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    Welcome to Running for a Reason!


    We all know that running has a lot of benefits for us personally, from weight loss and stress relief to better overall health.  This, in turn, benefits our families and communities.

    A great many runners, however, have other reasons to run.  It could be to raise money for charity, or raise awareness for a cause – or both!  Maybe it’s to be a role model, lead a group in the community, be a catalyst for change or otherwise help people.

    You tell us!  If you, or someone you know, is Running for a Reason, please send your story to and we might feature it right here on this blog.

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    A runner for just over four years, Karen has already completed a marathon, two half marathons and a variety of 5k and 10k races. She describes her first marathon - the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon last September - as "a nightmare." However, she met a very interesting person in the process - a man named Sydney who was running his 152nd marathon! Although the race didn't go as well as planned for Karen or Sydney, he showed her that no matter how experienced a runner you are, you can still have a bad day. "Does that mean we shouldn't bother to prepare, or maybe just shouldn't bother at all? Of course not!" says Karen. "In the end, it is what we make it." We like her optimism!