So we’re 10 days into January and I have to be the jerk that asks. Most people seem to have an unspoken rule that is something like this: if people are doing well with their resolutions, they will bring it up themselves; if they’re not, they don’t want to talk about it.
I had this whole giant thing written about New Year’s Resolutions, but it just went off in way too many directions for one post. So I will stick with this instead: any time you set a goal for yourself, cut yourself some slack. Remember that it takes time to build or break a habit. If you’ve slipped up, don’t use that as an excuse to give up.
If you’re trying to eat better, remember that every bite is a chance to make a healthier choice.
If you’re trying to establish a new workout routine, every day is an opportunity for a do-over.
Whatever it is, it’s not black-and-white, just give it another shot. There’s no pass or fail – only where you were, where you are now, and where you’re headed.
So, how are those New Year’s resolutions coming?