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    I went for an hour run yesterday. That was my longest since the Army Half. It was good. Hard, but good. I set my watch at a timer instead of a distance, and just ran for a half an hour, then turned around and ran home.

    Things are so busy here lately, and on top of everything my husband just had shoulder surgery. It’s nothing too major, but he’s stuck in a sling for three weeks and then forbidden to lift anything with his left arm for three months (including kids) (which sucks). And while I rarely take my husband’s contribution in our home for granted, let’s just say that there’s nothing to make you truly realize how much someone does than restricting them from doing anything.

    Plus, I’ve had a minor head cold for ten days now and while it could be worse, I’m also really tired of feeling half fuzzy in my brain. So.

    (This whole entry won’t be me just whining, I promise.)

    My run yesterday made me feel better. As did the homemade turkey soup we had for supper. This morning I’m creating power points and studying for midterms and thinking about how much I don’t really want/have time for a run. I’m not sure why I’m so burned out (midterms, colds, jobs, gimpy husband… err, I guess I do know why!) but it always seems that the thing I need the most to stay focused on everything I have on my plate, is often the thing that gets pushed to the bottom of my list. Shoved in late afternoon just before it’s almost too late.

    I haven’t had a great run since the Army Half, to be honest, and while post-race slump is something with which I’m quite familiar, it’s been a month now and I’m ready for some juice to come roaring back into my legs any day.

    So, inspire me! Tell me about your goals! What are you training for? Where are you running? Have you discovered any new trails or routes lately? Gotten a new pair of tights that make your butt look so good you can’t wait to run? Revamped your playlist? Help me out, here, iRun nation! I need some motivation!