at the races Calgary Marathon steps up with the World’s Best Races

Calgary Marathon steps up with the World’s Best Races


In a major announcement yesterday, the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon has announced it’s joining forces with the Abbott World Marathon Majors (AbbottWMM) in their Age Group World Rankings. The showdown, tied to the Virgin Money London Marathon in 2020, positions the Calgary Marathon among the world’s most prestigious running events—think Berlin, Tokyo, Boston, New York, London and Chicago. In Calgary, runners can qualify to go against the world’s best. 

The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon is already operating on high. They’ve hosted the Canadian Half Marathon championships and are an official Boston Marathon qualifier. Now, in addition to previous accolades, the highest ranked age group athletes—runners between 40 to over 80— can qualify to participate in the AbbottWMM Wanda Age Group World Championships in the spring of 2020 in the UK. Good stuff. 

Do you think you have what it takes to qualify? Think you have the mettle to compete against the best in the world? Line up this spring in Calgary—May 23 to 26—and show the world.