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    Weekly Re-Cap


    I had planned on running last week’s half marathon as a training run. But as often happens in races, the energy and adrenaline took hold and I ended up with sore, tired legs the next day. Nothing wrong with an easy week! I thought to myself.

    Wednesday the roads were a mess and the wind was fierce. So I headed to the treadmill for the first time in… years. And after two kilometres, I got off, because wow, I forgot how much I can’t stand the treadmill. Not because it’s less of a run or anything remotely snobby, but only because it’s so boring to me. Part of what keeps me distracted when I run is the scenery. Ooohh! A bush! Ohh another runner! Oooh the OCEAN! Part of the mental cleanse that is running for me is also being in the fresh air. Huffing and pudding that stale, slightly sweaty gym air just wasn’t the same. So I did an extra sent of weights and called it a day.

    Yesterday I had a list of things to do that involved driving all across the city. I sadly looked at the themometre: -20C. The upside of training is that it keeps you focused enough to run. The downside is that sometimes those runs are in -20C. I waited an hour and by the time I got outside, it had actually warmed up significantly. Still cold, but not nearly so horrible as I had expected.

    The roads are messy around these parts. It’s that frozen, packed snow each morning melting into loose slush by afternoon stage of February. It’s been cold this week and snowy most days, which although it hasn’t amounted to much, has caused enough clouds to mostly hide the sun. Basically, what I’m saying is that I’m starting to get a bit tired of winter. The cold, maybe? Or maybe just the fact that my best friend and parents are in Florida and I keep seeing people’s Cuba and Jamaica vacation pictures on Facebook?

    How is your running going? Do you head inside to the treadmill or bikes? Swim at the pool? Brace the cold and crappy conditions? Or just stop running until spring?