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Sunday, October 6, 2024
Blog Page 190

What winning a gold medal can’t teach

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By Adam van Koeverden

In sixth grade I joined something called the “Fitness Club” at my elementary school. There was a cute girl involved, as I recall, and that provided enough of a reason as any to get involved at age 11. One of our first projects was to promote the annual Terry Fox Run in our neighbourhood. That was my first introduction to Canada’s most beloved runner and cancer advocate. With a little research I was quickly fascinated by his tenacity and stubbornness. Canada was so big! (It still is…) And he was going to run all the way across it? On an artificial leg? It just seemed too incredible to be real. I wasn’t born when Terry Fox ran his Marathon of Hope. But he represents something so significant in Canada’s sporting history, that young kids today still know his name and recognize his accomplishments. He left such an inspirational legacy, for cancer patients and survivors, for runners, for every Canadian. He was a pioneer in a way; one of the very first true athlete ambassadors – now almost every pro athlete has a foundation or a charity they work with.

When I think back to when I first became excited about sports, I’m reminded that I was a bit of a late-bloomer. I wasn’t a competitive athlete as a kid, I didn’t really watch sports on TV. My dad would bring my brother and I to an Argos game, but I recall being more interested in the SkyDome’s retractable roof and how many more litres of water went down all the toilets with one flush than over the Niagara Falls in two minutes. A few years later I wandered into the Burloak Canoe Club in Oakville, expecting to try a new sport. I wanted to be the best at something, and since there weren’t any other kayakers in my class, I suppose I was taking the easy route to accomplishing that goal. It didn’t take long before I found further inspiration among the ranks of the Oldershaw clan and Olympic Gold medalist, Larry Cain on the 16 Mile Creek, and started to set some long-term goals.

After competing at the Olympics in 2004 I went back to school full-time at McMaster University. I was 22 and anxious to get back to school after taking a year to concentrate solely on my preparation for the Olympics. A day before my first final exam in December, I got a phone call from my coach. He told me I’d won the Lou Marsh Award, as Canada’s athlete of the year for 2004, for winning gold and bronze in Athens. I was expected to do some TV and radio the next day, which was exciting, but what about my exams?

Thankfully my professors appreciated my situation and let me write my exams after my interviews. But amidst all that studying, I had some other research to take care of. As I said, I wasn’t a huge sports fan. I recalled that Mike Weir won the Lou Marsh the year before and I knew that Wayne Gretzky certainly had as well. But I didn’t know who Lou Marsh was, or what an amazing honour it was at the time.

As I read the other names of the Lou Marsh Award recipients I saw a lot of very familiar ones; The Great One was on there four times, fellow kayaker Caroline Brunet won in 1999 and I remembered that Donovan Bailey and Mark Tewksbury had also won the prestigious prize.

But one name stood out among all the others. 1980 — Terry Fox. I was so struck by emotion at the idea of having my name on a trophy alongside Terry Fox’s that I couldn’t do anything except cry. It was too surreal. He wasn’t like me, he was a legend. He didn’t try to paddle a little boat or score goals, he tried to change the world. He was so much more than just an athlete, way more than a winner. Terry lost his fight with cancer, but he won a much greater battle. The Terry Fox Foundation has raised over $600 million for cancer research in Canada, creating a legacy or giving that will live on in perpetuity.
If Terry’s story can teach us anything, it’s that sport, and the people who do it, can truly create positive change. Sport isn’t just about medals and records and victory. It highlights real human stories, creates awareness, inspires us to dream and believe in ourselves and those around us. Terry was maybe the first athlete who advocated for a cause greater than his own campaign to win. Terry paved the way for people who do sports to be more than just athletes.

Terry challenged the notion of disability, he wanted people to hear his message, so he set out to do something that nobody thought was possible. He said: “I just wish people would realize that anything is possible if you try. Dreams are made if people try.” I hope that as Canadians we continue to have the guts to dream as hard as Terry did. I hope kids hear about who Terry was and why he did what he did, and I hope that inspires them to set goals of their own and to be champions at whatever inspires them. Not just the kind of champion that crosses the finish line first or scores the winning goal – but the kind that Terry was, and continues to be, for us all.

Adam van Koeverden is a four-time Olympic medalist, including gold at the 2004 summer games. The current kayak world champion in the K-1000 metre sprint, Koeverden is a contributor to iRun.

Go Ahead…Bite Me!

When I see little dogs headed in my direction while I run, I’m now immune to all diseases and viruses that dogs may carry. Although I laugh about it now, at the time I was really bitter.


By Susan Finkelstein

After months of recovering from an injury and slowly building up my mileage, I finally got the OK to do a long run. I even bought a Garmin for my big comeback. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, a little chilly, but I was equipped for the weather with my new tights and gloves.

At a little over 3K, I spotted two dog owners with their little, fluffy white dogs on a leash. They were on the edge of the sidewalk, and as I got closer, I noticed that one of the dogs started to get aggressive. In my experience, it’s the little ones that seem to be threatened by runners. So, I veered off onto the road with my head held high, not even glancing at the dog. I did not want my fear to be evident to the dog. Apparently when they sense fear dogs get scared.

However, the barking continued and before I even knew what was happening, I felt pressure on my right thigh. Did that dog actually jump up and make contact with me? Apparently, so. With my eyes still looking straight ahead, I checked my Garmin to make sure I was on-pace and continued my run like nothing happened. I just chalked this up to a weird running experience. But about five minutes later, my leg started to throb. Did that little dog really bite me? I couldn’t stop on the road and pull down my tights to check, so I just ignored it until I got home. Runners are good at ignoring pain. When I got home, to my amazement, there were bite marks. That canine actually bit through my running tights! Even more bizarre? If my memory serves me correct, the dog was on a leash!

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I took some pictures of my war wounds and sent them off to some friends. In my mins, irwas more like a badge of honour. The adventures of a road runner: who knew that running could be so dangerous? Even still, one friend was particularly concerned and suggested that I look into getting rabies shots. When the bruising around the bite marks started to set in, I phoned public health. Because I have no information about the dog or the owner, I cannot follow-up to check the vaccine status of the dog. Public health suggests I see a doctor and ask to be vaccinated against rabies.

The doctor then confirmed that, indeed, I needed a rabies vaccination because it is 100% fatal. Even if there is only a slight chance of getting the disease, it is imperative that humans get vaccinated. So, there I was receiving four shots of the immunoglobin in the wound site and starting the protocol of four intra-muscular vaccine injections in my arm, spread over the next two weeks. All of this hampered my push-up regimen and interfered with my new shoulder extension technique that I was trying to master in swimming. I also felt slightly feverish and nauseated after each shot.

Now, when I run and a small, excitable dog, I insist that the animal be on a tight leash. Instead of looking straight ahead and ignoring the dog, I stare right into the owner’s eyes and command that they have control of their pet. And then a little voice in my head says “Go ahead, little fluffy… bite me!” And I keep on running.

Three different ways to cross train

We know that you would rather be running than anything else. But whether you’re dealing with ice covered sidewalks, or slushy puddles of melting snow, maybe you’ve lost that running feeling. Don’t worry you’ll find love on your run again. In the meantime channel some of that negative energy into cross training and make the preseason work for you.


“When you’re training for something, like a marathon, you can physically and mentally stagnate,” explains Pam Mazzuca-Prebeg a Toronto-based personal trainer and Lole ambassador, “Being able to switch it up gives you a fresh perspective so that when you come back to your sport, you have a new found love for it again.” But what’s a runner to do? Here are three cross-training options and why each one will keep you fit in a different way.

Indoor Rock Climbing

“Runners don’t use their upper body as much as other athletes, so indoor rock climbing is a great option for building strength,” says Prebeg adding that the upper body focus, balances a runner’s body, which is important for staying strong at any age.

WHO: Runners who enjoy group treks will enjoy the social atmosphere found at many climbing gyms. Plus you’ll also need to partner up because the sport requires you to belay one another.

SESSION: While sessions usually last a hour, depeding on your climbing skill level, you’ll each get about a 30 minute climb.

Hot yoga

Stripping down to minimal clothing while being in a hot environment, that’s practically a dose of sunshine right there. “Going into a hot yoga studio, is a good way to force yourself to stretch,” explains Prebeg. “Runners will lengthen their muscles, increase flexibility and release any muscle tension.

WHO: This is for any runner who wants to channel that warm weather feeling, but still get in a solid sweat session. Plus, you’ll not only improve your flexibility but you’ll decrease your risk of injury for lower back, hips and knees.

SESSION: Prebeg recommends runners aim for a once a week session, which varies from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the class.

Ice Skating

Lacing up your skates can make you feel like a kid again, which means that you’re likely going to have fun. With the sport’s side-to-side movement, ice skating engages different muscle groups including your gluteus medius which isn’t as active when you’re running.

WHO: While all runners can gain the cross training benefits of ice skating, Prebeg says that women runners in particular benefit. According to Prebeg, a stronger gluteus medius will help stabilize your pelvis, and lower back two areas which women runners often incur injury.

SESSION: With thousands of community arenas nationwide, plus even more outdoor rinks, there’s no shortage of options and after about an hour, you’ll probably find you’re body feeling the difference.



In His Words: A page from Terry Fox’s diary


saturday, april 26th, 1980
day 15 / 25 miles / total 337 miles

Slowly the seeing double went away, but my eyes were glossy and I was lightheaded. I told myself it is too late to give up. I would keep going no matter what happened. If I died, I would die happy because I was doing what I wanted to do. How many people could say that? I went out and did fifteen pushups on the road and then took off. My head was light but the double sightedness went away. At five miles Doug and I talked about it for a while. I cried because I knew I was going to make it or be in a hospital bed or dead. I want to set an example that will never be forgotten. It is courage and not foolishness. It wasn’t a waste.

Terry Fox: By the Numbers

When Terry Fox dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic Ocean in Newfoundland on April 12, 1980, he embarked on a journey that was fueled by a single dream: a world without cancer. Today, millions of children, youth and adults around the world have been moved by this young man’s determination and commitment. Dedicated to funding research, the Terry Fox Foundation continues to share Fox’s remarkable story, inspiring the next generation to follow in his footsteps. Here’s a look at how Terry Fox and the Foundation have impacted the lives of many and how his legacy continues to live on.

Terry Fox 3 013_followed by cars
650,000,000: dollars raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry Fox’s name.

143: days that Terry Fox ran during the Marathon of Hope.

5,373: total kilometers he covered

42: average kilometers Fox ran through the Maritime provinces, Quebec and Ontario.

18: months of training that Fox completed before he began his cross-country run.

9: number of shoes Terry wore over his six-month journey
8: on his real foot
1: on his prosthetic leg

1980: the year that Terry was voted Canadian of the Year by Canadian Press editors
2: other major awards he won that year—the Companion of the Order of Canada and the Lou Marsh Award for outstanding athletic achievement.

1,700,000: dollar amount raised for cancer research during the Marathon of Hope.

3,500,000: dollars raised during the first Terry Fox Run held on September 13, 1981.

1,152: number of cancer research projects the Terry Fox Foundation has supported worldwide over the past 35 years.

February 1, 1981: day Fox’s dream of raising a dollar for every Canadian was realized
24,117,000: total amount, by that day, which was raised.

84: cents from every dollar raised by the Foundation that goes specifically for cancer research

45678: number you can text “Terry Fox” to make a five dollar donation to the Terry Fox Foundation.

524: average number of Canadians diagnosed with cancer each day.

63: percent of today’s likelihood of at least a 5-year survival after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

45 and 41: percent of Canadian men and women, respectively, who will develop cancer in their lifetime.

14: number of Canadian schools named after Terry Fox
15: number of roads

83: number of kilometres of the Trans-Canada Highway, situated between Thunder Bay and Nipigon, renamed the Terry Fox Courage Highway.

9,000+: number of runs held in Terry Fox’s name
9,000+: number of Terry Fox runs led and organized by volunteers

Two simple steps to a healthier Caesar salad

Who would have thought that curry powder would be the perfect addition to a Caesar dressing?  And the nutritional yeast gives this dressing a cheese-like flavour plus it packs in amino acids, B-vitamins, folic acid, selenium and zinc.  This recipe makes extra dressing that you can store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Topped with our Quick Garlic Croutons, capers, avocado, and hemp seeds, this dynamic salad will delight your adventurous taste buds.

Eccentric Caesar Salad

Serves 6


Caesar Dressing

½ cup  raw cashews

3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

3 tbsp fresh lemon juice

3 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 large garlic clove

¾ tsp salt

¼ tsp curry powder

Freshly ground black pepper


2 large heads romaine lettuce, chopped or torn into bite-size pieces

2 cups quick garlic croutons

1 ripe avocado, medium dice

½ cup hemp seeds

⅓ cup capers


ONE: To make dressing: Combine the cashews, oil, lemon juice, yeast, mustard, garlic, salt, curry powder, and pepper in a food processor and add ¼ cup plus 3 tbsp/75 ml warm water. Process until the mixture is very smooth, 2 to 3 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl once or twice.

TWO: To make salad: Toss the romaine with ½ cup/120 ml of the dressing. Add more to taste if desired. Divide the lettuce among six plates, and top each with some of the croutons, avocado, hemp seeds, and capers. Serve immediately.

NOTE: Nutritional yeast is made from a single-celled organism called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is typically grown on molasses and then harvested, washed, and dried with heat to deactivate it. It should be stored in a cool and dry place in an airtight bag or container.

1 Serving (using ½ cup of dressing): Calories: 390;  Fat : 26g,  Carbs: 30g,  Protein: 13g,  Sodium: 830mg

Looking to fid more ways to add  garden varieties to you meals? Tyy this Cabbage and Carrot Crunch Salad.

Reproduced with permission from Straight from the Earth: Irresistible Vegan Recipes for Everyone (Chronicle Books) by Myra and Marea Goodman.

Straight from the Earth COV-2

Samsung Tel Aviv Marathon takes the heat after marathon stoppage

The debate over health and safety of marathoners not used to running in warm weather climates is ongoing. Even with careful planning, unpredictable weather can occur which is the situation that organizers of the Samsung Tel Aviv Marathon were faced with on Friday. With more than 35,000 runners participating in all events, including some 2,000 marathoners, organizers bumped the start time an hour earlier for all events kicking off the marathon at 5:45am. As the sun and temperatures were simultaneously rising, the organizers made the decision to stop the marathon after four and a half hours, due to concerns over the unpredictably high temperatures. But even with these precautions in place, during the course of the race, nearly 75 runners sustained injuries that included bruises, sprains and dehydration while two runners, one participating in the half marathon and the other in the 10K event, were hospitalized.

When asked about the two hospitalized runners, Alon Solar, Tel Aviv City Council Minister of Sport and one of the key players in resurrecting the marathon seven years ago, says that it’s something organizers worked hard to mitigate. “When you have close to 40,000 people participating in an event, this can happen and we hear about it at races all around the world,” he says.  Solar says the marathon committee has taken the warmer temperatures into serious consideration, especially after a runner died two years ago when the decision was made to postpone the marathon should temperatures rise about 28C. The event was also moved from its original April date to February a time of year where temperatures are typically much cooler than Friday’s conditions. “We aren’t experts in medical care, but we follow the guidelines and recommendations of the committee of representatives from the Ministry of Health,” explains Solar adding that emergency medical staff were also on hand at the finish line to assist injured runners. At the same time, many runners, including Solar say there’s no way of accounting for a runner’s training and level of preparedness for either the distance or weather conditions.


While Solar is not dismissing the seriousness of injuries, he’s also focusing in on the positive side of the marathon and what it means on a local, national and international level. “The importance of the marathon, is tremendous,” says Solar. “Having events like this have improved participation in sport and fitness activities among residents of Tel Aviv.” With the Tel Aviv Marathon scoring a new record set by Kenyan’s William Kiprono, (2:10:28), the event continues to garner the participation of elite international athletes.  With planning already underway for next year’s marathon weekend, Solar, remains positive that participation will continue to increase. “Tel Aviv is one of the best cities in the world, and we hope the marathon and all of the events, will give people a chance to live a little of our vibe.”


Bring On Dynamic Stretching

Whether you are hitting the icy, snowy pavement or the treadmill you need to prepare your body for the road ahead. It’s cold enough out there. So, while getting dressed in layers of clothing will be a workout in itself, we need to warm up our muscles, which can help increase our circulation so that not only does your body not start out cold, but you’re hands and fingers may be a little warmer too.

Swinging legs, rotating arms, twisting and turning, you’ve seen your fellow runners doing these moves. As you have watched, you wondered, “Is it was worth it?” Yes, in indeed dynamic stretching is the way to a better warm up. Helping to simulate your body’s range of motion in preparation for the next activity, dynamic stretches are controlled movements that mimic a similar range of motion for a given activity like running.

Here’s are six dynamic stretches that you can incorporating into your warm up routine, to help protect your muscles and get you psyched and ready to tackle the cold weather.

Leg Swings: Standing with feet together, knees slightly bent, wwing one leg out to the side then back to center. Perform ten repetitions on each leg.

Forward Lunges with a Torso Twist: Standing with feet together, begin with walking lunges then twist torso in the same direction  as the leading leg. For example, lunging with your right foot, then twist to the right. Perform ten repetitions on each leg

Front Kicks: Standing with feet hip-width apart, kick opposite leg forward and with opposite hand try to touch toes. Alternate ten repetitions on each leg.

Knee Circles:  Lift one foot off floor, knee bent and draw a circle with your knee towards the outside of your body. Perform ten repetitions on each leg.

Side Lunges: Standing feet together, step out to the side, lean into that bent knee while the other leg stays straight. Hold for 3 to five seconds then spring back to starting position and switch legs. Perform ten repetitions per leg.

Arm Swings: Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent. Swing arms up and overhead, forward, down and behind. Repeat ten times, keeping back straight throughout.

About Carrie Burrows
Carrie turned her life from around from being obese to being fit. She studied Kinesiology at York University after she began a journey from being 225 pounds as a teenager and decided that she would dedicate her life to helping others realize the benefits of being fit and healthy. She is the CFO (Chief Fitness Officer) of Health and Fitness Systems Inc. where she has helped turn the lives of hundreds of women and men around through fitness, nutrition and training programs she designs. Carrie runs and designs several boot camp-style fitness programs along with corporate fitness/wellness programs, and still finds time to take on personal training clients while raising her three children to be fit and healthy. She is an avid mid-distance runner who loves to book “racecations” while still chasing a faster minute mile. Carrie knows firsthand the two worlds of being unhealthy and fit and believes that, “Anyone with a goal, dedication and support can become who they want to be.”

Visit her website and follow Carrie on Twitter and Instagram!

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Top Five Running Movies

With Kevin Costner staring in Disney’s McFarland USA currently in theatres, Matthew McConaughey taking on the role of Christopher McDougall in the upcoming Born to Run, and let’s not forget about Angelina Jolie’s Oscar nominated Unbroken, films about runners are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. From stories real life runners who are battling the elements of nature to the light hearted tale of an ordinary guy just trying to do a little better every day, you don’t have to be a prominent athlete to appreciate the grit, determination and strength that’s at the heart of every runner. Available on Netflicks and iTunes, these five movies will have you longing for that runner’s high, no matter where you’re at in your training.


TRUE STORY: Prefontaine (1997)

Chronicling the career of American distance runner, Steve Prefontaine, in Prefontaine Jared Leto captures the charisma and single-mided determination of this legendary athlete, along with his self-centred demeanour. From college cross country runner to the 1972 Olympics in Munich, where he is defeated by Finish competitor Lasse Viren, the film digs into his tumultuous journey as an amateur athlete. At the time, funding support for American amateur athletics was dismal, while other countries were offering tremendous financial support to young athletes. As he prepares to return to the 1976 Montreal Olympics, Prefontaine rallies his teammates, and becomes an activist for better funding of American amateur athletics. Although Prefontaine may not have always been easily likeable, you can’t help but get behind the strength an commitment of this gifted runner.


HOT DOC: Running on the Sun: The Badwater (2000)

Every wonder what it’s like to run in hell? Neither do we. But with the current polar vortex, running in heat of any kind sounds pretty darn good. Beginning in Death Valley California, Running on the Sun is a documentary film that follows a group of runners as they tackle the 135 km Badwater Ultra Marathon. Challenged by the rapidly changing environment, think scorching 50C temperatures that plummet to near zero, two 5,000-foot climbs and a finish line that ends in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, the race is a coveted accomplishment for ultra runners around the globe. Relying on themselves and their fellow competitors for motivation as opposed to the cheering crowds, this film captures the strength of the human spirit while showing up close, what happens when the human body is pushed to its limit.


COMIC RELIF: Run Fat Boy Run (2007)

Five years after leaving his bride at the alter, Denis realizes he’s run away from his true love, Libby. After plenty of failed attempts to win Libby back (go figure) Dennis decides to get into marathon racing shape, an effort he hopes will show that he’s a changed man, one who has the determination and dedication not only required to run a 42.2km race but also handle going the distance in life and love. With a cast including Simon Pegg, Thandi Newton and Hank Azaria, directed by Friend‘s star David Schwimmer’s this romantic comedy offers a light hearted, if not heartfelt look at one man’s journey to reclaim the love of his life and unite his family.


REALITY BITES: Personal Best (1983)

Sports movies (especially running ones) are often focused on male athletes, but Personal Best digs into the reality of women’s athletics. Following a group of American female track and field athletes attempting to qualify for the 1980 Olympics, and when the United States boycotts the Games for political reasons, the athletes’ personal bests are their only reward. Beyond the competition on the track, the film also follows the romantic relationships between two fellow female teammates, Mariel Hemingway and Olympic hurdler, Patrice Donnelly, along with exploring the dynamics between female athletes and their coaches.  Even though it was filmed in the early eighties, Personal Best still stands up in its honest depiction of the tenacious relationships within women’s sports.


HISTORIC DRAMA: Chariots of Fire (1981)

Even if you’ve never seen the film, the iconic theme song from Chariots of Fire has been a recognizable runner’s anthem for decades. The Academy Award winning movie follows the training and racing for two former competitors turn running teammates, who are hoping to represent Great Britain at the 1924 Paris Olympics. Although the film has been criticized for its lack of historical accuracy, it is equally touted for championing the value of remaining true to your personal code of ethics over winning at any cost.

Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now: Ice Cold Heart

It was cold last night, but it’s been cold always, and we had skipped class last Sunday. We had to run Thursday night. Getting ready for the Chilly Half Marathon in February requires atypical training. It’s not pleasant outside, so you need to derive your motivation from somewhere. This is why running with a group is essential. Who in their right minds can come home from a work day, put down their briefcase, and lace up their sneakers for a run at 7 p.m. when it’s -20? If you’re running for your country, sure, but if you’re attempting your first half marathon, it’s unlikely. You need a team.

My team has been training since June, and we’re already through our 5 and 10K races. On March 1, we’ll be doing our half marathon and then, in May, the marathon. It’s a Couch to Marathon clinic, and by now the relationships in the group have been well forged. It’s an odd mix of people—different ages, different skill sets, different end goals—but everyone is aligned and committed. It’s fun.

Last night, the group was supposed to do 14K, roughly at race pace. The idea was to use last night as a dress rehearsal for the race and run alone, recreate race conditions and see where everyone’s at with regards to potential time goals. But the gang revolted. It was dangerously cold and, since we run down by the lake, incredibly windy. Sensibly, the team decided to do 10K and call it a night. I’m discovering that so much of what we’re doing is confidence-building. Often, 10K run smartly builds more strength than 14K of pure hell. In the end, fostering a love of running is more important than teaching my runners how to bring their time down by three minutes. On the other hand, I too am a runner, and I’ve been delinquent with my own training, so I took my own advice and raced the 14K. I swear on my children that at 5K, before the turn-around, I almost called it quits. My face felt frozen in a way that didn’t feel healthy and I feel like I should make some kind of Elsa or Anna joke here, but I wasn’t kidding. Plus, I was without my group and near my house. So easily I could just cut right and make it home, where I knew for a fact a giant lasagna was waiting. I did not do that. And, sure enough, at 7K, I turned around and, with the wind at my back, the run became much simpler.

I don’t have a time goal for the Chilly Half. I’m in February shape. My cheeseburger to kilometre ratio isn’t where I like it to be when I race. I’ve PB’d around 1:24, but I haven’t done a long run since God knows when. In fact, last night’s 14K was probably the most I’ve done in 2015. Is that really true? I don’t know. But I’ll be running with my group out in Burlington on March 1, and even if we don’t run the course together, I know they’ll be out there, hustling, sweating, trying. And I’ll be rooting for them and they’ll be rooting for me. Because it’s February in Canada, a time for atypical training. When it’s not really about legs, but all about heart.