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Dick Hoyt and the True Definition of Boston Strong

The Sheraton Hotel in Boston is packed with runners and everywhere you look people are wearing yellow shoes. One runner, however, stands above the crowd, or somehow stands apart—even though he’s as humble and salt of the earth as anyone you’ll meet. Dick Hoyt, 77, is from Holland, Massachusetts and he pushed his son Rick in the Boston Marathon thirty-two times. Tomorrow, Rick, now 55, will be pushed by another member of Team Hoyt. Together, they’ve raised a million-dollars for Easter Seals. (Rick graduated from college and has his own apartment even though, when he was born, his parents were told to give him up, that he’d never be more than a “vegetable.”)

Meeting back up at the Sheraton, where the Hoyts were taken in 2013—when they were stopped on their last Boston one mile before the bombs exploded—Dick Hoyt told iRun about his life, about his plans, about his son, about Boston, and helped reinforce the true meaning of Boston Strong.

iRun: I know you just had back surgery and Brian from Team Hoyt will be pushing Rick tomorrow. But how do you feel? Will you return? 

Hoyt: It’s the fourth Boston tomorrow for Brian with Rick and I’ve had some back problems and haven’t been able to run it. Two weeks before Christmas I had back surgery. But I’m feeling good. I’m feeling strong. I hope to be back next year.

iRun: Everything you’ve done has been incredible. But I can’t believe you took Rick in a boat in the water for 270 triathlons. That doesn’t even seem possible. How? 

Hoyt: Rick and I were running and Dave, the Boston Marathon race director, said I looked like a triathlete. I don’t know how to swim, but I said, OK. I like Dave. I’ll give it a try. And I’ll never forget the first time I jumped in the lake, I sunk. I couldn’t swim. But that winter I joined the YMCA and I did it in Bedford, Massachusetts. The swim wasn’t too bad, I was surprised. I went out there and didn’t use my legs at all, it was all upper body.

iRun: What characteristics have defined your life? 

Hoyt: It all comes down to when Rick asked me to run in that very first race. Rick was at school and a teacher gave a talk about a lacrosse player that was in an accident, he was paralyzed. And there was going to be a road race to raise money. Rick said, ‘Dad, I have to do something for him. I have to show him that life goes on. I want to run in the race.’ At the time, I wasn’t a runner. Rick was 18.

iRun: He wanted to help someone else? 

Hoyt: Yeah, and everybody thought we’d go to the corner and turn around and come back, but we didn’t. We finished the whole thing and everyone thought we’d come in last, but we didn’t. We came in next to last. We’ve never been last in a race.

iRun: Running appealed to you? Appealed to Rick? 

Hoyt: When we got home that night, he wrote on his computer: ‘Dad, when I’m running, it feels like my disability disappears.’

iRun: Wow. 

Hoyt: It was a very powerful message to me. Somebody in a wheelchair can’t talk, can’t use his arms or legs, and now he’s running? He called himself “Freebird,” because now he was able to compete and run with everyone else.

iRun: The idea of going from victim and powerless to reframing it, I am powerful. I am free. It’s incredibly moving. 

Hoyt: Because of him I made myself stronger. Our message is: Yes, You Can. There isn’t anything you can’t do. There’s no such word as no. And that’s what Rick and I have lived by.

iRun: Always?

Hoyt: When Rick was born they said ‘Forget Rick, put him away. He’s going to be nothing but a vegetable for the rest of his life.’ My wife and I, she was 19 and I was 20, we said, ‘No.’ We’re not going to put him away. We’re going to bring him up like any other child. And that’s what we’ve done.

iRun: Was that a tough choice? 

Hoyt: Never a question. He was my son.

iRun: And then he graduated from Boston University. 

Hoyt: I think the hardest day of my life was driving him in and leaving him in the city of Boston with people we hardly knew. It took him nine years but he graduated, and he did it on his own.

iRun: What’s your relationship like after all these years? 

Hoyt: I don’t think there’s any father-son that’s any closer.

iRun: The two of you biked across the United States? 

Hoyt: That was in 1992. And we went to the Santa Monica Pier— 3,735 miles in 45 straight days without a day off. Everyone thought there’s no way he can go up the mountains in Denver, Colorado, but we finished in 45 days and arrived in Boston on Thursday night and Friday night, the Sox were playing, and we ran into Fenway Park and out to the Green Monster. We stayed and watched the game. The Red Sox won. And we got up the next morning, went to Vermont and did a triathlon.

iRun: Do you see yourself as extraordinary? 

Hoyt: The only thing special about me is that I had a son like Rick. Rick made me. I’m from a family of ten. I don’t know there’s anything special about me. It’s Rick. He’s the one.

iRun Radio – April 15th, 2018

iRun Radio

As so many are, iRun’s Mark Sutcliffe and Ben Kaplan are gearing up to run Boston. On this week’s show an Ottawa runner shares how she progressed to running marathons and she will run her ninth Boston Marathon tomorrow. Then, an Iranian Canadian who didn’t know if he would be able to travel to run this year’s Boston Marathon is proudly Boston bound. Plus, Toronto runner Ben Brathwaite shares how he used running as a method of major weight loss and is now a part of the Ottawa Marathon’s Team Awesome.

Krista, Reid and Eric before the Boston Marathon

Huddled at their hotel three days out from Boston Marathon race day, Canadian race royalty Krista DuChene, Eric Gillis and Reid Coolsaet, Olympians, are cool and collected. Far from unapproachable, they ask me about my race, are generous with their time, seem happy. What can we learn about racing from three legends who’ve arguably done more for the sport of marathon running in Canada than anyone else for the longest time, at least in recent memory? Krista and Reid, respectively, have the second fastest male and female marathon times in Canadian history; Gillis ran the Olympics three times, finishing tenth in 2016—the best Canadian finish since 1976.

They’re all parents. They all live in Canada. DuChene is a nutritionist; Gillis and Coolsaet, racing his first marathon in 16 months, both coach. The thought of any of the three of them involved in a doping scandal is absurd. It’s their sportsmanship, on top of their accomplishments, that make them true stars. Here’s what they had to say about Boston, about competition, about hydration, doping; about marathon running, experience, and about a life spent in and out of their racing shoes.

iRun: How big is the Boston Marathon?

Reid: It’s a big deal for a lot of people. I mean, the Olympics are a big deal for 150 people but this is exciting for everyone. Also, Boston’s not a paced race. If some athlete wants to go out hard, it might be a fast pace. Or if the weather’s crappy, we might hold back. You don’t know what’s going to happen.

Krista: Doing Boston is something I’m glad I’ve done and every marathoner wants to check off their list. There’s nothing like it, the amount of people who cheer from beginning to end, there’s nothing like it.

iRun: Can you hear the crowd? 

Krista: You hear it, but when you’re running for so long you can’t let it excite you too early.

Reid: You use the energy of the crowds. That’s what’s nice about racing in front of a home crowd, you hear your name more, but if the crowds are big enough, like at the Olympics, the energy and overall people yelling will spur you on and give you energy, but you have to bottle and channel the energy.

iRun: Are you training as much now as in the past? 

Gillis: I wouldn’t say I’m training as much, no.

iRun: Could that be an advantage, a little rest on your joints and knees?

Gillis: I’m healthy. I’ve never got this far in the marathon build up to Boston. I’ve never been here before. I got my training in and I’m healthy, but I’d say maybe less recovery—not as many naps.

Reid: Is this your third time on the start list?

Gillis: Yeah, 2013 and last year.

iRun: So is it true that it’s your destiny since third time’s a charm to win the whole thing Monday?

Reid: Third time’s a charm. . .

iRun: How do you deal with the nerves? 

Reid: Every time you race you’re going to feel them, once you know it’s inevitable, you don’t worry about it. It’s one part of racing that’s going to happen. You have to use that nervousness and channel it into energy.

Gillis: You have to set it before you come here. You have to have the attitude before you come, you can’t fix it here. Don’t get on the plane unless you’re mentally there.

Krista: I think it’s more significant back at home than here. Here, you get here and we’re those three Canadians, at home everyone knows you where as here, it’s just. . . different.

iRun: How detailed is your race plan for the Boston Marathon?

Reid: Mine’s not set at all. There’s no pacers here so you don’t really know what the pack is going to do. I would love to run with the front pack but if the front pack goes out at a really fast pace, I’m not going to do that. I’m going to play it by ear and feel what’s sustainable.

Gillis: Pick it up when you see, Louie. [ed note: Louis’s the name of Reid’s son, asleep in the stroller with Marie, his wife, standing behind the crew during the interview, at least for a bit].

Krista: I have a nice big window. I can’t go under 2:30 but I want to go under 2:40. 10 minutes is pretty comfortable.

Reid: I have zero time in my head. I don’t care. Especially with head winds and rain.

Gillis: Ten minutes is pretty much no time.

Reid: Right, if I said between 2:10 and 2:20. . .

iRun: Is that freeing? 

Reid: It’s nice. It’s a change from city marathons where we’ve looked at the Canadian record or to qualify for the Olympics and every workout is about pace to hit goals, whereas this is more free flowing and that free feel right up to the race is freeing from the pressure to hit your splits.

Krista: That’s what appealed to me. Not having to be a slave to my watch for Standards and proving fitness and with the way the course is with the hills, it wasn’t a speed focus, but more being able to handle the hills at the end.

iRun: A lot of attention is on the stacked women’s field, including Shalane Flanagan. Is she the competition?

Krista: Oh God no. I’m hoping to be top two masters, well hey, Deena Kastor.

Gillis: 2:19?

Krista: And well, for Deena, I mean—when you’re this age what does your PB even mean anymore?

Gillis: When do you turn Masters?

Krista: 40 on race day.

Gillis: Two years for me. . . Oh my God I’m old!

Krista: I don’t even know of any others so for me to say second might be a joke. You do your best, but I would never start with Shalane and Des, they’re way beyond me.

iRun: Do they know you?

Krista: Oh yeah, you sort of do the awkward head nod, but I don’t sit and talk with them at length. There’s more on the line for them so they sort of keep on their own. It’s a pretty big deal, especially for the four of them that are going for it.

Reid: I’m not really thinking I’m going to win this race, but I also don’t want to be intimidated by 25 guys, because I’d like to beat most of them. I’ll look at their stats but come race day a lot of stuff can happen.

iRun: How interested are you in the history of the Boston Marathon? 

Reid: It’s cool for sure. You see Bill Rodgers walking around, Greg Meyer, Meb. A bunch of American guys who’ve won, Amby Burfoot is here. It’s cool to read about their stories, what it was like back then: flat Coke or nothing.

Krista: Cotton socks, cardboard shoes. . .

iRun: Reid and Eric, you guys trained for years and now are apart, with Eric coaching at St. Francis—I feel like you guys are like the kids in Superbad. Do you miss each other?

Eric: Yeah.

Reid: We did a workout together and it was our first time running since the National Cross Country Championships, our first workout. From 2002 – 2017, we had a lot of chunks of time where for a month we might run half those days together.

iRun: Sucks losing your running partner. 

Krista: They’re dads now.

Reid: Eric and I trained together for 15 years and our PBS are within a second-a-kilometre splits and you don’t get that too often in North America. There’s not a ton of guys running 2:12, and to have two guys on the same level and same path and have the same goal, it’s rare and it’s been great. Today we did 4 x 2 minutes, which was a reminder of what it’s like—stride for stride.

iRun: You still neck and neck? 

Reid: Yeah.

Gillis: Those things don’t change unless one of us stops training. We could do a full marathon build together and not have the same race plan, you race the marathon, not each other.

Reid: Eric is more efficient than I am. Look at the 5K and 10K, I’ve beaten Eric more than he beat me, but in the marathon, we’re more evenly matched. My strengths of speed and power even out because my stride isn’t as efficient. Watch him run and it doesn’t look like he’s using as much energy as I am, but listen to our breathing, it seems like he’s working harder. It all works out in the marathon. But heat and stomach, he’s way ahead.

Krista: You have the smaller bladder, right? I’ve heard that.

Gillis: I can’t drive to the airport in Halifax without stopping.

Krista: I couldn’t go that long either.

Reid: I can go four hours, easy.

Gillis: Wow.

iRun: Drug testing and Salazar are all over the news this race, with two of his athletes racing on Monday. What’s doping mean to you? 

Reid: As runners, we talk about it all the time in warm up and cool down, the stuff you read on LetsRun. But as far as having someone offer it, never. I think if you wanted to cheat, you’d have to seek it out. It’s never in your face. How I deal with it, I read about it, but when I go into competition, I can’t think about it. That gives them a one-up on you. I put it out of my head when I toe the line.

iRun: Were you ever tempted? You’re so close to breaking Drayton’s record for so long. . . 

Reid: The risk and reward is just not there. I have done everything clean and can look back on my career and be happy, there’s a million reasons why I wouldn’t cheat but one is it would ruin my whole reputation.

Gillis: He’d ruin my reputation. That’s mostly why.

Krista: I wouldn’t know how to.  

iRun: Whats the pre-race routine before the Boston Marathon?

Gillis: It is pretty chilled. Watch a show, relax. I know I have lots of work the next day.

Reid: I eat a lot of carbs, rice, potatoes, pasta, whatever’s available. I’m not that picky.

Gillis: What time’s the race?

iRun: Wow, you are super chilled. 

Krista: There’s no secrets. We’re eating carbs, hydrating, resting, going to the washroom, and that’s about it. 

Reid: It’s easier for us because getting to the start line we just get on a bus and we’re corralled. We don’t have to think about anything, it’s dummy-proof.

Gillis: The biggest thing is if it’s wet or snowing, ball cap or hat.

Krista: You don’t want rain on your face.

Reid: Relax your face a bit more.

iRun: You’re all going to wear hats if it rains? 

Reid: I’ll probably end up chucking it halfway through, but I’ll wear it.

Krista: Is there a headwind?

Reid: Apparently its 20 miles an hour, 33K an hour.

Krista: That’s enough. Anything over 30 I think is significant.

iRun: Do you guys feel since you’re no longer young pups that this race is extra significant? Do you wonder how many more times realistically you can suit up to compete? 

Reid: That’s one of the reasons I’m doing Boston now. I’ve put it off to run a fast course, but I want to run Boston while I’m still competitive. I thought about that, and I’m running it now, but I won’t think about that on race day.

Gillis: Same with me.

Krista: I’ve been here before and it’s neat to come back as an elite, that’s pretty cool. Also: the prize purse is decent for masters, so there’s that to consider. But even that’s a tough one. Even though you turn 40, it’s still as much work. This cycle I took one full rest day per week and I’ve never felt as good. That’s really helped.

Reid: For a lot of people getting used to the marathon, getting used to how relaxed you have to be in the beginning, getting used to fuelling. There’s a learning curve in the marathon. The Kenyans have a good approach.

iRun: How is it to be the Canadian elite squad? 

Reid: People from Canada would like to see us do well. When they look at results, they can see that there’s Canadians in the top whatever. It’s something to talk about, and they can relate to it a little more. Like, that person ran the Chilly Half. That person ran in Kingston. People message me, “Go, Canada!”

Krista: It’s nice to represent our country. That always feels good.

iRun: Do the three of you feel a comradery, a certain shared world and race view? 

Krista: We’re grounded. We’ve got kids. Not to say that other people aren’t in the same boat as us.

Reid: I barely just joined the club, I was an outcast to the two of them.

Krista: You now joined the club, you’re one of the “mature” racers.

Reid: We saw CPT [Charles Philibert-Thiboutot] in the lobby and Nicole Sifuentes, for sure, instant conversation. The Canadians, anywhere you go, there’s a connection right away. There’s a lot of people racing in Canada, but there’s not a lot of elites doing it internationally. You find each other pretty quickly.

Gillis: We grew up in a small town. You’ve got to be nice.

iRun: Last words for your fans before Monday’s race, and good luck and thanks for your time. 

Reid: When I did the Chilly Half, usually after a half I feel a little beat up, but after that, I didn’t feel beat up at all. Going into a marathon, you don’t want any aches and pains. I’m feeling good.

Gillis: I ran the course 13 months ago, I’m feeling pretty solid.

Krista: It’s going to be a great day no matter what happens. We’re happy to be here, happy to be racing and I hope this is the same for everyone: we’re having fun.

Five tips for tuning up before race day

25,000 runners took to the start line at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon in 2017.

Spencer White runs Saucony’s Human Performance & Innovation Lab outside of Boston and knows practically everything about gait and stride and how to run. What he knows can fill a book and drives a company, but, in the name of expediency, we boiled all of that down into five tips, you can try now, to get tuned up for your race day, whenever that is. Without further ado, White’s five tips for maximizing your next run.

5. Less out front, more out back. This means the power in your stride isn’t coming from your arms out in front of your chest or an extended leg kick, energy return happens behinds you. Both from the Achille’s tendon, and the swing in your arm.

4. You probably don’t need yoga. Yoga is terrific, arguably, but you most likely have enough mobility for running from running. Good hip flexibility is important, and that can be done by stretching. Yoga is fine. But think about your hips.

3. Stretch your hips everyday. Kneel down and slide your leg back and rotate your pelvis forward, and hold each pose for three minutes on each leg. Slow everything down and spend time in each position. If you rush the stretch, it won’t work.

2. Practice your balance. A runner should be able to stand on one leg, twist, and not fall over. And you should be able to do this on both legs. Work on this, practice, and gain control of your hips. Balancing exercises can also be done everyday.

1. Relax about foot strike. With the minimal shoe trend basically over, people have eased up on their insistence to land on your toes. After all, 85-90% of the population are heel strikers and, guess what? That’s fine. Just pay attention to landing with your lower leg vertical—keep your ankle under your knee when landing, and wear Saucony.

An American Ed? 70 Year Old Gene Dykes Goes Sub-3:00 in Rotterdam

Is there an American Ed Whitlock floating (or running) around? It seems so. A message from Neil Whitlock, son of the man himself, informed us that 70 year old Gene Dykes of Philadelphia posted an incredibly impressive 2:57:43 at last weekend’s Rotterdam Marathon.

Dykes is a few minutes off of Ed’s 70-74 record of 2:54:48, which he ran at the age of 73 at the 2004 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Ed also still holds the distinction of being the oldest man to break three hours, running a 2:58:40 at age 74, once again at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

At least for this blogger, news of Dykes’ performance in Amsterdam wasn’t visible this week. Perhaps anything short of a record just isn’t news these days, but it’s great to see that Ed’s declaration that his own accomplishments shouldn’t be unusual or singular appears to have some truth in it.

A quick and dirty Google search does tell us a few things about Dykes. An athlete profile indicates a blistering race schedule for a runner of any age. According to Athlinks, Dykes has already completed a 100 mile trail run in 2018 and recorded a 30:48 at the USATF Masters 8K Championships in March of this year.

In an interview from 2015, Dykes stated that he planned to run both the London and Philadelphia Marathon that year in addition to multiple ultras.

As mentioned, I was completely unaware of Gene Dykes. If you have any knowledge of the 70 year old wonder, let us know!


How to Lose the Boston Marathon

The easiest thing in the world is to lose a race that you’re well trained for. It’s simple. While tapering, get nervous, and keep training, hard, right up until the starting line. Or: deal with your nerves by not watching your diet. Anxiety eat, and don’t even pay attention to what you’re anxiety-eating, binge on crackers, and candy, and don’t forget alcohol and beer.

Obsess about your time if you want to lose your race. Don’t stop thinking about what pace, down to the millisecond, you’re supposed to run your race. Think about it constantly and then, while you’re racing, stare at your watch the entire time, willing it to be exactly right, and not running by feel.

Do not smile, and do not talk about anything other than your race, if you want to be certain to fail. Squeeze the joy out of the thing, and don’t take in your surroundings. When the gun goes off, go out fast, fearing that you might miss your time. Go out too fast, because you don’t want to miss your time, and try and hold on, even though you’re overtrained and showing up at the start line tired.

It’s easy to lose the Boston Marathon, I know because I did all of those things in 2012, when I raced it for the first time. I’d never walked in a marathon, before Boston, never cried. (I have since, though “cry” is a strong word for it, more like, I don’t know, whimper. I think I’ve now done that at STWM twice). Everything about Boston got the best of me. I made it my own personal Olympics and set a goal for a PB, ignored the weather conditions, went out too fast, showed up at the starting line tired, thought about it so much that I was mentally exhausted before the whole thing started, and basically stomped on the celebration as if my race shoes were combat boots and that world-famous course had said something bad about my mom.

Boston is a big deal for the people running it. Whatever race you’re training for, participating in, thinking about, is a big deal. But don’t make it into a big deal in a bad way. Make it a big deal in a good way. Enjoy the celebration. Enjoy the race. Enjoy the ride. I didn’t do that when I ran Boston last time. I was so jazzed up and excited, so freaking out and tight, that I could walk under a tree and the birds would fall out of the branches. My vibes were deadly. Not this year, my friends. Not this time.

I have a great friend preparing for the Sporting Life 10K in Toronto on Mother’s Day and that race, for her, like many, is loaded with emotion. The race benefits Camp Ooch, which supports kids with cancer. We all know there are things in life more important than our next half marathon, our first 10K, qualifying for Boston or even the Mt. Olympus of racing for a lot of us, the Boston Marathon.

I’m going to keep perspective. I’m going to continue my taper, continue sipping Perrier and eating mixed nuts. Continue jogging slowly in preparation and continue listening to Tom Petty. I know how to lose the Boston Marathon. We all do. But it’s a choice we make and a path, however tempting, we don’t have to go down. Good luck to everyone racing. Remember, by showing up and participating, we already win.

Photograph of author Ben Kaplan at the Race Roster Spring Run Off courtesy of Canada Running Series. 

iRun Radio – April 8th, 2018

iRun Radio

This week’s show will give you the kick you need to push past your limits. First, Mark speaks with Terry Fox’s brother Fred about the anniversary of the start of the Marathon of Hope and how the Running Room has been celebrating across the country. Then, Alex Hutchison, the author of Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance delves into the science behind human endurance and how our understanding of human limits have changed over the years. Plus, with one week to go until her first ever Boston Marathon, Emily McLean shares her journey.

All Things Run! Edmonton 10K Runners Can Expect a Party on July 22nd

Canada Running Series Director Alan Brookes says his mission as a race director for the past 30 years has been to “bring running into the mainstream.” Brookes’ underpinning philosophy is that a race can and should be part of a city’s cultural calendar, welcoming a diversity of participants as well as building and celebrating the surrounding community.

The mission continues in 2018 with the addition of the Edmonton 10K to the CRS calendar. The race also expands the CRS partnership with Lululemon, which started when the apparel retailer became the title sponsor of the Toronto Waterfront 10K in 2017.

With elements like a doughnut wall in the finishing chute and a post-race party in Bandshell Park featuring food trucks and yoga (it’s Lululemon after all), the Waterfront 10K was dubbed Race of the Year by our friends at Canadian Running Magazine.

Lindsay Harrison, Director of Edmonton Events, says that when CRS introduced the opportunity to the City of Edmonton, the latter was eager to cooperate.

Harrison says, “Through Edmonton Events, a unique partnership between the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Tourism, we were able to make the connections with our colleagues at the City to help determine the race route and civic services required to make an event like this a success.”

While cities and race organizers can be known to tussle, Harrison feels that bringing the race to Edmonton was a no-brainer. Harrison says, “We are supportive of races like this in our city as running aligns so well with the City of Edmonton’s Healthy City and Live Active strategy, which provides opportunities for citizens to be active and inspires them to adopt healthy lifestyles.”

Harrison and CRS were also on the same page when it came to blending running into the city’s cultural fabric and brand. According to Harrison, “A race with such a strong brand power and loyal following, like the Lululemon Edmonton 10K, attracts hundreds – maybe even thousands – of participants from outside the region, which ultimately creates economic impact for our city.”

CRS’ man in Edmonton is Ryan Chilibeck, west coaster and former pizzeria owner turned Prairie Race Director. Ryan’s involvement in the Vancouver running community led to the founding of the East Van Run Crew and acting as a promoter for CRS races.

Ryan is enthusiastic about Lululemon’s involvement in the race, reporting, “We knew that partnering with Lululemon would give us access to a massive audience, but I don’t think anyone expected such an natural harmony between our companies.”

Ryan adds, “Their guests are incredibly engaged, brand loyal and have high experiential expectations. We hope that bringing this race to Edmonton will introduce new runners to the sport and encourage more racers to participate in some of the other amazing events happening in the city.”

The cooperation from the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Events has proven equally fruitful for Ryan and his team with the City fully embracing the new race. While details of the race are still being finalized, one of the biggest victories thus far has been the City’s agreement to a full closure of the High Level Bridge.

Ryan says, “We didn’t know where to start when planning the course so going after a full closure of the iconic High Level Bridge was something that definitely got me excited. Crossing the bridge once is amazing, but crossing the bridge twice is unheard of!

Without spoiling any surprises, Lululemon’s Canadian PR Manager Seema Dhillon says that participants in the Edmonton 10K can once again expect a party atmosphere with festivities featuring food vendors, music, and of course yoga at the Alberta Legislature Grounds. 

Like its Toronto counterpart, the Edmonton 10K will also offer complimentary race photos and enhanced cheer stations along the course. In keeping with the CRS philosophy that running is for everybody, participants can join in a complimentary eight week training program led by ambassadors across Lululemon stores in Toronto and Edmonton. “Like Toronto, we look forward to immersing Edmonton in all things run!” Seema exclaims.

The Edmonton 10K happens on July 22nd. Spots are limited, so register now!

Vancouver Remembers Roger Bannister

By: Margaret Buttner

Vancouver is very fortunate to have a climate suited to running throughout the year. While Stanley Park and Pacific Spirit Park are both popular destinations for running, runners often train at smaller parks are scattered throughout the city. Perhaps none have a more storied past than the Balaclava Track, located on Vancouver’s west side.

The track (and surrounding park) are named for an adjacent street and named for a famous battle from the Crimean War. It’s served as a green space since the late 1930’s, and the running track was assembled in time for the 1954 British Empire Games to serve as a secondary training facility. Indeed, the Track and Field Committee for the Games were very complimentary about the excellent conditions of the track and its length was 440 yards, an imperial mile, adding to its appeal.

While a number of athletes trained at the track, none are so famous as Roger Bannister. At the time, it was reported that Bannister and some of his team mates headed for the track, out of the public eye for their pre-race time trials. Of course, Bannister subsequently ran his “Miracle Mile”, beating out John Landy with a time of 3:58:8 and thrilling track fans in Vancouver and across the British Empire and beyond.


Fast forward to early in 2004, when running enthusiasts, Steve Emerson and Roger Brownsey of Lions Gate Road Runners, noted that the 50th anniversary of Bannister’s famous run would take place in May that year (he first broke the four minute mile in England). But time was short, and as an alternative, they chose to host the event in August of that year to coincide with Bannister’s achievement in Vancouver. Coincidentally, Brownsey lived near the Balaclava Track and when he learned that Bannister had trained there, he and his fellow club members knew it was the perfect spot to host their first Miracle Mile celebratory event.

Gate Road Runners have hosted this annual run (and club picnic) every year since, and it has grown in popularity as runners from other local run clubs also join in the festivities. Together with other club volunteers, Brownsey organizes a series of races based on estimated running times and finish with a series of relays for faster and more competitive club runners. While the winning times will never be world class, local runners have set some impressive times, with Nic Browne setting the pace in 2014 with a time of 4:46 and Kristyn Webster setting the female record with a time of 5:40. The top age-graded time of 4:25 goes to Jim Swadling (a frequent winner in his age category). Regardless of ability, all club members and guests are welcome to take part, and the post-race potluck picnic brings together family members and friends.

With Sir Roger Bannister’s passing last month, it will be with a degree of sadness that Lions Gaters commemorate his famous run in August of this year. For more information, visit lgrr.com





iRun Radio – April 1st, 2018

iRun Radio

As we head into the final weeks before the Boston Marathon Mark speaks with Dave McGillivry, the race director for this iconic event. Then John Stanton shares his memories of Terry Fox as an incredible athlete along with details on an event that commemorates the anniversary of the Marathon of Hope. Plus a Yukon-based writer shares the lessons she learned after her participation in the Yukon Arctic Ultra was cut short.