Well, the work week is over; my marathon weekend has begun! I am excited, but I haven’t had a lot of time to think about it because it’s been an interesting week. In reality, that’s probably just as well! So now, I have to pack, and try to get a good night’s sleep tonight!
I’ll be heading to Toronto tomorrow morning in the hopes of catching the first shuttle bus from Nathan Phillips Square to the Expo. After I pick up my kit, I have a small shopping list, and a few people I want to try to run into.
After that, the plan is to check into the hotel, and try and sit on my butt as much as possible. Last year I had a blast walking all over Toronto visiting stores I don’t get to visit up here, seeing the sights, and meeting people at the bus station, but I really wore myself out! That’s a pretty predictable outcome, of course, but I also had a strong hunch that I wouldn’t be walking all over Toronto AFTER the race.
Dinner will be something bland and predictable – no shocks to the system please! I’ll probably set two alarms, or maybe request a wake up call, because I am a little paranoid that way – I won’t sleep well if I am worried about not waking up on time. Then it’s early to bed, even though I know I won’t have a terrific sleep even with two alarms.
So that’s what I’m doing. I guess there is no real point to this post beyond switching gears from week to weekend – race weekend that is!