No Category selected Note To Self, No Hair Appointments Before the Big Day

    Note To Self, No Hair Appointments Before the Big Day

    Me and the cat. Me after a run. The cat moving far away.

    I haven’t taken the calendar out yet to count the number of sleeps until the big race.  Big for me anyway.  This is my first 10 km relay.

    I signed up to do a relay last year with a couple friends.  We didn’t even have a name for our team before I had to drop out.  There had been a warm spell during the month and Mother Nature had provided us with rain instead of snow.  Which was good, until the temperature dropped and the rain on the ground froze.

    Welcome to Hamilton.  One of the places I train.  But not dressed like this.
    Welcome to Hamilton. One of the places I train. But not dressed like this.

    But that isn’t what this post is about.  This one is about getting ready to run Around the Bay.  Which the Gazelle lovingly reminded me is the oldest “Road Race” in North America not the oldest marathon.  There were some panicked moments as I went back to double check I had, in fact,  written road race and not marathon.

    Me and the cat.  Me after a run.  The cat moving far away.
    Me and the cat. Me after a run. The cat moving far away.

    So what am I doing to prepare for the race?  I’m making sure I don’t go to the hair stylist before the big day.

    My friends know that I love to change up the colour and style of my hair.  To the point that some of my running friends refer to races by the colour of my hair at the time.  Maybe I am a bit obsessive about the colour changes, I know I like variety in my hair colour.

    So picture this, I am sporting this glorious mane, ok not mane more like skull cap, of wonderful violet black hair with a couple of blue streaks.  I hadn’t checked my calendar and didn’t realise I had a race the day after.  The Ancaster Old Mill race will never be the same, horribly  I remember the makeup aftermath.

    I don’t know about you, but when I run, it is officially declared a make up disaster zone.  My mascara gets caught in the sweat running down my face giving me really cool looking black lines to my chin.  It gloops onto my glasses.

    Let’s not forget the foundation that suddenly shifts down my face too.  Thank goodness I don’t wear blush.  But the liquid eyeliner?  Don’t even get me started on that one.

    But picture hair dye thrown into the equation.  Violet black running down my forehead and back of my neck.

    My poor Mom panicked and thought I had gone through some sort of chemical storm.

    No Mom, just poor hair styling planning.

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    A runner for almost two years, Terry recently had the mildly traumatic experience of trying to find a flattering pair of running pants (“Isn’t running about pushing personal boundaries and just getting out there and moving? Except when you don’t look in the least bit like Paula Radcliffe.”). But although she may have been a bit embarrassed by “helpful handsome guy” at the store, she keeps a great perspective through her running experiences. Pushing through a number of injuries early in her running career, she got right back to training for her next race. “The feeling of elation when I crossed the finish line is unimaginable,” says Terry. Sounds like she’s hooked for good!