I love fall. I mean, I really love it. It is one of my favourite times to run. I think I say this about every season, but it isn’t just a season; it’s a whole mood, an atmosphere.
It really involves all of the senses:
The crisp air feels so good – it’s a nice change to actually feel cool skin, even when you’re warm on the inside. It’s so refreshing!
The leaves provide those satisfying shuffle and crunch sounds. I love to scuff my feet through piles of leaves, even if it means picking them out of my shoes and laces later.
Then there’s that wet-leafy smell. You know the one – it is probably leaves rotting, but somehow it smells so nice when you just take a giant lungful.
The colours of the trees are beautiful. When the sun hits them just right, they’re so vibrant. The word “breathtaking” comes to mind.
If, like me, you can run past a bakery on your route, there’s the fresh bread and pumpkin pie. I know that is really sense of smell again, but I can practically taste it!
I even love coming in after a fall run. A steaming hot shower, a nice cup of coffee and a warm, toasted bagel are just all so wonderful.
Yes, I love running in the fall. After stimulating all of those senses so satisfyingly, I can’t help but feel great about the world!