Name: Brock Skywalker
Age: 39
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Makeover Goal: New marathon PB
Moustache and a Pink Cast: I am a run/walk coach with the Prairie Region (Edmonton) of Team in Training, so I work with groups of 20 to 30 hopeful runners/walkers twice a week. 95% of them have never participated in an endurance event of any type and they are nervous, anxious, apprehensive, intimidated and/or pretty much freaked out about what they have gotten themselves into. They all look to me for reassurance, strength and guidance – which means, I have to look appropriate and GOOD. Last season (Nov 2009) I started the season wearing my old MEC cycling (not running) pants and jacket, a moustache (it was Movember) and a huge pink cast from my knuckles to my shoulder (I had wrist surgery in October). If anyone has a need for an updated look, it is me!