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Thursday, October 10, 2024
Blog Page 144

150 Runners – Walter Faion

Walter Faion

56, Oakville

Running is magical. My mind wanders to my own special world; no one can reach or touch me – it’s pure commitment to myself. Running gives me the chance to overcome obstacles, to never give up, and to inspire others. I have met so many lovely people though running. My special memory was coming from behind to win the Sudbury Marathon. It was so magical!

Team Awesome: Why David Daze Enjoys #RunOttawa

Ottawa native David Daze has been running the Ottawa Marathon for 17 consecutive years and this weekend, he’ll run his 26th marathon at Ottawa Race Weekend.

For Daze running in his home town not only means the ease and convenience of rolling out of bed but also having your friends and family cheering you on that last 5K and calling your name that really gets you across the finish line. With a strong running community in Ottawa, we spoke to Daze for his tips and trick for making race day count, along with his hometown recommendations for your post-race meal.

iRun: What makes Ottawa Race Weekend so incredible?
David Daze: I think Ottawa has done a great job of galvanizing people, there’s
a lot of great crowd support. Part of it is running past Parliament Hill, the Govener General’s residence and of course 24 Sussex. When you are running through people’s neighbourhoods, around Rock Cliff Park, there are children handing out Freezies. The community as a whole really gets behind this event.

iRun: Tell me about how and why you got involved with Team Awesome.

David Daze: I’ve been involved with Team Awesome for 3 years. For me, it’s about telling the story of the race and giving tips for the weekend, where to park, what to wear. One of the big benefits, for me it has gotten me connected with a large group of runners. I have become friends on social media with people across Canada and Ontario.

iRun: Tell us what’s your favourite part of the course?
David Daze: I really enjoy the homestretch, from Pretoria Bridge in. The crowds are super there and even by the Governor General’s residence, hearing the crowd really galvanizes you. Once you are over the bridge it’s 2 K left and because of the way the race is split over the canal, you can hear the finish line where people are being called out that gets you through to the finish.

iRun: As a teacher you’ve been involved with training children for the Kid’s Marathon. Why do you think the kids marathon is so important?
David Daze: I love that it’s just for kids and there are about 100 children that run every year. In training they compile 41.1KM and then they run 1.1 kilometre on Sunday. If you do any type of physical activity from swimming to cycling it counts towards the kilometers completed too which is a great way to encourage children to be active. And the medal for the kids marathon is almost an identical medal to the marathoners.

iRun: How do you keep yourself challenged when you’ve run this course a few times?

David Daze: For this year, I’m doing something different. Its 150 Canada, I’m 56 and I’m retiring this year, so I’m also doing the Lumberjack challenge. That means, I’m running the 2K, 5K, and 10K and then on Sunday I’m running the marathon. I’ve never done this before. Every other Saturday for the past 17 years, I make sure I’m resting, so this year it’ll be a little different.

iRun: Where should you celebrate after you cross the line?

David Daze: Get onto Elgin Street, lots of places. I have a running joke with my wife, I park at the south end of Elgin, when you get your medal you have to walk a few blocks and it’s great because you get a chance to see people and be congratulated.


150 Runners – Fabrice Paquet

Fabrice Paquet

40, Sacré-Coeur

Reaching another level is not easy; with help, effort, sacrifice and motivation, it can be done. There are moments of joy, but also solitude. I do it for me, to prove myself, and because endurance sport is my outlet.

150 Runners – Cynthia Sperry

Cynthia Sperry

39, Airdrie

I run for the sense of pride when I push myself beyond my limits. To show myself that no matter what, anything is possible if you just put one foot in front of the other. Running brought me connections with new and old friends and even my sister and I are closer for it.

150 Runners – Wendy Contant

Wendy Contant

64, Airdrie

As a volunteer at Ironman Canada for many years I was inspired by the amazing athletes I met and helped. On my 55th birthday I signed up for a Learn to Run clinic, and of the 38 that started I was the only one that attended every week until the end. I learned commitment and determination! Running has enriched my life in many ways and certainly made me feel more ALIVE!

150 Runners – Carley Toye

Carley Toye

35, Airdrie

Somewhere along countless miles and many races, I found myself. I have a safe place when my thoughts go dark so I’m always able to find my way to the light. Long runs provide time to work through the negative thoughts of depression while sprints offer a quick endorphin rush when I am overwhelmed. I am so happy to have found myself.

150 Runners – Deanna Orsi

Deanna Orsi

37, Moffat

I started running to increase my cardio for soccer, and I hated it. But then something unexpected happened and I fell in love with the sport! Thanks to my running friends, I ran 5 half marathons in the last 10 months! Now I’m looking forward to running for the pure joy of it, but I’m sure the race bug will bite me again.

150 Runners – Shelley Gosse

Photo Credit: Larry Penney.

Shelley Gosse

40, Paradise

When I first started out, I hated running. But I found a great running group and met so many wonderful people that I eventually couldn’t imagine not running. Last fall I ran my first half marathon and the Cape to Cabot, which is the hardest race I’ve ever done. It’s an amazing feeling crossing a finish line to the cheers of your running buddies.

150 Runners – Sindy Hooper

Sindy Hooper

54, Ottawa

I am a four year pancreatic cancer survivor. After two surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation I’ve been able to return to running. I finished an Ironman while on chemo, ran Boston again, and raised $160,000 for cancer research. I believe in hope, gratitude, and the absolute power of mindset. I live life to the fullest, six months at a time!

Landmark Achievements: Designer Inge Johnson on 2017 Toronto Waterfront Marathon Medals

RunTOBeer captains lead runners to the medal reveal.

Note: All images are courtesy of Inge Johnson/Canada Running Series

Artist Inge Johnson has masterminded the design of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (STWM) finisher’s medals since 2008. With the exception of a few years where Inge directed another designer, the medals – the photography, design, ribbon, etc. – have “been my babies,” Inge tells me the morning after the 2017 STWM medals were revealed by Lanni Marchant and Reid Coolsaet at a community run led by the folks at RunTOBeer.

I ask Inge how many medals she thinks she’s designed for Canada Running Series (CRS) over the years. A rough calculation lead us to the conclusion that Inge’s photography and design have been the basis of at least 70 different medals.

I take it one step further and ask Inge how many runners across the world must have at least one of her medals based on a rough estimate of runners crossing the finish line at CRS races each year, but we both immediately agree that it’s too early in the morning to be doing that kind of math.

What we do know, according to STWM Race Director Alan Brookes, is that 26,000 runners representing seventy-odd countries will be on the course on October 22nd.

Over the years, a runner can amass enough medals that many lose their distinct value, becoming clutter rather than beloved keepsakes. Inge understands this and it informs what she calls her  raison d’etre as a designer. The medals Inge designs are meant to be more than tokens of a race completed.

Olympians Reid Coolsaet and Lanni Marchant reveal this year’s STWM medals.

At Rorschach Brewery, where this year’s medals were on display during festivities following the run, Inge told me, “I want someone to feel that they’re looking at a piece of art. I want to make it meaningful to the runner who earned it.” Over the phone, Inge adds that there are two elements playing off one another in each medal. “One half is the artistic side and the other half is the achievement it represents and I want to make the art match the achievement.”

If the art is powerful enough, it not only stands out among masses of other medals, but has a unique ability to recall the experience of a particular race when we pass it hanging on our display rack or perhaps, like Reid Coolsaet, go through the contents of our closet.

Since 2008, the “Landmark Series” of STWM medals has featured iconic Toronto images, matching the landmark achievement that is the the marathon. This year, Inge knew that CRS wanted to go to Toronto’s Beaches, not having ventured to the city’s east end since Kew Gardens was featured on the 2011 finisher’s medal.

Race Director Alan Brookes (far right) presents medals to photographer Erwin Buck (in yellow) and reps from the Beaches BIA.

Inge recruited Beaches resident and longtime CRS friend Erwin Buck to provide the image she would interpret for the medal’s final design. In describing Buck, Inge says, “I want to be Erwin when I grow up.” A former CFO at McLaren McCann, now McCann Canada, Inge especially admires Erwin’s journey from executive to “a creative person and artist, writing novels, and exploring later in life.”

Erwin’s pursuits also included a stint on the CRS photography crew and running 32 marathons.

There were a few potential landmarks discussed for depiction on the medal, including the RC Harris Water Treatment Plant and the historic fire station located at Queen and Woodbine, but Erwin insisted that it had to be the Leuty Lifeguard Station, one of the oldest surviving landmarks on the beach. Erwin’s Instagram page shows a clear and strong affection for the station, often making his way to the beach before sunrise to capture it from different angles and in varying light.

And we’re finally off to Rorschach Brewing Co. for post-run beverages.

The image that Inge settled on was one that, “kept speaking to me and pulling me in.” It also made for what she called her most difficult experience designing a medal. Inge’s chief dilemma was that, “Erwin’s photo has so many gradients of colour; how do I transpose that to a medal where I’m working with 5 colours?”

One particular challenge was the light casting onto the side wall of the station, which meant incorporating additional colour into the wood planks depicted in the medal. The different colours and elements were achieved by solid enamel, heated and held in place by metal walls between them, each interacting differently with light to recreate the living feel of Erwin’s photo.

Erwin Buck’s original photo, which served as the basis for this year’s medal.

With all the difficulty of interpreting Erwin’s image, Inge says the unquestioned highlight of the reveal was the fact that Erwin was “over the moon” when he received a framed medal from CRS, which confirmed that she did justice to her friend’s work and created the piece of art she aspired to.

Which are you taking home in October?

  • Ravi Singh