I heard on the news today that things might actually be starting to turn around. That we might start the long slow climb out of the recession we find ourselves in.
What does that have to do with running you’re asking yourself. And maybe even scratching your head. Well, the recession oddly enough has a lot to do with running.
I have heard stories about how during recessions, people tend to flock to running in droves. And races suddenly find themselves filled to capacity with runners who want to run.
The Around the Bay road race was completely full this year. I don’t recall it filling up while I’ve been doing it. I’m sure it probably has, maybe during the last recession. And I’ve heard of other local races that are filling pretty quickly.
Esther is hoping to get huge numbers for her Road2Hope in a few months. And given the fact that lots of races have been filling up, I’m sure she will get huge numbers too!
The really cool thing about running is that it is pretty cheap. But the results are well worth the small investment you have to make in a couple of things to get yourself going.
A good pair of shoes is a must, a good pair of shorts or pants depending on the weather is necessary and a good shirt are all you really need to get running. Plus a positive attitude.
A cheap investment for years of pleasure and a great way to make lifelong friendships.