Ewan is a bit of a dynamo but he’s not a traditional runner – he is built a bit more like a line backer. Running was something his parents did. Ewan joined in after spending a few years watching them train for, and run races. After a half marathon his mom finished, he saw her get covered to warm up in a “baked potato wrapper” and wanted one too. It will be a few years before Ewan runs his own half marathon so no mylar blankets for him … yet.
He has a cousin who is a natural runner and over the past few years they’ve taught Ewan that running isn’t about how he compares to his faster peers but how much he improves. Every race that he runs a wee bit faster, earns a new PB, his love for running is solidified further. Every second shows him that “trying your best is what matters” isn’t just a line that big people fee to kids. Ewan will tell you his favourite running moment was at the Perth kilt run. Being showered by a firetruck on a hot day can’t be beat… at least not for an eight year old. He has been a member of the Cornwall Multi-sport Club for two years and happily runs in their events. He’s looking forward to a new medal at Ottawa Race weekend this May. When asked what he wants to be when he grows up: a hockey player and a teacher… but he also says he’ll run for new medals too.
He recently was selected by a local Cornwall radio station (Variety 104) as their December Kid with Class. Here was his entry:
Canada currently sees 1 in 4 kids living sedentary lives. Ewan is an 8 year old on a mission to beat that trend. He owns video games, but is more likely to be found playing a sport… most sports… any sport!!!! He is a leader on his South Stormont Selects Novice C hockey team. (practicing, in borrowed goalie gear, with the team’s goalie so “she doesn’t have to do it alone”) He is an avid little rock curler, a sport he has played since he was 4! He can be found curling with kids his age, or his parents and grandfather at friendly bonspiels.
This year, after playing it at school, Ewan asked to join broomball. He is a now a member of the Finch Lightening Squirt team. For a sport that is similar and different from hockey, Ewan has decided it is just as fun. (He thinks “Coach”aka-Santa is the best coach ever!!!!)For his summers Ewan is found playing soccer in Long Sault, golfing at Archies or Cedar Glen and playing baseball with the Cornwall River Rats!
Just thinking about all that activity would make most kids tired…. but not Ewan. He runs too! He may not be the fastest but he is always proud of the progress he makes and the new friends he meets. Ewan is an alumni of Ottawa Race Weekend, The Heather Saaltink Run and The Perth Kilt Run. Not bad for a wee fellow who also maintains good grades and keeps his grandparents loved, busy and entertained! Ewan is a unique and special boy!
Great accolades for a fine young runner!
When I said I had a few questions for Ewan and in typical 8 year old boy style he responded with, “Is this a test.
Youth on the Run: What Do you like about running?
Ewan: I really like getting medals at the end and running with my family. It is fun and makes me stay active. Also when people cheer it makes me run faster… you know when they yell your name and don’t even know you? That’s cool.
Youth on the Run: What are your Goals –
Ewan: I want to run two kilometres in 10 minutes and not come in last. Also, my dad is going down. [They have a rivalry and Ewan is focused on running faster than his “old man” ] We are going to spend a weekend in Toronto and Ottawa this summer for the runs there. I just want to finish the ten kilometers in Toronto and run fast in Ottawa.” (10 K for Sporting Life 10 K race and 5K at Ottawa Race weekend.)
Ewan concluded with “I want to run all over the world and I want to meet more kids who run. Like Emma at Ottawa last year and Owen in Perth” – he then took off to go play some street hockey with his dad. A sign of a well rounded young athlete growing up in Canada. You have to have a variety right?
Best of luck to Ewan with all of his running and athletic goals. And good luck in Ottawa, we’ll be there watching and cheering.
~ Dave
Join The Young iRunner Challenge:
Are you a young runner, or do you have a child that runs? I am looking to gather some stories for a future article. Whether your child is either just getting into running or really into the sport, either for recreation or competition, I’d love it if you could have them write about how they got started, why they like running and what their future running goals are. And for the adults out there, if you ran in your youth, I’d like to hear form you too. There is no minimum or maximum length for the stories but if it is a child, it should be in their own words and include their age and hometown. Adults, you can leave out the age part if you wish but do note what age you were when you ran as a youth. Some entries may be edited for space purposes.
Optional: Include a photo, either posing or ‘on the run’ for inclusion on this blog.
Email stories and photos to dave@beachesrunner.com
I look forward to more submissions!
Vive les enfants!
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Your voice counts as well – If you have any questions or topics you’d like to see addressed please leave a comment or email me at dave @ beachesrunner . com