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Saturday, October 5, 2024
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On Russia, Rio and Racing: John Halvorsen Handicaps the Olympic Games

John Halvorsen, centre, in red shorts, could’ve had the world record in the 10,000m if he only doped.

The Rio Olympics are now just two weeks away and there’s tremendous buzz circling their arrival. Russians and doping. Disease and mosquitos. And oh yeah, Canadians in pursuit of their medals. John Halvorsen, race director of the Ottawa Race Weekend, competed in the 1988 and 1992 summer Olympics and knows most of Canada’s top runners well. We asked him to handicap the action and put iRunNation in our top runner’s shoes.

Q) As a former Olympian, what’s going through the mind of the Canadian Olympic athletes right now? 

A) Nervous excitement. It depends a little on if it’s your first Olympic experience or even your first international experience, but at no other event do you feel so under the public eye than at the games.  You have the media plus your whole supports structure—family, coaches, club mates and sponsors.   Most are also going through their final preparations to be in the best shape they can be as well we planning their trip.

For the most part it’s all about staying calm and focusing on why you are there. You need to prepare mentally so you visualize that this is like any other race and you follow the pre-race plan that has worked for you in the past as best you can.  At the same time you need to be adaptable since everything is different at the games as your plan may not be possible due to security, space you are given, timing of when you have to move into call rooms and so on.

Q) If you were racing in Rio, how nervous would you be about the conditions? 

A) At the games you are quite isolated in the village since it is a bit of a security compound.  Most people don’t realize this.  The services on site are also typically very good and the athletes know to be careful, say with food they’re not used to. So in the village I don’t see a problem. At the training centres or competition sites it’s also quite secure and isolated. Now I think for some sports this would be different than track and field. Some sports may have smaller villages closer to their competition sites and some may compete in questionable conditions—we have all heard of the places where the triathlon swimming will occur.  Then there is the famous Zika virus which is definitely a problem, but I think the probabilities are quite low and even then for most it will not be a problem.

Q) Would you go? 

A) Definitely yes.

Q) The Russian doping scandal now seems pretty apparent. Top officials must have known what was happening. What should be done about the Russian athletes? 

A) My view is the team should be banned.  This is the kind of doping violation we often talked about almost jokingly saying it could not be this bad in the post cold war era, but clearly it was.  A team punishment is quite serious but we need the IAAF & IOC to take a stance or international sports is at the brink of irrelevance.  Unfortunately this may impact athletes in Russia who perhaps are clean all though it appears this is not just a sports administrator problem, it is also a cultural issue.

Q) Is it just Russia, or is doping widespread? What can be or should be done to address this problem? 

A) My fear is this is much more widespread than Russia. In Russia it looks to be state sponsored while I think in other parts it is maybe not as blatant but still part of their practices. This extends in to the west as well where we see suspected pockets of coaches and athletes. In terms of what to do I think WADA needs to continue to push the agenda of clean sports. I think in most western countries WADA and regional bodies like CCES in Canada has control of where the athletes are and can actually do a lot of out of competition testing whereas in other regions it is unfortunately more difficult. There is also an educational element.  Finally WADA unfortunately need to stay on top or even ahead of developments in medicine so they can actually test for what is being done.  This is a difficult tasks since the cheaters look for benefits in any new medical development, even in gene therapy, some which for no test exists.

Q) What does doping do for runners? Was it widespread in your day or something you worry about at the Ottawa Marathon?

A) Depending on what is used the benefits can range from pure physical increase in strength or stamina (numbers of over 10% or even 20% increase in performance metrics has been reported although I think it becomes less in well trained athletes), to mental benefits like improved well being and aggression, as well as to hide the use of banned substances you may be taking. In my time we certainly heard about it in distance running. In explosive events like sprints and throws we knew it was happening as people like Ben Johnson got caught but few distance people were caught. This has thankfully improved and now distance athletes are getting caught.  As a former athlete it certainly is frustrating to see what is happening and it does make you wonder who did what back then, or even now.

Q) What do you mean?

A) If I take my best 10,000m time of 27:43 and add on a 5.2% improvement I would have the world record today which is 26:17. If I consider the world record when I was running I would ‘only’ need an improvement of about half of that. So it makes me wonder at times where I really stand as more and more revelations come to light.

Q) And what about at your race? Is there cause for concern?

A) No. As an IAAF Gold label event we must test several athletes and we are very happy to do so.  This is the role we can play in the current WADA program. We support in competition testing at our event and look at a potential positive as success in weeding out the bad apples and not as a negative on us.    Another interesting discussion is should we let any formerly caught athletes who have served their suspension into our race? My personal view is I would support lifetime bans but don’t feel we should implement it until WADA/IAAF/IOC does.

Q) Let’s switch gears and get serious: can our runners win gold? 

A) I’m excited to see how the Canadians can do. We have some strong medal contenders in Andre De Grasse (100m/200m) as well as Melissa Bishop (800m). Melissa has been running really well recently so I hope she can get a medal. Gold will be very difficult as Caster Semenya is now back and running really well. Of course Caster Semenya’s participation will likely also be a point of discussion unfortunately but a fascinating story to follow.

I think those are the main medal contenders on the running side but I hope to see several top 12’s out of the team, not just in running but also field events.  Watch for pole vault, high jump to name two, but it is always fantastic to watch the surprises that inevitably happen whether on the running or the field side.

Q) What would have to happen for Reid to win? For Krista? 

A) I think for Reid, Krista, Eric or Lanni to win is a long shot in the marathon but medal times are often not as fast as in the larger marathons including Ottawa. They would need to run smart and be a little lucky with having their best-ever day while a few others don’t. In any case we should be very proud to have such a strong Canadian contingent of distance runners (5000m and over) in the Olympics.   Especially considering the doping control system we have and evidence now suggest others don’t.

Q) Did you understand the controversy with Athletics Canada regarding Lanni not being able to run the marathon? Do you think they made the right decision in allowing her to run? 

A) First of all I’m not exactly sure if the controversy was real or not.  In any case, yes I think they made the right decision to let her run. These things are also much more complex than most people recognize and are likely driven by strong influence of Sports Canada and Own the Podium which set ‘performance metrics’ on the administrators.  I also think Athletics Canada has moved in a hugely positive manner to (mostly) use the IAAF standards for selection and which I believe over time will only strengthen the sport in Canada.

Q) How likely is it that she can medal in both events? 

A) I think it is unlikely she will medal in either event but she met the standards and should be allowed to run if she is top 3 in Canada. Our sport need heroes for the next generation to look up to and to say “I can beat her.”  This is the role Lanni, Krista, Eric, Reid and the entire Olympic Track and Field team will play over the next four years. Whether they medal or not is too me not a measure of success.  They are already successful runners and success at the Olympics is to me based on having a good race given the course, conditions and reasonable expectations.  We should also not lose sight of the fact that Athletics is the worlds most competitive sport with more nations participating and the easiest to participate in.  Everybody runs!

Q) Lastly, can you share with us your favourite Olympic story. Either one of yours or one that you saw or just one involving Canadian athletes that makes you inspired? 

A) To me it’s when my room mate from Barcelona 1992, Vebjørn Rodal, went and took the Gold in the mens 800m in Atlanta 1996.  My plan was always to be in Atlanta so it was bitter to be at home with a cast on my leg after my second achilles surgery, but seeing him win that race was something special. He has a great personality and ran with incredible guts. I also think he had the best expression of “I can’t believe I just did that’ on his face after.

Ask JP: Why Every Runner Needs a Sherpa

With the fabulous summer weather finally upon us, it’s quite easy to block out all those painful memories of training through the cold winter months. But it’s only a few short months until those bone-chilling hours at the staging area waiting for one of your fall races. Running is definitely one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself; however, I think it’s important to remember that success in running does not happen in isolation—many of us would be lost without those people who are always there to support us.

By: JP Bedard

Now is the perfect time to give a huge “shout out” to the lesser-known heroes of our sport, without whom, we mere mortals of the running world would be at a loss. The people I’m referring to are none other than what I affectionately call our  “Running Sherpas”. Just as highly skilled mountaineers would never contemplate an assent of Mount Everest without the assistance of trusted Sherpas, adept at the highly technical Himalayan passes, we runners are beholden to those caring individuals, who among other less attractive duties, drive us to and pick us up from races near and far. My wife often jokes that she’s not entirely sure when she signed up for this gig, but without a doubt in my mind, she’s the best running Sherpa on the planet.
If I had to write a job description for a running Sherpa, it would most likely sound something like this:

Wanted:  Faithful Running Sherpa

  • Must be willing to forego weekends and family time during spring and fall racing seasons
  • Must be content to wander aimlessly around race expos as your runner weighs the pros and cons entailed in purchasing compression socks versus compression sleeves
  • Must be content to subsist on a diet that includes eating pasta 4 nights a week
  • Must be willing to forgive (or most likely – ignore) your runner’s inevitable grumpy mood and irritability during the taper period leading up to each and every race
  • Must buy in to the idea that 10 pm on a weekend really is a ‘late night’
  • Must be adept at standing for hours watching an endless stream of runners while you wait to take the perfect action shot or video of your runner grunting and waddling down the homestretch toward the finish line
  • Must be amenable to giving your runner a big hug, and if you’re lucky, a big kiss after the race even though your runner is a salty, sweaty, smelly mess

If you don’t already have your very own Running Sherpa lined up, I suggest you get cracking on that one as soon as possible. If you’re not sure how to recruit one, let me pass along a little sage advice my wife has on the subject. Pick destination races that offer a great time to check out a new city or country –preferably ones with excellent shopping and fantastic restaurants.  Also, if you’re not targeting a particular race as your goal race of the season, and there’s no hope in hell of you getting on the podium, don’t hold up in your hotel room the day before the race saying: “I want to rest my legs before the race.”  Remember why you started running in the first place, and be grateful for all of the incredible things you will discover about yourself along the way. Much of our training is a lonely and isolating activity, so why not embrace the opportunely to share your adventure with those you love? By far my most memorable running experiences were those in which I embraced the camaraderie and festivities of the race itself.

Follow Jean-Paul’s blog,  find him on Twitter and Instagram!

Running Beside Your Olympians: Reid Coolsaet & Eric Gillis

Welcome to back to Running Beside Your Olympians – an exclusive look into your Olympians to honour the 28 Olympic sports.

With the 2016 summer Olympic games are fast approaching! Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from August 5th and 21st, more than 10,500 will compete for the whopping 306 sets of medals up for grabs.

Keep checking in with iRun and we’ll fill you in on the latest, juiciest and impressive facts about the Canadian athletes that will be proudly representing Canada this summer.

With the Olympic Games around the corner, Team Canada recently released a commercial to show they have ice in their veins. The stake are high and Canada and is ready – let’s celebrate and honour that!

Today, we’re highlighting two running legends – each shaking the running scene in their own right! Reid and Eric will be running alongside one another at the 2016 Rio Olympics, proudly representing Canada. Congratulations from the entire iRun community!!


Reid Coolsaet, Marathon 

Reid is a celebrated long-distance runner, known for his background and successes in the 5,000 meter. In 2009, Reid took the marathon scene by storm. Notably, in 2011, he ran the second-fastest marathon by a Canadian athlete, finishing third in the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, with an impressive time of 2:10:55. He went on to represent Canada in the 2012 London Olympics and will taking the international stage one again in a few weeks in Rio.

Eric Gillis, Marathon

An internationally renowned athlete, Eric is celebrated for dedicated athleticism and impressive running career – thus far! Eris is well-known for representing Canada in the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the 10,000 meter and competing in the Marathon distance at the 2012 at the London Olympics.

Keeping his momentum, Eric will be competing in his 3rd consecutive summer Olympics in Rio. We will undoubtedly be seeing great things from Eric in the upcoming weeks.

Activewear Gets a Colour Run

Remember when you could not find leggings in anything other than black? Snooze fest. Although I of course appreciate and wear black tights and solid colours, I’m a big fan of brights and prints when it come to my fitness gear (a brilliant pattern can almost mentally energize me for a run sometimes). Such as these pretty painterly tights from Nuvango Gallery & Goods.

By: Karen Kwan

The Toronto shop on Queen St. West recently came out with an activewear collection of shorts and leggings ($59 and $99). The first collection features more than more than two dozen works of art, each made in collaboration with one of the gallery’s artists. Made to perform well (so yes, the fabric is sweat-wicking and odour-resistant) but in eye-catching designs such as this print of ocean waves in a soothing green tone. Available in store and online at www.nuvango.com.

Karen Kwan is a regular iRun fashion and travel contributor, and you’ll find her running fashion posts every Friday on Instagram. She contributes to a number of publications and you can also follow her travel and running adventures at Health & Swellness.

Running Alongside Your Olympians: Meet Krista DuChene

The 2016 summer Olympic games are fast approaching! Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from August 5th and 21st, more than 10,500 will compete for the whopping 306 sets of medals up for grabs.

To honour the Olympics’ 28 sports, iRun will be kicking off our latest campaign:

Running Beside Your Olympians!

Keep checking in with iRun and we’ll fill you in on the latest, juiciest and impressive facts about the Canadian athletes that will be proudly representing Canada this summer. Spoiler: some of these athletes include Krista DuChene, Reid Coolsaet and Eric Gillis!

With the Olympic Games around the corner, Team Canada recently released a commercial to show they have ice in their veins. The stake are high and Canada and is ready – let’s celebrate and honour that!

Let’s kick it off right here, right now!

Krista Duchene, Marathon Distance

Krista Duchene, mother of three from Brantford, Ontario outran Athletic Canada’s Olympic standard qualifying time of two hours, 29 minutes and 50 seconds in April 2015, at the Rotterdam marathon in a time of 2:29:30. After facing difficulties with the “competitive readiness,” which is easier said than done, Duchene proved that she was physically fit to compete at the Olympic games. Duchene is ready for the challenge and highly anticipated to put on an impressive display of athleticism in Rio.


Photo Credit: Saucony Canada

Some facts to know about Krista:

  • Krista has become known as the “marathon mom” across the country for her awe-inspiring ability to juggle motherhood and her career as a professional runner.
  • At the Montreal half-marathon in 2014, Krista completed the race with a broken leg!
  • Krista’s half-marathon record time stands at 1:10:52 and full marathon at 2:28:31
  • She’s the second fastest Canadian female marathoner of all-time
  • Sometimes, to augment her busy schedule, she does speed work around the playground of her daughter’s day care
  • She’s a seriously talented hockey player
  • A nutritionist, she eats wisely; however, she will spoil herself post-race with chocolate
  • She credits her faith with maintaining a positive outlook
  • She’s seen as an inspiration to the younger women in Canadian distance running, especially Rachel Hannah, who helped her off the course in 2014, Montreal
  • Sometimes, when she can’t race, she’ll act as an announcer for the races, as she’s done several times at the Calgary Marathon
  • She’s on the cover of the next issue of iRun magazine and we’ll be launching a contest with her in which readers can win pairs of her autographed shoes!

Go Krista! Everyone in the iRun community – and country for that matter – will be cheering you on come August!

Check in often to see what other fun facts about your Canadian athletes we have in store for you. 

Improve your core and balance with one simple exercise

There is a moment in every stride, while running, where you are supporting your entire body weight on just one leg. So it makes sense that having a strong core and good balance will make you a more efficient and will boost your performance.

By Pamela Mazzuca Prebeg BSc. Kin

The modified side plank is an exercise that every runner should do, regardless of your skill or fitness level. This exercise is a static one that strengthens the core while improving spinal stability, improves posture, boosts metabolism and decreases your risk of a back injury. And as an added bonus, it will also strengthen your shoulder girdle. For optimal results, perform the modified side plank for 30-60 seconds 2-3 times per side, at least three times a week.

Modified Side Plank

How to: Lie on your side with bent knees. Position your elbow under your shoulder with your forearm flat on the ground. Keeping your head in a neutral position, lift your hips up and push them forward so that your hips are in line with your shoulders and knees. Be sure to squeeze your glutes and be sure to push your hips forward and do not hold your breathe. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.

What I Have Learned On My Runs

Having run well over 100 marathons, lost more toenails than I care to mention, and logged more miles in a year than most people put on their car, I’ve learned a few things about what it means to wholeheartedly call myself a runner.

  1. My priorities have most definitely changed. There was a time I’d stay up late on a Saturday, eat and drink whatever I wanted, but not anymore. I’ve shifted my priorities to make room for running in my life, and in the process, running has cleared a space inside of me that allows me to appreciate what is really important in this world.
  2. Believe it or not, I became less socially-competitive and more self-competitive. Don’t get me wrong—the moment I hear the gun go off at the beginning of a race, I want to cross that finish line before the person in front of me. That being said, the majority of the time I’m running and training, I’m only competing against myself, trying to beat my last kilometer split on my GPS watch.
  1. Instead of running away from something, I started running towards something. One of the gifts you get when you lace up your shoes and head out for a run is that you begin to connect to that part of your soul that demands your complete attention. The longer I run, the more I run towards that place inside me.
  1. I am now completely in tune with my body. Unlike most other sports, running is just about you, and you alone, propelling your body through space. It’s because of this very simplicity that runners are naturally more in tune with their body. Stick with it long enough and you’ll do your damnedest to stay healthy and keep your body in motion.
  1. In order to pursue your passion, you need a “Sherpa”. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pampered elite runner or a novice out for your first 5k race—every runner needs a “Sherpa”. I would be completely lost without my incredible wife, Mary-Anne, who drops me off at races, snaps pictures of me along the course, and is always waiting for me at the finish line with a BIG hug and warm clothes. Running has made me realize that to be successful in any passion you pursue, you should never underestimate the importance of your support team.
  1. Running has brought me to my senses. Let’s face it—We as a society are becoming lazier. We drive everywhere, and we entomb ourselves in a little iBubble, a byproduct of our smartphones, headsets, and game devices. I love running because it puts me right into the streets or into the wilderness. When I run, every sense is electric and buzzing. From the crunching of the snow beneath my feet to the sounds and smells of the city core coming alive, I feel authentically connected to everything around me.
  1. For a sport that uses a stopwatch, time is really irrelevant. Even if you’re in the middle of a race trying to hit your goal time or on the track for a speed workout, time is ultimately irrelevant. Running compels you to stay in the moment, connect with your breath, and roll with your cadence. So for me, every run has nothing to do with cumulative time, and everything to do with a series of connected and highly charged moments.
  1. I have built up my resiliency bank. Running has made me not only physically stronger but also more mentally resilient. Running requires you dig deep, and access that “will” inside that many non-runners never access. I think this has a lot to do with why runners wear their scrapes, bruises, and blisters like badges of honor. You’ve earned it, so wear it proudly!
  1. I’ve learned the importance of belonging to a tribe. My running family is an incredibly supportive community. I look forward to connecting with my “tribe” every day on social media, and meeting them at races across the country, and around the world. This caring group of friends has been there to share in my triumphs and to hold my head up when I’ve hit some dark, challenging times.
  1. In order to keep it, I need to give it away. The irony of running is that it is a bountiful gift that will bring immense joy into your life, but in order to keep that joy, you need to give it away and “pay it forward”. I owe an incredible debt to the running community for everything it has brought to me and for everything it has unearthed in me. It is with this in my heart, that I am always eager to speak to running clinics around the city so that I can share the wealth of this way of life.


Athletics Canada Nominates Athletes to Team Canada for Rio Olympics

PAN-AM 2015 TORONTO. DAY THREE - PM. JULY23,2015. Photo: Claus Andersen

After four days of Olympic trials in Edmonton from July 7 to July 10,  sixty-five Canadian athletes have been nominated by Athletics Canada, and the Canadian Olympic Committee to represent Canada at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games in August.

PAN-AM 2015 TORONTO. DAY THREE - PM. JULY23,2015. Photo: Claus Andersen
PAN-AM 2015 TORONTO. Photo: Claus Andersen

Among the athletes, Eric Gillis and Reid Coolsaet will compete in the men’s marathon and Krista DuChene and Lanni Marchant will compete in the women’s marathon. In addition to the marathon, Marchant will also compete in the 10,000 meters, along with Vancouver’s Natasha Wodak. Marchant’s nomination for both events comes after weeks of uncertainty. When news broke last month that Athletics Canada may not allow Marchant to participate in both the marathon and 10,000 meter events, supporters rallied around Marchant and an online petition picked up major support for the London, Ontario athlete.

Along with the distance runners, sprinters include 2015 IAAF World Champion individual medalist, sprinter Andre De Grasse, and two-time Olympian Melissa Bishop who will compete in the 800 meter event. The team is led by Head Coach and Chief Technical Officer, Peter Eriksson.

At Rio 2016, Canada expects to field a team of approximately 315 athletes.

The roster of runners nominated in athletics include:

Mohammed Ahmed St. Catharines, ON  5000m, 10,000m

Mobolade Ajomale Richmond Hill, ON 4x100m Relay

Maria Bernard Calgary, AB  3000m Steeplechase

Mathieu Bilodeau  Calgary, AB  50km Race Walk

Khamica Bingham Brampton, ON 4x100m Relay

Melissa Bishop Eganville, ON 800m

Nathan Brannen Cambridge, ON 1500m

Lucas Bruchet Vancouver, BC 5000m

Aaron Brown Toronto, ON 100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay

Alicia Brown Ottawa, ON 400m, 4x400m Relay

Johnathan Cabral Péribonka, QC 110m Hurdles

Chanice Chase Toronto, ON 400m Hurdles, 4x400m Relay

Kendra Clarke Edmonton, AB 400m, 4x400m Relay

Reid Coolsaet Hamilton, ON Marathon

Andre De Grasse Markham, ON  100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay

Krista DuChene Brantford, ON Marathon

Evan Dunfee Richmond, BC 20km & 50km Race Walk

Crystal Emmanuel East York, ON 100m, 200m, 4x100m Relay

Phylicia George Markham, ON 100m Hurdles, 4x100m Relay

Eric Gillis Antigonish, NS Marathon

Javelin Inaki Gomez Vancouver, BC 20km Racewalk

Akeem Haynes Calgary, AB 100m, 4x100m Relay

Nikkita Holder Pickering, ON 100m Hurdles

Matthew Hughes Oshawa, ON 3000m Steeplechase

Kimberly Hyacinthe Terrebonne, QC 200m, 4x100m Relay

Farah Jacques Gatineau, QC 4x100m Relay

Sekou Kaba Ottawa, ON 110m Hurdles

Marissa Kurtimah Guelph, ON 4x100m Relay

Genevieve Lalonde Moncton, NB 3000m Steeplechase

Oluwasegun Makinde Ottawa, ON 4x100m Relay

Lanni Marchant London, ON 10,000m, Marathon

Brandon McBride Windsor, ON 800m

Taylor Milne Callander, ON 3000m Steeplechase

Noelle Montcalm Belle River, ON 400m Hurdles

Carline Muir Edmonton, AB 400m, 4x400m Relay



Jessica O’Connell Calgary, AB 5000m

Charles Philibert-Thiboutot Quebec City, QC 1500m

Micha Powell Montreal,QC 4x400m Relay

Brendon Rodney Brampton, ON 200m, 4x100m Relay

Anthony Romaniw Hamilton, ON 800m

Andrea Seccafien Guelph, ON 5000m

Nicole Sifuentes Winnipeg, MB 1500m

Gabriela Stafford Toronto, ON 1500m

Hilary Stellingwerff Victoria, BC 1500m

Erin Teschuk Winnipeg, MB 3000m Steeplechase

Brianne Theisen-Eaton Humboldt, SK Heptathlon

Benjamin Thorne Kitimat, BC 20km Race Walk

Damian Warner London, ON Decathlon

Sage Watson Medicine Hat, AB 400m Hurdles, 4x400m Relay

Angela Whyte Edmonton, AB 100m Hurdles

Chris Winter North Vancouver, BC 3000m Steeplechase

Natasha Wodak Vancouver, BC 10,000m

How to Win Mud Hero Halifax

Saturday marks the running of Mud Hero Halifax. We talked with race director Ted McLeod on how to win his race and have a blast doing it. For more information, click here.

What’s the first thing someone should know with regards to enjoying a Mud Hero?

When you do Mud Hero you step outside of the day-to-day grind and back to a simpler time when jumping in mud puddles was all the joy you needed. You’re guaranteed a good time if you come ready to embrace the mud – jump in, get dirty, help others and do it with a smile! Mud Hero isn’t just a mud run – it’s an attitude!

What makes Mud Hero Halifax unique? 

Each of our Mud Hero events is unique in that we take into account the specific landscape of our local venues. Quite often we use natural elements like bogs, forest sections and hills to create our courses and act as backdrops for our obstacles. At Ski Martock, our Halifax event venue, we have 18 obstacles (including four brand new builds for 2016) spread out over 6 KM of rugged, forested trails. Halifax participants will particularly enjoy the picturesque views of the Annapolis Valley.

Say I’m racing my girlfriend and I want to win. Give me three tips for how to do that. 

Tip 1: Don’t do it.

Tip 2: If you are reading tip 2, you obviously need more convincing – so here goes. If you would like to have a girlfriend before AND after Mud Hero, we strongly recommend tackling the event as a couple. Helping and encouraging each other along the course, crossing the finish line together and regaling others with the story of your combined success will solidify your couple bond and will be just the start of many shared adventures to come.

Tip 3: If you refuse to listen to tip 1 and 2, we can’t be responsible for what may happen. However, in this case we’d highly recommend that you ensure you have an alternate ride home (you’re going to need it).

I know we’re going to get muddy. Can you give me some pointers on how to dress for the event? 

Most things go and you’ll get bonus high fives for old wedding dresses (think “trash the dress”), superhero costumes or matching team outfits. For traditionalists, comfort first: avoid jeans, baggy shirts that will create drag in the mud and anything that will slip off your feet easily (flip flops, Crocs, etc.). A good pair of running shoes, shorts and a tank top will do you just fine!

And finally, this a going to be so much fun! Tell me: what are folks doing after the race, when we’re exhausting but feeling terrific and, you know, covered in mud? 

Bask in the glory of your Mud Hero finish with a post-race cold one at the Mud Bash! Refuel with a little BBQ, commune with other Mud Heroes and share stories of your event. Oh, and don’t forget to take a selfie in front of our epic Mud Hero inflatable!

How Charity Racing Changes Lives

Kathryn Strilchuk 49, Okotoks

In August 1996, a psychic told me I would save a life. I signed up for a CPR course. In September of that same year, my brother Michael was diagnosed with Leukemia. I remember sleeping on the hospital floor during his first round of chemotherapy like it was yesterday.

Remember that I said I was going to save a life? I was confident that Michael would be fine, and that we would be a match for bone-marrow donation. It was true. We were a perfect 6/6 match.

I hit a bump in the road a couple of years after Michael’s transplant. Depression hit me hard. It was the kids at school, my strong friend group and running that got me through it all.

Running helped ease my feelings of hurt. It brought me peace and a strong group of peers. I joined clubs; I ran races. I ran. One day I discovered a Team in Training pamphlet. This was something I could do! My first event was the Vancouver Half Marathon in 2000.

Since then I have run San Diego, San Francisco, the inaugural Disney Princess and Disneyland more times that I can count! With each event came new connections, new friends, new challenges and new goals.

Two of my last three events were not without their challenges. I’ve run with Bell’s palsy and a concussion and the important thing is that I did it. I watched my brother and others I’ve run for never quit. I couldn’t quit.

This year’s Disney Star Wars Half Marathon brought more excitement than challenge. As the only Canadian member of TNT at this event, I was embraced, once again, by “family” I hadn’t met.

Not only did I run a great race, but I had an extra special chEAR team with me. My husband, Joe, who has run three TNT events by my side, joined me as support on and off the course. My 12-year-old son, Jamison, who has had many “fund raising” birthday parties and donated all his money to TNT, travelled with us. For the first time, Michael was there. I was so excited to share this experience with him. He could finally see, first hand, the love, dedication and commitment of TNT participants from across the land.

I always say that I run because I can, and I continue to give because I can. I am lucky!