“Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.”
Marshall McLuhan
GRANT: Vicky, what would you say is going to be the coolest feature of our new blog?
VICKY: Good question. I think it will the interaction with readers. Is that what you were thinking?
VICKY: You were thinking about the multimedia aspect. Putting on podcasts, vodcasts, chat sessions?
GRANT: No, not that.
VICKY: Hmmm, oh yeah, interviews with authors and athletes.
GRANT: No, not that either.
VICKY: Reading inspiring stories and great literature?
VICKY: Our hilarious back and forth banter and unique writing style?
GRANT: Good one, but no not that.
VICKY: I give up then because this is becoming really stupid.
GRANT: Okay I’ll tell you. I think what is going to be incredibly awesome about this blog is cutting and pasting our heads on other people’s bodies.