No Category selected A Glimmer of Hope???

    A Glimmer of Hope???


    Well, I think I may have turned a corner!  In the last few days I have been able to get out on a couple of runs and have felt good…..finally!!  Not only have I been out twice but I increased my mileage over 66% from one run to the next!!  Who says you should only increase mileage by 10% at a time??? Ha! In your face running coaches!! 🙂

    The first run on Thursday was my first attempt at going beyond the 3km mark since my back injury.  Brutal I know to think that I am actually celebrating going beyond 3km but trust me the way I was feeling it is a big deal!  (I suppose that 60% increase in mileage isn’t really that big a deal after all)  Anyway, I went out and had it set in my mind to do 5km no matter what, even if I had to walk for 2km of it!  Thankfully I didn’t need to and I managed to get through the full 5km with only a small amount of discomfort in my back and knees. (God that makes me sound old)  Once I was done I resisted feeling too good about it until the next day to ensure that my back wasn’t going to take a turn on me but I was pleasantly surprised when it didn’t!  So then the decision, go again the next day or not??? How about not? 🙂 I figured that since I broke the rule about increasing mileage by only 10% at a time I should be careful. 

    So I gave it two days and went out again on early Sunday morning.  Determined to go further yet again I set out cautiously optimistic that I would have no trouble getting past the 5km mark!  The result???  Well I made it past 5km’s; in fact I ended up going a total of 6.6km!  Another 13.8% increase in Mileage!  However it was not without a few bumps in the road, and by bumps I mean dogs.  (I will get into the details next time but lets just say that there was a couple of encounters with our K9 friends to add to the excitement of a Sunday run!) So overall the last two times out have been a success and I am feeling confident that I have turned the corner and am on my way to getting into some longer runs!

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    A banker by day, 35-year-old Tyler recently decided to train for a marathon. And by "decided," he means that "my wife has given me permission to train for the full." A dedicated family man with two young children (a three-year-old and a six-month-old), Tyler says it's a constant challenge to find more time to run. He says that his wife wants him to run because it's good for his heart, but he's slightly suspicious that the real reason might be because his body "was beginning to look more and more like a pear," and "she doesn't like pears." We wish him the best of luck in becoming the fruit of his wife's dreams!