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Monday, October 7, 2024
Blog Page 142

Three Reasons To Run for Women

As far as races go, I’m competitive with myself but I’m not always about PBs. For me, running is about so much more that achieving a certain time goal come race day. And races really are more than a competition. It’s a chance to be a part of something that gets me beyond logging another weekend training run. So when I had the opportunity to run in the Shoppers Drug Mart Run For Women, in Toronto this past weekend it really underscored many of my biggest reasons for running.

The event, which takes place in 15 cities across Canada brings together runners and walkers, in support of women’s mental health initiatives across the nation. Research shows that participating in aerobic activity, like running, that raise your heart rate for at least 25 minutes a day can have the same affect on your brain chemistry as anti-depressants. And really, let’s face it as a nation, we could all stand to move more and here’s three more reasons and a bonus fourth that should get you lacing up and out the door.

Go Beyond Your Personal Best

After every race my daughters ask if I’ve won. I’ve never placed anywhere near the top three, or top ten in any race in my life but they don’t know this. Every time they ask, I tell them how much the race isn’t about winning or even placing, but that it’s about trying your best. Reality is most of us aren’t winning prize money but we’re winning with better health on many levels and that’s a life long lessons our girls and young women can use. With running, as in life, we’re not always going to be the best. Often times we never are best, but as long as we’ve given it our best shot, that’s all we need to do. Sometimes, some days, it’s good enough that you got out there and tried.

Oh What A Feeling

No matter how crazy the race, how god awful close to vomiting I may feel at any points in a race, in the last kilometer and then the last 500 meters, adrenaline kicks in and I feel like I’m flying. Truth be told, I’m probably not moving nearly as fast as I feel I am but it still feels pretty incredible and at that point in the race that’s all that matters.  You don’t have to have battled through depression or anxiety to know that somedays can be an emotional roller coaster ride. We’ve all been there. As a runner, it’s those days when I might not feel like getting out there that I know I need it the most. On race day, the mood-boosting benefits can be even better, all the more to carry you through your day and even your week.

 Running With Your Tribe

Most races I’m running alone, but in the sea of hundreds and sometimes thousands of runners, you never really are running solo. That’s the great thing about runners, its a pretty friendly crew that easily welcomes new members with a smile and wave. En route to the start line, spotting runners warming up with their race bibs and it seems like you’re all in it together. Its that camaraderie that’s a big reason many of us get hooked on what is often a solo venture. This time out for me, starting and finishing the race with fellow iRun contributor, Karen Kwan (aka Health & Swellness) made the race even more about the friendship that unties us runners.  We’re both pretty independent runners, but hands-down its definitely way more fun cooling down and hanging out with a friend post-race, even if it is only to grab a few post-race photos. 

BONUS: Did We Mention the Medal and Swag?

We didn’t, so here it is. Some races award medals, the Run for Women rewards runners with a specially designed bracelet for supporting women’s mental health programs. Then there’s the swag, basically a shopping bag packed with many of your favourite brands available at Shoppers Drug Mart. Like you needed any more reasons to get out there and run. We didn’t think so. While the last event rounds out later this month in St. John’s NL, grab your running pals and get ready for next year.

The Great Thing About Running Is That It’s Running

Tim Baker of Hey Rosetta! on what he says “we’re supposed to be doing,” running, and what it feels like to play a show before a running crowd.

Hey Rosetta! are a seven-piece rock band from St. John’s, Newfoundland, whose last record reached number one on the Canadian album charts. The band, known for their crescendoing anthems, dynamic instrumentation and soaring choruses, are a tight-knit group of friends, men and women, led by frontman Tim Baker, who’s currently at work on his first solo project. Baker’s music was used at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and his band is playing this summer in Muskoka, Ontario, at the great Band on the Run 5K, 10K and half marathon. iRun caught up with Baker as he prepared to play an outdoor show in the company of thousands of runners.

iRun: It feels like your music in particular is similar to running, in that there’s a great physical and emotional, cathartic release. Do you make that connection?

Baker: Definitely, it’s like a driving thing, and you certainly feel that playing onstage. If you’re honest with yourself, it’s much more difficult not to move, to sit still—when I hear all kinds of music, I feel like we all want to run.

iRun: What do you like about running?

Baker: The great thing about running is that it’s running. What’s better than that? We’re built to do this and you feel like a kid when you’re doing it. It’s a joyful action, you don’t have to convince anyone bodily to take part in it.

iRun: I always say that, like when people ask me how to run. Just go out there and do it. Don’t worry about anything, pretend you’re catching a bus.

Baker: It’s sort of become this regimented thing and that’s a shame because as a means to an end, running in itself is beautiful.  

iRun: Your music with the band has this tremendous buildup and release and I find it great to run to; have you heard that before and does that make sense to you, as a songwriter?

Baker: I’ve heard that many times and it makes sense to me, both as a writer and as a person who moves to music. I definitely run to music, I cycle to music, I’ve done classes where they have horrendous music played really loudly.

iRun: Tim, I love you. But you are losing all of your street cred.

Baker: No, it’s true, but I’ve also been in a spin class (oh God, I’m just killing myself, I know), and heard one of our songs come on and think, Yeah, that actually works. It’s never quite as bright and as brash as the pop mixes, but I can see how at some point in your workout, when you’re grasping at anything you can get your hands on to push you over the hill, something dramatic or emotional or impassioned will help you and I try to make our music full of those things.  

iRun: I think when you’re running you want messages of hope, of defiance, of perseverance and strength.

Baker: I’ve been writing new music for the last year or so and am putting together a little solo project and I’ve noticed in the music there’s constant recurring themes that I write about. You know, you struggle and you suffer, but you also take heart in little things that eventually can reveal to you that it’s going to be OK.  

iRun: I think for a lot of people running does just that—gives them a moment of sanctity to gather the will to go.

Baker: That’s like my thing and I feel like if you’re given a microphone and you have to figure out something important to say, that’s what helps me sleep at night and makes it all OK for me and that’s what I want to share with others.

iRun: It’s a nice thing to share with runners.

Baker: Yeah, I can see how that might be a good soundtrack when you’re literally struggling physically.

iRun: What do you do to stay so fit, given the demands, and temptations, of performance and spending so much time on the road?

Baker: I need to exercise every few days and blow off a little stress, especially on the road when you’re beset by stressful situations, constantly. I do anything I can do to release the valve. There’s a joy in movement and I think it’s fun and I think it should be fun, when you think about it. I feel like if force myself to sit at the desk all day long I force myself to ignore my human animal body by sitting; that’s when my body complains, when I sit in the van or play guitar for three hours. That’s what’s unnatural—running around and being free, that’s what we’re supposed to be doing. I get at it anyway I can.

iRun: How do you resist the usual rock star temptations?

Baker: I don’t worry about fitness, I worry more about mental health. I have to sleep a lot on the road but it’s true that after a few days without any exercise, it’s better to get up early and run then sleep in, you feel much more energized. Anyway, I’ve never been very good at being a rockstar. I find the toll of doing sets night after night doesn’t leave much left to go out partying. It’s physically and spiritually draining—you have to be there and give it all every night.

iRun: It sounds like running a race.

Baker: There is a certain weightlessness to it, when there’s people all around you, it inspires you. Maybe I’d be good in a running race, just to run and get back to being a kid, being a creature in the world, running around.

For more on Hey Rosetta! and Tim Baker, please see HeyRosetta.com. The band plays St. John’s on July 31.

Natasha Wodak Changing Her Perspective On Running


By: Ben Kaplan

A smorgasbord of male runners laid strewn at her feet. Wodak, born and raised in Surrey, B.C., not far from where she still lives a 45-minute drive from her parents’ house, had reached the greatest heights of any long-time competitive Canadian racer: competing for her country in the 2016 Olympic Games. But something felt lacking in her journey and, after being slowed by a toe injury, she wanted things to be diffe- rent in her return to the sport that she loves.

At the shoot, Wodak was generous with her time, experimental with her pictures and entirely at ease, at least seemingly so, with her place in the world. It’s hard to imagine this smiling and friendly, albeit, ferocious racer who goes by the nickname T.Fierce, was once saddled by depression, anxious and unable to sleep. What compounds this contrast but serves as a reminder to all runners, elite or back-of- the-pack, is that Wodak was at her unhappiest when she was in her best shape, physically, and about to step on the largest starting line of a life spent in sports. Even Olympians are humans, Wodak discove- red. She tried being a machine, it didn’t work.

“I was in a place in my life where I didn’t feel settled and coach Richard and I were battling and I was single and 34, wondering, ‘Am I ever going to meet someone?’ I felt lonely and like I gave up a lot for the Olympic dream and it didn’t feel like I thought it would,” says Wodak, whose frank, matter-of-fact nature is disarming in person and a bit surprising, given her appearance makes her look more like the models who usually create the congestion on Queen Street West than the Olympian that she is. “Here I was training away, and not happy. I didn’t get to do the races I wanted and every race was really important and stressful. Really, I missed having a life, having fun.”

Wodak did a few things in short order to get her life back under control. She saw a doctor and was prescribed pills to help with her sleeping. She met a man who was stable and kind and, as doctors operated on her toe, fell in love. And then Natasha found a new coach. While still on good terms with Richard Lee, a famous Vancouver-based coach who has trained Dylan Wykes, Richard Mosely, Sue Lee, his Olympian wife, and countless more, Wodak signed up with Lynn Kanuka, who’s not only an old family friend and Olympic bronze medalist but seemed to share a similar ethos: the goal is to run faster times—indeed, Wodak will be competing at the IAAF World Championships this August in London. However, no more agonizing over every race, every training run, every practice, every pound. If Wodak is going to devote her time and attention—her heart and her soul—to running, she’s going to approach the sport differently. Her gift is no longer a sentence. It’s a chance to be free.

     “She’s a hard worker and very committed and, at the same time, she’s well-rounded. I use the term ‘spunky,’” says Kanuka, reached in Vancouver after a training session with Wodak and her son, Jack. At today’s session, which focused on cadence and speed—Kanuka believes that for Wodak to get faster in 10,000-metres (10K), she needs to get faster first at 1,5000 and 5,000-metres, get fast at the short stuff and you’ll be faster when you run long—the weather was typical Vancouver, wind and rain. But instead of getting discou- raged, the team ran in the trails, enjoyed their morning and, by the time they returned to the track, the weather had cleared.

“Natasha’s best running is still very possible in her future; she has a lot of mileage in her back pocket, but at this stage of her life, she knows herself and knows that you have to feel like you like what you’re doing in order to succeed,” says Kanuka. “We’re having fun and not worrying about too much of anything other than that.”

Indeed, following her shoot, Wodak had a glass of red wine and a plate of sushi, smiled and said: “I feel so much more happy and settled since the Olympics that whatever happens next with my running, honestly? It’s just icing on the cake.”

This is the part where Wodak’s story gets exciting and why running can bring so much pleasure to not just participants, but also to fans. The next morning in Toronto, at the Race Roster Spring Run-Off 8K, Wodak won. It wasn’t a deep field and her time of 27:55 didn’t rewrite the books, but she smiled as she crossed the finish line and, even though she’s without a sponsor and still working through a delicate toe, she radiated joy at the childlike pleasure of being able to run.

“She had some down times, but she’s back now and it’s great to see her run free of pain, it’s exhilarating,” says Patti Wodak, Natasha’s mom. “Natasha has grit and she goes for it—our family motto is, ‘Never Say Die.’”

For Wodak, the race was the start of a rapid comeback, but the experience was taken in stride. “I feel fortunate to feel happy and healthy because I know where I was,” she says. “I’m thankful for my struggles because I learned appreciation and Alan, my boyfriend, Lynn, my coach, and I, we all feel excited about what the future may bring.”

In road racing, the future is never far off and in quick succession, Wodak raced again and again. After the Race Roster 8K in April, Wodak competed in May at the BMO half-marathon in Vancouver,

her hometown race. At the start line, she flashed the peace sign. Again, there were no expectations. Again, Wodak took the win for the Canadian women, running so quickly that she was only six seconds off the course record. The girl from B.C. felt thrilled to race among family and friends. “My plan for the race was to go out conservatively and I was waiting for the pain to set in, but it didn’t come,” says Wodak, relaying her experience with a measure of thrilled disbelief.

Wodak’s PBs are all over the Canadian records. She holds Canada’s national record in 10,000 metres, set in Palo Alto in 2015 at a speed of 31:41:59, and the national record for the 8K distance—running 25:28:5 in 2015 in Saanichton, B.C. Of course, Wodak’s older now. But as all runners know, lots of factors come into play on any given day’s perfor- mance. Wodak has always had drive, strength and power. But now she has experience, grati- tude and belief.

In the fall, after the World Championships in London, Wodak wants to take a shot at Lanni Marchant’s Canadian women’s record in the half-marathon, a time of 1:10:47. (Her PB is 1:11:20, third fastest Canadian women’s half-marathon of all-time). And for now, the professional racer just keeps doing her work.

In late May, after Vancouver, Wodak lined up at the Canadian 10K Championships in Ottawa and took second place among female Canadian women to Rachel Cliff. And though she was disappointed with the outcome—a result of running too fast too soon and unde- restimating the heat—she has the Toronto Waterfront 10K in June and remains feeling happy about both her recent efforts and her state of mind.

In Ottawa, we met up with Wodak a few hours before her race, as she took in the expo with Alan by her side and posed for photo- graphs with fans. Again, she was generous with her time, smiling, not the least bit vain about appearances or seemingly nervous about her race, which was the Canadian championships of all things. Natasha Wodak, T. Fierce, Olympian, seemed to be having a blast.

“Do I think I have faster times in me? Of course I do, or I wouldn’t be training so hard, but I’m going to do it my way,” she said. “I know, running and otherwise, the way I want my life to be. Coming from where I came from, let me tell you—I’m thankful for today.”

Where the Trails Have No Name

Ron Johnson explores the country for trail running’s hidden gems.

Everybody has a secret spot. That beauty of a trail that has it. The “it”
is always subjective. It could be the steepness that defies gravity, the soft forest floor underfoot that feels like you’re running on air, the epic views or your craft brewery that sits waiting at the end of the trail. Often, it’s the solitude. We cherish time with our fellow bipeds on race days, and training with clubs, but on long runs in the woods, it’s nice to imagine just us alone in the wilderness. So, we’re not always quick to divulge the coordinates of our fave runs to just anyone. Luckily, we convinced a gaggle of the country’s in-the-know trail runners to let us into their worlds for a brief moment. Enjoy, be inspired, and please share your own fave local trails on social media after reading this issue with the hashtag #irunsecretspots. Explore.

NAME: Nick Elson
PROVINCE: British Columbia
THE SKINNY: National men’s mountain running champion Nick Elson moved to Squamish, B.C. to pursue climb- ing, but eventually returned to running. Instead of roping
it up the sheer granite face of the famed local landmark The Chief, he spends many days scampering about on the other side of the mountain lapping tourists on the hiking trails.
“The trails on the Chief tend to be quite steep — in fact on most of my ‘runs’ I do a fair bit of hiking going up. In the forest, the terrain is characterized by lots of roots and rocks. Below the summits, the forest gives way to open granite slabs. The standard trails are very popular with hikers but there are a number of more obscure trails that make it pos- sible to avoid the crowds. I often run on Slhanay. A peak connected to the Chief that is much quieter.”
THE SCOOP: In addition to living large on The Chief, some of Elson’s other favourite areas include “Crumpit Woods, Alice Lake, and the area above Quest University.” Elson also recommends local restaurants “Mags 99 (Mexican), Essence of India, and Oryzae and Sushi Sen. Capra Run- ning is a great local trail running store.”

NAME: Mario Srinik
THE SKINNY: Mario Srinik is a Calgary-based outdoor adventure athlete who made the move from rock climbing to trail running and found his Mecca in Kananaskis Country about 40 minutes outside the city: namely Moose Mountain.
“There are ways around it that people don’t usually run, different approaches. The way I really enjoy running it, you start at Ings Mine and run up to the ice caves. It’s a short hike and there is a big cave, and even in the summer you can find icicles. If you have a headlamp you can wander pretty far in that cave. At this point, most people turn around and go back, but I go up to the ridge, which is roughly a 600-me- tre vertical climb over the scree. From the ridge there is an open plateau and Moose Mountain is across the valley on the other side. Most people do the Moose Mountain trail out and back, or up to Ings Mine and back to the car, but you can connect them into one big loop and it’s 28-30K with about 900 metres of vertical. It’s a very alpine feeling being only 40 minutes from Calgary.”
THE SCOOP: In Calgary, Srinik runs his own personal Tour de Calgary, an 80K loop around the city utilizing bike pathways and trails along the Bow River. In other words, get creative. His go-to for a post-run snack is Cafe Rosso.

NAME: Karon Mathies
PROVINCE: Saskatchewan
THE SKINNY: When Saskatoon native Karon Mathies turned 60 she decided to run a 100-mile ultra and succeeded. This was promptly followed by her first race, the Lost Souls Ultra and she hasn’t looked back. Her favourite running spot is tucked along the beautiful South Saskatchewan River. “We in Saskatchewan are known as flatlanders because we can see forever with no apparent hills in sight but looks are deceiving. When I go for a run I like the lower trails of the Meewasin Valley. These run all along the South Saskatchewan River but can’t be seen from any main road. They are tucked away with single track, trees on both sides and relentless roller- coaster hills. I love how I can get away without having to leave the city.”
THE SCOOP: “Around the city less within an hour’s drive we also have Cranberry Flats which offers single track trails with a beautiful view of the river and Black Strap Provincial Park. One of my favorite places to eat or relax after a run is D’lish. Her soups are a must have.”

NAME: Blair Mann
PROVINCE: New Brunswick
THE SKINNY: 42-year-old Blair Mann is a software engi- neer and family man in Moncton who raced his first 50K in 2011 and hasn’t looked back. Although it took a few times to actual locate the mythic trails of Halls Creek, once there, it was worth the wait. “Originally, I had heard that it was only a few kilometers of biking trails. As a result, I didn’t bother checking it out. At some point, curiosity got the best of me. Wow! Stunning single track for miles along side a flowing creek, beautiful ferns and just about every type of landscape you could hope for: rocks, roots, steep climbs, flowing creeks, runnable sections, bridges, board- walks. The beauty and seclusion would fool you into think- ing you were in a remote, protected land reserve when in reality you are in the middle of the city.”
THE SCOOP: In addition to Halls Creek, Mann recommends the Northwest Trail and Riverfont Trail (Moncton, River- view, Dieppe). “This is the primarily rail trail (gravel bike trail) that runs throughout Moncton along the Petitcodiac River as well as the surrounding towns of Riverview and Dieppe. Its flat and great for long hours of turnover.”
When it comes time to rest the dogs, it’s Cafe Codiac, “locally roasted organic coffee,” as well as the Tide & Boar Gastropub. “Heck, they even brew their own beer!”

NAME: Dwayne Sandall
PROVINCE: Manitoba
THE SKINNY: Dwayne Sandall ran his first marathon in 2002 and has been running ultras for the past dozen years. He also works as a race director, which means he’s always on the lookout for primo trails. He stumbled upon 440- acre Pembina Valley Provincial Park near the sleepy town of Carman, in the southern end of the province just before the American border, by looking over maps of provincial parks. He put his trail dog in the car and drove 90 minutes out of town to have a look. “It’s a beautiful park with a fairly short trail network of maybe five trails, the longest only seven kilometres, but you can loop around for a nice long run. For Manitoba, it’s a place where you can get a lot of good vertical and a wide variety of terrain from wide trails to singletrack. It’s a really quiet place, literally a hid- den spot.”
THE SCOOP: In Winnipeg, Sandall’s go-to trail running spot is Birch Hill Park preceded by a trip to Parlour Cof- fee in the town’s French Quarter. He also recommends Pizzeria Gusto for pre-race carb-loading or an indulgence after a long day on the trails.

NAME: Shawn McCardle
PROVINCE: Prince Edward Island
THE SKINNY: PEI trail runner, cabinetmaker and race orga- nizer Shawn McCardle lives in the rural farming commu- nity of Lady Fane. He doesn’t have to travel too far to his favourite local running spot. It’s out his backdoor. “I can run along the edges of some fields, eventually getting to a provincial forestry woodlot which has trails cut through it. It is about a 10K out and back run. I am probably the only person who runs there and rarely do I see motorized ve- hicles. What I do see is lots of wildlife: foxes, coyotes, and regularly a great horned owl, even during daytime runs. On a clear day, I can see the Confederation Bridge 20K away. Another favourite spot is the Brookvale Provincial Ski Park.”
THE SKINNY: For visitors, McCardle recommends the Bar- none Brewery, a local craft establishment in a converted barn. “On a Thursday night, you can get your growler filled, and go up to the loft and listen to live music.”

NAME: Denise McHale
THE SKINNY: Adventure racing, ultra marathoning super couple Denise McHale and her husband Greg first visited the Yukon in 1996, and relocated from Ontario per- manently in 1998. They settled in the 300-strong town of Carcross near White- horse where they operate a tourism business, along with a coffee shop and bar. Although their little slice of the Yukon is developing a reputation for world-class mountain biking, their favourite trail running spot is located in Whitehorse. “Miles Canyon is this very scenic canyon in Whitehorse. You can run maybe a half-mile into it and you come to this bridge across a massive canyon (with the Yukon River below). You can run along the ridgeline there for a while, and then you get into the forest and it’s not super technical, but offers a little bit of everything.”
THE SCOOP: According to McHale, in Whitehorse, outdoor-loving insiders fre- quent the Midnight Sun Coffee Roasters, “it’s a coffee shop right inside a bike shop,” says McHale, currently gearing up for a new local race, the 50-mile ultra Reckless Raven.

NAME: Jodi Isenor
PROVINCE: Nova Scotia
THE SKINNY: Jodi Isenor, race director of the Salomon Sonofa Gunofa run, de- scribes himself as a “map geek,” who works as a survey tech for the province in St. Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. He says the main rail pathway in St. Margaret’s Bay is a well-trampled fitness thoroughfare, but there are numerous secret paths that spindle off the main trail that are a dirt runner’s dream.
“Most people run past them every day, but they don’t see them since they’re not signed. The only people we see on these trails are our running friends. Most of the trails are quite steep (think black diamond ski run steep) which also deters a lot of folks. A memorable moment was finding that first little trail up Dauphinee Mountain.”
THE SCOOP: Although he loves his home turf, Isenor also recommends the gor- geous trails of Pollett’s Cove in nearby Cape Breton Island and basically every trail in the Wentworth Valley. In St. Margaret’s Bay, his go-to caffeine provider is the Bike & Bean Cafe, and Lefty’s Pub in Tantallon for post-race festivities. “It’s basically initiation!”

NAME: Caroline McIlroy
PROVINCE: Newfoundland and Labrador
THE SKINNY: Trail runner Caroline McIlroy of St. Philip’s, Newfoundland cannot get enough of her beloved East Coast Trail—a massive footpath of more than 300 kilome- tres. And with three adult children who love to get active, she is never short of company. It’s no surprise that her fa- vourite event is the East Coast Trail Ultra Marathon and her fave spot is the Sprout Trail. “Starting from Petty Har- bour you run along the sea shore accompanied by crash- ing waves. There are often seals in the ocean and further on, you run along precipitous cliffs. There are towering sea stacks, one of which with a bald eagle’s nest on it. The trail continues along the cliffs to a lighthouse from which you frequently sea humpback and minke whales in the summer. The trail turns into a bay and ends at Bay Bulls. During the spring you can sea icebergs all along the trail. It’s a wonder- ful piece of wilderness only 15 minutes from St John’s.” THE SCOOP: Around St. Philip’s, McIlroy spends her lunch- time running the trail up to the top of Signal Hill. For post-race fixin’s, McIlroy recommends the Inn of Olde, a quirky old pub in the town of Quidi Vidi, as well as Chafe’s Landing in Petty Harbour. “Petty Harbour means great fresh fish. I go there with my children after an evening run out from Petty Harbour to Motion Head.”

NAME: Jennifer Coleman
THE SKINNY: Jennifer Coleman likes the Bruce Trail. So much so, that her and her “trail sister” Gemma Kitchen are planning on running the length of the massive Ontario route this year. Coleman, also the founder of the 250-member Burly Trail Runners club, explores the fertile trail network along the Niagara Escarpment in the Hamilton area. “My (not so) secret spot is in the Dundas Peak, Tews Falls, Spen- cer Gorge and Christie Lake area. It is unbelievably scenic with panoramic views of Hamilton and Dundas and not one but two beautiful waterfalls—Hamilton is the city of waterfalls. To visit all the areas is about a 20K loop. From the top of Dundas Peak you can also take a side trail down the steep escarpment to the main Bruce trail. The trail possibilities are endless!”
THE SCOOP: “My trail running crew tends to frequent the Smokey Hollow Con- servation area in Waterdown. Lots of hills, technical rocky sections and even a beautiful waterfall right at the start parking area (free parking! win win!). We enjoy having post run food and drinks at the American House Bar and Grill and also in town is the Copper Kettle. They’re well known for their yummy apple fritters made fresh in house!”

NAME: Sebastien Cote
THE SKINNY: Sebastien Cote started trail running as a way to put a new spin on his old hiking haunts across Quebec, including his first race in the Eastern Townships. Wanting to help a friend of his with Multiple Sclerosis, he put two and two together and decided to organize his own race for the cause, Ultra-Trail Harricana, which has turned into one of the top races on the planet. His secret trail running gem is located an hour north of Montreal. “There is not-for-profit organisation named ‘Comité régional pour la protection des falaises’ (CRPF) that buys up land in the Laurentides region of Quebec to protect the land from development and develop other parts for recreation. In the town of Prevost, there’s a 10K loop that I love for training. It’s very technical with some good drops and each 10K loop gives you about 400m of vertical elevation gain. Lots of fauna including frogs, beavers, birds of prey.”
THE SCOOP: In Montreal, Cote can be found at least twice a week running in his go-to park Mont Royal, which he calls “a trail-running haven in the downtown core of a great city where I’ve seen owls, fox, raccoons and plenty of trees and flow- ers, combined with some awesome views.“ He recommends local farmer’s market Marche Maisonneuve and at the Hochecafe (“I am a huge latte addict”).

A Global Running Day Celebration: Why We Run

By Karen Karnis

Since the 150 Runners issue of iRun came out, there’s been a lot of buzz. I have heard from a lot of people who have enjoyed the stories and found nuggets of motivation all over the place. 

Pulling the stories together for this issue is one of the hardest assignments I have ever done, but it was also one of the most rewarding. Since it’s Global Run Day, I thought I would share a bit of what I learned.

As I am sure most writers and editors would agree, holding someone’s story in your hands is always an honour and a privilege. But to take on that many at once was intense – I laughed, I cried; I had to walk away and take breaks.

Every story was wonderful, and I couldn’t possibly choose criteria to select the “top 150,” so I went with the first 150 we received. In reading the stories and exchanging emails with these runners, I got to meet some pretty incredible people. 

My task was much like I would imagine a diamond cutter’s to be: carefully chipping away at something that is already beautiful to get the size and clarity that is needed without destroying the core of it. To all of you that participated, thank you for trusting me with your diamonds – I sincerely hope that all of you feel that your voices and key messages are intact.

In 150 stories, there were literally hundreds of reasons to run – all as unique as the runners themselves. But despite their uniqueness, some common themes emerged.

We run for challenge

Walter Faion’s most magical running memory was the day he came from behind to win the Sudbury Marathon. At 70 years old, Murdock Hiscock continues to win awards at races. All of us run to be better than we were yesterday – and for the feeling of accomplishment that brings.

We run to find ourselves

Like Kevin Marchment, fighting his way back from alcoholism to the runner he used to be; Colleen Mahoney who runs to combat generalized anxiety disorder; John Doyle who took up running to cope with seasonal affective disorder; Carley Toye,  Andree-Anne Ouellet, Angela Maciocia and countless others who are always outrunning darkness. So many of us run for clarity, for confidence, or to quiet our minds.

We run to give back

Yves Desrosiers raises money for cancer treatment. JP Hernandez and the Justice League Runners raise funds for youth mental health. Tracy Shouldice raises funds for Team in Training, children’s hospitals, and mental health causes. John and Ryan Farrell raise money for Team Diabetes. Lee McCarron coaches people to support them in reaching their goals. Sylvie Michaud also shares her knowledge and experience as a coach. From saying the right thing to another runner in a race to making a donation when we register, every single one of us has used running as a way to give back.

We run to be strong

Like Nancy Girard who was paralyzed to her bed for six months and fought anxiety and depression; Like Marie-France Kenyon, Dayna Talsma, Jessica Burns, Charlotte Flewelling, Pierre Marcoux and more who ran their way back from accidents or surgeries. Like Lee Anne Cohen, Sheila Kohle, Roch Courcy, Mike Hsiao, Wendy Moore and so many more who started running to begin healthy weight loss journeys and never looked back. We all find strength in our sport.

We run to remember

Dominique Narcisse ran with her son until he was murdered in 2014; now she runs in his memory. Julie Drury runs to remember and cope with the loss of her young daughter. Susan Harvey first took up running to honour a friend who died of breast cancer. Scott Shafer tool up running to cope with a loss. So many of us use a kilometre, a race, or our training to remember someone and work through grief and loss.

We run for community

In the stories and my conversations with the authors, almost every single one of them mentioned the running community and friendships they have made along the way. We have all both contributed to – and benefitted from – this supportive, inspiring, amazing community. 

And in the end, that is what 150 Runners is all about. From the outside, running seems like a lonely sport, but we know better. We may run in our own heads, our own bodies, and for our own reasons, but have all found friendships, motivation, and support in this indescribable collective. 

To the 150 Runners: You have motivated, inspired, and moved a nation – and I can’t thank you enough.

Paving Their Own Roads: The Salluit Run Club

There are no roads leading into Salluit, an Inuit community with a population of 1400 located in the far north Nunavik region of Quebec. The Salluit Run Club, the subject of a documentary featured at the upcoming Canadian Sport Film Festival, running June 9-11 in Toronto, is the story of a group of youth who paved their own roads in the region.

The Salluit Run Club is the brainchild of Maggie MacDonnell, a teacher who has worked in Salluit for the past seven years. The recipient of the Global Teaching Award, Maggie arrived in Salluit after seven years working in community development across the globe, incorporating a strong focus on sports and recreation into her work. Both Maggie and her husband Abdullah, who directed the film, are strong proponents of sports as a means to better mental and physical health and to building self-esteem.

The Salluit Run Club in Hawaii. All images courtesy of the Canadian Sports Film Festival.

Maggie describes Salluit as a community where residents are, “living with the traumatic experience of Canada’s colonial history, including the forced relocation to residential schools.” The community is also characterized by a shortage of 1,000 housing units, resulting in many youth living in overcrowded spaces and experiencing precarious access to shelter.

“We lost 10 youths between the ages of 13-27 to suicide in the last two years,” Maggie says, “and I see it as an extension of their stresses from lack of housing and food insecurity.” Maggie notes that Canada’s Inuit population ranks as the most food insecure indigenous group in the developed world.

The Salluit Run Club was Maggie’s attempt to make inroads to Salluit’s youth and leverage running to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle and change their perceptions of themselves. Those roads have led to Nova Scotia for the Blue Nose Marathon and more recently to Hawaii for a half marathon, documented in the film.

“Two things are happening,” Maggie says. “When you move, you can’t help but feel good, but these runners are also connecting with other young people and building the social supports they need.” In addition to participants quitting smoking or confronting mental health issues, Maggie also mentions that, “Some have even been inspired to return to school after dropping out because they’ve built relationships with those still in school.”

For Maggie, her little experiment reminded her that, “What I love about running is that I can take my super athletes but also work with those at risk of diabetes or struggling with mental health issues and have them all report greater self confidence,” Maggie says.

Maggie hopes that this film will change the narrative around Inuit youth, who are often depicted in crisis rather than seizing opportunities to be physically active and change their lives. She hopes also that the film will illustrate the power of opportunity. According to Maggie, “If you offer youth a healthy recreational alternative that was fun and consistent, a lot of youth want to seize it.”

“They are sources of inspiration and agents of change,” Maggie says of her runners. With their story now public, she already sees them inspiring other youth to pave their own roads to a better life.

The Salluit Run Club is screening at the Canadian Sports Film Festival on Saturday June 10th. More info available here.

  • Ravi Singh

Still Great Late: Reid Coolsaet Says the Future of Canadian Marathoning (and his own) is Bright

Image courtesy of New Balance.

When an injured metatarsal in his left foot flared up during a run on January 1st, Olympian Reid Coolsaet somehow found a way to view the incident in a positive light. Only a few weeks prior, Coolsaet ran what he proclaims as his best marathon in Fukuoka, posting a 2:10:56 finish and threatening Jerome Drayton’s Canadian record of 2:10:09 set on the same course four decades prior.

“Because I dealt with injuries leading into Rio, which didn’t go as great as I wanted it to, I was just really happy to get back into the swing of things and have a great race in December to close out the year,” Coolsaet explains.

Given how long the injury has now lasted, forcing Reid to opt out of competing in the spring of 2017, the Hamilton resident and new dad takes solace, noting, “If the injury flared up in November or December, that could have meant eighteen months without a good race, so my last good performance would have been in 2015 at Berlin.”

With such a long layoff and gap between solid performances, “I would have found myself questioning if I could ever compete at that level again.” That performance in Berlin (2:10:28), the second fastest by a Canadian man, was preceded by an abdominal muscle ripping off the pubic bone in 2014, so there’s been a path forward from injury in the past.

The veteran’s perspective and the happy distraction of newborn son Louis (Lou-ee not Lew-is) helped Reid keep his sanity, especially in the early stages when he found himself unable to even crosstrain and felt that all momentum had ceased. “I couldn’t even think about running because a good result felt so far away,” Reid recalls.

The morning we speak via phone, things are beginning to look up, and Reid happily reports a 15 kilometre run following shockwave therapy to loosen up that left foot. Continuing to feel out the recovery process, Reid’s hope is that a productive summer will lead him back to the marathon in the fall of 2017.

Now 37, Reid’s legacy in Canadian distance running is cemented. He owns three of the five fastest marathon times run by a Canadian man and has punched his card to the Olympics and World Championships on multiple occasions, but still feels he has more to give at what he considers his best distance. “My 5K and 10K PBs are a decade old and I wouldn’t run a PB if I were training at those distances now, but I think I can still do it at the marathon,” Reid says.

At 37, Reid still believes he is capable of a PB at the marathon. Image courtesy of Reid Coolsaet.

Before we speak, I pledge to myself that I will not use the phrase “2:10,” figuring that Reid’s had enough of that topic and won’t especially care to address it in the midst of an injury. But he goes there before I do.

Reid’s philosophy is, “If I’m not mentally motivated to train at the level needed to be my best or if I’m injured to the point that I can’t train, then I’ll know it’s no longer for me.” At the moment however, “I think that I can run faster and that really motivates me. 2:10 has been a number I’ve been wanting to break for a long time.”

After having come as close as he did in Fukuoka, running without a pack or pacers, Reid is optimistic that, “If I can have a productive summer and get into a race with pacers, then I feel I can do it.”

Though he considers himself far from finished, Reid will eventually have to make his curtain call as an elite marathoner, as will Eric Gillis, also 37, with whom Reid has owned the Canadian men’s marathon field for the last decade.

Reid and Eric Gillis (left) have owned the marathon distance for men for the last decade, but Reid sees a strong pool of talent coming up.

While acknowledging the outstanding performances the two have turned in so consistently, there’s also been an acknowledgement of the field’s lack of depth in the years during which Reid and Eric have reigned supreme. Reid is encouraged, however,  that successors will emerge and that the excitement he and Eric have provided will sustain.

Especially with Athletics Canada modifying the standard for the men’s marathon to 2:19 from 2:12 in previous years, Reid believes, “Guys who are breaking 29 minutes at the 10K will have some incentive to move up. There are lots of guys at those distances capable of training for and running a 2:15 marathon, but that requires so much work and they’re not going to do it for a pat on the back.” A berth at Worlds provides a much more enticing reward.

Recent performances by Thomas Toth (2:18:58 at Hamburg) and Blair Morgan (2:22:14 at Prague) are examples of what Reid hopes will be a coming trend of strong talent moving up to the marathon.

As his own future is concerned, Reid is motivated by a curiousity around the limits of his mind and body and feels fairly certain that a good marathoner can conquer 100 miles. There’s certainly precedent for top marathoners moving up to ultras. Alberto Salazar claimed victory at the 1994 Comrades Marathon, spanning 90 kilometres between Durban and Pietermaritzburg, long after stepping away from the marathon.

“I want to know what it’s like to physically and mentally push myself to a distance like 100 miles.” Image courtesy of New Balance

“I never get tired of the trails and just love being lost in my thoughts. It’s good to be out there,” is Reid’s response to my query about what aspect of running he still loves the most. “Moving from the 10K to the marathon is a huge leap and there are questions you can’t answer until you’ve been there. I want to know what it’s like to physically and mentally push myself to a distance like 100 miles,” he adds.

When he first encountered coach and mentor Dave Scott Thomas 20 years ago, it was Dave that Reid says, “really believed in my ability.” “When I wanted to break 15 minutes in the 5K, he believed I could break 14 if I really worked at it. He also has a great way of keeping you motivated and bringing people together to bring each other to their best,” Reid says of his mentor.

With two decades of competition under his belt, Reid now seems to be his own biggest motivator. Injuries, especially later in one’s career, can sometimes invite premature obituaries. Reid, however, is still in the midst of composing more chapters in an already incredible story, and he may just be a Robert Frost or Wallace Stevens of long distance running, producing many late masterpieces.


  • Ravi Singh

“You must enjoy the moment you are in.” Catching up with Krista DuChene

It has been just over a month since my disappointing London Marathon and once again I am back up on two feet. The weekend following my return was scheduled with three out-of-town speaking engagements so once I got to my computer, I added another slide to my message of blessings and trials. The kids had a P.A. day so they travelled with me for part of the weekend, which included a relaxing overnight trip to grandma and grandpa’s. It was nice to finally put my luggage away after spending nearly five of the last seven weeks using it.
I took a full week off of any sort of physical activity. My foot was pretty sore so I rested and spent time doing the things I didn’t get to before, such as overdue coffee dates with friends. Eventually I felt I needed to start moving my body again so I resumed pool running at the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre then went for a short run on day 11. Usually I take 10-14 days off of running after a marathon, and because my foot was feeling better, I felt I was ready. I can’t find the word to describe how I think myself and many feel when in their down time, between recovery and full time training. When logging weeks of 180-190 km and keeping a strict routine with preventative maintenance, rest/sleep, and diet, I often think I will enjoy my off-season with extra energy and free time with sweet and savoury treats. But then when I get there, I want to be back where I was before, tired but smiling after a full day’s work, preparing to do it again the next day. Over the years I have learned to fully appreciate the change in the various stages and cycles of life and training. You must enjoy the moment you are in. And I had to properly conclude my season before commencing another.
After a week or so of easy running and cross training, I told Canada Running Series Race Director Alan Brookes that I’d like to return to run the June 17 Toronto Waterfront 10 km, as I previously discussed with coach Dave Scott-Thomas regarding my summer/fall plans. Read it here. The May 26-28 weekend would include national championships in the Ottawa 10 km and Calgary Half Marathon but I knew that was much too much, too soon. I think I might be the only one not racing this past weekend, but after my three marathons of Rio in August, Toronto in October, and London in April we felt waiting two months to race would provide a solid break.
I’ve started a fresh and enjoyable yet not-too-serious training routine with less mileage, more strength work, and some shorter intervals to get some speed back into the legs. Because I spent my university years on the ice and off the track, I don’t mind running around on the rubber in circles. My first attempt at strides was fairly entertaining but I’ve been able to get quicker in even just one week; I could hardly break 37 seconds in a few 200 m attempts but this week I was consistently repeating ~35 seconds. It’s a start. I joined the Speed River group in Guelph for a set of 3 x 10 minutes with Katrina, which was also refreshing. And Rachel Hannah and I hope to get our plans aligned so that we can do some regular training together. I’ve contemplated the idea of pacing some of the Canadian 10, 000 m Championships at the Inferno meet in Guelph but haven’t yet decided. It would be new and fun but would not give me much time to recover before racing the 10 km in Toronto, 2.5 days later. In the meantime, I am enjoying giving more to my family and community. I assisted as a timer and parent volunteer at my kids’ local and regional track and field meets, and even oversaw some high jump practices for a week. Thank goodness for Derek Drouin’s youtube videos! I continue to write for iRun and complete various speaking engagements and interview requests.
Before I know it, the kids will be out of school again and we will be enjoying a new routine. With the likelihood that I will do a fall marathon, I will be enjoying the early mornings to log my mileage in order to beat the heat and be back for the kids.
And on I go.

Lanni Marchant talks with iRun

Earlier this week, iRun’s general manager Ben Kaplan sat down with Canadian women’s marathon record holder Lanni Marchant and talked all things running, including her experience at Ottawa Marathon Race Weekend, along with answering some of your questions. If you missed the conversation on Facebook, here’s you’re chance to catch up with Lanni in her signature, uncut, unedited style.

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How You Can Enter to WIN Tickets to Field Trip

We’re  giving you a chance to WIN TWO tickets to Field Trip, a two day concert event happening in Toronto, Ontario June 3 and 4th. All you have to do is share your favourite running tune with us via Facebook or Twitter, using the #iRuntoMusic and you’ll be entered in a random draw to win! For Field Trip event manager, Aaron Miller, running plays a big part in the months and weeks leading up to the festival. “Nothing relieves stress for me like running. I sprint to this thing most nights in the month(s) leading up to Field Trip,” says Miller, “The songs have little if anything to do with the festival, but in a strange way they’re still part of my soundtrack. Nothing like 50 Cent to get ready you for a family-friendly affair!”

Here’s Miller’s running playlist to get you in the mood and help kick off the summer music festival season!