No Category selected Sunday, June 29, 2008

    Sunday, June 29, 2008


    RACE DAY – 1:40PM Douglas Park, Regina, SK.

    “Well I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you but I’m sure I don’t have to, if I know you as well as I do, if you want to do something, you will do it!” –Courtney Burns (friend of more than 11 years)

    Until Wednesday, I was certain today was going to either make or break me.  I was suddenly told that if I didn’t run 63.00 seconds or less, then I would no longer be going to compete at Olympic Trials. Now I know otherwise – but that changed nothing.

    My heart still made its way into my throat, and my body went into competition overdrive.
    The weather was beautiful! With sweat dripping between my shoulder blades I asked someone special (Janz Stein) to pin my number on my back. It’s a routine for me. It doesn’t ever have to be the same person, it just always has to be someone close to me – kind of for good luck.
    No coach here again today, family duties call. I understand.

    Without hesitation I pushed out of the blocks.
    The first few hurdles came without thought.
    By the 6th I have started to wonder why I can’t seem to force myself to just use my left lead leg. Whatever. Keep my abs tight, get over the hurdle with whatever I have left.
    My lead on the group becomes apparent, and maybe part of me wishes I hadn’t noticed.
    Running scared often works much better.
    I finish first with an official time of 1.03.44
    0.5 seconds faster than my first race.
    So, I didn’t break 63 … *sigh*… BUT I every muscle in my body knows I can at Trials!!