, ON 3:44:58

Christina Sillito, Calgary, AB 3:45:03

Julie Paquette, Ottawa, ON 3:45:08

Josianne Rey, L’Assomption, QC 3:45:09

Mike D. Power, Toronto, ON 3:45:10

Lois M. Ross, Calgary, AB 3:45:11

Maria Wiseman, Petawawa, ON 3:45:17

Chris Nash, Brockville, ON 3:45:24

Dj De Jesus, London, ON 3:45:24

Jill Neufeld, Calgary, AB 3:45:28

Graham A. Harvey, Assiniboia, SK 3:45:28

Raynald Fournier, Levis, QC 3:45:33

Gene R Wray, Nanoose Bay, BC 3:45:35

Jennifer K. Clooten, San Ramon, CA USA CAN 3:45:35

Bruce M. Mason, Ottawa, ON 3:45:36

Christine I. DiGiovanni, Toronto, ON 3:45:41

Don Kerr, London, ON 3:45:44

Elvira Kozak, West Vancouver, BC 3:45:46

Jinhee K. Schwartz, Edmonton, AB 3:45:49

Bruce MacGillivray, Dunvegan, ON 3:45:49

Marie-Pierre, Chalifoux, Montreal, QC 3:45:53

Tracy Miernicki, St. Thomas, ON 3:45:54

Regent Nolin, Quebec, QC 3:45:57

Audrey Beauchamp, Laval, QC 3:45:58

Tanis Ridout, North Vancouver, BC 3:46:01

Carlos Lau, Pierrefonds, QC 3:46:03

Susan R. Taylor, Cochrance, AB 3:46:09

Lee-Anne Silva, Mississauga, ON 3:46:10

Andrew M. Bommersbach, Winnipeg, MB 3:46:10

Cinthia Lepine, Gatineau, QC 3:46:15

Pamela Geernaert, Frederick, MD USA CAN 3:46:16

Raymond B. Jones, Winnipeg, MB 3:46:18

Bill R. Allan, Burlington, ON 3:46:20

Marilyn Kieffer, Etobicoke, ON 3:46:22

Isabelle Robidas, Toronto, ON 3:46:30

Jean Forgues, Quebec, QC 3:46:30

James P. Mutch, Charlottetown, PE 3:46:30

Hannah E. Fraser, Owen Sound, ON 3:46:31

Helene Desrosiers, Oakville, ON 3:46:31

Ken J. Walker, Brights Grove, ON 3:46:35

Andrea Scott, Calgary, AB 3:46:38

Charlene D. Druhan, Antigonish, NS 3:46:49

John Summers, Kitchener, ON 3:46:49

Betty S. Annala, Rosslyn, ON 3:46:54

Ian Hawkins, Calgary, AB 3:46:57

Dominique Phaneuf, Russell, ON 3:47:06

Eugene Muller, St. Johns, NL 3:47:12

Deanna J. Brearley, Oakville, ON 3:47:12

William G. Keays, Carona, SUI CAN 3:47:18

Alain Laroche, Quebec, QC 3:47:18

Jennifer Kealy, Vancouver, BC 3:47:18

Diana R. Nagy, Weyburn, SK 3:47:22

Benoit Rancourt, Boule, QC 3:47:22

Cathy A. Leboeuf, Woodslee, ON 3:47:22

Molly Sweet, Chelsea, QC 3:47:23

Mitsy B. Layton, Scarborough, ON 3:47:27

Eric A. Lindenberg, Belleville, ON 3:47:29

Stephen R. Mick, Toronto, ON 3:47:33

Laura H. Leslie, Halifax, NS 3:47:38

Keith R. Moore, Westborough MA USA CAN

Joanne E. Sibbald, Montreal, QC 3:47:49

Jack Craig, Pickering, ON 3:47:50

Marc Trudeau, Mississauga, ON 3:47:51

Phil Mcnamee, Tucson AZ USA 3:47:55

Mark Rozenberg, Vancouver, BC 3:48:02

Christine Christie, Boisbriand, QC 3:48:06

Manon Gauthier, Laval, QC 3:48:08

Phil S. Davies, Abbotsford, BC 3:48:08

Henry Blumenthal, Laval, QC 3:48:10

Paula A. Vanni, Port Moody, BC 3:48:10

Ann-Marie Thompson, Oshawa, ON 3:48:12

Della R. Armstrong, Bassano, AB 3:48:12

Jim J. Keon, Aurora, ON 3:48:23

Kevin A. Phillips, Almonte, ON 3:48:26

David Vickars, Burnaby, BC 3:48:27

George N. Merrick, Mississauga, ON 3:48:27

Haley Cruse, Minesing, ON 3:48:28

Linda Lewis, Ottawa, ON 3:48:29

Martin Malo, Montreal, QC 3:48:32

Stephen K. Malyon, Vancouver, BC 3:48:45

Giles Parker, Calgary, AB 3:48:46

Michelle Irvine, Guelph, ON 3:48:47

Beverley E. Walsh, Charlottetown, PE 3:48:48

Rob A. Stagg, Coquitlam, BC 3:48:51

Douglas R. Archibald, Enfield, NS 3:48:52

Scott Macintyre, Elmsdale, NS 3:48:54

Wilhelm M. Haust, Toronto, ON 3:48:54

Don Lee, Calgary, AB 3:48:55

Annie Trepanier, Verdun, QC 3:48:56

Connie E. Caputo, Calgary, AB 3:48:57

Jean E. Marmoreo, Toronto, ON 3:48:57

Pierre Lacasse, Bourget, ON 3:49:09

Reagan Alexander, Morin Heights, QC 3:49:09

Jocelyne A. Leblanc, Vancouver, BC 3:49:09

Nathalie Carrier, Beresford, NB 3:49:13

Terri Olah, Townville, SC USA CAN 3:49:13

Dave E. Carver, London, ON 3:49:17

Carolyn P. Donnelly, St. Albert, AB 3:49:17

Kacey J. Keyko, Edmonton, AB 3:49:21

Guylaine Dubruil, Gatineau, QC 3:49:29

Taniya E. Birbeck, Edmonton, AB 3:49:29

James McGuire, Carleton Place, ON 3:49:31

Rejean Desmarais, Sherbrooke, QC 3:49:33

Rick Haas, Goderich, ON 3:49:34

Suzanne A. Gibson, Nepean, ON 3:49:36

Barb Weber, Waterloo, ON 3:49:40

Alan J. Benson, Surrey, BC 3:49:42

Terry D. Riggins, Nanoose Bay, BC 3:49:50

Kevin C. Higa, Edmonton, AB 3:49:54

Daniel Dicaire, Kingsey Falls, QC 3:49:59

Jean Larose, Marieville, QC 3:50:03

Rick Lee, Toronto, ON 3:50:06

Karen Keefe, La Crete, AB 3:50:11

Marianne Lessard-Coutu, St. Catharines, ON 3:50:13

Darrell A. Pringle, Elora, ON 3:50:15

Rebecca L. Vandenbosch, Ottawa ON 3:50:15

Samantha Calder-Sprackman, Ottawa, ON 3:50:17

Kristi Stuart, Calgary, AB 3:50:26

Katie McColeman, Arnprior, ON 3:50:36

Shelagh L. Maloney, Mississauga, ON 3:50:38

Leanne Forbes, Mississauga, ON 3:50:38

Wanda M. Riewe, Calgary, AB 3:50:39

Cheryl A. Koehler, Toronto, ON 3:50:47

Michael F. Bibeau, Welland, ON 3:50:50

Andres Ambuehl Sr. Canmore, AB 3:50:50

Catherine J. Kelly, Cambridge, ON 3:50:51

Bert L. Robillard, Sidney, BC 3:50:54

Pargol, Lakhan, Delta, BC 3:50:54

Rob W. Robinson, Toronto, ON 3:50:56

Mario Babakhani, Mississauga, ON 3:50:57

Sherry Schipper, Amherstburg, ON 3:50:57

Jeff J. Turk, Oakville, ON 3:51:01

Elizabeth Lau, Victoria, BC 3:51:05

Manuela Jones, Baden, ON 3:51:06

Darrell J. Travis, Hampton, NB 3:51:07

Jodie Ferneyhough, Toronto, ON 3:51:09

Kristy L. Hastings Thomson, Windsor, ON 3:51:09

Barb Bruce, Orillia, ON 3:51:09

Dee Makepeace, Surrey, BC 3:51:15

Kelly Proudfoot, Whitehorse, YT 3:51:17

Lloyd English, Sarasota FL USA CAN 3:51:17

Linda Cubellis, Markham, ON 3:51:20

Loretta C. Marsaro, Ottawa, ON 3:51:21

Patricia Reddick, Fall River, NS 3:51:21

Peter Cramarossa, Mississauga, ON 3:51:22

Ray P. Baker, Surrey, BC 3:51:31

Erin D. Giles, Denver CO USA CAN 3:51:33

Clive I. Rose, Walnut Creek CA USA CAN 3:51:38

Joe I Richardson, Guelph, ON 3:51:39

Kelly A. Fitzgerald, Pembroke, MA USA CAN 3:51:40

Elaine Marchese, Brampton, ON 3:51:42

Suzanne Gariepy, Longueil, QC 3:51:43

Virginia Gingras, Georgetown, ON 3:51:43

Keith F. Benoit, Plattsburgh, NY USA CAN 3:51:50

Jennifer Hunter, London, ON 3:51:55

Brenda L. Young, Brockville, ON 3:52:24

Mike J. Horne, Ottawa, ON 3:52:24

Angela Brand, Vancouver, BC 3:25:26

Cindy E. Gill, Dartmouth, NS 3:52:27

Michelle M. Shwery, Indianapolis, IN USA CAN 3:52:28

Beth Ordman, Calgary, AB 3:52:32

Sabina S. Tolean, Surrey, BC 3:52:34

Suzane Michaud, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:52:36

Staphane Deshaies, Whitby, ON 3:52:40

Lambrina M. Nikolaou, Oakville, ON 3:52:41

Isabelle Veilleux, Gatineau, QC 3:52:42

Hugh J. Pindur, London, ON 3:52:48

Paul J. Cehan, Battersea, ON 3:52:53

Susan Danard, Burnaby, BC 3:52:54

Pierre Theriault Sr. Ste-Martine, QC 3:52:58

Lisa J. McGrath, Guysborough County, NS 3:53:03

Richard G. McGrath, Guysborough County, NS 3:53:03

Manon Jobin, Trois-Rivieres, QC 3:53:28

Diedre C. Lue-Kim, Richmond Hill, ON 3:53:29

Joyce Capoccitti, Richmond Hill, ON 3:52:30

Jane A. De Zoete, Ancaster, ON 3:53:36

Jennifer Jennings, Sheenboro, QC 3:53:39

Warren B. Philp, Thunder Bay, ON 3:53:42

Kim Jow, West Vancouver, BC 3:53:44

Tim C. Rich, Kitchener, ON 3:53:44

Jerffrey Bradacs, Toronto, ON 3:53:45

Catherine M. Carter, Halifax, NS 3:53:53

Stuart Beare, Ottawa, ON 3:53:54

Susan Crawford, Ddo, QC 3:53:57

Keith Taylor, Calgary, AB 3:53:58

Tim G. McCarthy, Winnipeg, MB 3:53:58

Kirsten Dunne, Brampton, ON 3:54:02

Rick Cooney, Sechelt, BC 3:54:04

Leslie Hunt, Toronto, ON 3:54:12

Brenda E. Maher, Vineland, ON 3:54:15

Joel S. Koffman, Ottawa, ON 3:54:223

Vicky Libbi, Montreal, QC 3:54:25

Vickie Lau, San Jose, CA USA CAN 3:54:27

Lynn T. Rafter, Calgary, AB 3:54:30

Chantal Roy, Gatineau, QC 3:54:34

Daniel Rikely, Toronto, ON 3:54:38

Catherine Kingdon, Edmonton, AB 3:54:40

Alison Seely, Beachburg, ON 3:54:43

Mike Ross, Calgary, AB 3:54:47

Mike J. Bechard, Essex, ON 3:54:47

Jay A. Brocklebank, Waterloo, ,ON 3:54:49

Ron W. Maruska, Toronto, ON 3:55:00

Josephine, Mori-Stoodley, Richmond Hill, ON 3:55:00

Craig D. Rederburg, High Prairie, AB 3:55:05

Barbara I. Bryan, Calgary, AB 3:55:07

Debbie Reinsborough, Riverview, NB 3:55:09

Genevieve Milot, Montreal, QC 3:55:09

Daniel B. Lavoie, Edmonton, AB 3:55:10

Rejeanne Belliveau, Moncton, NB 3:55:10

Kristen E. Harris, Pokfulam HKG CAN 3:55:13

Philip Hodges, Ames, IA USA CAN 3:55:25

Marie-Pierre Dalcourt, Repentigny, QC 3:55:27

Aranka S. Mason, Port Perry, ON 3:55:27

Nancy A. Mclaughlin, Whitby, ON 3:55:27

Gordon Spooner, Port Coquitlam, BC 3:55:30

Angela K. Cullen, Port Coquitlam, BC 3:55:30

Anne M. Milrad, Toronto, ON 3:55:31

Helene Fortier, Orleans, ON 3:55:32

Sonia Sabourin, Montreal QC 3:55:44

Paul C. McGarry, Waterdown, ON 3:56:03

Keith D. Holden, Toronto, ON 3:56:06

Lina Balsamo, Mississauga, ON 3:56:07

Bob Ripley, London, ON 3:56:07

Elizabeth J. Corkum, Hammonds Plains, NS 3:56:08

Don Lavictoire, Orleans, ON 3:56:08

Michelle Mesh, Appleton, NL 3:56:09

Greg Yaneff, Caledon, ON 3:56:09

Kevin E. Knight, Meaford, ON 3:56:14

Curtis Coyne, Meaford, ON 3:56:14

Tim B. Urech, Thornton, ON 3:56:14

Lisa L. Lauzon, Grande Prairie, AB 3:56:15

Helena M. Carvalho, Brampton, ON 3:56:15

Cindy Keith, Edmonton, AB 3:56:17

Annamaria Bliss, Calgary, AB 3:56:22

Lisanne Gadoury, Montreal, QC 3:56:26

Randy D. Gabel, Winnipeg, MB 3:56:26

Laura A. Dombroski, Franklin, MA USA CAN 3:56:28

Bob D. Laughton, Ottawa, ON 3:56:28

Ivar Gaizauskas, Brampton, ON 3:56:32

Bob Bernhardt, Oakville, ON 3:56:32

Martha Palao, Toronto, ON 3:56:45

Barbara A. McEwan, Toronto, ON 3:56:46

Marty Rapson, Toronto, ON 3:56:58

Amanda Mathieson, Toronto, ON 3:57:03

Fred W. Oliver, Oshawa, ON 3:57:03

Cathy Hopkins, St. Catharines, ON 3:57:08

Christine J. Byrd, Wooler, ON 3:57:11

Adrian Hall, West Vancouver, BC 3:57:11

Kerry Finch, Toronto, ON 3:57:17

Donna Mcbride, Claremont, ON 3:57:18

Anne F. Hobbs, Sharon, ON 3:57:23

Natalie L. Greig, Dundas, ON 3:57:27

Peter M. Fitzgerald, Mississauga, ON 3:57:28

Nadia Farbstein, Halifax, NS 3:57:29

Annie R. Starzynski, Leduc, AB 3:57:29

Trevor Brookes, Pembroke, BER CAN 3:57:33

Colin C. Mclean, Mission, BC 3:57:46

Sylvie Watts, Laval, QC 3:57:46

Jeremy M. Valeriote, London, ON 3:57:46

Sandy L. Therrien, North Vancouver, BC 3:57:46

Gary K. Shupe, Halifax, NS 3:57:52

Ray Sr. Morrissey, Barrie, ON 3:58:01

Steven J. Vannostrand, Sydney, NS 3:58:03

Bonnie MacGregor, Grenville-Sur-La-Rouge, QC 3:58:09

Victor Petrovic, Calgary, AB 3:58:11

Robert J. Wood, Portland, OR USA CAN 3:58:21

Donna M. Murphy, North Sannich, BC 3:58:27

Richard P. Ditty, South Woodslee, ON 3:58:28

Pascal Montes, Montreal, QC 3:58:28

Lisa J. Schwann, Regina, SK 3:58:34

Lynn N. Kobayashi, Toronto, ON 3:58:38

Kailyn S. Kwong Hing, Dublin IRL CAN 3:58:38

Richard Sayler, Provindenciales, TCA CAN 3:58:45

Thomas J. Maher, Regina, SK 3:58:53

Jean-Paul Bedard, Toronto, ON 3:58:55

Charmin A. Riding, Sharon, ON 3:58:56

Ghislain Lessard, Montreal, QC 3:59:08

Sheila M. Jacobs, Toronto, ON 3:59:08

Patrick Gable, Kelowna, BC 3:59:29

Corrine Gable, Kelowna, BC 3:59:30

Adrian Plant, Mississauga, ON 3:59:30

Janet E. Green, Courtenay, BC 3:59:35

Cal Johnson, North Vancouver, BC 3:59:37

Lori A. O`Lin, Bakersfield, CA USA CAN 3:59:39

Brian A. Brummond, Winnipeg, MB 3:59.41

Patricia A. Allaire, Red Rock, ON 3:59:41

Lisa M. Lawson, Owen Sound, ON 3:59:43

Dolores Ramos, Port Coquitlam, BC 3:59:45

Julie B. Williams, Long Valley, NJ USA CAN 3:59:46

Lisa J. Wilson, Halifax, NS 3:59:58

Malcom A. Pain, Halifax, NS 3:59:58

Marianne Bialkowski, Parry Sound, ON 4:00:05

Margaret D. Grant, Toronto, ON 4:00:07

Garth R. Norberg, Winnipeg, MB 4:00:13

Don Vernes, Windsor, ON 4:00:18

Shauna Hanratty, Ottawa, ON 4:00:28

Kimberly J. Newton, Corning, NY USA CAN 4:00:28

Elizabeth Borrett, Kelowna, BC 4:00:34

Laura Macdermaid, Whitby, ON 4:00:37

Francine Mineault, Gatineau, QC 4:00:40

Andrea Duncan, Gatineau, QC 4:00:41

Irene Aschwanden, North Vancouver, BC 4:00:45

Deborah A. Frederickson, Thunder Bay, ON 4:00:46

Dawn Hayes, Markham, ON 4:00:49

Monica J. Murphy, Abbotsford, BC 4:00:55

Jacqueline M, Saavedra, Whitby, ON 4:00:57

Bob Conarroe, Oakbank, MB 4:00:58

Eve Y. Duciaume, Edmonton, AB 4:01:00

Jacques Gagnon, Hampstead, QC 4:01:05

Candice D. Olivier, Oakville, ON 4:01:07

Paul E. Miller, Calgary, AB 4:01:13

Christie Hammel, New Glasgow, NS 4:01:13

Andree Lanoie, Drummondville, QC 4:01:17

Mealnie I. Sifton, Winnipeg, MB 4:01:18

Claude Letourneau, Saint-Vallier, QC 4:01:29

Allen W. Robinson, Coleman, AB 4:01:32

Carla Miceli, Oakville, ON 4:01:35

Joan Wharf Higgins, Victoria, BC 4:01:37

Alma L. Meech, Ottawa, ON 4:01:45

Norma a. Fujikawa, Surrey, BC 4:01:46

Gavin Mackenzie, Toronto, ON 4:01:52

Louise D. Thibodeau, Petit-Rocher, NB 4:01:57

Elizabeth L. Brewster, Chetwynd, BC 4:01:59

Francine M. Comeau, Beaver Bank, NS 4:02:06

Nancy Y Macdonell, Ottawa, ON 4:02:07

Sylvie Larose, Saint-Hippolyte, QC 4:02:07

Sharon Mcmillan, Ottawa, ON 4:02:19

Randall A. Brown, Beaconsfield, QC 4:02:22

Scott F. Sibley, Waterloo, ON 4:02:39

David M. Kiss, Calgary, AB 4:02:42

Jim Bovard, West Vancouver, BC 4:02:42

Roy G. Sidders, Cochenour, ON 4:02:50

Ron C. Newhook, Ottawa, ON 4:02:54

Laurie E. Meaney-Tobin, Ottawa, ON 4:03:01

Carolyn G. Leckie, Ottawa, ON 4:03:02

Brandie L. Kucyla, Waterloo, ON 4:03:03

Cheryl A. Martin, Mississauga, ON 4:03:04

Christian Mayber, Mirabel, QC 4:03:08

Ross P. Chandler, Ajax, ON 4:03:11

Liane Barber, Ajax, ON 4:03:11

Nathalie Boivin, Bathurst, NB 4:03:17

Ted Rosen, Toronto, ON 4:03:22

Jim Craig, Dundas, ON 4:03:25

Maria A. Caripa, Ottawa, ON 4:03:28

Siobhan E. McCormick, Vancouver, BC 4:03:28

Carolyn K. Scholz, West Vancouve, BC 4:03:29

Stanley R. Bunston, Guelph, ON 4:03:33

Ian N. Wall, Gardenbay, BC 4:03:35

Eileen F. Luxton, Oakville, ON 4:03:35

Rebecca E. Black, West Vancouver, BC 4:03:35

Karen P. Murray, Burlington, ON 4:03:36

Anne-Marie Lapierre, Montreal, QC 4:03:38

Tanya D. Carter, Prince George, BC 4:03:49

Beth Regehr, Coldstream, BC 4:03:50

Carene Booth, Nanaimo, BC 4:03:53

Duncan A. Hodgson, Port Perry, ON 4:03:55

James R. Miller, Saint John, NB 4:03:56

Grace G. Fuerth, Burlington, ON 4:04:04

Sandy L. Neudorf, Cottam, ON 4:04:06

Annie Lacelle, Mirabel, QC 4:04:21

Ana I. Rendiro, Mississauga, ON 4:04:24

Flo L. Currier, Kitchener, ON 4:04:25

Lindsay Winokur, Toronto, ON 4:04:44

Deveda Mah, Edmonton, AB 4:04:45

Roy Narten, Edmonton, AB 4:04:46

Robert Davis, Montreal, QC 4:04:59

Margot L. Sweet, Burnaby, BC 4:05:00

Taryn Janzen, Calgary, AB 4:05:01

Nir Orbach, Toronto, ON 4:05:03

Melanie Sarrazin, Prevost, QC 4:05:10

Tracy Marshall, Richmond, BC 4:05:10

Larua Roberts, Okotoks, AB 4:05:16

Jennifer A. Hartley, Ottawa, ON 4:05:17

Jean Compton, Caledon, ON 4:05:24

Nithi You, Orford ,QC 4:05:26

Christine Robinson, Mississauga, ON 4:05:27

Cynthia Scott, Waterloo, ON 4:05:41

Clara Northcott, Mississauga, ON 4:05:47

Leonard Schlemm, Outremont, QC 4:05:51

Jean-Claude Drapeau, Montreal, QC 4:05:59

Patty Pino, Grimsby, ON 4:06:07

Barb J. Stratton, Seeley`s Bay, ON 4:06:08

Connie Copeland, Ottawa, ON 4:06:09

Christie Hamilton, Oakville, ON 4:06:19

Peter J. Kielstra, Ottawa,ON 4:06:22

Denise M. Munson, Bradford, ON 4:06:30

Maria Gongora, San Jose, CA USA CAN 4:06:35

Jean-Pierre Theberge, Quebec, QC4:06:37

Tara Redmond, Orleans, ON 4:06:37

Jessica E. Fry, Toronto, ON 4:06:47

Susan Mehta, Richmond Hill, ON 4:07:12

Colleen Neynens, Enfield, NS 4:07:12

Elizabeth Hill Enfield, NS 4:07:12

Julie B. Suffield, Calgary, AB 4:07:17

Debbie A. Wylie, Calgary, AB 4:07:31

Sarah Latonas, Edmonton, AB 4:07:46

Eric Endicott, Toronto, ON 4:07:50

Elise Laroche, Ste-Therese, QC 4:07:50

Sally Wong, Surrey, BC 4:07:53

Charles Oatman, Etobicoke, ON 4:07:57

Lisa A. Kresky-Griffin, Farmington, MN USA CAN 4:08:12

Chris Kavanagh, Oakville, ON 4:08:13

Gord Mctaggart, Georgetown, ON 4:08:22

Char Roberts, Langley, BC 4:08:24

Athol F. Symonds, Langley, BC 4:08:30

Andrea J. Walrath, Ann Arbor, MI USA CAN 4:08:37

Joan Howieson, St. Catharines, ON 4:08:58

France Dorion, Mississauga, ON 4:09:01

Mariellen Glover, Burlington, ON 4:09:09

Hassan Afshar, Richmond Hill, ON 4:09:18

Derek J. Myke, Hamilton, ON 4:09:33

Kevin A. Donnelly, Winnipeg, MB 4:09:36

Ali Meuse, London, ON 4:10:02

Sara E. Newton, Owen Sound, ON 4:10:20

Rodney Carriveau, Carleton Place, ON 4:10:35

Miguel A. Espinosa, Sherbrooke, QC 4:10:43

Debbie A. Tainton, Calgary, AB 4:11:10

Kiki Cloutier, Toronto, ON 4:11:37

Barb Satchell, Hamilton, ON 4:12:08

Steve R. Smith, Calgary, AB 4:12:25

Peter N. Page, Nepean, ON 4:12:37

Theo H. Bosch, Barrie, ON 4:12:37

Daniel J. Mackinnon, Pickering, ON 4:12:54

Reginnald L. Huggins, London, ON 4:13:10

Bill C. McClure, Stratford, ON 4:13:37

Peter Suckling, Unionville, ON 4:13:44

Tiffany Boire, Stittsville, ON 4:14:06

Francois Lefebvre, Laval, QC 4:14:35

Marigo Portokalis, London, ON 4:14:48

Barbara D. Tracz, Stoney Creek, ON 4:15:48

Erin Barrie, Barrie, ON 4:16:23

Doreen C. Skrok, Kingston, ON 4:16:52

Nancy Alinsangan, Calgary, AB 4:17:58

Patricia Pedersen, Millgrove, ON 4:21:50

David L. Johnson, Kitchener, ON 4:22:06

Terry Woods, Stittsville, ON 4:22:25

Abilio Vieira, Brampton, ON 4:22:59

John A. Anderson, Lunenburg, NS 4:23:51

John M. Howell, Vancouver, BC 4:29:38


For our coverage of the 2013 Boston Marathon, click here.


Greetings from Friendly Manitoba!


The rings of Jupiter were discovered by the Voyager I space probe, and Pioneer 11 was the first spacecraft to visit Saturn.

President Carter was attacked by a swamp rabbit while fishing, Margaret Thatcher became the first female prime minister of Britain, and Joe Clark became Canada’s youngest prime minister.

ESPN, the first cable sports channel was launched after the Montreal Canadiens won the Stanley Cup, but before the Pittsburgh Pirates won the World Series.

McDonald’s introduced the Happy Meal, the Sony Walkman hit the streets of Japan for the first time and Star Trek: the Motion Picture hit the big screen.

Smallpox was declared eradicated.

And the first Manitoba Marathon was run.

Happy 35th running, Manitoba Marathon!

Q&A with Mizuno Brand Building Specialist, Andrew Douglas

iRun pic

By: Karen Karnis

Meet Andrew Douglas, a Brand Building Specialist for central Canada, covering the Eastern part of BC through to Winnipeg. We sat down to get to know a bit about the 23 year old native of Sarnia, ON, and here’s what we learned.

What is your educational and career background, before working for Mizuno?

I graduated from McMaster University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. While in school, and for almost a year after graduating, I worked at a running store called The Runner’s Den.

How did you become a Brand Building Specialist for Mizuno?

I ran varsity cross-country and track and field for McMaster and always found the most comfort in Mizuno shoes. My time at the Runner’s Den educated me about the brand and only increased my enthusiasm for the products. I would often get to chat with the local sales rep, Arnold Tse, in the store and he was the one that informed me of the Brand Building Specialist opportunity.

What do you do, exactly?

I do whatever my colleagues and I feel is necessary to increase awareness and knowledge about the brand, thereby promoting better sell through with our retailers. This often includes setting up a display booth at races or other key events, giving presentations about the technical aspects of our products, doing shoe demos with local run groups, or even just frequenting our accounts and helping out in any way I can (i.e. helping with sales, merchandising, stock counts, chatting with staff, etc.).

What are the benefits of being able to visit stores for Product Knowledge (PK) sessions?

Since Mizuno products are highly technical, if the staff are not comfortable with explaining the story to consumers then our stuff gets neglected. There is certainly a correlation between product knowledge and sales. When I return to a store after a PK session I see more confident staff, which leads to better sales through over time.

What is the best part of your job?

This job is great for so many reasons. I love the flexibility of my schedule, the travel, the people and the products.

What are your favourite Mizuno shoes?

The Wave Elixir has been in my arsenal for the longest. However, I recently ran in our new Wave Sayonara and I think it will be the winner. I also like my Ascends when I’m in the Rockies.

What up-and-coming shoes/apparel/technology are you most excited about?

I am most excited for the next instalment in our Wave Evo series – the Ferrus. My main running passion since I’ve moved to Alberta has been trail running in Banff and the surrounding area. The design of the Ferrus looks perfect for this environment. I feel like it will just disappear from my foot.

How old were you when you started running? How did you get into it?

I started running when I was in grade 3. I went out for my school’s cross-country team and have been hooked ever since.

What are your goals?

I got my fix of high-level competition in high school and University. As of now I am just looking to stay fit and run because I love the feeling it gives me. I don’t have any particular race goals at this point.

Quirky Andrew-Douglas-Facts?

I was in a folk band with the other Mizuno Brand Building Specialist, Larry Abbott.

Christina Menssen: The Athletarian

christina_menssen2By: Karen Karnis

When Christina Menssen started her blog, The Athletarian, she didn’t think anyone would read it. She started it because she loved to spend time reading other people’s blogs, and thought that maybe she would be more diligent tracking her training – after all, telling stories and posting pictures was much more fun than scratching numbers in a notebook.

The now-27-year old fitness fanatic from Toronto really had no idea that in two years she would have thousands of readers and over 6,500 Likes on her blog’s facebook page. “One of the blogs I follow, Hungry Runner Girl, has thousands of fans – I thought it was so crazy how companies would send her shoes to try. Then Mizuno contacted me out of the blue, and it’s all very surreal,” says Menssen.

Menssen started running in her first year of university because the University of Toronto had a gym that was free for students to use. “I didn’t know how to use any of the equipment, but it had an indoor track,” she laughs. Her first race was a 10K, which she finished in 58 minutes – and she’s never looked back.

“I love running because it’s time to myself,” she says. “You can lace up and run, and have nobody around you for as long as you want.” As a high school teacher who spends her days surrounded by people, she finds running to be a welcome break. “I also love challenging myself to different distances and faster times,” she adds. “I love that feeling of seeing the clock and seeing that new, faster time.”

Menssen is also a vegetarian – hence the name of her blog. She used to eat meat, but not all the time. Then she watched a few documentaries on the food industry that changed her whole outlook on food. “I thought, I don’t eat a lot of meat anyway, so it wouldn’t be a big deal to stop entirely,” she says.

She was pleasantly surprised to find she felt better overall, and more energized on her runs, after cutting out meat. She’s also cut back a lot on dairy after testing her theory – in weeks where she ate a lot of dairy, she found she felt more sluggish and her runs were slower. “I eat mostly plant-based foods now, but there are a few things I am not willing to give up completely, like ice cream,” she laughs.

Mizuno contacted Menssen because they loved her blog and discovered she was running in Mizuno Wave Elixirs. Now she’s excited to have the opportunity to try out a few other models, including the Musha. “Michelle Clarke is going to be working with me and she’s going to show me how to use the different types of shoes for different types of workouts,” she says.

Menssen met Clarke, also a Mizuno athlete, at a meet-up arranged by a fellow blogger, and is excited to have her help while working toward her goals for the year, including a sub-1:44 half marathon, and sub-4:00 marathon. “The best thing about blogging are the connections you make,” says Menssen. She’s made friends all over and met people she otherwise never would have.

When asked why people love her blog, she’s humble. “I don’t know why people want to read it,” she says, “but my best guess is that it’s because I keep it real. I never pretend I am not sore after a race, or that I don’t eat pizza – I blog the way I talk to friends, and readers often say ‘You’re so normal!’”

Are You Recovering?

By: Nikki Reiter

neilAs runners, we know how to work hard in training, but do we know how to recover in order to reap the benefits of our efforts?  When it comes to running, more intensity is not always better.  Dr. Neil Eves is an Associate Professor in Exercise Physiology at UBC Okanagan and has worked with multiple Canadian national teams.  He has extensive experience monitoring how elite endurance athletes recover from the stresses their training imposes on them and has lots to share to help the average runner succeed in achieving proper recovery.

Recovery is Important for Performance

High intensity training challenges the body to adapt to and handle ever-increasing training demands.  Runners who engage in higher intensity workouts, followed by easier runs, cross training sessions or rest, often see improvements in their racing performance.  This is because the body is given the chance to adapt to the training stimulus of the higher intensity bout.  Dr. Eves warns that not enough recovery between workouts can eventually lead to overtraining and that hard workouts “come at a cost, as fatigue is the runner’s enemy when it comes to being able to continually perform in workouts and competition.”

The Physiology of Recovery

“During exercise the body utilizes energy reserves, creates unwanted byproducts of energy metabolism (i.e. lactic acid) and can develop micro-damage to tissues that all need to be restored, removed and repaired over time.”  During recovery, our bodies seek to undo the stress and adapt to future loading of stress.  Dr. Eves explains that depending on how hard we worked this process could be from a couple minutes to many days.

Research has yet to define how much time is required for recovery to occur, and this is due to the individual differences in the rate of recovery between runners.  According to Dr. Eves, “recovery times vary depending on the amount of training stress accumulated, the initial fitness of the athlete, the quality of the rest and recovery performed, the quality of sleep and the quality of nutrition the athlete gets, etc.”   Generally speaking though, one to two days of either light running or cross training will get you ready for your next key workout if you didn’t over-extend yourself in the prior workout.

Monitoring Recovery

Recovery is important for all athletes and can sometimes be more of a problem for the recreational athlete, especially those planning and monitoring their own training.  Listening to one’s body is step one.  “If you are becoming lethargic and loosing the drive to train, if you are tired all the time, waking up more frequently at night, etc., then you are most likely not managing stress well.”

“A key element to monitoring and managing training stress is to realize that exercise is only one form of stress and family, job, financial and relationship stress, etc. all add up on top of the training.”  Thus, it’s recommended that runners take these factors into consideration when planning when they will perform their key workouts.  A rule of thumb is to ensure your ‘easy’ or ‘rest’ days truly are that, and aren’t confounded by other life stressors.

Try This At Home

A simple monitoring technique to determine readiness for a hard workout session is monitoring morning resting heart rate (RHR).  Immediately upon waking, while lying in bed, take your RHR (this usually fluctuates naturally by ~3 beats/min each day and should remain stable or even decline slightly if you’re recovering and adapting appropriately to the training load).  Following a period of hard training, if RHR has increased by more than 5-6 beats/min, you may be accumulating stress and additional recovery strategies or better training sequencing is needed to avoid excessive fatigue.

Additionally, many upper end heart-rate monitors are now offering a heart rate variability (HRV) measurement, which is growing in popularity for optimizing training and recovery.  HRV is the difference in time between consecutive heartbeats.  Dr. Eves explains how you can use tool effectively to help monitor your training:

  • HRV is measured while lying in bed, immediate upon waking.  An appropriately trained and well-rested individual will have considerable HRV, while an over-reached or under-recovered athlete would have more uniform beats (i.e. less HRV).
  • Although this is an attractive monitoring technique, it should be noted that there is considerable variation between individuals and between days and there are a number of factors, which can affect daily HRV.
  • Thus, an individual should perform multiple HRV measures first during the transition phase or off-season to gain a ‘baseline’ reading of their individual HRV.  An ‘upper limit’ can be determined after the end of a 2-3 week high volume training phase.
  • A continuous-monitoring approach allows one to understand their ‘normal response’ to a period of recovery or significant training stimulus and then comparisons throughout the rest of the season can be made in relation to these responses.

In summary, Dr. Eves presents the idea that “it’s often believed by many athletes and coaches that ‘a day not training is a day wasted’ but in the science of training, quality rest and recovery is essential for optimum performance.  It is therefore important to change this philosophy and consider rest and recovery as training. “

Happy Running!


Nikki Reiter is a Mizuno Running Brand Ambassador from Kelowna, BC.  She holds a master’s degree in biomechanics, coaches Cross Country at UBC Okanagan and is the founder of Run Right Gait Analysis Service (run-right.ca).

2013 Army Run Sells Out in Record Breaking Time

This just in:

If you were planning on registering for the 2013 Canada Army Run, I hope you’ve already done so because it’s officially full!

It filled up nearly a month faster then it did last year when the event sold out at the end of June. This year organizers added 4,000 extra spots to accommodate demand for a race that has quickly become Ottawa’s premiere fall running event.


Minister of National Defence, Peter MacKay, said that fact that the race has filled up so quickly, even with the extra spaces, sends a message to those men and women who make sacrifices for our country.

“Every day, at home and abroad, members of the Canadian Armed Forces are asked to make sacrifices. I’m delighted that Canada Army Run has sold out again and that so many Canadians will take advantage of this unique opportunity to personally thank our men and women in uniform for all they do to keep us safe,” said MacKay.

On Sunday, September 22, 12,000 people will be taking to the streets of Ottawa to run, walk or roll in the 5 km race, and 10,000 people are signed up to take part in the half marathon event. That’s a total of 22,000 people participating in a run that supports the Military Families Fund and Soldier On. Last year the Army Run raised over $250,000 for both charities.

Commander of the Canadian Army, Lieutenant-General Peter Devlin said that the support people show for members of the military through this run, is the event’s most important element.

“I take immense pride in the growing popularity of this event and the tremendous support that Canadians continue to show our soldiers, who are always ready and hard at work on their behalf. Knowing we have the support of our family, friends, community, and country is so important both for morale and operational effectiveness. We are stronger for it,” said Devlin.


Good luck to all those who are registered to run in this year’s race and thanks for staying Up to Speed!

NFWHM – The best half marathon I didn’t run

I’m hesitating to write this race review. I’m pausing because it was a gem of race and although it deserves to grow, I don’t want it to get too big and lose its compelling charm. The kicker, however, is that I didn’t run this race – my wife did. This was the second annual Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon and I never had so much fun at a race I didn’t run.

It Starts With the Portapotty

The packet pickup was held at what would be the start and finish area of the race. This gave us a good preview in terms of arrival logistics and parking. As we entered the area, the first thing we noticed were the portapotties – lots of them. Women-friendly-don’t-have-to-wait-as-long-in-line amounts of portapotties.

Being the curious male that I am, I snuck into one of them (I had to go, ok?) and marveled at the nice soaps and scented sprays provided within. There were also some potted plants where the, ahem, men would normally go along with a cute sign advising occupants not to “water the plants.” By the way, my apologies to the next occupant for leaving the toilet seat up (habit).

"Please don't water the flowers"
Who knew a portapotty could be so fun?

A Pink Packet Worth Picking Up

Packet pickup was smooth, efficient and full of goodies. The theme of “empowered” was emblazoned on the pink packet bag as well as on the front of the Brooks technical race shirts. The shirts came in your choice of green or blue (how cool is that?) and the race logo was smartly printed on the back to prevent having too much ink on front which would block ventilation. The kit included a plethora of samples including: shampoo, makeup, mouthwash, a toothbrush and a bottle of wine. I double checked to see if the wine was to be used as a sports drink but it was not advised.

Also at the packet pickup was one of the most inspirational and influential female runners in history, Kathrine Switzer. Kathrine was the first woman to run the Boston Marathon when women weren’t allowed to run in endurance races. She registered using her initials and when she was spotted on the course, the race director famously tried to pull her off the course. Kathrine ultimately prevailed and finished the race and helped to open the doors for female athletes to participate and compete in marathons. Participants were given the opportunity to meet Kathrine and take pictures with her.

A pink race packet with a technical t-shirt, makeup, mouthwash, toothbrush and wine!
The race packet was full of goodies!

The Cheer of the Niagara River

The course was a flat, scenic run along the Niagara River. The runners went down the river, past the falls and the main Clifton Hill tourist area, made a u-turn back to pass the falls again, then continued back along the river up past the start, and made another u-turn to go down the river back to the start which also served as the finish. Although crowd support was sparse, the stunning beauty of the river provided the inspiration for runners to keep going. There was some entertainment along the way such as a harpist and a “muscle beach” area where some men were pumping iron (I don’t know why I wasn’t invited to do this :-)). Kathrine Switzer was also on the course high-fiving and encouraging all the runners.  A really nice aspect of this double out and back course is the fact that you can see your other running friends at least once or twice as you run and can cheer them on.

The Finishing Touches

In keeping with the sly humour of the race, the finish was referred to as the “Finish Wine” and the emcee did an excellent job of creatively encouraging and announcing each runner as she crossed the finish. The medals were a bright and colourful pink and sported a unique design from the previous year. Food boxes were provided to each runner and there were bistro tables setup with tablecloths and flowers which provided the most elegant post-race dining venue I had ever seen.

Whimsical with a Purpose

This race is a whimsy – from “Very Important Pee-ers” (VIP) portapotties, to “voluncheer” t-shirts, to cold, wet towels at the finish, this is a well thought out event that’s more than a race. One of the most significant elements of this race is that funds are raised for the Women’s Place of South Niagara which provides shelter for women and children experiencing abuse. For my wife, she felt great to be a part of contributing to a local and worthwhile cause.

My wife posing for a photo with Kathrine Switzer
My wife with Kathrine Switzer

The Champ

This race was my wife’s first half-marathon – she had done a couple of 10K races before and was a little bit nervous about covering the distance. The thoughtfulness and the organization of this race, however, empowered her to enjoy the run. I was and am so proud of her for finishing strong and am truly glad (and a little jealous) that she had the opportunity to do this distance at such a great event. My wife is already talking about next year and thinking about taking advantage of the early bird registration deal that is on til June 30th.

Channeling my inner woman,


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