So I did it. I went out for a run tonight, just like I said I would. Was there ever any doubt?? 😉
After the first 500M I got a cramp that lasted the whole run! Not as bad as it sounds considering the run only lasted 3km 🙂 At the 2.5km mark I had some lovely sharp shooting pain into my knee! Apparently my muscles in my back are a little tight and this is their way of asking me what the heck I am doing??
Overall I would say it was a success as I managed to get out and run 1 week to the day after injuring my back. I will have to take it pretty slow and do a number of shorter runs before attempting anything to crazy! (and by crazy I mean anything over 5km at this point…sad isn’t it)
I am hoping to get out tomorrow or if not then, atleast a couple of times during easter weekend to burn off the extra calories I am sure to enduldge in. I am sure my son will be getting lots of chocolate from the easter bunny and being the good dad that I am I will have to help him get through it 🙂