For the past little while, I have been watching with interest as the new Boston Marathon registration process has been underway. Gone are the days when a BQ was a BQ – either you qualified or you didn’t – after last year’s record sell-out, the new staged registration had left runners wondering for months whether they would make the cut.
From holding their breath to speculating in endless circles about the likelihood of their registrations being accepted, runners have been on pins and needles all weekend. And for me, it was like watching a live sporting event – even though the outcome would have no impact on me personally, I couldn’t help being on the edge of my seat.
Now that all of the acceptances and regrets have gone out, the running world has breathed a collective sigh – either of joy or disappointment – or even simple relief that it’s finally over. As the status updates began appearing on Facebook I found myself alternating between elation and devastation – mood swings of the magnitude I would usually save for my own taper. The magic number turned out to be BQ-minus 1 minute, 14 seconds, and 3,228 “qualifiers” were turned away – but at least they can take comfort in the fact that it wasn’t because their internet connection was slower than someone else’s.
To all of you who tried, all I can say is congratulations. Whether you got in or not, you are living the quest for running’s Holy Grail, and for that you have my utmost respect and admiration. Next year, it will taste all the sweeter when you get in.