No Category selected I feel ready now, let’s get going!

    I feel ready now, let’s get going!


    Running the Mercedes-Benz 10K did help me to prepare for the Ottawa Marathon in a mental-state way if not necessarily in a physical way. I realized from this experience that I can run better than I thought and it has given me a whole new level of confidence than I had before.  And, as I believe that running a marathon is as much a mental game as a physical one, that should put me in a good place.

    Honestly, up to the Mercedes-Benz run, I was terrified when I stopped to think too hard about the Ottawa race, but now – not so much!

    I am really looking forward to it as now I just want to do it!!!  Get ‘er done!!


    1. Aleks – online race equivalency calculators indicate that your new PB time translates to a 3:53 marathon. Combined with your overall weekly mileage (65-70 km) and long runs (4 x 25-30km), you are in a position to achieve your marathon goal of breaking 4:00 hours at the Ottawa marathon.

    2. Aleks, I am the pace bunny for 4:00 continuous at Ottawa. Do you do the 10+1 routine (walk breaks) or will you be running straight through?


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