March 5, 2017
I must say I can hardly believe this day has come already. Back in early January I turned 40 and booked my first ever trip for altitude training. We had two local races on the schedule: the Re-Fridgee-Eighter (8 mile) in Waterloo on February 12 and the Chilly Half Marathon in Burlington on March 5. Then it would be time to make the big 4 week trip to Kenya. In the 8 weeks since then I’ve logged 1320 km, filled the two fridges and freezers with numerous items, completed three sets of various school forms, written one chore and one lunch-bag packing note, recorded 31 bedtime stories on the iPod, packed my one suitcase and one bag, and countless times crossed off items on my to-do lists. I wanted to get as much done as possible before this weekend that would include volunteering at the provincial swim meet, my daughter’s sixth birthday, the race, and the kids’ usual hockey and swimming activities. For more on how I emotionally prepared for this trip, particularly for my daughter, check out page 27 of the most recent iRun magazine.
Training has been very going well. My body is responding well to higher mileage and my long runs and workouts are strong, steady and consistent. I’ve only had a few very minor niggles that have been easily managed with great care from Brenda, Paul and David. I’ve enjoyed the change in my diet, particularly in how I consume (or don’t consume) my carbohydrates in long runs, low-glycogen runs, and fasted runs. My energy is great, I’m enjoying two days of double runs that usually allows for one weekly rest day, and I’m feeling refreshed with the slight adjustments to my cross-training, strength and preventative maintenance routines.
The results of my two wintery races certainly aren’t outstanding. But I know that weeks of uneventful grit and grind get me results, and the race that matters the most to me in any season is my goal marathon race. We’re still investing and I fully believe I will reap the rewards on April 23 in London, England. I’m strong and healthy and know there is much more work to do, and the time to do it.
And onward I go, continuing to step out of comfort zone and familiarity. #ThisIs40
Photograph at the top, by Kevin Smith, 2017 Chilly Half Marathon; at the bottom, photograph courtesy of Michael Lin.