Motivation Nathan handheld giveaway!

Nathan handheld giveaway!


What’s your hydration plan?
In the Runner’s Spring Gear Guide, on page 48 of the latest issue of iRun we asked: What liquid would you put in the Quickshot Plus: a convenient handheld bottle from Nathan — a great partner for long runs and race day.

Leave your answer below and be entered to WIN IT! Our winner will be selected on May 9, 2014, 12pm EDT .


  1. Water !! Fresh cold water by hot weather ! I feel thisrty with gatorade… So, my best choice is water 🙂

    Je préfère mettre de l’eau ! Bien meilleur, je compense avec une autre bouteille pour mettre un mélange-maison ou avec les points de ravitaillement sur le parcours d’une course 😉

  2. I’d like to put in beer to bolster me at the 16K mark of a long run, but I’d settle for G2.

  3. 1 part Gatorade and 4 parts water. A dash of electrolytes and I’m ready to go! Also can never go without my ChapStick!

  4. Just plain, old-fashioned agua! 😉 I’ll save any of the other good stuff for when I get home! LOL

  5. Water, maybe some coconut water. Part of me would be very tempted to put iced decaf coffee in it, but I probably shouldn’t.

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