Training Treadmills: Last Resort or New Fad?

Treadmills: Last Resort or New Fad?


Fall races have wrapped up and come to a close. Cold weather is fast approaching and some runners brave through the harsh and cold temperatures in the winter, many runners opt to head indoors to log their miles.

Let’s be honest, while there is the advantage of watching television on many treadmills for entertainment, hitting the treadmill can often times feel boring, mundane and lonely. To stay in shape, group fitness classes are a great option for many, these traditionally have included the likings of spin classes, boot camp style classes and kickboxing.


But watch out, there’s a new fitness class that is gaining momentum through many major cities: group treadmill running classes. These group speed sessions winning over many runners as they led by experienced running coaches and runners to benefit from a class atmosphere without the worry of being too fast or slow for the pack. Training sessions range anywhere from speed work, hill repeats, novice runners, speed walkers, to marathon training programs.

Notably, the Mile High Run Club in New York city opened over a year ago and has taught nearly 3,000 classes. The Mile High sparked new business outside New York, such as MyStryde which is scheduled to open in Boston early in 2016.

Have you taken one of these classes? Would you?

Let us know below!